Some serious demonstration in Mashhahd and other cities

May 21, 2003
Not The Eshaalic Goozpublic !
It's not about accepting though. It's about facts. I'm totally against IR and I wished the revolution back in 1979 did not happen. But the fact is that it did happen and I can not do anything to change that. Whether I want it or not, IR is the regime in Iran and the flag IS Iran's flag at the moment.

It wasn't forced upon us. Our parents' generation elected it. Until the regime hasn't changed, you can not ignore the facts.
it wasn't forced upon you. It was forced upon me, my neighbours and millions of others.


unless if you think only people that think exactly like you are Iranians, do you think that ?


and don't come up with 90 percent who voted for IR three months after the revolution up to this date go and ask those who voted half of them voted because of the 'red scare'. the akound propaganda that if you don't vote country will become communist ...

mese hamin kos o sheraayee ke alaan migan age demo konin iran mishe syria...

yeki nist bege KOOR ALI ha kas i ke kaar nadare thousands of towns that have unemployment above 50% ARE ALREADY FUCKING LIBYA AND SYRIA ...


Elite Member
Oct 18, 2002
it wasn't forced upon you. It was forced upon me, my neighbours and millions of others.


unless if you think only people that think exactly like you are Iranians, do you think that ?


and don't come up with 90 percent who voted for IR three months after the revolution up to this date go and ask those who voted half of them voted because of the 'red scare'. the akound propaganda that if you don't vote country will become communist ...

mese hamin kos o sheraayee ke alaan migan age demo konin iran mishe syria...

yeki nist bege KOOR ALI ha kas i ke kaar nadare thousands of towns that have unemployment above 50% ARE ALREADY FUCKING LIBYA AND SYRIA ...
fair enough. It was forced upon us who were too young to vote. But what I meant was it was not forced upon the people of that time. Whether lots of them were conned by the akhunds or not, is not an excuse. If they were simple enough to buy what akhunds told them, then they got what they deserved. The main point is, they did elect the regime and made the flag official which you seem to agree. It's as simple as that.
May 21, 2003
Not The Eshaalic Goozpublic !
fair enough. It was forced upon us who were too young to vote. But what I meant was it was not forced upon the people of that time. Whether lots of them were conned by the akhunds or not, is not an excuse. If they were simple enough to buy what akhunds told them, then they got what they deserved. The main point is, they did elect the regime and made the flag official which you seem to agree. It's as simple as that.
it was forced on millions of people who did not go in the streets and burned banks, cinemas, schools, bars, government building and banks. People who thought by burning and shooting plain policemen nothing gets solved.

you did not get the point 'on purpose'. it wasn't just forced on the young like me that couldn't vote. the savagry of those animals in the street was forced on civilized people who did not think killing innocent policemen and pouring acid in women's face would solve anything

and about the flag, yes they did elect the republic and officialize the indian flag and as official as it is i wouldn't clean my SHIT with the allah part in order not to insult my shit !!!

for example, trump is the officially elected president of USA that does not stop people going into the street and taking a shit on his face because he is a complete and utter asshole. just like people who run IR and the assholes that support them.
May 9, 2004
etefaaghan ... etefaaghan man fek konam too een forum (be joz oonayee ke mese to too kuwait hastan o bahat raft o aamad daram) khoob e khoob toro mishnasam .:)

point ro nemigiri,
man baa bassij o saltanat o monarchist o inaa kari nadaram too een thread.

migan agar tarafdaar yek chizi hasti nemitooni begi een o oonesh khoobe vali oon o tabaghee dovomesh bade ...

aghajoon yek joori begam ke bacheye koodakestani ham mifahme ...

to miri yek volvo bekhari mitooni roosh bak e benzin honda bezari ?

ya miri zan begiri mitooni behi khob hala mishe too pestoonaye khahareto biyaari o koon dokhtar khalato ...

