Can I get your opinion?


Bench Warmer
Jun 15, 2006
I'm a high school senior, and I've been on my school's baseball team for my entire time in high school. Now, traditionally, senior's have been given an advantage in playing time, but I find that this year has not been the case. Exactly half way into the season (7 games) and I've only played in two games! In past years I'd at least get in eight or ten of our games, but this year my coach has reduced my playing time and isn't giving any of us "bench" players a chance to win back a spot...while he puts younger and in some cases players who haven't proven anything to warrent their starting spot (which has cause me and three other players to consider quitting the team). Now I feel this is very unfair and my father told me to just forget about the team -- which I am very close to doing being that I also don't like certain players (one that is our captain this year for example). The big delima for me is that after three years on the team, and this year being our first year that we are above .500 at the halfway point; is this really the right time to drop out?

If anyone has an opinion or similar experience, I'd love to hear it. :D


King of Posts
Oct 16, 2002
Not to be harsh or anything but your coach is going to put out the best possible players he has at his disposal. If a freshman is better than a senior then i'm going to play the freshmen. Dropping out won't do anything for you but if you go to your coach and maybe say hey what do you see as my weaknesses so I can become stronger he may see that you are trying etc. and if you are getting better give you more playing time.


National Team Player
Dont drop out. You will regret it later on. I know its hard, but have you tried to have a talk with your coach about this problem yet? If you do talk with him, dont make it sound like your attacking his decision, but let him know why you think you should at least have a chance to prove yourself. Baseball is a team sport, and you should be happy with the success that your team has regardless of whether you play or not, but I do understand your frustration. I played on a soccer team once and had the same problem, but after talking to my coach and trying much harder in practice, the problem was solved. Put a 110% effort out on the field and have a talk with your coach.

BTW, do you think that maybe the players that hes playing in front of you are better?


Bench Warmer
Jun 15, 2006
I've really been thinking it over from the morning, and reading that reminded me why I stuck with the team so far this year. I don't want to look back later and relize that I quit on my high school team right at the end of my time their. I feel a few of the players on the field play at a lower level than myself, and I've talked with my coach recently about it...but with seven games in the next ten days maybe I'll get a chance to hit the field and prove myself again.

Thanks for the doses of reality guys!


good call, never quit. i played 4 years of high school baseball and was benched my sophmore year on the jv team after starting every game as a freshman, my buddy quit, i stayed and played varsity the next year. most coaches just have hunches and try things out, as long as you keep showing yourself as a good team player and do good in practice, i'm sure you'll get playing time.

what position do you play by the way?


Oct 16, 2002
don't put too much thought about performing well on the field when u get your chance. Thats when you'll screw every little thing up bc ur nervous. its not life or death


listen to this everyday for the rest of the season, this is all we listened to

Oct 18, 2002
Often times the highschools hire coaches who may have military experience but have no knowledge of the game or knowledge of dealing with son had the same problem with his stupid coach who would run them for miles make them do harsh exercises but then at the time of the game he would make such stupid mistakes that made them lose every game in soccer.
but it was the coaches stupidity and not any of the players fault. If your coach is that type then I say to hell with it and quit and make it known as to why!
But if your coach knows baseball, I say stay.
my 2cents


National Team Player
I've really been thinking it over from the morning, and reading that reminded me why I stuck with the team so far this year. I don't want to look back later and relize that I quit on my high school team right at the end of my time their. I feel a few of the players on the field play at a lower level than myself, and I've talked with my coach recently about it...but with seven games in the next ten days maybe I'll get a chance to hit the field and prove myself again.

Thanks for the doses of reality guys!
I'm glad your deciding to stay. Good decision. And remember, if everything does'nt work out, its ok. Its not the end of the world. If you have a bad season or if you dont get to play, youll forget about it over time, but the things you learn and the friendships you make will most likely last a lifetime.

Hahahah RugsNotBombs on the video. It put a big smile on my face.