U 19


IPL Player
Oct 30, 2004

اسامی بازیكنان تیم اعزامی ایران كه تنها تیم رده سنی جوانان در این تورنمت به شمار می رود به این شرح است :

سامان آقا زمانی ، هادی عزیزی ، بختیار رحمانی ، محمد باقر صادقی ، سید ایمان موسوی ، آرش قلی زاد ، داود نوشی صوفیانی ، ابوالحسن جعفری ، شجاع خلیل زاده ، جلال الدین علی محمدی ، مهرداد نوری ، نادر هوشیار ، آرمن طهماسیان ، حسین ابراهیمی ، رسول كر ، علی عموری ، حمید رضا دیوسالار ، احمد امیر كامدار ، علی درخشان و شهریار شیروند .

No Ansarifard ? May be because Saipa need him .

گزارش پایگاه اطلاع رسانی شبكه خبر ، تیم فوتبال جوانان كشورمان با 20 بازیكن و 6 همراه ساعت 18 امروز با

یك دستگاه اتوبوس عازم تركمنستان خواهد شد تا در تورنمنت جام ریاست جمهوری این كشور كه از 3 تا 10 اسفند ماه با شركت 10 تیم تاتارستان روسیه ، تركیه ، ایران ، ارمنستان ، تاجیكستان ، قرقیزستان ، تركمنستان (سه تیم) و لیتوانی در عشق آباد برگزار می شود ، شركت كند .

این تیم را نناد نیكولیچ (سرمربی) ، اصغر اكبری و ماركارآقاجانیان (مربی)شهریار تات (پزشك) و نوروز مختاری (تداركات) همراهی می كنند. ضمن اینكه میرشاد ماجدی مسئولیت سرپرستی كاروان اعزامی كشورمان را برعهده دارد.

تیم های شركت كننده دراین مسابقات در دو گروه 3 تیمی و یك گروه چهارتیمی تقسیم بندی خواهند شد كه از گروههای سه تیمی ، دو تیم و از گروه چهارتیمی ، یك تیم به مرحله نیمه نهایی صعود خواهند كرد.

از سوی برگزاركنندگان این تورنمت برای تیم های اول ، دوم و سوم به ترتیب 20 ، 10 و 5 هزار دلار پاداش تعیین شده است. تیم فوتبال جوانان كشورمان خود را برای حضور در مسابقات قهرمانی جوانان آسیا كه آبان ماه آینده با حضور 16 تیم برترآسیا درعربستان برگزار خواهد شد ، آماده می كند.


Hosein Ebrahimi ( حسين ابراهيمي لكمه سري ) is same young player of Pegah who scored winning goal od Pegah_perspolis game week 19 , Jan 27
Last edited:


IPL Player
Oct 21, 2002

اسامی بازیكنان تیم اعزامی ایران كه تنها تیم رده سنی جوانان در این تورنمت به شمار می رود به این شرح است :

سامان آقا زمانی ، هادی عزیزی ، بختیار رحمانی ، محمد باقر صادقی ، سید ایمان موسوی ، آرش قلی زاد ، داود نوشی صوفیانی ، ابوالحسن جعفری ، شجاع خلیل زاده ، جلال الدین علی محمدی ، مهرداد نوری ، نادر هوشیار ، آرمن طهماسیان ، حسین ابراهیمی ، رسول كر ، علی عموری ، حمید رضا دیوسالار ، احمد امیر كامدار ، علی درخشان و شهریار شیروند .


Hosein Ebrahimi ( حسين ابراهيمي لكمه سري ) is same young player of Pegah who scored winning goal od Pegah_perspolis game week 19 , Jan 27

Is he a part of the u19!!!!

I thought he looked great against Perspolis. Who said Irans talent is drying up???

This team does not have Mosalman, Amraei and Ansarifard. Those were the main goalscorers in the qualifiers.

By the way, is this the same Hadi Azizi who played for the Iranian u16 couple of years back? He looked really good. Does he get to play for Malavan?


IPL Player
Oct 30, 2004
Is he a part of the u19!!!!

I thought he looked great against Perspolis. Who said Irans talent is drying up???

This team does not have Mosalman, Amraei and Ansarifard. Those were the main goalscorers in the qualifiers.

