National Team Player
Jan 26, 2004
I found this interesting article about one part in tazi name. Good read


مسلمانان معتقدند که تازينامه توسط جبرئیل بر محمد نازل شده و تا کنون دست نخورده باقی مانده است. بگذارید این حدیث را امتحان کنیم. در احادیث آمده است که شبی محمد سوار بر اسبی بالدار از مسجد الحرام به مسجد الاقصا(در اورشلیم) مسافرت کرده است. سپس از آنجا به آسمان هفتم میرود و به چشم خود بهشت و جهنم را می بیند و سپس به محضر خدا می رود. این داستان که معراج نام دارد علاوه بر اینکه در احادیث آمده است در تازينامه نیز تصدیق شده است.

آیه یک سوره اسرا می گوید: پاک و منزه است خدایی که شبی بنده اش را از مسجد الاحرام به مسجد الاقصا سیر داد. ما در اینجا قصد نداریم از پوچی اینچنین سفری صحبت کنیم. مضاف بر اینکه سفر به نزدیک ترین منظومه اگر با سرعت نور که سریع ترین سرعت در دنیاست انجام پذیرد درحدود 8 سال طول خواهد کشید. و اگر بخواهیم به دور دنیا با سرعت نور بگردیم 3 میلیارد سال طول خواهد کشید.یک چنین مسافرتی آن هم بر پشت یک اسب بالدار فقط خیال پردازی و افسانه است. با توجه به اینکه پرواز با بال فراتر از جو امکان پذیر نیست. اگر محمد سوار بر یک اسب بالدار توانسته است در شبی از مدینه به هفت آسمان و سپس جایگاه خدا سفر کند و در همان شب بازگردد بنابر این جایگاه خدا باید جایی نزدیک مدینه باشد.

من تعجب می کنم چرا تا حالا کسی به این مسئله فکر نکرده است. از طرفی مگر دروازه بهشت در مسجد الاقصا قرار دارد که محمد برای سفر خویش مجبور بود اول به مسجد الاقصا برود؟ چرا محمد برای رفتن به بهشت ابتدا باید به مسجد الاقصا می رفت؟

بزرگترین مشکلی که در این میان وجود دارد این است که مسجدالاقصا در اورشلیم چندین سال پس از مرگ محمد ساخته شده است.

وقتی عمر اورشلیم را تصرف کرد دستور داد در جایی که در گذشته معبد سلیمان بود نماز بگزارند. رومی ها در سده 70 پس از میلاد آن معبد را ویران کرده بودند.از آن به بعد هیچ کلیسا یا معبد و مسجدی در آن محل ساخته نشده بود. خلیفه مالک ابن مروان 72 سال پس از هجرت اولین کسی بود که دستور ساخت گنبد و بارگاه را در آن محل داد و مسجد الاقصا در قرن هفتم بر تپه ای که در گذشته معبد سلیمان بود ساخته شد. این موضوع در دایره المعارف اسلام به ثبت رسیده است(harper and row1 986 page 46 and 102).

منسوب است که حضرت محمد در سال 622 به معراج رفت اما در این سال اورشلیم به دست مسیحیان بود. هیچ مسلمانی آنجا نبود بنا بر این هیچ مسجدی نمی توانست آنجا ساخته شود. 53 سال پس از مرگ حضرت محمد بود که مسلمانان بر تپه ای که در گذشته معبد سلیمان بود مسجد الاقصا را ساختند. لذا این ظن بوجود می آید که شاید تازينامه نیز همانند انجیل سالها پس از بنیانگذارش ، جمع آوری و غنی سازی شده و قصه هایی از قبیل معراج به درون تازينامه راه یافته اند. هرکسی که آیه یک از سوره اسرا را نوشته ، از اینکه مسجد الاقصا در زمان محمد وجود نداشته غافل بوده است.

بنا بر این حضرت محمد نمی توانسته از محلی که وجود نداشته است به بهشت صعود کند. اشتباه بزرگی که اکثر مفسرین از جمله یوسفعلی می کنند این است که می گویند منظور از مسجد الاقصا محل مسجد الاقصا مورد نظر است نه مسجد الاقصای واقعی(آیا این عقلانی است که 52 سال پیش از ساختن یک مسجد بر روی آن اسم بگذارند. مترجم)

اما حدیثی در اینجاست که ثابت می کند منظور از مسجد الاقصا ، مسجد الاقصای واقعی است نه محل آن Sahih Bukhari, Volume 4, Book 55, Number 636:

ابوذر نقل می کند که: از پیامبر پرسیدم یا رسول الله کدام مسجد اول ساخته شده است. پیامبر گفت مسجد الاحرام سپس گفتم مسجد بعدی کدام است گفت مسجدالاقصا. گفتم فاصله بین ساختن این دو چند سال طول کشید . او در جواب پاسخ داد 40 سال. بعد در ادامه فرمود هر وقت که زمان نماز فرا رسید هر کجا هستی نماز بگزار زیرا همه زمین محلی برای عبادت توست.

