Feb 11th News/Discussions (22 BAHMAN)

Feb 7, 2004
[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ei9HsTVO34E"]YouTube- Tear-gas against ppl 11 Feb پرتاب گاز اشک آور به سمت مردم22بهمن[/ame]
Oct 18, 2002
Today, I am disapointed at Mussavi and the leaders of Green. I know it is risky for them to come to street, I know their families can get hurt and ... But people are taking the same risks ( even more since we have seen most big names green being freed from prison while average people going through trails and ....) and putting themself and their families and their life on the line.
They did. According to the news, Karoubi was attacked with tear gas and forced out in Sadeghiyeh square. Mousavi was forced back into a building when he joined the street rally. Khatami's car was attacked by vigilants so he could not get out. Rahnavard is said to have been beaten badly.

شبکه جنبش راه سبز (جرس): خودروی مهدی کروبی از رهبران جنبش سبز دقایقی پیش مورد حمله نیروهای فشار قرار گرفت.
به گزارش خبرنگار جرس، کروبی در بزرگراه اشرفی اصفهانی مورد حمله نیروهای بسیجی و امنیتی قرار گرفت و بر اثر این حمله شیشه های ماشین او شکسته شد.
گفته می شود که به کروبی آسیبی جدی وارد نیامده اما هم ماشین او و هم خودروهای اطرافیان و هواداران جبش سبز که اطراف او بودند مورد آسیب واقع شده اند. در این هجوم فرزند مهدی کروبی "علی کروبی" نیز بازداشت شد.

شبکه جنبش راه سبز (جرس): در راهپیمایی روز ۲۲ بهمن سالگرد انقلاب ایران، علی کروبی فرزند مهدی کروبی توسط نیروهای انتظامی دستگیر شد. حسین کروبی برادر وی *** در گفتگو با دویچه وله می***گوید، ماموران با لباس فرم به صورت کروبی گاز اشک آور زده***اند.
مهدی کروبی نامزد معترض به نتیجه انتخابات روز ۲۲ بهمن دقایقی پس از پیاده شدن از خودروی خود در بزرگراه اشرفی اصفهانی نرسیده به میدان صادقیه تهران، مورد حمله نیروهای انتظامی و لباس شخصی قرار گرفت.

حسین کروبی فرزند وی می***گوید ماموران ملبس به لباس فرم، به صورت پدرش گاز اشک***اور شلیک کرده***اند.

به گفته***ی حسین کروبی مردم هیچ شعار تندی نمی***د***ادند، اما به محض پیوستن آقای کروبی به آنان، ماموران انتظامی شروع به ضرب و شتم مردم و آقای کروبی و اطرافیان وی کردند.

شبکه جنبش راه سبز (جرس): زهرا رهنورد همسز میرحسین موسوی و از چهره های شناخته شده اصلاح طلب در جریان حوادث امروز با حمله لباس شخصی ها و نیروهایی با لباس نظامی مورد ضرب و شتم قرار گرفت.

به گزارش کلمه زهرا رهنورد که امروز در مراسم راهپیمایی ۲۲ بهمن از میدان صادقیه قصد شرکت در راهپیمایی را داشت با محاصره و حمله نیروهای لباس شخصی مواجه شد.
نیروهای لباس شخصی با باتوم و مشت به دکتر رهنورد حمله کرده و سر و کمر ایشان را مورد ضرب و شتم قرار دادند.
رهنورد بعد از این حادثه با حمایت وکمک مردم و تشکیل حلقه انسانی خودجوش توانست از محاصره خارج شود. بانوی سبز ایران در ماههای گذشته بارها تحت تعقیب مزدوران لباس شخصی و حتی ضرب و جرح قرار گرفته بود.
امروز همچنین به خودروی سید محمد خاتمی و مهدی کروبی حمله شد و کروبی نیز دچار حادثه شد. علی کروبی پسر کروبی نیز بازداشت شد.
محمد رضا خاتمی و همسرش زهرا اشراقی نوه بنیانگذار نظام نیز امروز برای ساعتی بازداشت شدند.

