Ahmadinejad Actually might WIN!!!!!!!

Mar 19, 2005
I'm so depressed about this. Mardom khol o chel shodan....shayad ham man khol shodam.........I went to shirini Faranceh today(jatoon khali) and enghelab square and jomhoori. I was shocked. people actually support Ahmadiladan and are proud of it. Cars have his posters on the back of them.
I did expect to see some typical "rishoo hezabis" supporting him...but no, its not like that....shik o pik...rishoo...geda....ba class...bi class.they all support him!!!!
his 1 hour long program last night has had a big effect.
I didnt think he'll have a chance against hashemi 3,4 days ago, but now...its a different story.
i hope i'm not going to see another surprise tomorrow.


National Team Player
May 14, 2005
Nashenas, Iran having about 60% of her population live at or below poverty line with 30%-35% percent unemployed a socialist message will sit well with the poor specially when their choice is between a proven corrupt individual like Rafsanjani and an unknown fictional socialist like Ahmadinejad.
But as I said earlier, people must focus on why and by who Ahmadinejad is promoted and supported and how did an unknown figure who could not manage city of Tehran and with no campaign activities managed to make it this far. (invisible hands)
Ahmadinejad is the last piece of a political puzzle set into motion right after Khatami's second term by the powerfull unelected corrupt institutions paving the way for a preselected 7th Majlis and now the Presidential seat.
If the activity of institutions of Velayat Faghih is not a coup, then what is?
Again selection of Ahmadinejad will be disasterous for the country domestically and internationally.
All said, we must not blame the people since all the votes specially this latest one are rigged and unreliable. One can not base anything on these votes.
Feb 22, 2005
Mowi, still, although you are right about all you say, it shows why Iran is screwed up. The mentioned people are either paid or are not intellegent enough to see through it all. People get the government they deserve is a saying.
Oct 18, 2002
It is not about being unintelligent. Sometimes is about having different set of priorities than what we think they should.

Many people (rightly) think that at this point, breaking up Rafsanjani's economic mafia, bridging the huge gap between rich and poor, and having something to live on, is more important than political freedom. Ahmadinejad's slogans appeal to this huge group of people. Whether he delivers or not is another story.

Check the following story to show why his message resonates with so many people:


علي رضواني

من اميدي به درج اين مطلب ندارم، با اين حال آن را برايتان مي فرستم.

دمکراسي بمباران تبليغي - فردي که ميليون ها راي به نامش به صندوق ريخته شده نيست. دمکراسي احترام است. احترام به انسان، احترام به همنوع.
ما طالبانيم! ما وحشي هستيم. شما که در خارج از ايران سکونت داريد، شما که متمدن ايد، شما که از جامعه مدني و قراردادهاي اجتماعي مي گوييد؛ شما بگوييد، درج ده ها تصوير تشبيه يک انسان به ميمون و بوزينه، اولا نمايانگر کدام تمدن است؟ ثانيا در کدام دمکراسي غربي تمرين مي شود؟ شما به من بگوييد که اين کار را يک نشريه در غرب انجام دهد چقدر غرامت بايستي که بپردازد؟ شما به من بگوييد که تلقي افکار عمومي در پاريس و آمستردام از رسانه اي که اين چنين محمود احمدي نژاد، يا هر فرد ديگري که مثل من و شما انسان است را تحقير مي کند؛ چيست؟

من به احمدي نژاد راي دادم و باز هم راي مي دهم. مي دانيد چرا؟ براي اين که شاگرد اول کنکور سال ۱۳۷۱ فني، با مدرک فوق ليسانس در سه راه آذري مسافر کشي مي کند؛
اما آقاي هاشمي رفسنجاني نه به گفته من، به گفته
ثروتمندترين مرد ايران است؟ چرا؟ چه تخصصي دارد؟ جواب بدهيد! هياهو نکنيد؛ فاشيست کدام است؛ طالبان کيست؟ سوال من اين است که چرا من فوق ليسانس در جواب دخترم که مي پرسد بابا کفشم سوراخ است؛ آب و لجن به پايم مي رود؛ کي برايم کفش مي خري؟ بروم در آشپزخانه را ببندم و اشک بريزم اما وزارت نفت و حتي کميسيون نفت مجلس ۲۱ سال است که در طيول فرزندان آقاي هاشمي است؟ آقاي حسين مرعشي برادر خانم هاشمي، سه دوره رئيس کميسيون نفت مجلس بوده است! علي هاشمي ده سال رئيس کل شرکت پتروشيمي و... هر مسند اقتصادي را فرزندان آقاي هاشمي حتي در دولت خاتمي در اختيار داشته اند؛ مگر ما انسان نيستيم؟

احمدي نژاد قاتل است؟ تروريست است؟ پس چرا آقاي رفسنجاني و عبدلله نوري او را به سمت استاندار اردبيل منصوب کردند؟ چرا همين آقاي وزير علوم او را معاون فرهنگي خودش کرد؟ احمدي نژاد قاتل است؟ شما مثل اين که خبر نداريد. کساني که شايعه مي کنند احمدي نژاد قاتل است مثل اينکه خبر ندارد؛ الآن ۱۰ سال است آقاي هاشمي با حکم رسمي دادگاه هاي اروپايي به جرم ترور تحت تعقيب است؟ شما که اين تبليغات را تکرار مي کنيد چرا فقط نصفش را مي گوييد؟ اين رياکاري نيست؟ بي شرمي نيست؟

