Shapour Bakhtiar on Iran Iraq war

Zob Ahan

Elite Member
Feb 4, 2005
Speaking of shadravan Bakhtiar it is the anniversary of ghiaame Nojeh:

دوشنبه ۱۷ تیر ۱۳۹۲ ه***.ش.

۱۸ تیر، سالگرد قیام نوژه- اسامی نظامیان و غیر نظامیان جانباخته

نام 240 تن ازجانباختگان قیام 18 تیرماه 1359


سپھبد سعید مھدیون-سرتیپ خلبان آیت محققی-سرھنگ ھادی ایزدی- سرھنگ خلبان

داریوش جلالی- سرھنگ چتربازمحمد رضا نادری سرھنگ شھربانی غلامعلی وارسته پور-

سرھنگ خسرو زرینه-سرھنگ خلیفه سلطانی- سرھنگ منوچھر صادقی- سرھنگ

شھربانی سعیدامیری-سرھنگ حسین مصطفوی قزوینی- سرھنگ علی فاریا-سرھنگ

احمدآزموده-سرھنگ نادر وحدتی پور. سرگرد خلبان فرخزاد جھانگیری-سرگردکورش

آذرتاش-سرگرد ایرج خلف بیگی-سرگردمحمدھاشم صبوحی مقدم-سرگردحسن گوھری

سرگرد چتربازمحسن جلالی قاجار-سرگردسیروس ستوده- سرگردمحمدحسین عزیزیان-سرگردبھمن پرتوی- سرگرد کاووس علیزاده.

سروان خلبان ناصرزرندی- سروان سیروس دھقان- سروان فضل لله رئیسی سروان

محمدبراتی-سروان خلبان علی اصغرسلیمانی- سروان خلبان محمد بھروزفرد-سروان

اسماعیل اصغری-سروان نورلله نجف نژاد- سروان غلامرضا ثابتی آزاد-سروان خلبان علی شفیق-سروان خلبان امیدعلی بو یری- سروان خلبان کریم افروز- سروان ھوا ئی ھرمززمان پور- سروان خلبان محمدملک- سروان علی حیدر آریانا-

سروان ھوائی بیژن ایران نژاد.

ستوان خلبان ناصررکنی- ستوان چتر باز فیروزآذریان- ستوان ا براھیم محمد نظری-ستوان یکم خلبان محمد مھدی عظیمی فر-ستوان محمد تاجداری –ستوانیارسیاوش پورفھمیدی-ستوانیار شکرلله احمدی-ستوانیار منوچھر رھبری نژاد-ستوان یکم خلبان یحیی نجات- ستوانیارمحمدرضاقربان نجف آ بادی-ستوانیار محرمعلی زاھدی- ستوان ناصرمروتی- ستوان دوم جعفرراستگو- ستوان دوم محمدرضاجوادی- ستوانیار چتربازفریدون جواھرنیا- ستوانیارحسین ھالکی- سروانیار اصغرالماسی.

استواریکم چتربازمجتبی مرادی- استوارمنصورساجدی- استوار ناصر ساجدی استوارایرج درخشنده- استوارعلی کمپانی- استوار علیپور کرباسی- استوار محمدحسین فرنژاد- استواریکم محمدعلی مھرابی- استواریار رسول یحیی پسند استوارایرج مرودشتی- استوارعلی اکبر عیوض زادی-استوارمحمدعلی فرزام استوارحسن کاظمی- استوار ابراھیم جوادزاده- استوارقاسم نقیب زاده استوارخلیل عطری- استوار غلامحسین قایق ور- استوار جھانگیرفاتح پیروز- استوارحسن کریم پور تاری-استوار حبیب لله احمدی-استوارمحسن عسگریان-استوار چتر باز غلامحسین ھمدانی- استوارمنوچھرفتاحی نوده ای- استوار جمشید رنجبر-

استوارمحمدتقی خاتون آبادی- استوارعنایت لله آزاد یگانه.

