Some serious demonstration in Mashhahd and other cities

Zob Ahan

Elite Member
Feb 4, 2005
Yeah man, i have been living here for over 20 years, and I have never seen sooooo many Pro-regime people ... TONS AND TONS of them, and they all have houses well over 2-3 millions dollars and high end cars. very sad ...

I dont want to sound pessimistic, but i don't think this movement is going anywhere, and my main reason is, there is no LEADER behind it...
When I went to Vancouver in the middle of the day on a week day there were so many Iranians in coffee shops. You could tell by their styles they were newcomers with no jobs and just "tazeh be doroon resideh" with some no money. They are the sons and daughters of IR's hot shots.
May 21, 2003
Not The Eshaalic Goozpublic !
When I went to Vancouver in the middle of the day on a week day there were so many Iranians in coffee shops. You could tell by their styles they were newcomers with no jobs and just "tazeh be doroon resideh" with some no money. They are the sons and daughters of IR's hot shots.
and one thing that surprised me that none of them was at work. i was there during the week and during the day taking care of my friend who has cancer so we were out and about going to clinics and hospitals during business hours and these creatures were just walking around in the street doing nothing.

passed by a really cheap looking chelo kababi and it was full of rag headed middle aged women, not the mojahedin rag head style but the iranian shit-e/lebanese style.
May 21, 2003
Not The Eshaalic Goozpublic !
shaayad ma bigheiratim ... mizadim dahaneshoon ro saaf mikardim :D
i attacked an akhound in montreal in 2006. i mean i really intimated him in a bus shelter and then spat on him and kicked him in the shin but he just looked at some black people nearby and asked them to call the police.

my buddies from across the street came over and dragged me away. until then every time i got into a fight in my life i felt guilty after, this time i felt guilty for not breaking his fucking jaw.
May 21, 2003
Not The Eshaalic Goozpublic !
shaayad ma bigheiratim ... mizadim dahaneshoon ro saaf mikardim :D
fayede nadare bro you get a criminal record for this agha zadeh scum bags.

they don't have gheyrat or khar o maadar no matter how many times you hit them engar na engar. they have been raised in a sub human scum bag atmosphere and sell their own sisters for a fast car or a condo.
May 21, 2003
Not The Eshaalic Goozpublic !
Yeah man, i have been living here for over 20 years, and I have never seen sooooo many Pro-regime people ... TONS AND TONS of them, and they all have houses well over 2-3 millions dollars and high end cars. very sad ...

I dont want to sound pessimistic, but i don't think this movement is going anywhere, and my main reason is, there is no LEADER behind it...
you are not being a pessimist. I think what you say is completely realistic and I would not be surprised that things get worse for people of Iran and for you to see more of these scumbags around North Van.
The only plus that i took away from the events of the past week is that, portions of society in Iran, are still human. They actually care what happens to them and they care about their families, neighbours and their fellow countrymen/women.

up to then i was in the error of thinking Iranians have become like north koreans or pakistanis in complete give up mode.

Bache Tehroon

Elite Member
Oct 16, 2002
DarvAze DoolAb
after watching some videos i don't think it is quite dead yet.

it still might spark up.
It will definitely spark up and escalate again soon. The heavy punch from Sepah animals has not actually landed yet. There will be further bloodshed before things go quiet again for a few years.

It feels useless at times. No way to win this battle without cutting the oil money. As long as oil sells, the suppression engine will be well funded.
May 12, 2007
Just talked to Iran it has been calm today. Are we going to see more sanctions and nothing happens or Trump will act and help people?


Staff member
Sep 23, 2004
Vancouver, Canada
Just talked to Iran it has been calm today. Are we going to see more sanctions and nothing happens or Trump will act and help people?
yeah, spoke with my friend today, he also said, its pretty much over. I just feel bad for the 22 that lost their lives :(

btw, what do yo mean by "Act and help people" as in attack iran? is that what you want?


