Koch brother, the main financier behind the Tea Party, made secret deals with Iran


Elite Member
Jun 14, 2005
Well that must hurt our ultra nationalist-ultra capitalist US-fraction but they are not gonna admit it. This is very similar to 4 paaiyaans kind of veghaahat. The fact that their beloved US is after all the main reason why these mullahs are still in charge is actually not to deny but they still try to deny it because otherwise, they would have to answer some questions that are incapable of answering: They would have to explain why they love the US system and government and talk about the love to Iran at same time? Why do they love the US and hate the mullahs then? sareshoono kardan zire aab, moratab daaran be hame barchasbe marxisto leninist mizanan vali vaagheyat ine ke inaa too keshvari zendegi mikonan, systemi ro azash hemaayat mikonan ke baaeso baaniye badbakhtiye Iran boode o hast. irane ahooraaishoon ke vaasash sine chaak mikonan o soroodaaye nationalisti vaasash sar midan. Yeserishoon hattaa shah parastan ke in dige mishe noore alaa noor lol chon baayad az ye taraf az US system defaa konan az oonvar az in vaagheyat cheshm pooshi konan ke hamoon US administration bood ke shaaheshoono dak kard Mollaah haaro aavord sare kaar. hehe...this is why they dont even dare to go deep into any kind of discussion regarding this matter and stick to branding anyone else "leftist", "virtual occupiers"..che midoonam, "marxist", "stalinist"...lol
Feb 22, 2005
Funny thing is tea party people are so ignorant, they dont even know they are being used and who their leaders are. They think they are serving their own interest, the blue class, whereas they are pawn slaves and being used by the very wealthy.
Feb 22, 2005
There is enough info to show Koch did create and backroll the Tea Party. But I am comfortable if you feel like Soros should be connected to MoveOn. Soros's support here ends in empowerment of others. Koch's support ends up in empowerment of the brothers (more money into their Billion dollars pockets)

So the tea party vs. moveon is essentially Koch vs. Soros, right? :)
Oct 18, 2002
There is enough info to show Koch did create and backroll the Tea Party. But I am comfortable if you feel like Soros should be connected to MoveOn. Soros's support here ends in empowerment of others. Koch's support ends up in empowerment of the brothers (more money into their Billion dollars pockets)
Lord jan, this is the problem with ideologists. They are unable to comprehend that the other side may also believe in their principles as the way to benefit the mankind. The interesting point is that while the left/right ideological conflict is no longer class-based (you can find more rich/upper class folks on the left side than right), but both sides still cloak their work as struggle of small people against big powers. The left frame their ideology as the fight of ordinary man against big corporations, while the right frame theirs as the fight of ordinary man against the globalist cabals of power. And one who is free from such ideologies, can look at it from outside to see that both views are two sides of one coin. This is not a fight of good vs evil. Just two viewpoints, each with their own benefits and shortcomings, each offering the right solutions for some problems.


Football Legend
Sep 29, 2005
Koch brother, the main financier behind the Tea Party, made secret deals with Iran

خوب ، آقایون ( و اون زنیکه ی لکاته سارا هر چی) از حزب ِ چایی هستند.فکر کردند که چرا با ایرانی ها حال نکنیم ؟ اون ها هم اهل ِ چایی هستند
یک وجه ِ مشترک ِ قوی هم بین ِ حزب الله و حزب ِ چایی وجود داره ، هر دوتاشون یک گوه هستند

یاد ِ اون جوک ِ قدیمی افتادم که بعد از اومدن ِ اون شارلاتان ِ گور به گور شده خمینی باب شده بود

آیت الله منتظری با ماشین از توی خیابون رَد می شد.دید یک صف ِ دراز جلوی ِ بقالی درست شده.از راننده پرسید این صف واسه چی است ؟ راننده گفت این صف مال ِ دریاست (دریا یک جور پودر ِ رختشویی است) منتظری پرسید حالا این دریا چی چی است ؟ راننده جواب داد این هم یک گوهی مثل ِ شوماست

توضیح : شوما هم مثل ِ دریا یک جور پودر ِ رختشویی است
Feb 22, 2005
1. I agree that the up/downs, good/bad, god/evil are the extremes of the same coin as Easter philosophy explains. As such, the action of Koch brothers could be said to benefit their own pockets and serve their selves, as so is the action of Warren Buffet which could be to self his own self. It is always about one's self whatever their reason might be.
2. However, the effect of their actions is interesting to discuss. The effect of Koch brother's actions through Tea party results in a very small percentage of super rich getting way richer. Stopping any regulations on credit card companies, lobbying, oil subsidies, lower taxes on the wealthy, etc. with results many loosing their homes, paying very high credit card fees because were late, no health insurance for millions, putting money into other industries that can help transform the country but stopped through lobbying by car, oil and competitors.

The action of Warren Buffet ends up in less money in his own pocket that could be used to pay debt, etc.

3. Do you really believe getting rid of the taxes on the wealthy, getting rid of all regulations (especially financial ones), and not putting out money to help unemployed is the way to save the country. Seems like the very wealthy will get more of the pie with bigger mansions, the middle class will continue to decline and the poor become poorer.

Lord jan, this is the problem with ideologists. They are unable to comprehend that the other side may also believe in their principles as the way to benefit the mankind. The interesting point is that while the left/right ideological conflict is no longer class-based (you can find more rich/upper class folks on the left side than right), but both sides still cloak their work as struggle of small people against big powers. The left frame their ideology as the fight of ordinary man against big corporations, while the right frame theirs as the fight of ordinary man against the globalist cabals of power. And one who is free from such ideologies, can look at it from outside to see that both views are two sides of one coin. This is not a fight of good vs evil. Just two viewpoints, each with their own benefits and shortcomings, each offering the right solutions for some problems.