By the way, is this the same Hadi Azizi who played for the Iranian u16 couple of years back? He looked really good. Does he get to play for Malavan?
Hajsafi can play too..
I don't know which Azizi you have in mind , but this Hadi Azizi is member of Malavan and a player, he played for youth team before.

Hadi Azizi
DOB: 1368/11/7
Club: Malavan
No# 24

نام ۲۵ بازیكن ملوان د
:علی حسنی صفت شماره یك، مسعود غلامعلی زاد شماره ،۲۲ محسن فروزان شماره ۳۳ و آرمین رحیم زاده شماره ،۳۰ نام ۴ دروازه بان این تیم می باشد.
مدافعین عبارتند از: مرتضی فلاحتی شماره ،۲ رضا نیك نظر شماره ،۳ مرتضی غلامعلی تبار شماره ،۵ هادی تأمینی شماره ،۶ بابك پورغلامی شماره ،۱۵ علی رمضانی شماره ،۱۶ سعید سالارزاده شماره ۱۸ و مرتضی فلاح زاده شماره ۱۹ . هافبك های تیم هم ابراهیم صادقی شماره ،۲۳ آرش قلی زاده شماره ،۲۵ میلاد همرنگ شماره ،۲۶ امیر خدامرادی شماره ،۸ مازیار زارع شماره ،۹ مهران جعفری شماره ،۱۰ محسن گیاهی شماره ،۱۱ محمد حیدری شماره ،۱۳ مرتضی بهشتی شماره ،۱۴ سعید یوسف زاده شماره ۲۰ و هادی عزیزی شماره ،۲۴ هستند. مهاجمین نیز جلال رافخایی شماره ،۴ محمدعلی امیری شماره ،۷ علی طهماسبی شماره ،۱۲ محمد چمن دوست شماره ،۱۷ صفر صفرزاده شماره ۲۱ و امین انصاری شماره ۲۷ می باشند.

He played against EstAhwaz but not against Sanatnaft


IPL Player
Oct 30, 2004

Определились участники очередного розыгрыша "Кубка президента Туркменистана", который пройдет с 21-го по 29-е февраля в Ашгабаде.
Участники будут разделены на 3 группы

В первой группе сыграют - "Мика"(Ереван, Армения), "Шагадам"(Ашгабад, Туркменистан) и сборная клубов Турции.

Во вторую группу вошли: МТТУ (Ашгабад, Туркменистан), "Динамо-Дордой" (Нарин, Кыргызстан) и "Рубин" (Казань, Россия).

В третью группу : "Ашгабад" (Туркменистан), "Рига" (Латвия), "Вахш" (Душанбе, Таджикистан) и олимпийская сборная Ирана

14th Turkmenistan President’s Cup tournament.

All the participants:

Group A: ''Mika'' (Erevan, Armenia), ''Shagadam'', ''Team of Turkey clubs''
Group B: ''MTTU'', ''Dinamo-Dordoy'' (Kirgizstan), ''Rubin 2''(Russia)
Group C: Ashgabad'', ''Riga''(Latvia), ''Vaxsh'' (Tajikistan), ''Iran OT''.

OT = olympic team ==> U19

According to today's "Sport-Express" newspaper, Russia will send its second league club "Rubin-2" from the town of Kazan. In all, the honorary prize will be contested by 10 teams from 8 countries split into 3 qualification groups. The first group includes "Shagadam", Armenia's bronze medal holder "Mika" (Yerevan) and collective team of Turkish clubs. The second group includes "ITTU", Kyrgyzstan champion "Dordoy-Dynamo" (Narin) and "Rubin-2". The third group consists of "Ashgabat", Latvia's championship bronze medal holder "Riga", Tajikistan's championship bronze medal holder "Wagsh" (Dushanbe) and the Olympic team of Iran.​
به گزارش خبرنگارمهر، بر اساس گروه بندی انجام شده از سوی برگزارکنندگان این تورنمنت ، 10 تیم شرکت کننده در این مسابقات به دو گروه سه تیمی و یک گروه چهارتیمی تقسیم بندی شده اند که پس ازانجام مسابقات مقدماتی از گروه های سه تیمی، یک تیم و از گروه چهارتیمی، دو تیم به مرحله نیمه نهایی صعود خواهند کرد.
براساس گروه بندی انجام شده تیم فوتبال جوانان کشور در گروه C این رقابتها با تیم های عشق آباد و نفتچی از ترکمنستان و واس تاجیکستان در یک گروه قرار گرفت .
ضمن اینکه تیم های ساگادام از ترکمنستان ، توباری ترکیه و میکا ارمنستان در گروه A و تیم های اچ.تی.تی.یو ترکمنستان ، دوری وی دینامو قرقیزستان و راوین 2 روسیه در گروه B قرار گرفتند. این مسابقات از فردا با دیدار افتتاحیه تیم های نفتچی ترکمنستان و واس تاجیکستان آغاز خواهد شد.
تیم کشورمان در نخستین دیدار خود روز جمعه از ساعت 30/17 به وقت تهران به مصاف تیم عشق آباد ترکمنستان خواهد رفت . تیم جوانان طی روزهای یکشنبه و سه شنبه (5 و 7 اسفند) هفته جاری به ترتیب با تیم های نفتچی ترکمنستان و واس تاجیکستان دیدار خواهد کرد.
این مسابقات از دوم تا دهم اسفند ماه در عشق آباد پایتخت ترکمنستان برگزار خواهد شد و تیم کشورمان تنها تیم رده جوانان در این رقابتها به شمار می رود.

