Iran would "slaughter" people in revolt - defecto


IPL Player
May 18, 2003

(Reuters) - An Iranian diplomat who defected last month said on Tuesday than Iran's leaders would rather "slaughter" their own people than surrender power to any popular revolt inspired by uprisings across the Arab world.

Ahmed Maleki, who was vice consul of Iran's consulate in Milan before fleeing to Paris with his family last month, is the latest in a string of officials to defect from the Islamic state and join a year-old opposition group called the Green Wave.

He said in an interview that Iranians had been inspired by images of popular revolt in North Africa but faced a regime far more brutal than those of Egypt, Tunisia or even Libya.

"In the course of the past 32 years the sole objective of the regime has been to retain power," he told Reuters at a prestigious hotel in Paris, speaking through an interpreter.

"They are willing to ... resort to whatever measure, including slaughter and bloodshed to the extreme in order to retain power."

Two people were killed and dozens arrested on Feb. 14 when thousands of opposition supporters in Tehran and other cities took to the streets in sympathy with uprisings that toppled the leaders of Egypt and Tunisia.

Iran's Islamist leaders, seeking to avoid a revival of mass rallies that erupted after 2009 elections, have warned that any illegal gatherings by the opposition would be confronted.
Maleki said many other Iranian diplomats and military officers shared his critical point of view on the Tehran government but were waiting for the right time to switch sides.

He said he had fought for his country for 77 months in the 1980-88 Iran-Iraq War.

Maleki joins a former Iranian consul to Norway, an air force officer and a general who have already defected to the Green Wave. It was founded in March 2010 by exiled Iranian businessman Amir Jahanchahi, who aims to disrupt Iran's vital energy sector to put pressure on Iranian leaders.
(Reporting by Nick Vinocur and Lucien Libert; editing by Mark Heinrich)


National Team Player
Aug 17, 2003
What a stupid title. "Iran" would slaughter people? What the f.. does that mean? The title is nonsensical. Then you read on and it tries to explain that by "Iran" the author means "Iran's leaders" and by "people" the author means the leaders' "own people". So does that mean that in case of a revolt the Iranian leaders would pick up guns and kill their own supporters? But of course not. We all know that's not what the author really means. What the author really means is that in case of a revolt the Iranian leaders would rather give orders to their Iranian supporters to kill their opposition rather than surrender power.

"In the course of the past 32 years the sole objective of the regime has been to retain power," as opposed to other regimes in the world who have sole objective of handing out their power to their opposition.


National Team Player
Oct 19, 2002
^ they need your support right about now, you should go back and help your beloved 'leaders' instead of writing paragraphs of utter nonsense.


May 8, 2005

No, as opposed to other regimes which their sole objection and their main goal is to work for the betterment of the country and their citizens and not build a dynasty of plunder, terror and rape BUT again, you know that and can tell the difference between the two and what the author really meant ;)


Bench Warmer
Nov 14, 2002
What a stupid title. "Iran" would slaughter people? What the f.. does that mean? The title is nonsensical. Then you read on and it tries to explain that by "Iran" the author means "Iran's leaders" and by "people" the author means the leaders' "own people". So does that mean that in case of a revolt the Iranian leaders would pick up guns and kill their own supporters? But of course not. We all know that's not what the author really means. What the author really means is that in case of a revolt the Iranian leaders would rather give orders to their Iranian supporters to kill their opposition rather than surrender power.

"In the course of the past 32 years the sole objective of the regime has been to retain power," as opposed to other regimes in the world who have sole objective of handing out their power to their opposition.