احمدي نژاد ۱۷ سال است استاد دانشجويان کارشناسي ارشد عمران دانشگاه علم و صنعت است؛ تنها حقوقي که مي گيرد حقوق دانشگاه است. اين را که شما بهتر از همه مي دانيد؟ چرا به مردم دروغ مي گوييد؟ ۸ سال با دروغ ما را تا اين جا فريفتيد! من در انتخابات دوم خرداد به خاتمي راي دادم؛ در انتخابات شوراها با عبدلله نوري راي دادم؛ در انتخابات مجلس به عليرضا نوري و محمدرضا خاتمي راي دادم؛ اما چه کرديد؟ خانواده هاشمي ميليون ها پول من و خانواده ام و همه فقرا را بالا کشيدند در اسپانيا و سوئيس ويلا خريدند؟ اين بود اصلاحات؟ اين پول هاست که کاريکاتور و مقاله و طنز مي سازد؟

ا بلکه کاسه اي آش گرم و سرپناهي براي خواب داشته باشد و آن وقت فرزندان آقاي هاشمي آخر هفته را در جزيره مالديو بگذرانند. من رنج مي برم.

من درد مي کشم وقتي مي بينم که هزاران نفر کليه خودشان را براي ۱۰۰ هزار تومان مي فروشند و آن وقت مديران دولتي آقاي هاشمي حقوق و پورسانت ميليوني مي گيرند.

من نه حزب اللهي ام نه انصار؛ ريش ندارم، کاري به کار کسي هم نداشته و ندارم اما مي خواهم به عنوان کسي که تقريبا هر روز مطالب اين سايت را براي کنجکاوي مي خواند بگويم:

چشم اصلاح طلب ها روشن که با حبيب الله عسگراولادي، اسدالله بادامچيان و علي اکبر فلاحيان ائتلاف ملي ضدفاشيسم درست کرده اند اين ائتلاف ضد فاشيسم نيست؛ ائتلاف اکبر بابا و چهل هزار دزد تهران است!

علي رضواني
کارشناس ارشد اقتصاد کشاورزي


IPL Player
Oct 30, 2004
i hope i'm not going to see another surprise tomorrow
It is difficult to predict how exactly, Majority Iranian will cast their votes but it’s reasonable to argue:

i- IRI is already a winner regardless of who will have more vote on Friday

ii- Dr. AhmadiNejad is already a winner and a champion for millions; He won’t disappear like Moein…. He will be there

iii- If Ayat Hashmemi get most votes his cabinet will include few from AhmadiNajad’s team

iv- It is unfair but very good and understandable that so many misfits and oppositions to Islam and IRI portrait a caricature of AhmadiNejad , exaggerates and fabricate about him. It’s great that they are bring up all what they see dark and negative about him, so those who will vote for him can hear all, from gutters too.

v- Best is those who are against IRI to boycott Friday votes.


National Team Player
Aug 17, 2003
mowj said:
Nashenas, Iran having about 60% of her population live at or below poverty line with 30%-35% percent unemployed a socialist message will sit well with the poor specially when their choice is between a proven corrupt individual like Rafsanjani and an unknown fictional socialist like Ahmadinejad.
But as I said earlier, people must focus on why and by who Ahmadinejad is promoted and supported and how did an unknown figure who could not manage city of Tehran and with no campaign activities managed to make it this far. (invisible hands)
Like I said in another post, i'm not sure if i support Ahmadinejad over Hashemi for president but we've got to be fair.

"how did an unknown figure who could not manage city of Tehran and with no campaign activities managed to make it this far."

I have to disagree with the notion that he could not manage city of Tehran. First of all I'm not sure anyone (iranian, foreigner, or all compined) could have done any better with Tehran, a city of almost 15million with poor infrastructure to begin with and continuously growing. I don't think he's done too bad with creating parks and green spaces, trying to manage the traffic, building new roads and finally finishing the Metro which was dragging its feet under previous management.

And i'm not sure about the unknown part. This guy has been the mayor of Tehran and by that simple fact he is well known to at least 10 million of Iranians.

Also, i have to disagree with the suggestion of him having "no campaign activity". Yes, he did not have fancy TV adds or have teens on roller blades running the streets but he had a grass roots campaign where his supporters used mosques and religious gatherings in the villages and other cities to carry his message.

And by who he is promoted doesn't mean much because he is also promoted by honest hard working people who see him as one of their own. If you're concerned about corrupt or special interest groups supporting him then welcome to politics/democracy in the new age. If you're bothered by special interest groups backing politicians then you might as well forget about ever voting again anywhere in the world because now a days it's simply impossible to do that.


Bench Warmer
Oct 18, 2002
ashtar said:
"how did an unknown figure who could not manage city of Tehran and with no campaign activities managed to make it this far."