Turkmenistan President’s Cup 2007 winners MTTU FC​

Dordoi gear up for Cup defenceTurkmenistan President’s Cup 2007 winners MTTU FC
ASHGABAT - Back-to-back AFC President's Cup winners Dordoi Dynamo will prepare for the defence of their continental club crown by taking part in the 14th Turkmenistan President’s Cup tournament.

Joining Dordoi in the competition that will be held in the Turkmen capital from February 21 to March 1 are local favourites and national champions Ashgabat FC, who are also taking part in this year's AFC President's Cup, Turkmenistan President’s Cup holders MTTU, Turkmenistan FA Cup winners Shagadam, and the reserve side of Russian Premier League outfit Rubin Kazan.


IPL Player
Oct 30, 2004
Many U-TM players are overage!

But this is the case for all midleeast teams beside Saudi.

This is big charge and accusation by you. Provide evidence for your accusation otherwise remove your baseless charge.
Talk is cheap, you accused “many” national player, then provide evidence.


<b>News Team</b>
Feb 12, 2004
Just louck our olympic team and the pick from there.
Begovich couldent chose half of the players because they where afraid of wrong age players say they have.

In these countreys there is NO doble check if the player is over age.
THEY MAKE NO medical check.

Why ?? because in Iran they put result is the most important thing.


IPL Player
Oct 30, 2004
Just louck our olympic team and the pick from there.
Begovich couldent chose half of the players because they where afraid of wrong age players say they have.

In these countreys there is NO doble check if the player is over age.
THEY MAKE NO medical check.

Why ?? because in Iran they put result is the most important thing.

NO: you are wrong. You can not back up your fabricate d statement and accusation that is why rather than providing evidence continue more baseless talk.

If you accuse somebody, it is your burden to provide evidence and talk of “go and look” is just ridiculous and irreverent.

Almost all of current U19 are former U17 of Iran and were tested last year during Asian tournaments.
In case you are not aware, it is for sometimes youth players are being tested during official tournaments including Asia and Africa. Test of Age verification, Bone test and MRI is regularly done. Indeed only few days ago Iraq was penalized because MRI test of their U17 players indicate overage indication.
Once again either name few of those “many” players you said are overage or remove your accusation otherwise your news are the cheat not them.

Copy of some randome news of MRI test for young players in news.

By Kang Seung-woo
Staff Reporter
Players who will participate in the FIFA U-17 World Cup to be held Saturday will not be able to hide their real age because of a state-of-the-art test.

The executive committee of the biennial youth football event announced Thursday after its meeting that all players in the competition will undergo a Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) test to check their age.

It is not the first time for the MRI test to be introduced to the U-17 World
MYT 11:21:18 AM
Tuesday February 19, 2008

N. Korea, Iraq,Tajikistan banned from U-16 tourney

KUALA LUMPUR: North Korea, Iraq and Tajikistan were banned from the Asian Under-16 championship and each fined US$4,000 after medical tests confirmed the teams had used over-age players in qualifying matches.
The Asian Football Confederation said it had conducted Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) tests during the 2007 qualifying tournaments and found that several teams had broken the rules regarding age limits.
The AFC Disciplinary Committee announced the ban yesterday, saying they had consulted an expert medical witness on MRI before coming to a decision on all the cases.
Bhutan, Cambodia, Bangladesh, Kyrgyzstan and Macau, were all fined US$4,000 for using ineligible players, did not qualify for the championship. The AFC said they would soon announce the full list of teams for the Under-16 championship, to be held Oct. 4-19 in Uzbekistan. – AP


<b>News Team</b>
Feb 12, 2004
I Know excatly what I talk about as I have been working in Norway with youth national teams.

