"DO or DIE"FIFA World Cup Group B: | IRAN vs PORTUGAL |Information, Updates & Live Reports| june 25th

Nov 24, 2002
It takes a lot of courage to score a penalty like Ansarifard did, Zirtaghi requires a big pair of balls at this stage of football. Even CR played it safe. So far only Harry Kane converted like this in this tournament but that was against Panama.
The guy was the top scorer of Greece league up to the last week of the competition. He scored few amazing P.K during the season.
Likes: Real Madrid
Dec 30, 2014
به نظر می رسه حق خوری هنوز همون حق خوری حالا با وی ای ار باشه یا نباشه
برگردید به بازی مغرب و پرتقال ببینید که چه پنالتی اشکاری ضد پرتقال میشه
قشنگ میخوره به دست پپه همه هم دیدند صد در صد ان هفت هشت داور که هرکدوم دارن با دقت بازی رو نگاه میکنند هم دیدند
ولی اخه مگه میشه قهرمان اروپا با رونالدو که صدها ملیون نفر طرفدار داره از دو بازی دو امتیاز بگیره امکان اوت شدند زیاد باشه؟
انوقت این صدها ملیون تبلغات رو نگاه نمیکنند و فیفا ضرر میکنه
کون لق مغرب
غیر از ان در بازی با ایران این حرکت رونالدو کارت سرخ داشت کارت سرخ صد در صد بنا بر قوانین خود فیفا
ولی مگه میشه رونالدو رو سرخ بدی اون هم از دور اول؟
کون لق ایران
در بازی مصر و عربستان داور بعد از فی ای ار دو تا پنالتی میگیره که یکیش صد در صد پنالتی نبود
اینجا حداقل عربستان و مصر هستند مصر که نفعی برای فیفا نداره خدا بگذاره عربستان
بازی سوئد همینطور
برگردید به بازی تونس و انگلیس که اصلا فی ای ار خراب کرد وواقعا مضحک بود
بقیه بازی ها رو هم دقت کنید می بینید اکثرا ف ای ار به نفع کشورهای بزرگ فوتبال رای میده
یارو اشکارا خورده تو دستش ملیاردها هم دیدن خود ف ای ار به دارو میگه بیا نگاه ن داور هم میره بعد در کمال تعجب میاد یه تصمیم دیگه میگیره
این اتفاق در دو سه بازی افتاد
همچنین برعکس جایی مثلا اون تکل از عقب به بازیکن ایران تو هیجده قدم باور کنید اگر روی رونالدو بو پنالتی گرفته میشد
ولی حتی صحنه رو دوباره نگذاشتن این یک ی خیلی خیلی عجیب بود
اخر کار که دیدن پرتقال با تساوی هم صعود میکنه دیگه مجبور شدند اون پنالتی اشکار را اعلام کنند والا شاید همین هم اعلام نمیشد
گل اسپانیا به مغرب رو هم دقت کنید
بعضی ها یا به قول گفتنی صاف و ساده هستند یا فکر میکنند این فیفایی ها فرشته هستند
فرشته عدالت که واقعا خیلی کودکانه با قلبی پاک سعی میکنه عدالت رو راعایت کنه
نه بابا اینطور نیست
مارادونا یکم با اینها در افتاد وسط نیمه مجازاتش کردند که تو رختکن گریه کرد
بعد هم برای همیشه تحریم شد
گند بقیه از پلاتینی تا پلاتر او ن یکی مالزیه و افریقایه کی بود اسمشون یادم رفته در اومد
اینها هم نوچه های انها هستند
تا موقعی که ضعیف هستی عدالت برای تو اجرا نمیشه
باید خودت رو به زور بکشی بالا
اگر عدالت تا حد ی اجرا میشد پرتقال سه امتیازه بود
گذشته از این ایا گل اسپانیا افساید نبود؟
قبلا وقتی میگفتیم داور به نفع گرفت میگفتند عمدا نبوده
الان که 8 تا داور بیرون حضور دارند و هر صحنه ای رو بررسی میکنند چی میشه گفت ؟!!!ا
Yup. VAR is now just another tool for FIFA to insure hat they get the results they want. Most of the Football pundits agree with what you wrote and some of them go further by blatantly accusing FIFA of interfering to get the right outcome. Everyone agrees that Ronaldo shuld have been sent off. No question. I cannot believe that the referee looks at it and then comes up with a yellow. I think he was too embarrassed not to give a card and at the same time did not want to eliminate the world's best player from WC.
Likes: Fatso


