Abdollah nouri


Ball Boy
Feb 19, 2004

some questions/thoughts, particular to those who "support" iri - and there's nothing wrong with that, everyone is entitled to to his/her opinion

will he ever be allowed to run for the presidency? does the islamic republic feel mature and secure enough to allow nouri to run in the election ... an election where he's by no means certain of winning... is iri too rigid to allow someone like nouri to become the pres?

does he really pose a threat to the system? is he really an "extremist" in the context of iri? were he elected as pres, does it mean iran stops its nuclear program? stop its advancement prograqm, remove the system altogether (single-handedly) ?!!!! .... is the country going to go to a civil war?!!! is he destructive? if not, then why not allow him to participate in the election ....