شبکه جبش راه سبز (جرس): نیروهای لباس شخصی دقایقی پیش به خودروی حامل سید محمد خاتمی حمله کردند.
به گزارش جرس، در این حمله به شخص آقای خاتمی آسیبی وارد نیامد.
بر اساس اخبار واصله، پیش از این به خودروی مهدی کروبی در بزرگراه اشرفی اصفهانی نیز حمله شده بود.
اخبار تکمیلی متعاقبا ارسال خواهد شد.



Bench Warmer
Oct 19, 2002
رسیدیم. دورتادور میدان را نیروی ضد شورش چیده بودند. در حاشیه میدان هم تعداد زیادی نیروی گاردی و نیروهای با ظاهر اطلاعاتی و بسیجی اوضاع را زیر نظر داشتند. مردم زیادی در میدان حضور داشتند. همه سکوت کرده بودند و منتظر آمدن کروبی بودند. نیروهای امنیتی از مردم می خواستند تا حرکت کنند، که البته با بی توجهی سبزها مواجه می شدند. یک بسیجی با بچه اش شروع کرد به شعار دادن، از مردم می خواست که با او همراه شوند، حدود 100 نفر دنبال او راه افتادند. چند ماشین بلندگو دار هم وارد میدان شدند. با صدای بسیار بلند شعار می دادند، اما کسی جواب آنها را نمی داد. حتی طرفدارهای رژیم هم از تعدادکم خود خجتلت کشیده بودند. کم کم بر تعداد هر دو گروه اضافه شد. طرفداران حکومت به حدود 1000 نفر رسیدند. از بالای میدان بطور هماهنگ و با پرچم و پوستر حرکت می کردند، تا 200 متر پایین میدان. بعد بصورت پراکنده از پایین میدان برمی گشتند و دوباره همین کار را تکرار می کردند. آنها مسیر شمال به جنوب را اشغال کرده بودند. تعداد سبزها تا حدود ساعت 10:10 دقیقه به چند ده هزار نفر رسید. تجمع آنان بیشتر در ضلع جنوب شرقی میدان بود. عده بسیار زیادی هم از سمت متروی صادقیه به ضلع شمال غربی آمده بودند. موتورسواران گاردی و نیروهای امنیتی مدام در میان مردم تردد می کردند. اخطار می دادند که نایستید، حرکت کنید. همچنین به برخی می گفتند که ماسکتان را بردارید. در این زمان به هیچ وجه امکان تهیه عکس و فیلم وجود نداشت، زیرا هر 2 متر، یک نیروی پلیس گذاشته بودند. علاوه بر اینکه با دوربین از مردم فیلم می گرفتند. جالب آنکه بعضی از طرفداران حکومت با موهای روغن زده و شلوار های بسیار تنگ دیده می شدند و در مقابل بعضی از سبزها حسابی بسیجی وار آمده بودند. در همین موقع بین یکی از نیروهای لباس شخصی و یکی از افرادی که به ظاهر سبز بود، درگیری لفظی بی موردی ایجاد شد. او را دستگیر کردند. مردم برای آزاد کردن او هجوم بردند و هو کردند. انگار نیروهای ضد شورش منتظر بهانه ای بودند. به سرعت فضا عوض شد. شعارهای پشت بلندگو تند شد و نیروهای باتوم به دست ظاهر شدند. حدود ساعت 10:30 دقیقه بود که گفتند کروبی آمده. به یکباره همه آنهایی که تا اکنون ساکت بودند. به وسط خیابان آمدند و شروع کردند به شعارهایی در حمایت از کروبی. جو میدان کاملا به نفع سبزها تغییر کرد. در این زمان سبزها و غیر سبزها کاملا از هم متمایز شدند. اکثریت میدان سبز بودند، اما این وضعیت زیاد دوام نیاورد. به ناگاه از یکی از کوچه ها یک خاور پر از لات و قمه کش، مثل شعبان بی مخ درحالی که تمام صورت خود را با چفیه پوشانده بودند به وسط جمعیت زد. افراد پشت کامیون که بعضا می خندیدند و فریاد می زدند، بدون باز کردن در عقب کامیون، از بالای قسمت بار به روی مردم می پریدند. حدود 200 نفر سرباز باتوم به دست هم یکباره معلوم نشد از کجا پیدایشان شد. به سمت مردم هجوم بردند. نیروهای ضد شورش با تفنگ های دوربین دار مردم را نشانه رفتند. مردم به کوچه های واقع در ضلع جنوب غربی فرار کردند. پشت سرم صدای تیر می آمد، بعضی ها گفتند که گلوله هایش ساچمه ای بود، اما من کسی را ندیدم که مورد اصابت گلوله قرار بگیرد. در کوچه ها با موتور به مردم حمله کردند. برخی از اهالی محل درب خانه ی خود را برای پناه دادن به سبزها باز گذاشته بودند. ما به دو کوچه آنطرف تر عقب نشینی کردیم و تجمعی دیگر را در خیابانی به اسم شهید گلاب شکل دادیم. شعار اصلی "یاحسین/میرحسین" و "مرگ بر دیکتاتور" بود در این خیابان صف طویلی از اتوبوس های شرکت واحد که طرفداران رژیم را به صادقیه آورده بودند، دیده می شد. حدود 10 دقیقه در این ناحیه شعار دادیم، ولی مردم با هجوم نیروهای موتور سوار و ضربه های باتوم آنان مجبور به خانه ها پناه بردند. بعد از آن عده ای پس از پیاده روی طولانی در کوچه پس کوچه ها خود را به بلوار فردوس رساندند و در آنجا تظاهرات کردند. ما هم به سمت میدان آزادی رفتیم. اما وضعیت به گونه ای بود که حضور در میان طرفداران رژیم بیشتر به نفع آنها تمام می شد تا جنبش سبز. برای انتشار ویدئو هایی که گرفته بودمف خودم را به خانه رساندم. افسوس می خورم که بعضی از صحنه های بسیار باارزش را از دست دادم. مثل زمانی که با تفنگ دوربین دار به سمت مردم نشانه رفتند. یا اگر می توانستم از آن کامیون عکس بگیرم خیلی خوب می شد. نمی دانم چرا امکان آپلود کردن برای من وجود ندارد، ویدئو ها را به سایت ندای سبز آزادی می فرستم.
ارسال شده توسط امید شریف در ۱۹:۲۳