گروھبان منصورکثیرلو-درجه دارمیرلکی-ھمافرجعفرمظاھری کاشانی گروھبان ھوائی بخشعلی کریمیان- درجه دارجھانبخش فاتح جو- گروھبان یکم محمدحکیم آبادچی- درجه دارمحمدعا بدینی مقدم - درجه دارمحمدرسول ابریشمی گروھبان مرتضی فرح پور- گروھبان یکم سیاوش نوروزی - سربازعلی دریائی درجه دارمصطفی حجازی- درجه داراحمد محمدی- ھمافریوسف پوررضائی درجه دارخلیل خبازھاشمی- گروھبان یکم چترباز علی سعادتی.


ذبیح لله مومنی (دانشجو)- محمد ده پھلوان (پزشکیار)- مریم حجازی (کارمندنیروی زمینی)- جلیل سلطانی- محمدھارونی- عبدمحمد ھارونی –سیاوش مومزائی-علی رحم صالحی- امیدوارآتش پرور- کمال سامع- رحمان مجاورصوفی- خلیل درویش- محمدکریم رکنی والا- ابراھیم ستوده-منوچھرکریمی- سیاوش ھمتی- اصغرلله وردی- ابراھیم کریمی- حسین کریمی- ابراھیم بیگلری- جمشید شمالی- مرتضی سوھانکی- بانو ( بی بی نیکبخت 67 ساله مادرستوان ھوائی ناصررکنی)- جعفرھمتی-

May 9, 2004
به نظر من بختیار از ان خائنی که راه را به اسکندر نشان داد تا سپاهیان اریو برزن را دور بزند وغافلگیر کند بدتر است
زیرا ان خائن را شاید گرفته اند و اورده اند پیش اسکندر و ترسیده یا پاداش خواسته و اینکار را کرده
ولی ادم با پای خودش بره پیش عربی که به قول عدنان ابراهیم وزیر جنگش
اگر خدا ایرانی و پشه را نیافریده بود دنیا خیلی بهتر بود
برود پیش یک چنین شخصی و بخاطر حالا هرچیزی
برود و پشتیبانی او را بگیرد و نقشه های ارتشی و مهم را با کمک اویسی دو دستی تقدیم صدام کند ؟
چرا تعصب دارید ؟
اگر بختیار در یک جایی کار خوبی کرد میگوییم دمش گرم کار خوبی کرد افرین
ولی اگر درجای دیگری اشتباه کرد باید گفت که اشتباه کرده
نه اینکه از اشتباهش چشم پوشی کنیم
ان هم یک اشتباهی به بزرگی تمام مرزهای ایران
به بلندی فریاد هزاران شهیدی که در خون غلتیدند و به پلیدی دشمن ما که صدام بود
خوب این بختیار چرا نباید ازش انتقاد کرد ؟
مردک رفته دو سال زیر خایه صدام رو مالیده که بیا برای من یک جایی تو ایران باز کن نوکرت میشم

Jun 9, 2004
We can also look at it another way Abedzadeh jaan:

Confused - He took on the premiership when he knew the odds of success are slim, but made those odds even more slim by dissolving the country's entire security apparatus, freeing the very people that were threatening the security of the country while trying to accommodate, if not suck up to their leader!

Un-insightful - He knew exactly what was to come - something his National front colleagues didn't! If he knew what was to come, he would have focused on uniting the secular forces of the country (i.e. the National Front) rather than grabbing power on his own and at the expense of everything that he and his colleagues had worked for. He fractured the National Front, he fractured SAVAK and he fractured the military - our only saving grace at the time and in lieu of the deteriorating security conditions - by removing them from the streets and cancelling a $7 billion USD arms deal! He also failed to get people to rally behind him. At what point would you have considered him uninsightful? If he let Khomeini land in Mehrabad after he had called his government illegitimate?! ;)

Slow to act - what could he have done? He released all political prisoners, freed the press and dissolved Savak's security apparatus. What else did people want? I hope you are not suggesting he should've done the opposite. Of course he should have done the opposite! You free the very baboons that are threatening the security of the country, demolish the very organization that put them there and remove the very people that were holding the country together (i.e. the army) from the streets. What exactly was he expecting, that Khomeini Et. At. would hand him a flower and say we love you?!!!