Its something almost every agent in Europe know. Midle east and big parts in Africa cheats! not maybe the nations but the players!! I dont care who does but it is IFF responsibliety.

Even last year 2 players where put out because this in IPL.

Even the A team coach of Norway was told not to think about it youth team as he saw some extramly fast players for their age. He got the messeage you can never be sure how old they really are.

Iranien players are slow. Normally very slow on international basis ore against players from Saudi, Japan. Korea this is because our tranining methods do not include pace coaching. Beside some VERY few players our players are very slow.
But you lock at U-21 ore U19 our squad players have a higher pace then the players. Extramly higher avarge pace. But in 2 years the players seems slow again.

Inside football comunety in Europe I tried to pressent the deal of Iranien players to clubs such as Odd and Lyn (known to go to Nigeria and pick up good youth players) They just laughed. They would never make a chanse to go to countreys such as Iran ore Bosnia for a youth player.

If you dont remind, go bask and google how Begovic`s squad became what he ended up with!


IPL Player
Oct 30, 2004
WHAT HAPPENED TO MOSALMAN, The young Zob Ahan Player????
Under Dr Z coaching, he does not get much playing time, mostly he is late substitution...
week 21 against Saipa he came in in dying time.
w 20 he did not play.
w 19 came in min 70 against Mes.
W17 came in min 76+


IPL Player
Oct 30, 2004
I Know excatly what I talk about as I have been working in Norway with youth national teams.

Its something almost every agent in Europe know. Midle east and big parts in Africa cheats! not maybe the nations but the players!! I dont care who does but it is IFF responsibliety.

Even last year 2 players where put out because this in IPL.

Even the A team coach of Norway was told not to think about it youth team as he saw some extramly fast players for their age. He got the messeage you can never be sure how old they really are.

Iranien players are slow. Normally very slow on international basis ore against players from Saudi, Japan. Korea this is because our tranining methods do not include pace coaching. Beside some VERY few players our players are very slow.
But you lock at U-21 ore U19 our squad players have a higher pace then the players. Extramly higher avarge pace. But in 2 years the players seems slow again.

Inside football comunety in Europe I tried to pressent the deal of Iranien players to clubs such as Odd and Lyn (known to go to Nigeria and pick up good youth players) They just laughed. They would never make a chanse to go to countreys such as Iran ore Bosnia for a youth player.

If you dont remind, go bask and google how Begovic`s squad became what he ended up with!

This thread is about U19. You made accusation about youth player in this thread. I asked you two times to provide evidence ,you failed to do so( despite 301 words of two posts) Last time around Vinko was coach of U23+ , that has nothing to do with U19 thread here.
I will not reply more to this subject


<b>News Team</b>
Feb 12, 2004
U16, u17 u19, u21 and U23 is all overage players!

Dont forgett Madanchi!!!!
he played in all ages!
He was listed as same age as Kaabi!! but suddelnly the guys age goes up lool


<b>News Team</b>
Feb 12, 2004
As you say your self WE TALK ABOUT u19

So why do you come with MR talk for U17???????

you forgott the full article!!!! here is the rest you forgott:

"We will have MRIs of players who appear to be overage for all tournaments, but ONLY for boys below 17 years. In the case of u-19 teams we will have to go by the birth certificates as MRIs do NOT give an indication of the age of boys above 18 years of age," Colaco said.