Football Legend
Oct 19, 2002

پنج***شنبه، ۲۲ بهمن ۱۳۸۸ / ۱۱ فوریه ۲۰۱۰

به گزارش رسیده از اصفهان تعدادی زیادی از مردم در روی سی و سه پل جمع شده اند. یک شاهد عینی گزارش داده است به دلیل وجود رودخانه راه فرار مردم بسته است و نیروهای سرکوبگر با شدت بی سابقه ای مردم را مورد ضرب و شتم قرار داده و دستگیر می کنند. حتی از دستگیری کودکان نیز دریغ ندارند و یک کودک ۱۲ساله را دستگیر کرده اند. مزدوران با شیلنگ و باتوم و زنجیر و هرچه در دست دارند به مردم حمله می کنندو با عربده جویی سعی دارند مردم را بترسانند. مردمی که با ماشین به آن منطقه آمده اند با بوق زدن اعتراض خود را ابراز میکنند و جمعیت شعار می دهد:
نترسید، نترسید!
مرگ بردیکتاتور
یک شاهد صحنه گزار ش داده است : «میرویم جمع میشویم شعار میدهیم بعد دوباره پراکنده میشویم مردم همه در صحنه هستند.


Football Legend
Oct 19, 2002
Bassij agents and hooligans attack protestors with knives

10 protestors injured after IRGC members fired at crowds in Tehran’s Arya Shahr
Aug 21, 2005
next door
thanks guys for the update another day in the history of the green movement, sure we were not able to topple the regime but we have differently pooped on their parade.

do not give up guys,this regime has been practicing this for 30 years and getting ready for 30 years, and the green movement only has had 7-8 month, give it time and they will topple too, case and point, old soviet, saddam, former youguslavia...........

we still have chaharshanbe soori va norooz then the anniversary of the election!!! this is far from over
Oct 18, 2002
جالب اینجاست که فارس نیوز نوشته 50 میلیون نفر در راهپیمائی امروز شرکت کردند! یعنی 70 درصد جمعیت مملکتی که 50 درصدش بچه اند. آخه یکی نیست بگه مرتیکه شماها اصلا میتونین 50 میلیون رو توی همه شهرها و دهاتهای مملکت بشمرین ؟


Bench Warmer
Dec 19, 2005
This wasn't about following the leaders and demonstrating behind them, the leaders weren't a factor in Ashura and people still made the commitment ... So it's easy to blame the leaders at this point out of our frustration, but you know this movement has no leaders but the people ... The regime had conceeded its hand for 22 bahman and officially asked people to come in all Newspapers and media ... and people bein beaten and forced out in my opinion is only because there weren't enough of them out there ... so those who didn't make the commitment to go out and fight for freedom betrayed those who did ...