vaghti taraf daari begoo taraf daaram va behet ham goftam cheraa nemigi khodeto be oon raah nazan
تمام مثلهایی که زدی قیاس مع الفارقه
اصلا ربطی به چیزی که من میگم نداره
با منطق تو یعنی هرچیزی که به جمهوری اسلامی ربط داره یا ما باید مخالفش باشیم یا اگر نباشیم بسیجی هستیم
مثال ساده ان تیم ملی فوتبال
پس اینطور این تیم که در بردهایش پرچم جمهوری اسلامی را بلند میکند وقتی میخواد بازی کنه
سرود جمهوری اسلامی براش نواخته میشه
از طرف جمهوری اسلامی کمک مالی و براش تبلیغ میشه
پس کسانی که این تیم رو تشویق میکنند غیر مستقیم رژیم رو تشویق میکنند یا بسکتبال و کشتی و بقیه
چون میشه گت پیروزی مثلا بسکتبال و والیبال باعث میشه جمهوری اسلامی بیشتر در رشته ورزشی تشویق بشه
و بگه نگاه من در ورزش ایران رو پیشرفت دادم
بنا بر این منطق اگر این تیم ملی فوتبال یا والیبال جلوی مثلا مغرب یا پرتقال و اسپایا تو جام جهانی بازی کرد
وظیفه هر ایرانی وطن پرست ان است که بشدت تیم مثلا مغرب و اسپانیا و پرتقال را تشویق کند
تا تیم رژیم ببازد و رژیم نتونه از این استفاده سیاس و مردمی بکنه
و هر گلی دریافت کنه هورا بکشیم و تیم مقابل را تشویق کنیم
یا در هر رشته دیگر از رشته صنعت تا سینما و بقیه چیزها
حتی اگر رادیکال تر پیش بریم هر کارمند دولت در جمهوری اسلامی یک خائن است زیرا اینها هستند
که با کار و تلاش خود باعث شده اند جمهوری اسلامی رو پا بماند
یعنی تمام کارمندان دولت کارگران ارتشی ها ورزشکاران بازرگانان تاجرهای صادارات و واردات
همه و همه خائن هستند شاید از من هم خائنتر
چون حداقل من رابطه مالی با رژیم ندارم
و کسی برای من پرچم و سرود ملی رژیم را نمی نوازد
پولی وارد ایران نمیکنم مدالی برای رژیم به ارمغان نمی اورم
پس بقیه از ورزشکاران ایرانی و بازرگانان و کارمندان همه همه از منطق جنابعالی می بایستی خائن و بسیجی و طرفدار رژیم باشند
که ین اصلا منطقی نیست
May 21, 2003
Not The Eshaalic Goozpublic !
to hala varzesho mesaal zadi oonam faghat chand taa verzesho.

asan che rabti dareh be harfaayee een thread.

migam ke ostad e safsate hasti bara in e.

man migam taraf daar e regime hasti agar naboodi nemigofti nabaayad avaz she. nagoo iran mishe sooriye o libi o een chizaa. begoo mardom nabaayad tazaahorat konan baraye inke een regime barashoon khoobe.

hala hey mikhahi saf sate kon o begoo 'een maskharast' o 'oon bachegooanst' hey say kon pich bedi hame chi ro vali ASL E MATLAB IN HAST KE kasaani ke zed raftan e mardom too kheyaaboon hastan mikhahand ke akhound haa sar e kaar bemoonan.

kheyli raahate.

bezaar yek mesaal e 40 sale baraat bezanam.

mardom rikhtan too kheyaaboon zed e hokoomat e saltanati dar saal e 1357. agar oon moghe mishesti khoone o nemirafti tazaahorat manish chi bood.

ya tokhmesho nadaashti beri (hezb e baad) va yaa tarafdar shaah boodi.

alaan ham dorost hamoon parallel e.
Jul 5, 2009
South Dakota
Funny scene from "See No Evil, Hear No Evil" 1989. Co-me-dy, thats what it is baby, thats what it is!
Angry fellas did it then, angry fellas doing it right now, neverending story!