اولین نشانه سقوط دیکتاتور
اگر از من بپرسند چه راهی برای ارزیابی موقعیت یک فرد یا نهاد یا حکومت وجود دارد، راحتترین و ارزانترین راه را ارزیابی گفتار میدانم. هر فرد یا جنبش یا رژیمی پیش از آنکه در عمل سقوط کند یا ارتفاع گیرد، در گفتار سقوط کرده یا ارتفاع خواهد گرفت. گفتاری که صدر و ذیل آن متضاد و فاقد منطق روشن و پر از جملات بیسر و ته و حتی فاقد معنا برای مخاطب باشد و مملو از ادعاهای پوچ و دروغ، و به طور خلاصه آشفته و پریشان باشد، چنین گفتاری معرف آشفتگی و پریشانی عملی آن فرد یا نظام یا جنبش نیز هست. شبی که مبارک فردای آن سقوط کرد، منتظر شنیدن سخنان مبارک خطاب به مردم مصر بودم. گمان عمومی بر این بود که او استعفا خواهد داد. ولی وقتی که سخنانش تمام شد، تعجب کردم که چگونه میشود؛ یک نفر نزدیک به نیم قرن در سطح بالای نظامی و سیاسی این کشور فعالیت کرده باشد، و در میان مردم مصر زندگی کند، ولی متوجه نشود که این سخنان بیهوده است و نه تنها آبی به آتش خشم مردم نمی***ریزد، بلکه بنزینی است که بر این آتش افزوده میشود. چگونه او این را نمیفهمد؟ آشفتگی گفتار مبارک نشان از آشفتگی وضعیت او داشت و به همین دلیل هم علیرغم بیان قاطعش مبنی بر ماندن در قدرت، بیش از ۱۲ ساعت طول نکشید که او را سوار هلیکوپتر کردند و به جای امنی بردند و دستور دادند که استعفایش را معاونش بخواند
Aug 27, 2005
Band e 209
What a stupid title. "Iran" would slaughter people? What the f.. does that mean? The title is nonsensical. Then you read on and it tries to explain that by "Iran" the author means "Iran's leaders" and by "people" the author means the leaders' "own people". So does that mean that in case of a revolt the Iranian leaders would pick up guns and kill their own supporters? But of course not. We all know that's not what the author really means. What the author really means is that in case of a revolt the Iranian leaders would rather give orders to their Iranian supporters to kill their opposition rather than surrender power.
Well said.

"In the course of the past 32 years the sole objective of the regime has been to retain power," as opposed to other regimes in the world who have sole objective of handing out their power to their opposition.
The words government and power should never be used in a same sentence. Government is nothing but bunch of public servants who are elected for short period of time who have moral, ethical and legal responsibility for keeping their constituents safe, maintain the integrity of the nation and manage the way in which the society always progress fwd which guaranties a better life for future generations.


Bench Warmer
Nov 14, 2002
به جای نفت، نیروی امنیتی صادر کنید/ میرزا تقی خان
سرانجام بودجه سال 1390 کشور به ضمیمه مقادیری شوخ طبعی و خنده های دلنشین از طرف رئیس جمهور، تحویل مجلس
این بودجه به گفته آقای احمدی نژاد 45 درصد بیشتر از بودجه سالهای پیش است اما ایشان در مورد اینکه چه درآمد جدیدی پیدا شده که دولت توانسته است بودجه کشور را تا این حد افزایش دهد، چیزی نفرمودند.

خبرنگار ما که با یکی از کارشناسان بودجه شناس، مصاحبه می کرد، پرسید فکر می کنید چه منبع درآمدی کشف شده که دولت توانسته است بودجه مملکت را تا این حد افزایش دهد؟

ایشان به تقلید از آقای احمدی نژاد که هر سئوالی را با سئوال جدیدی پاسخ می دهند، از خبرنگار ما پرسید: فکر می کنی در تظاهرات خرداد 88 و بهمن و اسفند 89، در مقابل هر تظاهر کننده، چند تا موتورسوار و چند تا نیروی امنیتی صف کشیده بودند؟

خبرنگار ما در حالی که با انگشتان دست راستش پشت گوشش را می خاراند، و با انگشتان دست چپش مشغول جمع و تفریق بود، جواب داد خیلی زیاد بودند، اما چون مثل فرفره دور خودشان می چرخیدند و توی سر این و آن می زدند و بعد به سرعت گاز می دادند و می رفتند، نمی شد آنها را بشمری.