Watch for Mousavi and Karoubi to be arrested in the next few days as the regime gets bolder and thinks of this as a weak point at which they can impose their will ...


Football Legend
Oct 19, 2002
shame on Dubai govt

Jun 18, 2005
Aghaye Deerouz

When Mousavi says that I am in this until the end and bla bla bla, then you do not turn around and go home when some basiji thugs surround you.

Same thing with Karroubi. He packed it and went home and started sending messages that I am fine and that I will write a statement in coming days!

and why does not Mousavi ever announce where he wants to join the protesters? You think he would have learnt a few things by now.

My bet is that neither of these guys really want big change to happen. At this point they are just managing the anger and frustration of crowds.
Aug 21, 2005
next door
This wasn't about following the leaders and demonstrating behind them, the leaders weren't a factor in Ashura and people still made the commitment ... The regime had conceeded its hand for 22 bahman and officially asked people to come in all Newspapers and media ... and people bein beaten and forced out in my opinion is only because there weren't enough of them out there ... so those who didn't make the commitment to go out and fight for freedom betrayed those who did ...

Watch for Mousavi and Karoubi to be arrested in the next few days as the regime gets bolder and thinks of this as a weak point at which they can impose their will ...
that is good the khakier they get the better, they will make more mistakes


Football Legend
Oct 19, 2002
yesss finally some1 other than Iranians condemned Nokia-Siemens

MEPs condemn Nokia Siemens 'surveillance tech' in Iran

Euro MPs have "strongly" criticised telecoms firm Nokia Siemens Networks for providing "surveillance technology" to the Iranian authorities.
In a resolution adopted on Wednesday, the MEPs said the hardware was instrumental in the "persecution and arrests of Iranian dissidents".
But Nokia Siemens said that the implication that it had provided censorship technology was "wrong"
It has previously said that it had installed "lawful" technology in 2008.
"We will be clarifying any inaccuracy in their understanding of our business in Iran with the European Parliament," Ben Roome of the firm told BBC News.
Nokia Siemens said the technology that it had installed was similar to that used "in all EU member states and the US".
Mr Roome stressed that the technology not used to monitor, filter or censor the internet.
"When you set up a modern network - as an operator - if you want a licence to operate you have to have a standard surveillance capability in the network," Christina Dinne, also of the firm, said.
Net benefit
Nokia Siemens told BBC News that it had provided "very basic surveillance" capabilities to Iran Telecom in 2008. The product is called Monitoring Centre and can be used to monitor local telephone calls.
"You can't track keywords," said Mrs Dinne.
Google says its Gmail traffic has dropped sharply in Iran

Details of Nokia Siemens activities in Iran first came to light in June 2009 when media reports accused the firm of helping the Iranian government intercept communications.
Technology - such as mobile phones - were widely used in protests following Iran's disputed election.
"We are, of course, aware of reports from Iran, and condemn any abuse of communication technologies that may have taken place," said Mr Roome.
"We strongly believe that mobile networks enhance individuals' lives, promote transparency, and empower citizens with effective means of feedback.
"In Iran they have clearly played a pivotal role in their ability to communicate, organise, and share their story with the outside world.
However, the MEPS called on the EU to ban similar exports to "governments and countries such as Iran".
The statements were part of a wider resolution that included a call for Iran to "restore the transparency of its nuclear programme".
Iran has said that it has begun a new phase of uranium enrichment at its Natanz plant.
The Iranian president Mahmoud Ahmadinejad announced the country has produced its first batch of uranium enriched to 20% at a rally marking Iran's revolution.
The anniversary is the most important day in Iran's political calendar.
The opposition Green Movement is also trying to stage counter-demonstrations.
In the past these have been coordinated via social networking sites such as Twitter and Facebook as well as through e-mail and mobile phones.
Reports suggest that the internet has been throttled with services such as Google's Gmail service markedly reduced.
Aug 21, 2005
next door
Aghaye Deerouz

When Mousavi says that I am in this until the end and bla bla bla, then you do not turn around and go home when some basiji thugs surround you.

