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    Sexiest Football Match Ever

    Women have been playing "football" for as long as the game has existed. Evidence shows that an ancient version of the game (Tsu Chu) was ... played by women during the Han Dynasty (25–220 CE). But check this video link : Sexiest Football Match Ever...
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    Best Soccer Penalty Kick Ever!

    I never seen the best penalty kick ever like this !:D Check it out you will agree with me :4: See u next time I will post another best penalty kick --------------------------- :D
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    Tribute to Ronaldinho Golden Ball

    Ronaldinho should win the Golden Ball award because he creates magic whenever he touches the ball. He can weave through players either on the right or left. true talent - what a gift he has......? My answer : soccer poetry Check it out : :belly...
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    Congrats Chavez !!! Defeating the Devil Again

    I agree with you.Castro's action has abandon his law practical that wih his brother R'aul actively plotted to ovethrow Batista.They collect gun anda ammunitition and finalized their plan for arm attack on Moncara Barracks.The attack proved disastrous and more than sixty of the one-hundred and...
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    Maradona VS Ronaldinho

    :--sunny: Ronaldinho is a great palyer just like Maradona was in his time, but maradona is still an awsome player dont get me wrong he deserves respect but i think ronaldinho has taken over but maradona is still going to be known as one of the best soccer players ever throughout history...