Elite Member
Dec 10, 2005
A small island west of Africa
Bakhtiar was neither a hero nor a traitor IMHO. He was just another confused, un-insightful, slow-to-act individual from the same generation that screwed everything for younger generations for decades to come. Really, someone in that position should have had a lot more insight and knowledge at the time - rather than just hindsight after the fact - on how to deal with issues than an average guy on the street did back then and way less than an average guy on the street does today.
Behrou jan, I think you are being slightly unfair to Bakhtiar. Of all the so called "roshanfekr" personalities we had at the time, Bakhtiar was the only one who figured out exactly what Khomeini is all about. He said so when he was prime minister, before Khomeini's arrival. He warned that Khomeini was going to take Iran backwards. There is an interview with him a few days after Shah had left which I urge you to watch. He knew and he tried very hard. He gave people an option, a clear option. But people wanted Khomeini and said so quite frankly. Blame the people's ignorance, not Bakhtiar. Nothing new there.


Elite Member
Dec 10, 2005
A small island west of Africa
به نظر من بختیار از ان خائنی که راه را به اسکندر نشان داد تا سپاهیان اریو برزن را دور بزند وغافلگیر کند بدتر است
زیرا ان خائن را شاید گرفته اند و اورده اند پیش اسکندر و ترسیده یا پاداش خواسته و اینکار را کرده
ولی ادم با پای خودش بره پیش عربی که به قول عدنان ابراهیم وزیر جنگش
اگر خدا ایرانی و پشه را نیافریده بود دنیا خیلی بهتر بود
برود پیش یک چنین شخصی و بخاطر حالا هرچیزی
برود و پشتیبانی او را بگیرد و نقشه های ارتشی و مهم را با کمک اویسی دو دستی تقدیم صدام کند ؟
چرا تعصب دارید ؟
اگر بختیار در یک جایی کار خوبی کرد میگوییم دمش گرم کار خوبی کرد افرین
ولی اگر درجای دیگری اشتباه کرد باید گفت که اشتباه کرده
نه اینکه از اشتباهش چشم پوشی کنیم
ان هم یک اشتباهی به بزرگی تمام مرزهای ایران
به بلندی فریاد هزاران شهیدی که در خون غلتیدند و به پلیدی دشمن ما که صدام بود
خوب این بختیار چرا نباید ازش انتقاد کرد ؟
مردک رفته دو سال زیر خایه صدام رو مالیده که بیا برای من یک جایی تو ایران باز کن نوکرت میشم

مشنگ، باز تو امدی دری وری تحویل میدی؟

نگفتی از ارتش آزادیبخش ایران در اسرائیل چه خبر؟ همون ژنرالی که تو اسمش رو میزنی مگر نبود که می***خواست از اسرائیل بیاد ایران رو اشغال کنه؟ حالا بگیم حرفت رو باور کردیم و خودت نبودی. دیگه بختیار از پارسیان که خیانت کار نبود.

بدبخت الدنگ
May 12, 2007
Behrou jan, I think you are being slightly unfair to Bakhtiar. Of all the so called "roshanfekr" personalities we had at the time, Bakhtiar was the only one who figured out exactly what Khomeini is all about. He said so when he was prime minister, before Khomeini's arrival. He warned that Khomeini was going to take Iran backwards. There is an interview with him a few days after Shah had left which I urge you to watch. He knew and he tried very hard. He gave people an option, a clear option. But people wanted Khomeini and said so quite frankly. Blame the people's ignorance, not Bakhtiar. Nothing new there.
First of all I want to see that interview. Where can I see it? second After so much bloodshed in streets and the anger of people do you expect people to believe it? If I remember right many iranian generalls disobeyed Bakhtyar publicly then you should ask yourself how did he expect to have success.
Jun 9, 2004
Behrou jan, I think you are being slightly unfair to Bakhtiar. Of all the so called "roshanfekr" personalities we had at the time, Bakhtiar was the only one who figured out exactly what Khomeini is all about. He said so when he was prime minister, before Khomeini's arrival. He warned that Khomeini was going to take Iran backwards. There is an interview with him a few days after Shah had left which I urge you to watch. He knew and he tried very hard. He gave people an option, a clear option. But people wanted Khomeini and said so quite frankly. Blame the people's ignorance, not Bakhtiar. Nothing new there.
Behrooz jaan, you just posted an interview in which he sucks up to Khomeini in the highest way possible and says he is can come back to the country any time and he would be welcome! Why do you think I'm being unfair by calling him confused and un-insightful?! He actually sounds pretty delusional in this interview, thinking that Khomeini's going to present his plan to him and he's going to approve it!!! If you can post me an interview in which he tells the people what Khomeini was about to do and tries to get people to rally behind him, but the people don't heed his calls, then we can say the people were ignorant.
May 12, 2007
"Bakhtiar was the only one who figured out exactly what Khomeini is all about."
Where did you see this? Do you see all those garves? Do you expect people to
support Bakhtyar from what he says or does?