Same thing with Karroubi. He packed it and went home and started sending messages that I am fine and that I will write a statement in coming days!

and why does not Mousavi ever announce where he wants to join the protesters? You think he would have learnt a few things by now.

My bet is that neither of these guys really want big change to happen. At this point they are just managing the anger and frustration of crowds.
good points, but i think that the movement has enough steam now to move on her own on the days of the protest, no real need for them, look at everything that we have done in the last 7-8 month, it was not the idea of these guys it was the iranian people come up with writings on the walls, on the money, on the internet, videos from cellphones etc.........


Football Legend
Oct 19, 2002
TehranBureau's Interview w/ Karroubi abt 1hr ago


10:00 am EST: Tehran Bureau interview with Hossein Karroubi, opposition leader Mehdi Karroubi's son.

How is your father Haj Agha Mehdi Karroubi?
We're treating him for burns to his face and eyes. He's having trouble with his lungs too. He was badly attacked with pepper spray. Plainclothes agents (vigilantes) approached him and kept spraying it in his eyes. He's resting at home though; he's not been hospitalized.
Any news of your brother Ali Karroubi, who was arrested today?
We haven't been able to figure out where he is. Everyone we call claims to have no information on him. We believe he's in the custody of the law enforcement agency.
Government officials are touting the celebrations today as a referendum on the past few months, on the Green Movement. What do you think? Was this a defeat for the Green Movement?
Well, they bussed in as many people as they possibly could from many towns and locations and depositing them at Azadi Square, surrounded by and escorted by thousands of officers. I have even seen them rounding up people myself. This is while they started beating the others (opposition) starting at 8 am. Of what value is such a pro-government turnout? If they allowed this side (opposition) to gather, they would see how the masses really turn out. For example, at Sadeghi Square, where we were, folks told us they started beating up on them since they started arriving at 8 am. They kept gathering and they kept dispersing them. What value was their [the government's] turnout under these circumstances?
The Iranian blogosphere appears to be disappointed by the lack of a Green presence. Some are claiming they are no longer worthy of Mr. Karroubi?
No, that's not so. This is not the case. The people were actually very kind. There were gatherings starting at 8 in the morning there. They got beat up pretty bad. When we got there, people warmly gathered around him. But when they were violently attack -- they even pulled a dagger. When a thug pulls a dagger and attempts to attack you with it and with knives and batons.... No, we actually thank the people for their support.
Do you think this paves the way for the arrests of Mr. Karroubi and Mr. Mousavi?
Until now their [government] actions have been irrational; we hope they proceed in a more rational fashion from this point. I hope such a thing doesn't happen. I hope they don't act in such a disgraceful manner for the whole world to see.
if there are arrests, do you believe they will be followed by televised confessions of the opposition leaders?
They've already tried really hard to use such tactics and failed. For all their efforts, the many arrests and all the pressure they've put on detainees, they were only able to televise a handful of these so-called confessions.
Do you think the arrests of Mr. Karroubi's bodyguards were premeditated?
Mr. Karroubi received a letter from [NAJA intelligence] saying that Mr. Karroubi would be the target of a suicide attack and that he shouldn't participate in the march today. And at the same time, they called some of our friends, his entourage in for questioning. They got a written promise from them, agreeing they wouldn't take place in gatherings with Mr. Karroubi anymore. They did everything to dissuade Mr. Karroubi from attending. But when I saw him this morning, he was intent on going to the march.
How may Greens do you think showed up and participated today?
I really couldn't tell. I was only in the Sadeghiyeh area, which was only one of the paths of the march. The folks there said there were many of them there, but they [authorities] would beat them up and not allow them to gather.
Other areas it was the same. I asked around and they said more or less the same thing. They said police forces and vigilantes had a strong presence and they beat up on many people.
We're hearing reports that Zahra Rahnavard was beat up. Is this true?

