Zehn Tote in München - Tatverdächtiger ist 18-jähriger Deutsch-Iraner

Kian Pars

Elite Member
Dec 9, 2005
I guess our German representatives of this forum are asleep now, but it would be interesting to hear what's new about the guy who killed 10 people in Munchen, Germany. It's being told that he had German- Iranian nationality.


Elite Member
Feb 5, 2014
Las Vegas, NV
Enough is enough! It is time to free Germany but this is all dumkompf Merkel's fault. I hope that DDR commie biatch gets hers one day. After all, if you give a loaded gun to a chimp and the chimp shoots someone, you do not blame the chimp! The blood of German citizens in Munchen is on Merkel's hands. To make matters worse, the piece of garbage had to be from Iran!
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