Life saving hacks for people on a budget


Elite Member
Feb 5, 2014
Las Vegas, NV
If you have Jeff Bezos money, then this does not apply to you but for the rest of us, even if you have gainful employment, it can be tough. Here are a few tricks I picked up over the years, these can be topics ranging from how to get deals on fast food, eateries, shopping etc. For example if you like McDonalds breakfast(I try to stay away from fast food), They charge you about a dollar and some change for a sausage McMuffan, they charge you $2 more for an egg Mc Muffin and another $1 plus change for the bacon and eggs. I could go to the store and get a dozen eggs for $2.

Do not snob well in the States, we call them 99 cent stores, dollar stores or thrift stores. For my college, over the years, I estimate, I saved over a couple thousand dollars on school supplies easily. Why pay $5 for a sharpie or a college ruled notebook when you could pick those items up for a dollar? Why pay $5 for a 4 pack of AA or AAA Energizer batteries, when you can pick up 10 for $10?

Gas. Now that I am in Nevada, it is cheaper than CA but still not dirt cheap. The cheapest place near me is the circle K at 3.49. Why pay $60 to renew my cost co card, when my dad and or fiance have one and I can gas up there, save .15 cents on the gallon. You say big dal right but my car holds 15 gallons. that is over a $2 savings every time you pump up. I do door dash that adds up, I gas up once a week at Cost Co, that saves me about $10 a month.

The only thing I really splurge on is my good internet with Cox and I have a good TV Sports package but even that is 170 a month, if I want to get the same thing, I would have to get a la care. Even if all goes well and I one day am a university professor, at that elite private school, my salary will hover around a modest $90,000-100,000(keep in mind PHd from a top 5 school). Even with Door Dash, I could add another $10,000 but I am not going to be making project management engineering money $250,000 a year, like my pops.

Oh one more thing do not be afraid to clip those cupons. There is one show I really enjoy watching it is called Extreme Cuponing. Caveat, these people spend quite a bit of time to execute this. They show that the shopping could be a 6 hour or more event. They are up at 2AM clipping cupons. One wife's husband was a Varsity football coach at the local high school so she had to do these things. They were both on a teachers salary, which heads up is dog crap. She was also gracious and taking care of his elder parents. No lie, I saw not only her bill went down to zero at the end, she even GOT money back, and even made a $20 donation to the U.S.O. The entire freaking grocery store gave her a standing ovation, deservedly so.

If anyone has any tips for me I am all ears.


Staff member
Nov 10, 2002
I always had this ideology to make more money than save :)
cause at the end of the game "be in chosa aab dagh nemishe"
Likes: TeamMeli


Elite Member
Feb 5, 2014
Las Vegas, NV
I should owe a thank you to my partner for making some nice piano flyers. My Pastor helped me find 4-5 students who come a week for private lessons and I charge $40-50 for that, pending on the parents income. If Ostad Rohani charged $50 (despite it being back in 94) then Ill charge $50. That puts about $200 a week in my pocket and Door Dash, for working part time about 10 hours-20 hours, I can make another $200-250, on average($50 for gas so) about $200 a week there, so that is about $400-$500 a week or close to $2000 a month.
2- My overhead is low, my girl and dad say I could for $90,000 more, buy a 3 car garage house, designed by Toll Brothers(, they are known for high end homes for less than $550,000 because my house can be sold for $450. I say why my house is 2500 sqft that house is 600 sqft bigger and has a 3rd car garage but I have a long tandem driveway and zero mortgage. Also, that is 4 years tuition money at John's Hopkins doctoral program, even with 39 credits trasferred to BYU. Speaking of, one reason why I picked that school is it is still elite but you are paying less than $6,000 a year in tuition, and the partial scholarship covers free books. My goal is to keep my overhead zero so I could teach and do some jobs on the side to make supplemental income. I could get a newer car but I will keep my 2015 Camry with 85,000 miles, for another 3-4 more years, and then I could get a diesel Truck/SUV like a 2500 Ram Cummins or a Chevy Tahoe, in cash.
3-When Nevada fully opens up full contact, I can make money with that. I don't even have to spar, I can still do BJJ tourneys for fun but I can put youtube instructional videos on how to hit the speed/heavy bag. I am also first putting some piano videos but only have 10 followers but maybe that will grow. 2- I can put instructional videos tutorials on popular classical compositions.
Some of these will take time to make money but some I can do right away. I have friends in the boxing/ufc world, I could be a coach and or breakdown opponents for $2-3000. They respect my analysis and will pay that for the hours of game film data analysis. These are just some ideas I have but I agree with you that I am for the idea that you should do what you love but have side jobs so you could accomplish that goal.
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