کارشناس مورد بحث جواب داد: حق داری. خیلی زیاد بودند و در حالی که به دوردست ها خیره شده بود، ادامه داد: سرزمین ما سرزمینی است زرخیز، و علاوه بر نفت و گاز، میلیونها نیروی سرکوبگر دارد که خودش ثروتی است. به فرض اینکه قیمت نفت پائین بیاید یا یک روزی نفت و گازمان تمام شود، می توانیم مقداری از این نیروی امنیتی صادر کنیم.

ما اینقدرنیروی امنیتی با تربیت (منظورش تربیت شده و دوره دیده بود!) داریم که نمی دانیم چکارشان کنیم. ما کسانی را داریم که می توانند دو دستی باتوم بزنند. یک تظاهر کننده را با دست چپ لت وپارکنند، و تظاهرکننده بعدی را با دست راست. چنین آدمهائی جواهرند وکشور ما از ین جواهرات! کم ندارد.

حالا که اوضاع دنیا قاراشمیش و شلوغ و پلوغ شده و اکثرکشورهای عربی و آفریقائی فیل شان یاد هندوستان کرده و آزادی و دموکراسی می خواهند، ما می توانیم نیروهای امنیتی زیادی خودمان را به این کشورها صادرکنیم و دلار بگیریم. وی سپس از خبرنگار ما پرسید می دانی دلار چیست؟ خبرنگار ما جواب داد آقای احمدی نژاد فرموده اند که ورق پاره بی ارزشی بیش نیست. کارشناس خندید و گفت ولی برای اداره مملکت به این ورق پاره ها نیاز داریم و تصورمی کنم 45 درصد اضافه بودجه کشور هم از محل صدور همین نیروها و دلارهائی که در مقابلش خواهیم گرفت تامین شود!

این کارشناس با لحنی شوخ، حق بجانب و خودمانی به خبرنگار ما گفت همیشه که نباید فوتبالیست های موفق را از فلان باشگاه خرید یا به فلان باشگاه فروخت؟ نیروهای امنیتی هم دل دارند و آنها را هم می شود به اینور و آنور دنیا صادرکرد


Elite Member
Dec 10, 2005
A small island west of Africa
"In the course of the past 32 years the sole objective of the regime has been to retain power," as opposed to other regimes in the world who have sole objective of handing out their power to their opposition.
چی میگی آقا؟ لازم نکرده اینها قدرت رو بدن به کسی دیگه. همین که به انتخابات خودشون احترام بذارن کافیه.

پنجاه درصد از کاندیدهای انتخابات سال گذشته تو زندانند و بیست و پنج درصدشون هم روزی سه بار باید بگه گه خوردم تا کاری بهش نداشته باشند.به این میگن انتخابات آزاد.دنیا باید الگو برداری کنه
May 21, 2003
Not The Eshaalic Goozpublic !
IR already slaughtering people.

one iranian life lost as important as a thousand. well at least the person killed is as important to his loved ones and to iranian people as the next person.

so since these scumbags are already killing the best fruit of this tree there would be no point to it other than a complete change to the way things are run in Iran
May 21, 2003
Not The Eshaalic Goozpublic !
What a stupid title. "Iran" would slaughter people? What the f.. does that mean? The title is nonsensical. Then you read on and it tries to explain that by "Iran" the author means "Iran's leaders" and by "people" the author means the leaders' "own people". So does that mean that in case of a revolt the Iranian leaders would pick up guns and kill their own supporters? But of course not. We all know that's not what the author really means. What the author really means is that in case of a revolt the Iranian leaders would rather give orders to their Iranian supporters to kill their opposition rather than surrender power.

"In the course of the past 32 years the sole objective of the regime has been to retain power," as opposed to other regimes in the world who have sole objective of handing out their power to their opposition.
it must be a comfort to have air between your ears how many QTIPS have you lost in there ?