Best and the most united Team-Melli ever, and that is only thanks to CQ!


National Team Player
Oct 18, 2002
Something about Branko has always bothered me is his condescendingly relaxed attitude. Granted, that's normally a good trait, but when it comes to football, you can't stand for "nothing". Branko is exactly the type of guy that stands for nothing. He bends a thousand ways to fit into whatever mold he's offered by his superiors. It bothered me during his early days in Iran and still does.

CQ is not known for being cool-headed and rational either. He's got a terrible temper, holds grudges and maintains a threatening attitude until he gets what he wants. This has worked great during his tenure in Iran because he's dealing with a bunch of real fuckheads. He's perfect for that environment. It's a pillar of his success.

As for who IFF and Iranian fans should back when it comes to these two, I don't think there's even a question. Why would anyone get behind a guy who stands for nothing?
Both have had some impact. Branko introduced discipline to the Iranian football. Where he failed was when he did not get rid of older players giving way to the younger ones. He opted to play political chips that kept his job, but failed the team. CQ brought youth to the team. We are no longer worried about anyone leaving the team, having learned that new and better players will step in. Where CQ needs to improve is not being stubborn. Our offense needs major improvement.
Branko, is still a good coach for Iran and has done a great job for Persepolis. CQ is a much better choice for TM.
Now the same is true of coaches as is for players. Sometimes they need to give way to new blood that can take the team a step further. Given the disfunctional IFF, I think we should keep CQ for a few more years.


Elite Member
Sep 26, 2004
While there are real and valid criticisms toward CQ.

We have to admit it. Iran won't be able to recruit somebody better than him.

He has a real grasp of the mentality of Iranian players and their real ability.

He also has mastered how to maneuver the corrupt landscape of Iranian governance and society.

He has earned enough credentials where the local players wont be able to sabotage his program.

I personally think it is a good to part ways with CQ after AsianCup. Not Because we can find somebody better.
But because it is time for somebody else to try a new method. on other hand Iran's chance of qualifying for a new WC is much greater with him and that might help our football more.

overall we can not deny that he has been the single greatest difference maker in our football.
He has introduced the notion of one team, discipline (stick to the plan), good physical ability
That's a horrible idea. CQ should remain coach until at least the next world cup.


Elite Member
Sep 26, 2004
I'm tired of all this Branko talk. He is a shit coach, who had no strategy and caused infighting in the squad in the middle of the world cup. He underachieved in every aspect with tm. Don't forget his loss to weak team like Macedonia in Tehran. TM succeeded despite him, not with his help, because we had a great generation of talent in Karimi, Mahdavikia, Kaebi, Nekounam, Hashemian, and Daei. If Carlos had this squad, Iran would make the semi-finals of the world cup.

Branko the same genius that took Mirzapour and Daei to the world cup, played injured players in many positions, and had the team sit back and do absolutely nothing. Did you all forget !!!!!!!!

Fuck Branko and all his supporters for taking a giant shit on Iran, and trying to convince everyone that we benefited from it.
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Bench Warmer
Jul 7, 2003
Uroguay is winning portogal. If they do then Portogal is the most overrated team and Branko would sound right.


Elite Member
Oct 18, 2002

The first round of the World Cup is over and the second round is about to start. But how can we grade the Asian teams in Russia after the group stages?

It could have been much, much worse for Saudi Arabia and for a while it looked as if it might be after the nightmare of their 5-0 opening game thrashing to hosts Russia.
The Green Falcons had few expectations going into a first World Cup since 2006 and few became zero after events in Moscow on June 14. But the team rallied and improved to lose narrowly to Uruguay and then pick up a deserved 2-1 win over Egypt on Monday on a sticky evening in Volgograd. Saudi Arabia left with a smile on their faces after recovering respect and honour.
After the loss to Russia there was huge criticism back home and from some very senior sporting figures. At the press conference after the game, the question was asked to coach Juan Antonio Pizzi and to other journalists – could the coach survive the night, short as it is in Moscow in June? By the end, he was getting a contract extension to the end of the Asian Cup next January. The team turned a bad situation around.

The Socceroos were the only Asian nation that failed to win in Russia. Yet, despite that, there was a sense that the team deserved a little more for their efforts than one measly point from what was a tough group involving France, Denmark and Peru.
Fans will look back at the 1-1 draw against Denmark as the pivotal result. Had there been a little more quality in the final third then Australia would have taken all three points against a beatable opponent. That would have changed the entire complexion of the final game equations and things could have been very different indeed.
As it was, the team were competitive in all three games but not quite good enough.

It was the worst of times and it was the best of times. Two disappointing and narrow defeats against Sweden and Mexico meant that Asia’s most successful World Cup team were in danger of the nightmare of zero points and the same amount of positives.
That they were followed by a glorious and never-to-be-forgotten win against defending champions Germany put everything in a whole new light. It was the result and performance of the tournament so far and made headlines around the world.
Yet it highlighted the wastefulness of the opening two losses with silly mistakes making the difference albeit in generally uninspiring performances. Beating Germany to go to the second round (and had Mexico beaten Sweden instead of losing 3-0 that would have been the case) would have been magical. As it was, it was merely special.

Japan made it through to the second round by the narrowest of margins but that matters little – once you are through, you are through. In the second half against Colombia and for much of the Senegal game, they showed what they could do. An intelligent passing game was on display and this was a team growing in confidence after a good start.
There was some luck; the early penalty and red card for Colombia, the best team in the group and then the fact that playing top seeds Poland in the final game was ideal as the Europeans had been poor and already eliminated.
The Samurai Blue still lost but got through instead of Senegal because they had received fewer yellow cards. It was not the ideal way to progress but it will be forgotten as soon as the second round match with Belgium starts.

Iran were in a very tough group but got the same number of points as Japan and that is a source of pride and frustration. The world saw what Asia has known for some time; this is a team with talent, discipline and plenty more besides.
They beat a very good Morocco team, lost 1-0 to Spain to an unlucky goal and then drew 1-1 with Portugal in an epic battle. Four points is sometimes enough, sometimes not. On this occasion, it wasn’t but it was an impressive return.
Nobody outside Asia will be underestimating Iran again. Has they been in a different group, Group A for example, then they surely would have gone through to the second round. As it was, Team Melli were only a few inches away from Mehdi Taremi, still one of the most under-rated players in Asia, putting them into the next stage.
Cristiano Ronaldo will not forget this game in a hurry and all will remember just how good Iran were.

Ali N.

Active Member
Aug 3, 2004

Once again I wanted to reiterate how good our TM played during this WC.
A week after TM's elimination, I know there are talks about Asian Cup 2019 and how we can win it! We have seen all 5 Asian reps' performance in this WC and it definitely is not going to be an easy task... it's not like we were the best Asian team in this WC! We have a lot of work to do in in the coming months if we want to prepare well for AC2019, all the other competitors will be there to make a point besides the main contenders like Japan, Australia and So. Korea...


Elite Member
Feb 18, 2005
Strawberry field

Once again I wanted to reiterate how good our TM played during this WC.
A week after TM's elimination, I know there are talks about Asian Cup 2019 and how we can win it! We have seen all 5 Asian reps' performance in this WC and it definitely is not going to be an easy task... it's not like we were the best Asian team in this WC! We have a lot of work to do in in the coming months if we want to prepare well for AC2019, all the other competitors will be there to make a point besides the main contenders like Japan, Australia and So. Korea...
Very true , we can't put our guard down and think because of how we did in world cup we are automatically gonna win the Asian cup .

No effort no treasure …! :unsure: ……….No ranj no ganj !:cool:
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