Ali Karimi's IFF conflict is escalating


Elite Member
Oct 18, 2002
کی‌روش 2018 در موقعیت برانکو 2006

‎بارها درباره یکی از مهم ترین جملات جام جهانی 2006 نوشته شده، این که عادل فردوسی پور در پایان بازی با پرتغال فریاد زد خداحافظ جام جهانی، خداحافظ برانکو ایوانکوویچ.

به گزارش "ورزش سه"، در آن زمان طرفداران فوتبال ایران خشمگین از دو شکست تیم ملی در مقابل دو تیم مدعی مکزیک و پرتغال، در اعتراض به فضای پر التهاب تیم ملی به دنبال یک قربانی برای تخلیه احساسات می گشتند. نقشی که در ابتدا به ابراهیم میرزاپور و علی دایی رسید و سپس این فشار به دوش سرمربی خارجی تیم ملی منتقل شد؛ برانکو ایوانکوویچ که پس از 5 سال فوق العاده با تیم ملی، قهرمانی بازی های آسیایی بوسان، صعود راحت به جام جهانی، مقام سومی جام ملت های آسیا، حالا باید پاسخگوی احساسات جریحه دار شده مردمی می شد که از تیم ملی انتظاری بیشتر از دو شکست در دو بازی اول داشتند.

‎در آن زمان عادل فردوسی پور همسو با مردم ایران به عنوان تنها گزارشگر حاضر در جام جهانی 2006، پروژه برکناری ایوانکوویچ را رسمی کرد؛ او و صداوسیما این پروژه را پیش بردند اگرچه مخالفت هایی جدی از سوی سازمان تربیت بدنی و شخص علی آبادی روی برانکو وجود داشت و آن ها این مربی کروات را فاقد کاریزما و دانش لازم برای هدایت تیم ملی می دانستند. برانکو در پایان جام جهانی و بعد از بازی با آنگولا از تیم ملی رفت و تا سالیان به ایران برنگشت و سپس تیم ملی به امیر قلعه نوئی رسید و پس از حذف از جام ملت ها، مربیان مختلفی از جمله منصور ابراهیم زاده، علی دایی و افشین قطبی تیم را در اختیار گرفتند و حاصل این دوره بلند چیزی جز ناکامی نبود تا کارلوس کی روش با قرارداد بلند مدت در سال 2011 تاریخ را دوباره به صفحات درستش بازگرداند و تیم ملی ایران را صاحب قدرت و صلابتی کرد که پیش از این در دوره برانکو قابل مشاهده بود.

‎برانکو البته بعد از 10 سال در هیئت یک سرمربی باشگاهی به ایران برگشت و این بار با پرسپولیس پروژه جدیدی را شروع کرد .او در دوران غیبت در ایران نیز مربی موفقی بود و تجارب جدیدی برای خود به ثبت رساند. اما با وجود تمام موفقیت ها کمتر مورد علاقه و اقبال روزنامه نگاران فوتبال در ایران بود تا این که با درخشش در پرسپولیس، آن ها و البته هواداران پرتعداد فوتبال در ایران را شیفته خود کند. یک حس جدید که در دوره قبلی حضور او در ایران وجود نداشت؛ اگرچه در آن زمان برانکو موفق و کم حاشیه کار خود را در ایران انجام می داد.

‎نکته مهم در این بازخوانی، توجه کردن به این نکته است که همراهی با موج هواداری در ایران، عموما نتیجه خوبی به همراه نداشته است. همانطور که امروز کی روش با انتقادات تند علی کریمی، به ناگاه با جبهه ای از هواداران روبرو می شود و این مسئله بیش از هرچیز ما را به روزهای جام جهانی 2006 و پس از آن می برد. دوره ای که اعتمادها به تیم ملی در حداقل خود قرار گرفت و فضای مسموم اطراف کادرفنی و بازیکنان باعث شد شکست تیم ملی دردناک تر جلوه کند. اگرچه برانکو برای عدم درخشش مدنظر هواداران دلایل بسیاری داشت که بخش اعظم آن به مصدومیت ستاره ها برمی گشت. اما در فضای تب زده پس از جام جهانی، هیچ کس حاضر به شنیدن حرف های درست نبود؛ بنابراین سرمربی تیم ملی طوری مورد نفرت مردم قرار گرفت که حتا جرات نکرد به ایران برگردد.

