Dear Babr ,please post some info about the our game with India today ,WE need you !


Elite Member
Feb 18, 2005
Strawberry field
Mahbod aziz who kept us all up to date with news about football has been quite in the last few days ,please come back and post about today's game ,

we need you here dude ,,,:)

Here is a eydi just for you ...bebin maaro be che roozi andakhti !

Eydi from seyed Mehdi !! he is praying you come back !



Bench Warmer
Feb 6, 2005
LOL for bribing Babr with Rahmati's photo!

I was wondering about his whereabouts, hope he is doing great. I think Babar is either busy with eyd-didani or has traveled out of town for Norooz!