مسلمانان برای توجیه این مسئله می گویند که مسجد به معنی سجده گاه است از این روست که محمد به معبد سلیمان مسجد گفته است. اگر بخواهیم این گفته را باور کنیم تمام کلیساها و کنشت ها و آتشکده های زرتشتیان مسجد هستند.

در زمان حضرت محمد مساجد زیادی ساخته شد که از اورشلیم هم دورتر بودند و با مکه و مدینه فاصله زیادی داشتند. بنا بر این مسجد الاقصا نمی تواند دورترین مسجد بوده باشد.

اشکال دیگری که از این گفته ها بر می آید این است که به گفته مسلمانان مسجد الحرام(کعبه) به دست ابراهیم در 2000 سال پیش از میلاد مسیح ساخته شده است در حالیکه مسجد الاقصا در سال951-985 ساخته شده تفاوت ساخت این دو مسجد تنها در حدود1040 سال می باشد. پیامبر مقدس فقط هزار سال اشتباه کرده است.

نوشته دکتر علی سینا

ترجمه ایراندخت
Oct 18, 2002
Here is the translatrion of that verse in Quran:

"Glory to (God) Who did take His servant for a Journey by night from the Sacred Mosque to the Farthest Mosque, whose precincts We did bless,- in order that We might show him some of Our Signs: for He is the One Who heareth and seeth (all things)."

I don't think "the farthest mosque" at the time refered to the current Al-Aqsa mosque. Most likely it implied "heaven". In fact the chronology of event is the other way around: Muslims probably decided to build the Al-Aqsa mosque in memory of their belief about Mohammad's pilgrimage to the heaven from Jerusalem.

So at least in case of his question of Quran's authenticty the author of that article (who is quite well known) hits the "Kaahdan". He has a habit of raising questions that he thinks are quite original (saying من تعجب می کنم چرا تا حالا کسی به این مسئله فکر نکرده است) , without checking what already exists in literature. I don't have tafseer Al-Mizan here but it would be good to check and see what's Tabatabaei's take on this issue.


National Team Player
Jan 26, 2004
Iam wondering how many mosques were built back then. Even if it was in a different city it would be impossible to travel there in just one night see everything and come back. From what I remember of the tasfir I think some claim its a flying horse and some claim its a fast mule. I cant remember anything else about the location of the moque. If anyone has tafsir or can link it I would be interested in reading it. I also know that in al aqsa mosque there is a hole going upwards that they claim thats where muhammad accended to the heavens. I also want to know when this ayeh came down were the muslims still praying towards jerusalem or gheble was changed to mecca?
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Oct 18, 2002
My friend of course the whole story is supposed to be a "miracle", so put it along the same stories such as Jesus walking on water or bringing dead to life. As Old Faraz says often here, Cinderella is a more intriguing story.

Nevertheless, I wanted to point out to you that contrary to what Ali Sina claims, this story does not dispute the authenticity of Quran (being written at the time of Mohammad, I mean). Ali Sina just has not done his homework.
Oct 1, 2004
deerouz said:
My friend of course the whole story is supposed to be a "miracle", so put it along the same stories such as Jesus walking on water or bringing dead to life. As Old Faraz says often here, Cinderella is a more intriguing story.

Nevertheless, I wanted to point out to you that contrary to what Ali Sina claims, this story does not dispute the authenticity of Quran (being written at the time of Mohammad, I mean). Ali Sina just has not done his homework.
When has he? I mean I don't believe this Ali Sina character even exists.
Oct 18, 2002
doctoraasho bezaareh damme koozeh aabesho bekhoreh..
ablah-e naadaan!

speaking of koozeh,,, when the holy Prophet was about to fly out of "Time and Space" at the Masjed Al aghsa, his abaa (robe) hit this koozeh (water jug) and the jug was about to hit the ground, ..
When he came back from Me'raaj, he grabbed the koozeh and stopped it from falling down and breaking!
now explain that !


Bench Warmer
Oct 1, 2005
meyti said:
doctoraasho bezaareh damme koozeh aabesho bekhoreh..
ablah-e naadaan!

speaking of koozeh,,, when the holy Prophet was about to fly out of "Time and Space" at the Masjed Al aghsa, his abaa (robe) hit this koozeh (water jug) and the jug was about to hit the ground, ..
When he came back from Me'raaj, he grabbed the koozeh and stopped it from falling down and breaking!
now explain that !

:music: looooooooooooooooooooooool i'm starting to like this haji guy! baba you should have become a comedian!!!!