I don't know. This is the first I've heard of it.
08:00 am EST
Everyone we have spoken to so far this morning has said about the same thing -- in a word or two: "A big anticlimax," "defeat," "An overwhelming presence from the other side. People were terrified."
In fact, it appears that the regime was so confident, it did not feel the need to disrupt cellphone or messaging services, or even the internet for that matter.
One Tehran Bureau correspondent relayed the following:
Today has been a bust. Lots of people left town, left the country. There was extra security. I was down at Azadi Square, and they [regime] couldn't even get the huge crowd they wanted. It didn't matter though, because the Greens either didn't show up or authorities were successful in keeping them out.
The square was crowded, but not super crazy. There were definitely a lot of people, but compared to the way it's been filled by Greens a couple of times, it was much less than that. One could move around and it wasn't the crush of people you sometimes see (except in the front). I think they used all their resources to get people there, but the fact is this was a five-day weekend this year and many people (even from their side) just decided to get out of town. They also blocked all of the entryways into the area, so it was hard to get in without permission.
In terms of actual numbers, it's hard to say... Of course tens of thousands (from the non-Green side), but I have seen bigger crowds here from both sides.
An eyewitness:
In all of Tehran, fewer than 7,000 people. In Sadeghiyeh (which is considered a 'Green stronghold', there were not even 1000 people.
03:00 am EST
Got off phone with Hossein Karroubi. He confirmed the assault on his father Mehdi Karroubi as he descended from his vehicle at Sadeghiyeh Square, a little over a mile north of Azadi Square (a Green stronghold where there is also a metro station). It was an ambush, as he was expected there at 10:30 am sharp Tehran time, as he had announced the day before.
The entire area was filled with Basiji from the provinces. NAJA, the law enforcement agency, had a strong presence as well. For about six minutes, a violent attack took place.
Hossein Karroubi said that his brother Ali Karroubi had been arrested along with others. He also confirmed the arrest of some of his father's entourage by intel agents the day before. Some were let go after signing a written promise "to stay away" or not accompany the opposition leader.
Contrary to earlier reports, Mehdi Karroubi was not injured.
03:30 EST: This map of central Tehran measures the heavy traffic near Azadi Square near noon Tehran time.
03:24 EST: In his speech, Ahmadinejad announced that "the first convoy of 20%-enriched nuclear fuel has been produced"
03:15 EST: Parleman News reports that Mohammad Khatami was present at around 10:30 am Tehran time among opposition supporters near Azadi St. in central Tehran
03:12 EST: Joanne Michele, live-blogging from Tehran, posts on Twitter [11:40 Tehran time]: "Can clearly hear "Marg bar diktator" ['death to the dictator'] right after Ahmadinejad says the 'malicious govts' will fall."
03:10 EST: Rahesabz confirmed that Reza Khatami, brother of former president Mohammad Khatami, and his wife Zahra Eshraghi, Khomeini's granddaughter, have been arrested.
03:04 EST: The websites of state broadcaster IRIB, state news channel Press TV, state news agency IRNA and semi-official Fars news agency are all down. It appears that the internet slow-down has affected the state media as well.
02:47 EST: Source reached by landline in Tehran reports that internet is almost completely shut down and email will not open.
1:50 EST: Trendsmap, which tracks over 5 million tweets per day in 500 cities to identify trending topics on Twitter in real time, shows that #iranelection is the top hashtag in Tehran at the moment, with the next "hot spots" around the world showing on this interactive map as US, UK, UAE, and less predictably, South Korea, India, and Venezuela.
01:40 am EST:
IRIB Channel 2 is broadcasting live footage of Tehran's Enqelab [Revolution] Square, but has not yet aired images of Azadi [Freedom] Square. (Source: Mardomak)
Dispatch from Mohammad Sadeghi, administrator of official Mousavi Facebook page:
Iranian opposition activists from across Germany gathered in Berlin to stage a demonstration in front of the Islamic Republic's embassy as it hosted a 22 Bahman celebration Tuesday evening.
In minus 10 degrees, the demonstrators sang popular resistance anthems such as Winter is Over and Yare Dabestani.
German police, however, asked protesters to turn off their loudspeakers, which protesters maintained their permit allowed them to use. According to eyewitnesses, the German police proceeded to attack and beat back protesters.
Reports: At about midnight (EST), Basij reportedly started flooding the center of Azadi Square, where the ceremonies are to be held. Area had been sealed off, and not open to the general public.
From Tehran, Wednesday.
@ Everyone had been told to go out tonight on the roof and shout "Allah o Akbar." Turnout, at least according to these two videos below, was relatively weak. But a resident of Gisha, in western Tehran, gave the following account: "Tonight I was really tired so I lay down to rest and apparently dozed off. However, the chanting of 'Allah o Akbar' was so loud, and so many had turned out for it, the roar shook me from my sleep."