‎در حال حاضر نیز این بیم وجود دارد که پس از حرف های علی کریمی و غلیان احساسات مردمی، کارلوس کی روش هم بعد از 7 سال حضور کاملا موفق در ایران و در حالی که بخش اعظم هواداران را پشت خود می دید، به ناگاه این هواداری خالصانه و علاقه مندی بی پایان را از دست بدهد و این مسئله به شمایل او به سرمربی بزرگ تیم ملی ایران ضربه وارد کند.

‎نکته اینجاست که اگرچه علی کریمی حرف های درستی درباره نحوه کار سرمربی تیم ملی می زند اما سرمربی تیم ملی ایران نیز باوجود همه مخالفت ها برای کارها و تصمیمات خود دلایلی دارد و در نهایت با نتایج خود به انتقادات پاسخ می دهد.

‎ اگر دوره کوتاه باقی مانده تا جام جهانی را در نظر بگیریم و فکر کنیم مردم به هر دلیلی دست از حمایت از کی روش بکشند، در نهایت به سختی می توان انتظار داشت که به مقصد برسد. به خاطر داشته باشیم در مرتبه قبلی در جام جهانی 2014 تیم کی روش با اوج حمایت مردم و انرژی مثبت یک ملت وارد مسابقات شد و دو بازی عالی مقابل آرژانتین و نیجریه انجام داد. اما اگر به هر دلیلی تیم 2018 ایران قالب تهی کند و سرمربی از اقتدار کمتر دیده شده خود فاصله بگیرد، سقوطی سخت در انتظار تیم ملی خواهد بود. به خصوص که سخت ترین گروه و دشوارترین تیم ها در انتظار ما هستند.

در نهایت اگرچه علی کریمی و مناظره دیروز فریاد نسلی هستند که از کلیت اداره کنندگان ایران و البته مدیران فوتبال انتظار بیشتری دارند، اما کافی است به این نکته فکر کنیم که شاید نتیجه این اعتراضات از دست رفتن شرایطی باشد که کارلوس کی روش به اتکای آن، یک تیم ملی بزرگ و شکست ناپذیر را سازمان داده است. پس بهتر است با منصف بودن نسبت به انتقادات کریمی و البته توجه داشتن به نکات مثبت و در عین حال تلاش برای پیگیری مطالبات ،نهالی را که از 7 سال پیش توسط سرمربی تیم ملی ایران کاشته شده است را مورد آسیب قرار ندهیم.

به خاطر داشته باشیم که یک بازی مشابه این در دوره زمانی نه چندان دور انجام شده و اندوه عمومی را به جامعه ایران تزریق کرده است. ای کاش این بار مسیر آنی نباشد که در دوره برانکو در جام جهانی 2006 بود. جایی که فریاد معدود روزنامه نگاران هوادار برانکو شنیده نشد تا فوتبال ایران فترتی 6 ساله را تجربه کند.


Elite Member
Jan 1, 1970
How is this going to ruin our preparations more than daily activities and living in Iran anyway? I mean, you guys realize that we are still talking about Iran with actual social problems and not France where people worry about Paris Fashion Week tickets, right?
Likes: A8K


Elite Member
Feb 5, 2014
Las Vegas, NV
@Mahdi You bring up a valid point but since we are on the subject I will say this much. It is not about Ali Karimi it is about the incompotency of the IFF.

If we had the budget and competency of the JFA, Iran would be a top 10 team, even CQ said the same thing and I agree. We won't be able to solve Iran's social problems. We can discuss football related topics, in the football forum and social issues in the General forum.


Elite Member
Feb 18, 2005
Strawberry field
Sly jan I found that article irrelevant , there is no comparison between Branko and CQ ,the two have different attitudes and different team ,this team under CQ is the most formidable ,coherent and rich in squad and miles different tactics and not forget mental ability and rapport among the players .

Under Branko there were differnet gangs like Daei & co and likes of Karimi ,Kia and others and the result was a dismal display in 2006 WC

Our opponets on the pitch these years have find it very hard to score against us but it seems likes of Mayelikohan and the legend Karimi score against us off the pitch .


Elite Member
Oct 22, 2016
^ OK doesnt get any better than Brazil, right! They put on a great job at hosting WC but we know 100 meters away it was all gang and crime and drugs and poor ppl's living in a shit hole.

