Dawkins conversation with his 10 year old daughter (our geniuses in this forum should note ...)

Nov 29, 2002
Its easy, because you are a shia piece of shit in deed and thought and you have also came up with articles to underline this stance. You are an illiterate piece of shit who according to your own fucked up self, would categorically reject the truth if it would come out of the mouth of certain people. You are this kind of a dirt. Zer zere ziaadi nabaashe.
In case anyone reading this thread believes a single word this guy says (a guy who has posted under multiple user names and then denies it), I have never posted any "article" to underline any stance, and I don't believe in religion.

This guy just lies and lies and lies but someone needs to help him.
Apr 15, 2016
Can you write in english please I find it difficult keeping up with your sewer mouth in my first language, I don't know what many of these words mean and it is even harder when you right it in a script which I only learnt on Sundays when I was a kid for a few years.

I changed my mind, you have brought something to this forum which is to help learn personal insults and gutter talk. Now if I ever get in conversation with an illiterate thug I might know what he is saying.
جمعش کس کس کشه ان پاره. حالا یه دفعه واست دوباره سخت شد؟ یه مدت پیش که اصلا میگفتی فارسی نمیتونی بخونی, بعد دیدیم میتونی بخونی, حالا دوباره نمیتونی...ای که شاشیدم به اون شخصیت حقیرت مرتیکه بی همه چیز. پفیوز از اول تا آخر در هیچ مقطعی هیچ حرفی در مورد هیچ چیزی برا گفتن نداشتی و نداری.
Nov 29, 2002
جمعش کس کس کشه ان پاره. حالا یه دفعه واست دوباره سخت شد؟ یه مدت پیش که اصلا میگفتی فارسی نمیتونی بخونی, بعد دیدیم میتونی بخونی, حالا دوباره نمیتونی...ای که شاشیدم به اون شخصیت حقیرت مرتیکه بی همه چیز. پفیوز از اول تا آخر در هیچ مقطعی هیچ حرفی در مورد هیچ چیزی برا گفتن نداشتی و نداری.
See this is easier because most of the words here I can read and understand, it just takes me some time. I know you came to Germany when you were young but I was born in the UK so all the Farsi reading I learned was from two hours on a Sunday which I went to for a few years. So of course it is difficult as I only got to about 5th Dabestan books in that period, I've already told you this many times before but your gem of a memory means that you keep repeating the same things.
Apr 15, 2016
In case anyone reading this thread believes a single word this guy says (a guy who has posted under multiple user names and then denies it), I have never posted any "article" to underline any stance, and I don't believe in religion.

This guy just lies and lies and lies but someone needs to help him.

کس ننه آدم دروغ گو. مرض بیدرمون به جون کسی که دروغ بگه. تو خود جاکشت بودی که یه مقاله از یه زن نروژی یا سوئدی آوردی که داشت از شیعه گری به به و چه چه میکرد و به من میگفتی: این چی؟ اینم دروغ میگه؟

ای که کثافت تخم شیعه. کثافت پست فطرت
Apr 15, 2016
Bro, I'm a medical doctor and my job is to help people. Tell me where you are and I can make the referral to the closest psychiatric hospital. Please, I know you are covered in layers of oghdeh and confusion but beneath that there may have been a human once, and it is our job to try to salvage what's left.
تو پشمه منم نیستی. از این جاکشا زیاد داشتیم, شما حیوانات اگر لالایی بلد بودید واسه خودتون میخوندید. کسری هم از قرار معلوم دکتره و اون دکتر مور رو هم که دیدیم چه تاجی به سرمون زد. کس کش دکتر بودن چه ربطی به آدم بودن داره؟ تو اول باید بری آدم شی. دکتر بودن که جنس خراب رو درست نمیکنه, دکتر بودن که بیسوادی در تمام قسمت های دیگر زندگی غیر از رشته تخصصی آدم, رو برطرف نمیکنه. دکتر فقط یک مسلکه, نه یک رتبه شخصیتی مرتیکه بیسواد. تو از اون مسلکت حتی برای کمک به خودت هم نمیتونی استفاده کنی در صورتی که یک موجود کاملا بیمار و حقیر هستی.
Apr 15, 2016
In case anyone reading this thread believes a single word this guy says (a guy who has posted under multiple user names and then denies it), I have never posted any "article" to underline any stance, and I don't believe in religion.

This guy just lies and lies and lies but someone needs to help him.
kos keshe bisharaf

Nov 29, 2002
LOOOL so you took that seriously? you are more fucking stupid than I thought.

Seriously, instead of just downloading 500 pdfs (Is there an olympic sport for that?) and boasting about that in order to win an argument with someone, do some intelligence building exercises.

I can't believe this guy, he is like the encyclopaeia of different psychological AND psychiatric complaints suffused within one person: Schizophrenia (delusions of grandeur), dissociative disease (in the thread you posted you are replying to yourself using your two favourite anti-hero usernames), narcissistic personality disorder, memory loss, borderline personality disorder, perhaps Tourette's syndrome?, Social Communication Disorder.

Psychology and psychiatry students wouldn't need to attend lectures, they got it all in one person here. In some ways it is an honour to be able to interact with someone who could have a benchmark paper written and published about him in a top journal: "The Full Spectrum of Mental Health". Hanky boy, I take it all back, it is a privilege to interact with you, I wish I had gone into the psych profession so I could meet you in person and write you up.
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Nov 29, 2002
anyone who has been on this site for the last 18 years since PGS/ZAL days knows that I do not believe in religion, least of all in islam or shia islam.