@ Many people have created lists of do's and do-not-do's for tomorrow and are sharing it with others. This didn't happen in the lead up to prior protests and appears to show the growing maturity of the Green Movement.
Among the instructions are the following: show up early and disperse quickly at the end of official ceremonies to minimize the chances of arrest; try to get inside the Azadi Square perimeter where Ahmadinejad speaks in the early morning hours; don't be distracted with false rumors or provocations which are intended to prevent you from reaching the Square; keep within the space of your fellow-protesters (only those isolated from their groups are usually arrested); if arrested, do not under any circumstances confess you were picked up at or near the Square (initially all those arrested are thrown in one place with no information available on them); make an alibi with your family as a kind of false lead in case you are arrested; don't use text messages; have a second email which you never use since they would force you to provide them with your email and password during the interrogation; since individuals arrested are taken to a room where pictures of protesters are hung on the wall, change your jacket immediately with other detainees so that you won't be recognized; even if you are beaten harder initially, don't confess to being a protester because your sentence will be much lighter in the end.
@The strategy as discussed by many protesters is to have a whistle in their pocket tomorrow and use it when Ahmadinejad begins his speech. Also if they were able to get inside the inner perimeters of the Square, (since they will be searched before entry) to get pictures of Khamenei and Ahmadinejad and turn it upside down in front of the international press people. That would be the safest thing to do given that the enclosed area will be swarmed with agents and basijis.
@ A relatively new anti-regime organization called the "Theological Students and Teachers of Qom and Najaf Seminaries" has issued a statement on the eve of the February 11 protests urging a massive turnout to counter the regime's propaganda. The statement reads in part: "If this despotic regime, despite all its bogus might and omnipotence and despite its profanation and misuse of Islam and Qoran, has not undertaken executions (of opponents), it has been for one and only one reason: the presence of your mojahid and God-fearing people which... has shown to the entire world that this regime which has hidden its true identity behind a mask of Islam, has lost all its legitimacy... It was this civil, temperate resistance of yours in full accord with your Islamic-Persian culture that is bringing us to the cusp of victory."


May 8, 2005
They did. According to the news, Karoubi was attacked with tear gas and forced out in Sadeghiyeh square. Mousavi was forced back into a building when he joined the street rally. Khatami's car was attacked by vigilants so he could not get out. Rahnavard is said to have been beaten badly.
Deerouz Jan, I know they did but very brifely and this is part that I don't understand.
They have tried to come out in pervious demonsrations and have faced the attack of the Basij and ... and therefore had to go back out of the public eye.
Why NOT plan something different today ?? Why not gather 1000-2000 ( which should be quite easy) young brave Iranian men and asked them to circle around them !! Why not make it hard to the Basijis to get to them in the first place !!

I don't know, maybe I am naive but I find it quite alarming that IR can so easily go in the heart of the opposition and have such an easy access to their leaders when ever they desired in these demonstrations.


Football Legend
Oct 19, 2002
People are still protesting in close areas of Evin and they pursue their protests tonight

Protests tonight: Aryashahr, Vali-Asr, Ferdowsi sq., nearby Evin prison, in front of IRIB


Bench Warmer
Dec 19, 2005
I think this time the government was over prepared

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XXL8hkhVTuA"]YouTube- ‫حضور بسیار گستردهٔ مزدوران در خیابان - Û²Û² بهمن‬‎[/ame]


Bench Warmer
Dec 19, 2005
[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q_sVUrDnnnc"]YouTube- ‫شنكنجه جنايت مرگ بر اين ولايت22بهمن88.wmv‬‎[/ame]