I think it's great that we have the best looking team in all our history but at what cost? If you ever visited Iran you know there are no fields available for pick up games; a field rents at midnite on a Thursday nite (lowest demand time-wise) for $50 bucks/200k toman. Thats a lot for a country where there are no jobs no income.

Yes get lost in the glory of world cup like Brazil could mask the area and make their money and move on, or think for a moment; realize what's missing from all of our sports mismanagement and how it may improve. A WC showing is almost like Bahman 22nd walk of approval imo; thats why it matters to the government as much.

That green jacket must be the fashion in his home town.. so uncoordinated with black tee and pink oxford .. kheili khazeh.



Bench Warmer
Feb 6, 2005
Then we were not watching the same show. Only mentioned issue was the fellow and his credentials. Coach brought all this to himself by opening his big mouth.
No one forced him to do so. Question could have been handled calmly and properly.

As you may not know this is the current trend in Iran, from Daei to bronco to others they have brought unqualified or underqualified brothers or relatives to the management of teams. following current football issues of Iran can help you understand what it's being brought up.

Unqualified ppl at IFF , unqualified ppl at club management level and coaching staff is being addressed.
I guess you might be right because I recall Karimi mentioned few issues, mostly with an attacking tone if not all, few items that come to my mind immediately are:

- CQ taking more than 6 weeks off leaving Iran, which is not only attacking IFF for agreeing to such conditions but also undermining CQ's work ethics and dedication to his job. By the way this is not a new issue, for past 7 years likes of mayeli Kohn has brought that up and no explanation and no results have been good enough.

- questioning head coach's need for staff, like the number of fitness coaches or physical trainers, media officers and so on. I recall in the past CQ's foes had similar issues with number his asistant coaches as well.

- accusing CQ for nepotism and hiring unqualified personnel without giving any prove based on a hearsay.

- questioning the reasons the iranian staff were let go after Branko's fiasco, with hints that CQ had asked them to write a statement against Branko. I am also interested in this story but first of all: is it that important to bring it up now? was not it better to question it then when it happened?; plus: Ali Karimi left TM shortly after joining, how about he starts explaining himself first and then ask about others? This leads me to believe that he is just trying to stack up shit against CQ to put him down and make him look bad to win his argument.


Elite Member
Oct 22, 2016
YOu know thread is really about Karimi and IFF. Granted coach is part of IFF but presentation was really about mishandling of IFF until your coach botched the PR game and said a few nasty words.

Your focus here is the lesser important stuff but if you roll back up even local sport writers do take issue with coach taking advantage in an unreasonable fashion.;

مرخصی‌های بی‌پایان، بی‌اعتنایی آشکار به مسابقات داخلی، بی‌احترامی به سازوکار رسمی روابط عمومی، اطلاع‌رسانی‌های رسمی از طریق صفحه فیس‌بوک و از همه مهم‌تر موکول کردن پرداخت مالیات دستمزدش به فدراسیون فوتبال...

I stated before I was supportive of both of the guys but now I am questioning at what cost does having a coach and relative success makes sense. This is a business and money management is an integral part.

I guess you might be right because I recall Karimi mentioned few issues, mostly with an attacking tone if not all, few items that come to my mind immediately are:

- CQ taking more than 6 weeks off leaving Iran, which is not only attacking IFF for agreeing to such conditions but also undermining CQ's work ethics and dedication to his job. By the way this is not a new issue, for past 7 years likes of mayeli Kohn has brought that up and no explanation and no results have been good enough.

- questioning head coach's need for staff, like the number of fitness coaches or physical trainers, media officers and so on. I recall in the past CQ's foes had similar issues with number his asistant coaches as well.

- accusing CQ for nepotism and hiring unqualified personnel without giving any prove based on a hearsay.

- questioning the reasons the iranian staff were let go after Branko's fiasco, with hints that CQ had asked them to write a statement against Branko. I am also interested in this story but first of all: is it that important to bring it up now? was not it better to question it then when it happened?; plus: Ali Karimi left TM shortly after joining, how about he starts explaining himself first and then ask about others? This leads me to believe that he is just trying to stack up shit against CQ to put him down and make him look bad to win his argument.