Zob Ahan

Elite Member
Feb 4, 2005
GP if Bakhtiar was a traitor & was in bed with Saddam why did IR fear him? Why cut his head off when they could have just exposed him like Masoud Rajavi. They knew he could have become popular as he was the only one with no skeletons in the closet. The guy was respected by left & right. He was a freedom fighter before some of these mofos could even spell enghelab. He was from a respected family (His dad and uncle were both freedom fighters). His past was squeaky clean as far as financials go (I know one of his sons and "hashtesh gero noheshe". Why do you think the Shah had him as 2nd choice on a long list? In hindsight Gholamhosein Sedighi was a bit smarter to put a condition for the Shah not to leave. If the Shah would have stayed or had replaced himself with Reza things might have turned out differently.
May 9, 2004

مشنگ، باز تو امدی دری وری تحویل میدی؟

نگفتی از ارتش آزادیبخش ایران در اسرائیل چه خبر؟ همون ژنرالی که تو اسمش رو میزنی مگر نبود که می***خواست از اسرائیل بیاد ایران رو اشغال کنه؟ حالا بگیم حرفت رو باور کردیم و خودت نبودی. دیگه بختیار از پارسیان که خیانت کار نبود.

بدبخت الدنگ
چرا توهین می کنید؟
اگر بختیار کارهای خوبی داشته ایا این باعث می شود که از کارهای بدی که کرده چشم پوشی کنیم ؟
چون تو از بختیار خوشت می اید می بایستی خیانت او به مملکت را نادیده گرفت؟
ان هم خیانتی که در زمان جنگ کرد ان زمانی که سربازان عراقی قسمتی از خاک مملکت را گرفته بودند بختیار بجای اینکه بخاطر وطنش مبارزه کند
دستش را گذاشت در دست دشمن قسم خورده ایران
رفت توی عراق و رادیو زد و بیست و چهار ساعته سربازان ایرانی را به تسلیم شدن و ول کردن جبهه تشویق میکرد
فکر میکردی اگر خدایی نکرده سربازان و ارتش حرف او را گوش می دادند چه میشد ؟
بجز اینکه قسمتی از سرزمین ما دست اعراب می افتاد ؟
شما می گویید اعراب هزار و چهارصد سال پیش به ما حمله کردند
خوب سی سال پیش هم به ما حمله کردند و همین بختیار طرف اعراب را گرفت
بگو نگرفت
رفت دستش را گذاشت توی دست اعراب برایشان بادمجان دور قاب چید
رادیو زد بر علیه ایران
همان موقع رضا پهلوی هم که پدرش رو از ایران کرده بودند بیرون ان همه فحشش می دادند امد و گفت من حاضرم بخاطر ایران بجنگم
چرا بختیار رفت عراق و اویسی رفت عراق و نقشه های مهم ارتشی را دو دسته تقدیم صدام کرد
این خیانت نیست
به این نمی گویند خائن ؟
چرا حرف ناحق میزنی
بختیار اگر با شرف ترین انسان ایرانی تا قبل از ان تاریخ بود بعد از ان تاریخ شد بی شرف ترین ایرانی
کسی که به وطن خودش حالا حتی بخاطر هر ارمانی باشد خیانت کند بجز ان است که یک خائن محسوب میشود
درست مثل مسعود رجوی
حداقل رجوی جایی نداشت افرادش بالقوه رفتند عراق
ولی چرا بختیار از پاریس بلند میکند و می اید عراق و دست در دست صدام میگذارد در زمانی که صدام شهرهای ایران را بمباران میکند و روزانه دها ایرانی را میکشد و انها را فرس مجوس یعنی ایرانیان اتش پرست لقب میدهد
دفاع کردن از بختیار درست نیست
May 9, 2004
GP if Bakhtiar was a traitor & was in bed with Saddam why did IR fear him? Why cut his head off when they could have just exposed him like Masoud Rajavi. They knew he could have become popular as he was the only one with no skeletons in the closet. The guy was respected by left & right. He was a freedom fighter before some of these mofos could even spell enghelab. He was from a respected family (His dad and uncle were both freedom fighters). His past was squeaky clean as far as financials go (I know one of his sons and "hashtesh gero noheshe". Why do you think the Shah had him as 2nd choice on a long list? In hindsight Gholamhosein Sedighi was a bit smarter to put a condition for the Shah not to leave. If the Shah would have stayed or had replaced himself with Reza things might have turned out differently.
من نمی گویم بختیار برای رژیم خطرناک نبود
