Andrew Aghasi wishes to travel to Iran.


Bench Warmer
Jul 7, 2003
آندره آغاسي علاقمند سفر به ايران است

به گزارش خبرگزاري دانشجويان ايران (ايسنا)، ستاره‌ي سرشناس تنيس جهان مي‌خواهد سرزمين پدرش را ببيند. خليج تايمز براي دومين بار از سفر ناگهاني آغاسي به ايران خبر داد.

در گزارش تازه خليج تايمز آمده است:« او مي‌خواهد با “استفي گراف“ همسرش و فرزندانش به ايران بيايد. ورزشكار سرشناس آمريكا در اين باره گفت:« ايران به دلايل فراواني، مكاني بي‌نظير براي سفر كردن و بازديد است. آنچه ايراني‌ها با دستانشان ساخته‌اند بازتاب ديدگاه و شور و انگيزه آنها است. مردم با فرهنگ‌هاي متفاوت با آرامش در كنار يكديگر زندگي مي‌كنند و مي‌خواهم سفر به ايران را با همسر و خانواده‌ام تقسيم كنم. پا گذاشتن به خاك ايران لذت بخش است.»

ايراني‌ها چگونه به آغاسي خوش‌آمد خواهند گفت؟

قهرمان هشت دوره‌ي رقابت‌هاي جايزه بزرگ براي اين سفر لحظه‌شماري مي‌كند:« بارها به سفر به ايران انديشيده‌ام. همچنين پس از بازنشستگي مي‌خواهم به كشورهاي جهان سفر كنم. نمي‌دانم پدرم هنگامي كه به آمريكا آمد چه فكر مي‌كرد. هجده ساله بود كه ايران را ترك كرد حتي نمي‌توانست يك كلمه انگليسي صحبت كند. شايد نمي‌دانست براي چه به آمريكا آمده است. بنابراين به طور كامل مطمئن نيستم چرا تصميم گرفت نامش را تغيير دهد، اما اكنون مفهوم نام خود را مي‌دانم.»

کد خبر: 22247

توجه: استفاده از اخبار پيک ايران با ذکر منبع بلامانع است!

کد خبر: 22247

توجه: استفاده از اخبار پيک ايران با ذکر منبع بلامانع است!
Jan 26, 2005
Several years ago, when Andre was still at his prime in tennis, in a TV interview, Andre was told “...but your dad [Mike] is from Iran”, he replied: “That’s his fault”.


Bench Warmer
Jul 7, 2003
He has said that because he has been mad of this or that. He is American but
like us he is interested trvalling to Iran and finding out about himeself. If you
remember how it was to travel back to Iran after so many years? You see
how he feels about it. BTW He is good looking as I hear from many weatern girls.
Marrid to steffi graff and his last girl friend was brooks shield. While ugly mullah
are representing us her and there I have nothing against he represent Iranians.
Jan 26, 2005
I hope he gets to go to Iran, and I hope he gets to enjoy it. But, at a time when Zamin va Zamon was bashing Iran and Iranians (because of Akhonds of course) , it was very painful to hear that.
Oct 18, 2002
Antelope Valley,California
He should go To Iran at some oint to rediscover his roots.
And his previous comments are not forgotten, but can be understood and forgiven.
He owes an appology to Iranians for those comments. He made those comments,when Iranians were suffering through the lowest public image period of their history ,not because of being Iranian, but because having a terrorist Ishalic republic ,creating that image.
Oct 18, 2002
704 Houser
What previous comments? Those comments are figments of imaginations of some ultra nationalistic Iranians. As a tennis fan and a fan of Andre I have never heard him make any inappropriate response to any question concerning Iran. I find it funny that the sources for these claims are always some obsecure German, French, Zimbawan magazines. Well guess what?Andre Agassi speaks English. If he was so keen on making any unkind remarks towards Iran, there would certainly be some references to it on the Internet? There are none except that which are made by a few nameless Iranian expatiates on random bulletin boards for "have too much time on hand" iranians.