Amazon Prime Air


Elite Member
Oct 18, 2002
so finally we are not talking about the Drone with 20 years from now.

and Amazon is pushing its own fleet because they are not happy
with what Mega Shippers are doing right now.

It could be that PrimeAir will be where Amazon Vehicles pickup the merchandise or the future drones pickup the most express items.

With as much money as Amazon is pouring into its own infrastructure, I just can't see how anybody compete with them.

I can easily see that Amazon spins off amazon Web Services and uses the proceeds to further finance this infrastructure crazy they are on.

I think one day everything you buy on amazon will be prime. which means all the merchants will have to send their stuff to amazon fulfillment centers.


Elite Member
Feb 5, 2014
Las Vegas, NV
You are right and baba jan nobody is going to be able to compete with Amazon they are a monster right now. Amazon has enough money to fund its own private fleet so this is going to just put their logistics on the next level. Who is going to be able to compete with Amazon? Although I seldom recommend in investing in the stock market and if you do, I recommend picking an S&P 500, it might not be such a bad idea to buy some shares of Amazon. The Amazon prime deal is a good one, you can get two day shipping and ship as much as you want, for only $99. However, if you are someone like me and you buy maybe a couple of things a year from them, it might not be worth it for you to get prime. Amazon prime is going to save some people's businesses, it probably already has. Great article and cool vid btw.


Elite Member
Feb 5, 2014
Las Vegas, NV
Amazon Prime is one of the smartest and most joyful things I have opted for. Love everything about it.
If I purchase more than one or two things I am going to opt for it next year. I just hope amazon does not do this number. Some companies offer you a low teaser rate then they hike up the rates on you a couple of years later. Meaning you could be paying $99 now but then you will pay $150 when it goes up. I think next year I am going to buy it because I will be making enough purchases. The feature I love the most about it is the two day shipping, I do not have to wait 5-7 business days, BAD ASS! When you think about it the $100 is totally worth it. If you want the fast shipping it is going to set you back probably $20 or so. Even if you want to do regular 5-7 business days, it is still going to cost you something, $10. I will probably be making more transactions on Amazon, next year to tell you the truth, that is why I did not get it this year. If you only make two to three a year, it is not worth it but if you make more than three then you might want to take a look into it. Amazon is just killing it in logistic and just overall, that is smart business.


Elite Member
Oct 18, 2002
Amazon is no longer about price. it is about convenience. you the new reviews are by in large real.
you know the shipping is secure and things are properly packaged. you know it is reasonably on time.

I did a stint on shipping software. amazon's prime is just a behemoth that nobody can compete with.
Oct 16, 2002
DarvAze DoolAb
Amazon Prime is the single biggest reason why shopping online makes total sense now. You buy, you get the damn thing (or things) the next day and you pay pretty much nothing for shipping. That's convenience.

Don't like what you bought? Send it back without paying for shipping or other bullshit. That's convenience.

Don't know which one to buy? The reviews are absolutely most helpful on the internet. The questions/answers are very very useful (unlike all other fucked up retailers like Best Buy). You feel like a part of the community. That's convenience.

Need something today? Buy it on Amazon and only pay $3 (yes $3) for same day delivery on many items. On some items it's $6 but still worth it as it costs more in gas and wasted time to go to the store. That's convenience.

Got pictures, videos and other files? Amazon Prime stores them all for you and their mobile app is actually functional. They now allow unlimited photos/videos. That's convenience.


Elite Member
Feb 5, 2014
Las Vegas, NV
@BT and CM jan you guys are BOTH 100%.

BT jan I will start with your points, amazon prime is not only awesome for people who want to shop but it is a fantastic tool for business. It does not matter if you are a small mom and pop store or a billion dollar fortune 500 company, everyone benefits from amazon prime! Now if you need something today then by all means pay the $3-6. Now if it is not necessary, then wait the couple of days because amazon prime is pretty darn fast. I do not mind waiting a couple of days, considering I would wait 5-7 business days for standard shipping. Next year when I have a need for it and will make more purchases, I will switch to prime.

@CM jan you are right amazon is all about quality/reputation and convenience, they elevated to the next level so price is not the be all and end all factor anymore. Let's say next year I find out Bayern Munchen is playing a friendly in LA and I want to get a jersey. No problem, I got to amazon prime, order the jersey and either in a couple of days. If I need it TODAY then I pay the extra $3-6. Life is so beautiful now and BT is also right they take the time to create good quetionaires, I used to work at Best Buy, that place is bull$hit. They just want you to buy the warranty and that is what the sales people will try to stick you with. They could care less about customer service, Amazon does and if you do not like something, send it back. If that jersey is too small, send it back and get the larger size, no problem, Amazon takes care of it for you.


Staff member
Nov 10, 2002
I love Amazon ... especially when I get my book in my hand after one day .... the best feeling !!!