محکومیت یک زرتشتی ایرانی-آمریکایی و همسر&#1588


Elite Member
Mar 26, 2006
دادگاه انقلاب تهران کارن وفاداری، ایرانی زرتشتی دارای شهروندی آمریکا و همسرش آفرین نیساری که از شهروندی کانادا برخوردار است، را بنا بر اتهامات امنیتی به ترتیب به ۲۷ و ۱۶ سال زندان و مصادره اموال محکوم کرده است.


این فعال حقوق بشر می افزاید که اتهامات عمده این دو نفر اقدام علیه امنیت ملی و اخلال در نظم عمومی بوده است؛ "همان اتهامی که بر اساس آن معمولا همه را دستگیر می کنند."
کانون مدافعان حقوق بشر می‎
گوید که دادگاه این زوج در شعبه ۱۵ دادگاه انقلاب به ریاست قاضی صلواتی برگزار شده که بعد از یک بازداشت "موقت" هفده ماهه، برای آنها قرار وثیقه به مبلغ ۱۰۰میلیارد تومان صادر کرده بود

his only crime is, going back home and trying to get what belonged to him , apparently its worth a lot of money so IRI bastards wanted their shares as they have been doing this since 1979
and labeling everyone a traitor of nezam and fucking islam

on the other news child rapist (saeed tousi) is back at doing what he was doing ,,, teaching quran to kids and its marvelous benefits of it


Bench Warmer
Sep 4, 2005
What a shame that this happens to minorities of various kind in Iran. Some people are very illumined and dislike the use of terms such as "minority". While I agree with that sentiment in principle, I believe we are far from a time and place that we no longer have to use such terms. While people of various minorities, be it religious, ethnic, colour, or simply women, student groups and labour unions, etc. are being oppressed and persecuted for their belief and practices every day, it is difficult to elevate oneself to such lofty stations.

It is another big shame with this retched person and the wicked things he has done, yet has been pardoned by the supreme leader of Islamic revolution! Another clear example of the utter failure of the mullah system in Iran. It is difficult not to feel terrible for those families and children...What terrible things some humans choose to do, abase themselves and hurt so many children and families for life...just terrible.