Bench Warmer
Oct 18, 2002
از تهرانی که بیشتر به فکر تزریق ژل تو لبشون ،برند موبالیشون و زی آبرو برداشتن هستن تا به فکر ریخته شدن خون جونشون ، بیشتر از این هم انتظار نمیرفت.


Staff member
Sep 23, 2004
Vancouver, Canada
از تهرانی که بیشتر به فکر تزریق ژل تو لبشون ،برند موبالیشون و زی آبرو برداشتن هستن تا به فکر ریخته شدن خون جونشون ، بیشتر از این هم انتظار نمیرفت.
ostad, az maaha ke too khooneye garmo narmemoon, dar Amerika ya Canada neshestim, che entezari mire??
May 9, 2004
تظاهراتی که بعد از انقلاب بر علیه رژیم در ایران انجام شده
همیشه یک یا دو ضلع ان ناقص بوده
یکبار دانشجویان بدون رهبری بدون و بدون حمایت دیگر اقشار جامعه
یک بار قشر متوسط و مرفع و روشنفکر با رهبری ابکی بدون قشر زحمت کش
اینبار عده ای از قشر زحمت کش بدون رهبری و حمایت اکثریت مردمی
تمام این تظاهرات صد درصد به بن بست و شکست خواهد انجامید
همانطور که در ابتدا گفتم
خدا بیامرزد انهایی را که در این تظاهرات در اینده کشته خواهند شد
و یکعده از پشت تریبونها در خارج از ایران منتظر هستند کشته بیشتر شود تا انها بیایند
درست مثل سال 2009 اینقدر هیاهو بکنند و اخر کار پشت مردم را خالی کنند که نگو و نپرس
اگر هم کارها پیش نرفت
حداقل برای مصاحبه های تلویزیونی در کانالهای خارجی چند نفری به نان و نوایی می رسند
همین و بس توقع زیادتری نداریم

قبل از هر انقلابی که به پیروزی می انجامد اول یک رهبر قدرتمند که سالهای متمادی مبارزه کرده
و کم کم در دل اقشار مردم جای کرده می بایستی شکل بگیرد
رهبری که تقریبا همه او را به شکلی قبول دارند و شعارهای اکثریت با شعار او یکیست
بعد حلقه هایی از سیاسیون و روشنفکران دور او که برای جلب قوای مردمی خوب عمل میکنند
سوم شناخت جامعه و حوادث اجتماعی از سوی این دسته از روشنفکران که باعث می شود در زمان طلایی انقلاب را شروع کنند
چهارم از جان گذشتگی توده ها و مردم که به صحنه وارد خواهند شد
این حتی میتواند از رهبری هم برای سقوط یک رژیم خظرناکتر باشد
در ایران ما هیچکدام از این عوامل را برای یک انقلاب نداریم
نکته چهارم از همه مهمتر است و دیدیم که در سال 2009 با وجود صدها هزار تظاهر کننده اکثریت بعد از کشته شدن چند نفر به خانه هایشان رفتند
و ترجیح دادند که مبارزه را از پشت کیبورد ادامه دهند
حتی اگر انقلابیون پیروز شوند بدون رهبری بعد از سقوط یک رژیم کشور دچار هرج و مرج خواهد شد و انقلاب هیچ سودی برای کشور نخواهد داشت
مثال ان سوریه لیبی مصر
در انقلابات این کشورها مردم از جان گذشته بودند بلکه مرگ را با جان و دل پذیرفتند ولی چون رهبری کاریزماتیک نداشتند دیدیم که
در مورد لیبی و مصر کشور گرفتار هرج و مرج بعد از انقلاب شد در مورد سوریه هم که رژیم سرنگون نشد
الان در مورد ایران هیچ انقلابی به سود مردم نخواهد بود
حتی اگر رژیم سقوط کند کشور به سوی تجزئه و هرج و مرج یا سوریسم (تبدیل شدن به سوریه ) سوق داده خواهد شد
من فکر میکنم بعد از تجربه در سوریه و لیبی مردم ایران حتی انهایی که ضد رژیم در سال 2009 برپا خواستند
قبل از اینکه به خیابانها بیایند هزار بار با خود فکرمیکنند مگر سقوط قذافی و نابودی سوریه چه ارمغانی برای مردمشان اورد
در این میان تنها ان عده ای که فقط یک متری انتقام را می بینند هستند که تن به تظاهرات میدهند
چون بدون رهبری و حمایت اکثریت مثل وارد شدن به جنگی است که پیروزی در ان هم به تلخی شکست است