خیلی هم خطرناک بود
و سعی میکرد که در ایران یک حکومت سکولار هم برگذار کند اینها را قبول دارم
ولی ان کار بختیار اصلا صحیح نبود که برود عراق و طرفداری صدام را بگیرد
اگر بختیار در ان زمان حمله صدام را محکوم می کرد شاید در ایران طرفداران زیادی پیدا میکرد شاید کم کم کاری پیش می رفت
ولی بروی در زمانی که سربازان عراقی به مملکتت حمله کرده اند و خاک کشورت را اشغال کرده اند دستت را بگذاری در دست صدام و رادیو بزنی توی بغداد و هر روز از پیشرفت ارتش عراق در خوزستان خبر بدهی کار اشتباهی است یک حیانت است
برو مصاحبه وزیر دربار عراق را با کانال الجزیره را نگاه کن که ان وزیر دربار عراق که در جلسه بختیار و اویسی با صدام بوده در اینمورد چه میگوید
برای من به هیچ وجهی این قابل قبول نیست که یک ایرانی برود عراق و طرفداری از صدامی بگیرد که دستش به خون ایرانی ها اغشته است و قسمتهایی از خاک مملکت را تصرف کرده
رضا پهلوی همان زمان امد و گفت اگر رژیم ایران قبول کند من حاضرم مثل یک خلبان ایرانی در این جنگ شرکت کنم
فرق رضا پهلوی با بختیار چیست اینجا
یک ولیعهدی که رژیم پدرش را بیرون کرده و ان همه تهمت به او زده اند می ایدو می گوید من حاضرم برای وطنم بجنگم
ولی بختیار چی؟
رفت و رادیو زد از امرای ارتش ایران که فرار کرده بودند کمک می خواهد که به صدام کمک کنند و نقشه های مهم ارتشی را در اختیار او بگذارند
این کار بسیار بسیار زشتی بود
حق بوسیله اشخاص شناخته نمی شود
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Elite Member
Dec 10, 2005
A small island west of Africa
Behrooz jaan, you just posted an interview in which he sucks up to Khomeini in the highest way possible and says he is can come back to the country any time and he would be welcome! Why do you think I'm being unfair by calling him confused and un-insightful?! He actually sounds pretty delusional in this interview, thinking that Khomeini's going to present his plan to him and he's going to approve it!!! If you can post me an interview in which he tells the people what Khomeini was about to do and tries to get people to rally behind him, but the people don't heed his calls, then we can say the people were ignorant.
Behrou jan, all he was saying is that Khomeini can come back as an Iranian as all other Iranians but not as a political leader. I couldn't find the interview I saw a while ago in which he accuses Khomeini of trying to take Iran back centuries. I will post it when I do.

چرا توهین می کنید؟
عوضی. اول بگو از جنرال پارسیان و حمله ارتش آزادیبخش در اسرائیل به ایران چه خبر. بگو چرا اسم چنین آدمیرو انتخاب کردی؟ خائن .

بختیار هیچ خیانتی به ایران نکرد. تو عرب زده خائن هستی که دروغ های یک عراقی رو باور کردی
Jan 23, 2003
GP if Bakhtiar was a traitor & was in bed with Saddam why did IR fear him? Why cut his head off when they could have just exposed him like Masoud Rajavi. They knew he could have become popular as he was the only one with no skeletons in the closet. The guy was respected by left & right. He was a freedom fighter before some of these mofos could even spell enghelab. He was from a respected family (His dad and uncle were both freedom fighters). His past was squeaky clean as far as financials go (I know one of his sons and "hashtesh gero noheshe". Why do you think the Shah had him as 2nd choice on a long list? In hindsight Gholamhosein Sedighi was a bit smarter to put a condition for the Shah not to leave. If the Shah would have stayed or had replaced himself with Reza things might have turned out differently.
Exactly. He spent his younger years fighting Franco and Hitler where in reality he had no business nor was it in his interest - hardly the characteristics of an opportunist traitor who would go to bed with Saddam Hussein!