Ba Sepaas


National Team Player
Jan 26, 2004
meyti said:
speaking of koozeh,,, when the holy Prophet was about to fly out of "Time and Space" at the Masjed Al aghsa, his abaa (robe) hit this koozeh (water jug) and the jug was about to hit the ground, ..
When he came back from Me'raaj, he grabbed the koozeh and stopped it from falling down and breaking!
now explain that !

well the question comes up what if muhamad would of fallen inside the koozeh. then he might disapear like aladins cheraghe jadoo or emame zaman on the buttom of a chah.

ps: Leberator I love your signature man. Great Piece


Bench Warmer
Oct 1, 2005
well the question comes up what if muhamad would of fallen inside the koozeh. then he might disapear like aladins cheraghe jadoo or emame zaman on the buttom of a chah.

ps: Leberator I love your signature man. Great Piece


Ba Sepaas
Feb 22, 2005
My friends are these stories are funny and interesting. The koozeh example by Meyti and other ones are just as funny and unbelievable as are god speaking to a person that calls himself prophet.

But seriously, god spoke to me last night. I am your new prophet. He said he deciced he needed to sent another prophet. People were so confused. So, please spread the news to every muslim out there. Here is the exact word "I am god of Jesus, Moses, Muhammnd, and Abraham. I am the creator of sun, and all things. You are my prophet. Tell my people that I send you to enlighten them on my existence. Take this new book, my people's good prophet."

So, obey the god's will, or you will all go to hell. Obey or his fire will burn you. God is most merciful and patience. Follow him or the pain upon you will be harsher than anything you have ever seen Sadam or Basijis inflict upon you.
Feb 22, 2005
My miracle happend a month ago. I brought 3 people back to life. I am your prophet. Cured 2 people that had diseases. That is my proof. If you can believe something that happend 1400 years ago, god will punish you for not bellieving his word now. If you dont bellieve, disease you will catch that will not be curable. You will loose your jobs and your children. You will burn in the fire of hell.
Oct 18, 2002
lordofmordor said:
My miracle happend a month ago. I brought 3 people back to life. I am your prophet. Cured 2 people that had diseases. That is my proof. If you can believe something that happend 1400 years ago, god will punish you for not bellieving his word now. If you dont bellieve, disease you will catch that will not be curable. You will loose your jobs and your children. You will burn in the fire of hell.
Nice try, but doesn't work. If you are starting up in the religion business, you should do your homework first.

Only the most hardworking and talented people advance in this business. The successful prophets either built a nation/empire to spread their message (Moses, Mohammad), or were princes (Buddha), or converted a powerful leader or emperor to spread their message (Zartosht, Jesus, Confucius). So if you don't want to fail like many other start ups in religion business, do either of the following things:

1) Buy an island or isolated piece of land and build your nation there undr your leadership
2) Come back with an army and we all will be following you!
3) Show your miracle to a couple of powerful people to convert them. I suggest you talk to Karl Rove.
Feb 22, 2005
Deerouz, that is great. I need an Ali in my religion. You would be perfect one. Want the job? In 1400 years from now, people will die for you the sender by god.
Oct 18, 2002
Thanks for the offer, but I don't work for a competitor. We have a position open for a Hazrat-e Abbas if you want to apply. But there are some fine print in the job requirements; for instance our health benefits for that position do not cover hands.
Last edited:
Aug 27, 2005
Band e 209
deerouz said:
My friend of course the whole story is supposed to be a "miracle", so put it along the same stories such as Jesus walking on water or bringing dead to life. As Old Faraz says often here, Cinderella is a more intriguing story.

Nevertheless, I wanted to point out to you that contrary to what Ali Sina claims, this story does not dispute the authenticity of Quran (being written at the time of Mohammad, I mean). Ali Sina just has not done his homework.
Deerouz jaan.
I see a little contradiction when the word Me'raaj comes to mind. Prophet Mohammad gained termendous amount of admiration from his followers in short time when he intentionally tried to stay away from superstitious activities of past Messengers, as you mentioned walking on the water, splitting Red Sea or healing crippled by sweeping hand on their head. Prophet of Islaam was more tilted toward reasoning and understanding to proov his legitimacy than performing a Miracle. Meeraj clearly is a Miracle and it has much more significance than Moses transforming his Cane to a Snake.
Why did Prophet had to physically travel such a mind boggling distance when Islamic doctrine claims and every body accepts (religious ppl I mean) that GOD IS EVERY WHERE?
He didn't have to physically move at all in order to be in presence of God. I personally would have more respect for him if he could of refrained from splitting the Moon and performing the Me'raaj.
Not an argument, just what comes to my simple mind.


Bench Warmer
Oct 1, 2005
God sent me to make you savages into human beings. Accept me or face death and hellfire! :gun:
Ya Meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!


Ba Sepaas