Bench Warmer
Oct 18, 2002
ostad, az maaha ke too khooneye garmo narmemoon, dar Amerika ya Canada neshestim, che entezari mire??
Pooya joon ,
I am not blaming them ,i am just saying they way the society thinks these days in Capital ! you know it better that Tehran was the most silent among other cities in this unrest with almost 14 mil population.
May 12, 2007
yeah, spoke with my friend today, he also said, its pretty much over. I just feel bad for the 22 that lost their lives :(

btw, what do yo mean by "Act and help people" as in attack iran? is that what you want?
Trump says he has a plan to help Iranian people. If he acts protestors have a good chance but what we have seen again and again nothing happens except more sanctions on Iranian people once they protest.
I don't want an attack but maybe to arm Iranian people or something. I have come to believe the regime will not change until US want. Trump says it is time for a change Iran I have no idea how he wants to do it. Sometime I get paranoid of this situation. Is Trump doing what Obama was doing or he means it.
May 9, 2004
Pooya joon ,
I am not blaming them ,i am just saying they way the society thinks these days in Capital ! you know it better that Tehran was the most silent among other cities in this unrest with almost 14 mil population.
جناب بردیا
اینطور نیست که مردم همه ترسو هستند
وقتی می بینند که در اکثریت نیستنند یا حداقل اکثریت راضی به انقلاب نیستند حتی انهایی که ضد رژیم در سال 2009 برپاخواستند
و انقلاب هایی که در سوریه لیبی عراق مصر تونس یمن رخ داد به کجا کشیده شد هیچکس ریسک ان را نمی کند که جان خود را بدهد
تا اخر کار یا جنگ داخلی اتفاق بیافتد یا دخالت خارجی
همین ها که می بینی حتی ان بچه خوشگلهایی که زیر ابرو برمیدارند و لب غنچه میکنند اگر یکی بیاید و بزور بخواهد کیف جیبی انها را بدزد تا دم مرگ با او
مبارزه خواهند کرد
ولی همانطور که گفتم مردم بعد از دیدن انقلاب هایی که در منطقه رخ داد و همچنین نبود یک رهبر
و اکثریت قاطع پیش خودشان میگویند برویم و کشته بشویم که چی ؟


Staff member
Sep 23, 2004
Vancouver, Canada
Pooya joon ,
I am not blaming them ,i am just saying they way the society thinks these days in Capital ! you know it better that Tehran was the most silent among other cities in this unrest with almost 14 mil population.
I agree partially with what GP said above, however, i think many actually do want a chance,"BUT" us Iranians are TARSOO, starting with myself, we dont have the balls, those who can, run away (like myself) , those who are inside the country, spend day and night finding a way to escape ! very few actually are willing to take a bullet to make a change and that is why our country has been suffering for year and years(well before IR).

you go to Iran, people wearing IRAN neckless, some get tattoo of "Cho Iran Nabashad, Tane man Mabash" take out a "WATER GUN" and 80% run and hide :)
May 9, 2004
Trump says he has a plan to help Iranian people. If he acts protestors have a good chance but what we have seen again and again nothing happens except more sanctions on Iranian people once they protest.
I don't want an attack but maybe to arm Iranian people or something. I have come to believe the regime will not change until US want. Trump says it is time for a change Iran I have no idea how he wants to do it. Sometime I get paranoid of this situation. Is Trump doing what Obama was doing or he means it.
ترامپ بشار اسد را از بین برد
کره شمالی را با خاک یکسان کرد
چین را زیر فشار قرار داد
به مردم ایران هم کمک خواهد کرد
البته از راه توییتر