Recent content by keyvan_pars

  1. keyvan_pars

    Iran's eventual fate

    nah mate. 1400 saal of bashing ...(what you said). Two fundamental pillars of Sassanian which were: wisdom conscience were replaced by abrahamic islamic edicts of: faith (ایمان - باور کورکورانه ) piety(تقوا- گردن دادن به دستورات الله = هر عربی که الله رو اخترع کرد)
  2. keyvan_pars

    Cultural richness

  3. keyvan_pars

    Qasem Soleimani killed in Baghdad!

    mese gooz yaroo ro pood resh kardan. bikhodi az een kos kesha bot sakhtan. Brigadier General Kir e khar ... oon koon palang ziaad zer zer nemikoneh injaa kooshesh pas ?
  4. keyvan_pars

    Qasem Soleimani killed in Baghdad!

    shashidam too dahane khodesh o har jakesh e moslamoon e digast
  5. keyvan_pars

    jakesh found in Iran to be the leader of muslims he is also a maf-oool

    being raised in mash had on his knees
  6. keyvan_pars

    interesting history references
  7. keyvan_pars

    Happening now...

    interesting analysis ... mosalmoona be khodeshoon ridan inside and outside of iran ( i mean mosalmoon haye irani) the 12 century vacation is coming to an end.
  8. keyvan_pars

    Happening now...

  9. keyvan_pars

    Happening now...

    another significant event is the damage to an already bankrupt economy of IR has been estimated to be 1.5 billion dollars over the cutting out of the internet: kind of puts the profits from gas price increase on the back burner. if nothing...
  10. keyvan_pars

    Happening now...

    here is another significant event, at least for the families of the six people killed in the small size town of Marivan:
  11. keyvan_pars

    Happening now...

    shouldn't you write .... and i am really broadening the definition of write here ... this so called paragraph in the sports forum ???
  12. keyvan_pars

    Happening now...

    nothing significant is happening with Canada standards ... :p:love: what is significant is for people to burn down mosques. that is significant in my mind at least. Significant = noteworthy, worthy of attention (from websters dict) if no mosuqes have burnt since ...hmmm EVER ... and then...
  13. keyvan_pars

    Happening now...

    on a second thought Just GO ... and don't come back. i don't want you on this forum. FUCK OFF
  14. keyvan_pars

    Happening now...

    boro baa oon rahbar mafool et. during shah's time he made mash had a happy place by being on his knees for long hours and now he is the leader of islam.
  15. keyvan_pars

    Happening now...

    dame kurds garm: what middle east needs is a union of iranians-kurds-israel-armenia against the sub human turkish and arab monkeys that have a joint venture to represent darwin's missing link