So again NO TEST are done!! Final! So for all us who know, this means Shenasnameh. AN WE ALL KNOW THEY ARE 100% realible in Iran LOL



IPL Player
Oct 30, 2004
تيم فوتبال جوانان ايران در نخستين بازي مسابقات بين المللي جام رياست جمهوري تركمنستان با يك گل مغلوب تيم عشق آباد شد

تيم فوتبال جوانان ايران در نخستين بازي مسابقات بين المللي جام رياست جمهوري تركمنستان با يك گل مغلوب تيم عشق آباد شد.
به گزارش ايرنا، تيم فوتبال عشق آباد با گل دقيقه چهارم بازيكن شماره ‪۱۱‬ اين تيم به نام "يوسف اوراز محمداف" موفق به شكست تيم جوانان ايران شد.
تيم باشگاه فوتبال عشق آباد در هر دو نيمه برتري نسبي نسبت به تيم فوتبال جوانان ايران از خود نشان داد.
پاس هاي اشتباه بازيكنان ايراني و همچنين كم تعداد بودن آن ها به هنگام حمله موقعيت چنداني را براي تيم جوانان ايران ايجاد نكرد.
تعويض هاي ايران در نيمه دوم هم نتيجه نداد و بازي با همان گل نيمه اول تيم فوتبال عشق آباد به پايان رسيد.
"جان قربان اف" داور بين المللي تركمنستان با قضاوت تقريبا ناعادلانه دو كارت زرد به بازيكنان فوتبال جوانان ايران در نيمه دوم داد كه اين مسئله سبب احساساتي شدن بازيكنان ايراني شد.
تيم فوتبال عشق آباد قهرمان ليگ برتر باشگاه هاي تركمنستان در سال ‪۲۰۰۷‬ ميلادي بود. اين تيم سال گذشته در بازي هاي كشورهاي مشترك المنافع جامعه همسود نيز حضور داشت.
اين بازي را حدود پنج هزار تماشگر تركمنستاني و حدود ‪ ۲۰۰‬نفر از ايراني ها از جمله "محمدرضا فرقاني" سفير جمهوري اسلامي ايران در تركمنستان از نزديك تماشا كردند.
"ماركار آقاجايان" و "اصغر اكبري" دستياران "نناد نيكوليچ" سرمربي تيم فوتبال جوانان ايران هستند


Bench Warmer
Sep 18, 2005
Under Dr Z coaching, he does not get much playing time, mostly he is late substitution...
week 21 against Saipa he came in in dying time.
w 20 he did not play.
w 19 came in min 70 against Mes.
W17 came in min 76+
I wonder why he is not playing him more often...
again thank you for the great info... you are very knowledgeable mann


IPL Player
Oct 30, 2004
تيم فوتبال جوانان ايران تيم نفتچي تركمنستان را شكست داد

تيم فوتبال جوانان ايران در دومين بازي خود در مسابقات بين المللي جام رياست جمهوري
تركمنستان عصر يكشنبه تيم نفتچي اين كشور را در ورزشگاه نساء شهر عشق آباد شكست داد.
به گزارش ايرنا، تيم فوتبال جوانان ايران با گل دقيقه پانزدهم "جلال علي محمدي" موفق به شكست تيم نفتچي

تركمنستان شد.
سرپرست تيم فوتبال جوانان ايران در حاشيه اين بازي به خبرنگار ايرنا گفت: بازيكنان اين تيم بازي خوبي از خود نشان دادند.
"سيد ميرشاد ماجدي" درباره داوري اين ديدار افزود: داوري بازي خوب بود تيم فوتبال جوانان ايران در نخستين بازي خود در اين رقابت*ها مغلوب تيم باشگاه عشق*آباد تركمنستان با نتيجه يك بر صفر شد.
‪ ۱۰‬تيم در رقابت*هاي جام رياست جمهوري تركمنستان حضور دارند كه به تيم قهرمان اين دوره از مسابقات ‪ ۲۰‬هزار دلار و به تيم*هاي دوم و سوم به ترتيب ‪ ۱۰‬و پنج هزار دلار جايزه نقدي اهدا مي*شود.​

Jalal is member of Sepahan and has played for them this season as a substitute player.


IPL Player
Oct 30, 2004
LOOOL, the game was plaed at ورزشگاه نساء شهر of the city of عشق آباد.

They had interesting Old Persian & Islamic names. Their team in U19 group C is Vaxsh (Zoroastrian) but it translate in Irna news as (وحش)... look at their city “Dohanbeh " you will see Hotel Vaxsh as well as other interesting cites

Well in Iran we have also Gasre Shirin.... and dont forget B B hakimeh near Behbahan...

It seems to me there is error in report about 3 groups.
There are 2 groups of three teams (A & B) and one group of 4 teams(U19).
A (3)
B (3)
C (4).
According to report out of these 10 teams 4 will advance. 2 teams from each group of A & B, and one from group C. I think is reverse. If this is the case then U 19 has a chance despite a defeat.