Bench Warmer
Feb 6, 2005
Some papers point to Reza FeizBakhsh who accompanied Karimi to 90 program as seen on the clip A8K posted as the source of some of the accusations he made during 90. He is apparently an agent who brought Brank to Perspolis and is now managing Skovic (sp?).



Bench Warmer
Feb 6, 2005
YOu know thread is really about Karimi and IFF. Granted coach is part of IFF but presentation was really about mishandling of IFF until your coach botched the PR game and said a few nasty words.

Your focus here is the lesser important stuff but if you roll back up even local sport writers do take issue with coach taking advantage in an unreasonable fashion.;

مرخصی‌های بی‌پایان، بی‌اعتنایی آشکار به مسابقات داخلی، بی‌احترامی به سازوکار رسمی روابط عمومی، اطلاع‌رسانی‌های رسمی از طریق صفحه فیس‌بوک و از همه مهم‌تر موکول کردن پرداخت مالیات دستمزدش به فدراسیون فوتبال...

I stated before I was supportive of both of the guys but now I am questioning at what cost does having a coach and relative success makes sense. This is a business and money management is an integral part.
Well, with all due respect, we are viewing it differently. I think his criticism went off the rail when he started attacking CQ by repeating the old nags (which we all have heard from CQ foes in past 7 years many many times in the media as you quoted some here - nothing new, and that's where Karimi has picked up some of the items from probably, from the same gang that are behind anti-CQ camp and their media) and then coming up with accusation in regards to nepotism, hiring unqualified personnel and questioning his work ethics and so on as I mentioned before with out any evidence solely based hearsay. That's when CQ responded NOT before.
I do not like the approach or the tone CQ uses at times, but does not change the fact it was Karimi's own doing that made the issue focused on the coach and diverted it from IFF.
Likes: A8K


National Team Player
Aug 17, 2003
At the risk of offending and hurting the feelings of a "big segment of Iranian population" f.. Ali Karimi whom I find an ignorant, illiterate, and someone with poor timing and judgment on when and how to open his stupid mouth and found him to be a constant disappointment and overrated player when he used to run around with the ball.

Of course, the real coward here is CQ who was not brave enough to call out Karimi for what he really is and as I've outlined above.

Who the f... is Karimi to question CQ's contract, vacation time, or method of coaching? Shut the f... up and first accomplish even one descent thing as a coach and then come and yap about national team coach. CQ for good or bad has constantly gotten the desired result and that's all that should really matter here. I don't care if the guy never leaves his house in Portugal. If he can get TM to the WC without giving the fans even a heartburn then all I got to say is whatever contract he got and however much he is being paid then "noosh e joonesh" and "koor shavad har aankas keh natvan did".


Elite Member
Jan 1, 1970
Sly jan I found that article irrelevant , there is no comparison between Branko and CQ ,the two have different attitudes and different team ,this team under CQ is the most formidable ,coherent and rich in squad and miles different tactics and not forget mental ability and rapport among the players .

Under Branko there were differnet gangs like Daei & co and likes of Karimi ,Kia and others and the result was a dismal display in 2006 WC

Our opponets on the pitch these years have find it very hard to score against us but it seems likes of Mayelikohan and the legend Karimi score against us off the pitch .
Which is true. We never had such a united team and even guys like Shojaei who are indebted to Karimi, will stick behind CQ and don't let any shit happen. Which is why the argument that Karimi is causing "hashie" is ridiculous. Most of the players in TM have very little to do and bother too little about Karimi. Karimi is not the type of powerplayer in Iran like Daei or Parvin with kissing people's hands and what not. He is more an outsider than anyone. So really...


Elite Member
Oct 18, 2002
Sly jan I found that article irrelevant , there is no comparison between Branko and CQ ,the two have different attitudes and different team ,this team under CQ is the most formidable ,coherent and rich in squad and miles different tactics and not forget mental ability and rapport among the players .