He had the political maturity to try to save and reform the Pahlavi regime that had imprisoned him multiple times and executed his father because he knew exactly what was to come. Someone in his situation could easily have become vengeful and joined the revolution instead.
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Jan 23, 2003
We can also look at it another way Abedzadeh jaan:

Confused - He took on the premiership when he knew the odds of success are slim, but made those odds even more slim by dissolving the country's entire security apparatus, freeing the very people that were threatening the security of the country while trying to accommodate, if not suck up to their leader!

Un-insightful - He knew exactly what was to come - something his National front colleagues didn't! If he knew what was to come, he would have focused on uniting the secular forces of the country (i.e. the National Front) rather than grabbing power on his own and at the expense of everything that he and his colleagues had worked for. He fractured the National Front, he fractured SAVAK and he fractured the military - our only saving grace at the time and in lieu of the deteriorating security conditions - by removing them from the streets and cancelling a $7 billion USD arms deal! He also failed to get people to rally behind him. At what point would you have considered him uninsightful? If he let Khomeini land in Mehrabad after he had called his government illegitimate?! ;)

Slow to act - what could he have done? He released all political prisoners, freed the press and dissolved Savak's security apparatus. What else did people want? I hope you are not suggesting he should've done the opposite. Of course he should have done the opposite! You free the very baboons that are threatening the security of the country, demolish the very organization that put them there and remove the very people that were holding the country together (i.e. the army) from the streets. What exactly was he expecting, that Khomeini Et. At. would hand him a flower and say we love you?!!!
Weren't the strategies you are suggesting practiced before Bakhtiar took over? And they just added fuel to the revolution.

Yes Bakhtiar didn't succeed the averting the disaster but he did expose Khoemini and his supporters but unfortunately it was too late and the people didn't buy it (or didn't want to rather)
Jan 23, 2003
Am sure you guys have watched this video on Bakhtiar produced my Manoto TV 2 years ago (on the 20th Anniversary of his murder). If you haven't its well worth the watch:

Feb 22, 2005
It is still not clear who allowed Khomenie to land. The military blamed it on Bakhtiar and Baktiar blames it on military. What is clear is without Shah, the military was in disarray. How I wish time could be reversed and one would tell Shah not to leave the country. How one wishes it was possible to go back and have Shah execute SOB khominie, Rafsanjani and the political mF***ers akhoonds back then.

Question is what percentage of Iranians will continue to practice the disease backward Islam and become a sheep to the akhoonds.

We can also look at it another way Abedzadeh jaan:

Confused - He took on the premiership when he knew the odds of success are slim, but made those odds even more slim by dissolving the country's entire security apparatus, freeing the very people that were threatening the security of the country while trying to accommodate, if not suck up to their leader!

Un-insightful - He knew exactly what was to come - something his National front colleagues didn't! If he knew what was to come, he would have focused on uniting the secular forces of the country (i.e. the National Front) rather than grabbing power on his own and at the expense of everything that he and his colleagues had worked for. He fractured the National Front, he fractured SAVAK and he fractured the military - our only saving grace at the time and in lieu of the deteriorating security conditions - by removing them from the streets and cancelling a $7 billion USD arms deal! He also failed to get people to rally behind him. At what point would you have considered him uninsightful? If he let Khomeini land in Mehrabad after he had called his government illegitimate?! ;)

Slow to act - what could he have done? He released all political prisoners, freed the press and dissolved Savak's security apparatus. What else did people want? I hope you are not suggesting he should've done the opposite. Of course he should have done the opposite! You free the very baboons that are threatening the security of the country, demolish the very organization that put them there and remove the very people that were holding the country together (i.e. the army) from the streets. What exactly was he expecting, that Khomeini Et. At. would hand him a flower and say we love you?!!!
May 9, 2004
I always wondered why you like him so much. Now I know why.
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