I have to disagree with the notion that he could not manage city of Tehran. First of all I'm not sure anyone (iranian, foreigner, or all compined) could have done any better with Tehran, a city of almost 15million with poor infrastructure to begin with and continuously growing. I don't think he's done too bad with creating parks and green spaces, trying to manage the traffic, building new roads and finally finishing the Metro which was dragging its feet under previous management.

And i'm not sure about the unknown part. This guy has been the mayor of Tehran and by that simple fact he is well known to at least 10 million of Iranians.

Also, i have to disagree with the suggestion of him having "no campaign activity". Yes, he did not have fancy TV adds or have teens on roller blades running the streets but he had a grass roots campaign where his supporters used mosques and religious gatherings in the villages and other cities to carry his message.

And by who he is promoted doesn't mean much because he is also promoted by honest hard working people who see him as one of their own. If you're concerned about corrupt or special interest groups supporting him then welcome to politics/democracy in the new age. If you're bothered by special interest groups backing politicians then you might as well forget about ever voting again anywhere in the world because now a days it's simply impossible to do that.
Good points.


National Team Player
Aug 17, 2003
lordofmordor said:
The mayor before him did a great job. Turning culture centers into religious dumps is not the answer.
are you suggesting that he did not creat any new culture centers?


National Team Player
May 14, 2005
Also, i have to disagree with the suggestion of him having "no campaign activity". Yes, he did not have fancy TV adds or have teens on roller blades running the streets but he had a grass roots campaign where his supporters used mosques and religious gatherings in the villages and other cities to carry his message.
That is the exact problem and abuse Karubi is taking about, grass root.
Forget about the rampant vote rigging for a moment and abuse of nonsense vetting power, the religious fascism through Imam Foundation, Mostazafin Foundation, and Basij supported by state budget controls masses of poor and uneducated held hostage to their needs, that is, Sepah are instructed to do exactly what they are commanded to do.
Even if these votes were not rigged and candidates were not disqualified, the votes are still unacceptable and a sham even with IRI standard.
The reason for poverty and corruption in Iran have been the very same religious fascism unaccountable dealing and wheeling. The weekly crisis manufactured for Khatami was due to the same Mafia who did not want to see any checks and balances implemented on "Vali Faghih" domain.
Ahmadinejad is a lackey of the financial Mafia and religious fascism who controll many foundations, export/import, bazar, ports and are sprinted for the oil.
Feb 22, 2005
Dear Ashtar, waht I am saying is we need, for the good of Iran, to have competence educated people to run the country. When you put fundamentalist religion as the requirement, you cut out majority if not all the competent people. For our good, you and I, we are better served by people running the country that know what they are doing. Not some reef raf who thinks religion is more important than anything else.

Regadless of whom we are, left, right, relgious, not religios, we have to have the capacity and intellegence to understand that people with expertise and knowledge in their fields should be running the country. Not because they are religious, doctors, nurses, clerics, mechanics, etc..


IPL Player
Oct 30, 2004
lordofmordor said:
Dear Ashtar, waht I am saying is we need, for the good of Iran, to have competence educated people to run the country. When you put fundamentalist religion as the requirement, you cut out majority if not all the competent people. For our good, you and I, we are better served by people running the country that know what they are doing. Not some reef raf who thinks religion is more important than anything else.

Regadless of whom we are, left, right, relgious, not religios, we have to have the capacity and intellegence to understand that people with expertise and knowledge in their fields should be running the country. Not because they are religious, doctors, nurses, clerics, mechanics, etc..
بنده هیچ نسبتی با احمدی نژاد ندارم ولی دلمان برای ملت می سوزد چون برخی ها خیلی نفاق و دروغ خرج می دهند بزرگترین دروغ شان این است که یک مشت افراد بی سواد در اطراف دکتر احمدی نژاد جمع شده اند این در حالی است که بیش از 120 استاد دانشگاه مشغول تدوین و تهیه برنامه های اقتصادی ، سیاسی ، اجتماعی و فرهنگی وی هستند.

دکتر کلهر /استاد دانشگاه/ عصر روز سه شنبه



Oct 18, 2002
San Diego, CA
lordofmordor said:
Mowi, still, although you are right about all you say, it shows why Iran is screwed up. The mentioned people are either paid or are not intellegent enough to see through it all. People get the government they deserve is a saying.
Right on.. people get the government they deserve. Trust me these people are not paid. This is how they really think,

Oct 18, 2002
The following lines from the blog http://benevis-dige.blogspot.com/ sums it up:

"Try asking one of the thousands of people living in the shanty-towns of Tehran whether freedom of speech for bloggers (which, say, moeen could maybe deliver)or a paved streets in city slums (which Ahmadinejhad will for sure deliver) is more important to her? As the well known photojournalist Nader Davoodi insinuates, if we had bothered to go to south Tehran, then [we] would know Mahmoud Ahmadinejhad".

... A long term plan, of course, is not so simple, but as long as the most extremist elements in our society are the only ones who address and acknowlege the needs of the most disenfranchised Iranians, then the threat of a Ahmadinejhad will always loom."