No, the person who has brought this site down is you. In the same post you are being profane and then you ask who brings the site down? Are you for real? Everyone here is humouring you, the only support you have is from yourself. It is beyond sad, you are a tragedy..
Glad that my post in that thread is exactly the same as now. Because you are such a genius, you think that I believe in your shia or sunni islam? LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL.

Here's a clue bud, I was humouring you and your different usernames. Anyone who has one brain cell can see that.
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Apr 15, 2016
اها یعنی تو کون کش داشتی مسخره بازی در میاوردی؟ خوب کس کش هفت خط این چیزی رو درست نمیکنه. بد ترش میکنه. نشون میده تو به بیماری های دیگری هم مبتلا هستی. یعنی نه فقط بیسوادی, نه فقط شیعه صفت و مکاری , بلکه دلقک هم هستی. بابا یعنی تو انقدر بی وجودی؟ تا این حد بی پرنسیپ, بی پروفایل و لجن؟ میبینی, شخصیت امثال تو انقدر درز و سوراخ داره, که قادر به گرفتن همشون نیستید. یه سوراخو میگیرید, از یه جا دیگه میزنه بیرون.
Nov 29, 2002
I can promise you that during your life, you have believed in Shia islam more than me

But regardless, one thing for sure is that you are a special psychological and psychiatric case and it is an honour to know you.
Apr 15, 2016
و من میگم تو جاکش بیسواد, هفت خط و دلقکی بیش نیستی, و زر زیادی بزنی, کونتو جر میدم. اینو دیگه حتی توی کدن هم باید فهمیده باشی.
Nov 29, 2002
I keep explaining to you that Farsi is my second language so I don't know what these mean: "هفت خط و دلقکی" "کونتو جر میدم" "کدن "
Nov 29, 2002
Why are you such an angry, hateful person? You don't have any respect for the people on this forum, a lot of whom contribute a lot to society and all you do is swear at people and give personal insults. Everyone is stupid compared to your amazing 500 pdf genius.

Do you go about your life just ascribing literacy and education levels or personalities to people you don't know one thing about?

What happened to you as a child?
Apr 15, 2016
Why are you such an angry, hateful person? You don't have any respect for the people on this forum, a lot of whom contribute a lot to society and all you do is swear at people and give personal insults. Everyone is stupid compared to your amazing 500 pdf genius.

Do you go about your life just ascribing literacy and education levels or personalities to people you don't know one thing about?

What happened to you as a child?

گمشو کس کش حروم لقمه. تو کثافت اصلا به همین خاطر میای اینجا, دوست داری فحش کاری رو. همون که گفتم, تو بیسواد مارمولک گه میخوری اصلا با کسی که در حدش نیستی, کل کل شروع کنی. هر دفعه همین بلا سرت میاد. یادت میدم بری از این به بعد قشنگ با همتا و همرده های خودت بپری. همرده های تو کون کشه بیسواد همون امثال این روانی تیم ملی و ۴ پا و سلای و این جور اشخاص هستند. سرتو میکنی تو کون گشادت و زر های بزرگتر از دهنت نمیزنی.
Nov 29, 2002
You're a big guy aren't you, answering in a language which is a challenge for me to read.

If you're a man, write your responses in English so that I can respond properly to them.


Elite Member
Feb 5, 2014
Las Vegas, NV
Write in english please
английский(American!) and good call on your diagnosis I agree with everything you said Dr, funny stuff. I posted it in Russ so he can get it maybe. BTW Damet garm for sticking up for me in the El Classico thread along with BT jan, Fainally and everybody else, I love you all sorry if I left anyone out. I will keep private stuff private but let's switch back to Dawkins I posted differences between Darwinism and Social Darwinism in the post above let's discuss that and not let him hijack the thread. I also followed Babr's advice and it works from now on I will wait a couple of minutes before I post and like my boy Hala and my liverpool homie HB jan poitned out keep it to a paragraph or max two short ones so people will respond. No long winded farsi posts so you miss one line and then he can use that against you. That is what I.R politicians do, along with red herring and ad homenim attack. I diagnosed the same thing not a doc but want to get a Ph.D in forensic pshych. Why would someone say they are 6'2 240 BUILT LIKE AN NFL LINEBACKER. I'm a big dude but even I am 6'1 and right now walking at 170, I can maybe max bulk to 225. that played american football in Germany etc. I am not making fun of Chinaski here I am worried. I think he is single, 5'9 probably alone and lonley. Dude please talk to someone, I did before and it really helps. I recommend some ZEN MEDITATION or something spiritual or whatever makes you happy back to Dawkins please lets discuss HIM or even Harry Chinaski not the guy the philosopher aka my Polska Slava homie Charles Bukowski. I love this intellectual stuff and it is a shame when the thread gets hijacked like this. I don't know where he was born bu ski he is ethnic Polska slava bro ski, I know that much.
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Elite Member
Oct 18, 2002
آخه ابله!! تو با کسی که فارسی بلد نیست بخونه دهن به دهن شدی؟؟!!! با این فحشهایی هم که میدی مثلا اسم خودتو گذاشتی متفکر؟؟!! بابا یکی بیاد اینو بنش کنه بره! دیگه از حدش زیادی خارج شده! بیشعور عوضی!!!
Apr 15, 2016
آخه ابله!! تو با کسی که فارسی بلد نیست بخونه دهن به دهن شدی؟؟!!! با این فحشهایی هم که میدی مثلا اسم خودتو گذاشتی متفکر؟؟!! بابا یکی بیاد اینو بنش کنه بره! دیگه از حدش زیادی خارج شده! بیشعور عوضی!!!
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