Azmoun done with TM as well?


Elite Member
Feb 18, 2005
Strawberry field
Carlos was in navad today and, Adel asked him why you invite Sardar despite his retirement and in past you have been very tough regarding to this(Rahmati, Aghili, Khalatbari, Shoja), and this is Carlos answer:

Azmoun came to me first about this decision and told me all the details - and I wont reveal these details, because they are not a good look for the society of Iran. Let me say now, as long as I am coach, Team Melli is not a place that is only for players in the North, South, East, West. Its not a place only for people from the capital city. It is not a place that is only for whites, blacks, armenia
He hinted about people from outside Iran who tried to damage TM. I wonder what's it about.
Whoever or whichever country that don't like us, and there are plenty of them unfortunately!
Go to 90 site and you will see in the comments section when someone makes a positive comment like wishing team melli to win and be successful you would see many likes but also a good number of dislikes.
I could accept a couple of idiots of our own country doing that but not that many.
Likes: Sly


Elite Member
Oct 22, 2016
پرونده خداحافظی یک جوان ترکمن اهل تسنن

First time I hear this! Is he sunni ? sounds like it. Not that it matters for me but wonder if it has including the abuse he has received from some.


Elite Member
Oct 18, 2002
پرونده خداحافظی یک جوان ترکمن اهل تسنن

First time I hear this! Is he sunni ? sounds like it. Not that it matters for me but wonder if it has including the abuse he has received from some.
As a Christian, Ando even became TM captain without problem. I doubt that has anything to do with it!


Football Fan
May 5, 2016
Azmoun was handed a signed Tractor jersey. He has declared himself as Tractor fan couple of years ago.
Also, Tractor officials want to sign a MOU with Rubin Kazan.

Can you recognize the guy on the left? That's Asadi, former IFF general secretary and current Tractor CEO, who had a feud with CQ. Even Sardar spoke against him some years ago.
Likes: Sly and Babr


Elite Member
Oct 22, 2016
بگذار سربازها براي ميهن باقي بمانند. شما همان «سردار» باشي همه راحت‌تريم!

جواد خياباني با هيجان تمام بغلش كرد و گفت: «سلام سردار خوش‌چهره و عزيزم. من تو را خيلي دوست دارم. مي‌دانم كه مردم هم خيلي دوستت دارند.» به اين ترتيب عزيز كرده كارلوس كي‌روش كه هيچكس نفهميد چرا از تيم ملي خداحافظي كرد و چطور برگشت، بعد از بازي با بوليوي مقابل دوربين زنده ايستاد تا ملت ايران را مفتخر به ارايه توضيحي مختصر كند. جواب‌هاي او اما كوتاه‌تر و كليشه‌اي‌تر از حد تصور بود. سردار ابتدا سرمشق عمومي بازيكنان تيم ملي در گلايه از بازي نكردن با تيم‌هاي بزرگ را تكرار كرد و بعدش گفت از حضور دوباره در جمع دوستانش خوشحال است. همه اينها را شايد مي‌شد تحمل كرد، اما آنجايي كه او از سر تعارف و رفع تكليف گفت «سرباز» تيم ملي است،