Under Branko there were differnet gangs like Daei & co and likes of Karimi ,Kia and others and the result was a dismal display in 2006 WC

Our opponets on the pitch these years have find it very hard to score against us but it seems likes of Mayelikohan and the legend Karimi score against us off the pitch .
Oghab jan, the point is not to compare Branko with CQ or their teams with each other. The point is the similarities in people's emotions in both times. If people start to follow the stream of some "por saro seda" fans who love hashiyeh, TM and the WC will go down the drain. Of course there is no comparison between the 2 coaches but right now all TM needs is a calm and comfortable environment for everyone involved (from the players to coaches) to focus. Someone like Karimi and his gang should not start their usual hashiyeh and stimulate emotional fans to start a riot like that time. At least not now!
Oct 16, 2002
DarvAze DoolAb
Which is true. We never had such a united team and even guys like Shojaei who are indebted to Karimi, will stick behind CQ and don't let any shit happen. Which is why the argument that Karimi is causing "hashie" is ridiculous. Most of the players in TM have very little to do and bother too little about Karimi. Karimi is not the type of powerplayer in Iran like Daei or Parvin with kissing people's hands and what not. He is more an outsider than anyone. So really...
Not anymore.

He's joined the gang of idiots. He really is an emotional moron who has fallen for a major trap. He's going down as a new Mayelikohan much sooner than expected. He doesn't even have MayeliKohan's coaching credentials! What a fool.


Elite Member
Oct 22, 2016
You know as a moderator, i think you should hold back on the insults. fool, idiot, moron? Do you know better than 1000s of fans and even elites in Iran (artists, actors, celebrity) Easy to hide behind an internet handle and just blah blah.

He's doing a service out of his time, not seeking office, glory or fame. General people recognize that why can't you? THis service may not be all for football but taking issues with whats wrong managing resources of the country in an era where they put away college professors or anyone daring to speak up.. have some freaking respect.

At worse what's the damage here? almost nothing new being said; your "professional" coach is going to get derailed? TM players distracted? As others mentioned they seem to be a united focused bunch. Iran' football is not unfamiliar with controversy.

IN the meantime you guys are drooling for the time to come to eat your 'chose fil' and watch WC games, or take a vacation there whatever the case is but total disregard as how this ties into overall political and social vibe and conditions in Iran.

Not anymore.

He's joined the gang of idiots. He really is an emotional moron who has fallen for a major trap. He's going down as a new Mayelikohan much sooner than expected. He doesn't even have MayeliKohan's coaching credentials! What a fool.
Last edited:
Jul 5, 2009
South Dakota
I still have difficulty "comprehending" and wondering what this damn little primate hick, little-brain, child of revolution wants to come up with? All around the world even the dumbest one know it by now, IRI-fuckers and their gang fucked up the land of Iran.
What the hell this angry footballer starts a fight with Carlos Quiroz for? Go after the mullas and bite...
Of course, its truly obvious with all respect for CQ and what he has done for TeamMeli, even he is a tool in all his greatness, we all are... so what!
Reach that angry footballer a bunch of savoy cabbages to chop in, sure it will help, damn retard!


Elite Member
Feb 18, 2005
Strawberry field
Not anymore.

He's joined the gang of idiots. He really is an emotional moron who has fallen for a major trap. He's going down as a new Mayelikohan much sooner than expected. He doesn't even have MayeliKohan's coaching credentials! What a fool.
In a few months or years he will regret what he has said and will come out holding his hands up ,because in his heart of hearts he is not really a nasty guy ,he means well and has a good heart ,he just gets manipulated and lead by evil minded people , I feel sorry for him .
Oct 1, 2004
I never got why people made fun of Daei for this...
Yeah, he has a slight speech impediment... we should make fun of him for this?
The guy speaks at least 4 languages, went to the best university Iran, employs hundreds - if not thousands, yet people still treat him as if he's Khamenei himself.
In a few months or years he will regret what he has said and will come out holding his hands up ,because in his heart of hearts he is not really a nasty guy ,he means well and has a good heart ,he just gets manipulated and lead by evil minded people , I feel sorry for him .
That's what I said in my other reply (Karimi being less likely to fuck others over), but you misunderstood it. There are people who would protest that notion (Karimi being just an innocent guy), but I still hold him higher than most other morons involved in our football.

I don't care what Karimi's intentions are. The end doesn't always justify the means. My personal standards don't allow me to have regard for uneducated low-class dialogues by incoherent individuals. Those individuals could be Karimi, CQ, my own father or even myself. Baba dige enghadr tokhmi tokhmi ke nabayad tabdil be ostooreh shod!

Iran is full of these naggers. I don't like naggers. I like silent doers.
Likes: Fatso