Bench Warmer
Oct 18, 2002
Despite the miss, Taremi played very hard today and fought for every ball. Misses happen even with the best players. He should hold his head up.
To be fair we wouldn't have gotten the review and the penalty if it wasn't for the show that Taremi put together. We only got VAR because Taremi continued to be in the Ref's face :)

But that was a chance he should not have missed. He would have become the biggest football hero in Iranian history overnight!!


National Team Player
Dec 30, 2011
.Exact. As I said, Personally I don't give a damn about how good or bad a team play football, We need to make a difference and it that happens in the hands of CQ, Mokhlesesham hastim and I'll be his fan forever.

hala agar bakhtim o khob bakhtimo we are still proud and etc .. these are all harf alaki , every fan is proud of his or her own National team regardles the result and we are not different

خوب تیم ملی‌ ایران به همراه بهترین مربی‌ تاریخ فوتبالش یعنی‌ کارلوس کیروش عالی‌ بازی کرد،حالا نوبت شماست که به قولت عمل کنی‌ و آواتر خود را با عکس کیروش عوض کنی‌.
May 29, 2018
I can't express how happy I am with Iran, CQ and our boys - yes we don't have a major superstar, otherwise that last second effort would have been a goal, yes Taremi should have scored but wow is all I can say, once again I say this being a player who has played at their level and view the games from a professional players perspective, this Iran team is quite possibly one of the most if not the most organized and strategic team in the world - I can tell you guys this, DO EXPECT Iran to hit even the quarter finals of the next WC, as long as we can KEEP CQ and continue this development - the ONLY thing I disagree with is Gucci not playing, I would have brought him into the game at the 75th minute and perhaps Dejagah as well, I would have brought both of them in, other than that everything was perfect - we were very unlucky here to not knock Portugal out and I can tell you that the entire world respects us beyond what you think, I spoke to my friends tonight, some who play for Ittihad, Toronto FC, Besiktas and Olympiacos and everyone has said the same thing, "Iran is one of the best in class at the moment", we won the respect of the world, solidified ourselves as the best team to ever come out of Asia and essentially created the platform for the future. Going forward you can rest assured you will see a lot more Iran apparel, a lot more proud persians, and a lot more respect for Iranian football. Thank you CQ, thank you boys, how I wish I had not selected Canada, was 12 years younger and could have played for this team myself, had the opportunity years ago and squandered it because politics but I will forever live through these players!
Oct 18, 2002
Sad and Happy game.
We missed at least 3 good chances
The ref. was all right, I hate S. American refs, they always get Iran in trouble but he didn't call a hand ball on our player (Ronaldo's free kick was deflected by our player's arm). Then again he didn't award us a penalty and would not even look at the replay. So it was fair ....
I don't think Ronaldo hitting our player in the face was intentional and if it was , it was not a hard hit. I am surprised he got any card.
I hope our Keeper grows and gains experience, as I said before he will be 1 of our best ever if not the best...(I cant believe he had greasy gloves early on)!?
He gave the defenders (and whole team) a great amount of confidence

Over All I agree that FIFA is corrupted and does things outside of football and treats Asian and African teams as 2nd class!
I still believe Spain's goal should have been called an off side not ours. Remember Iran vs. Germany (or was it Yugoslavia)? of 98? Daei shot a free kick, went thru Estili's legs the ref called it as "Interference"?! hell this ball hit the player and went in... I mean he flicked the ball in and he looked like was in off side.

This TM suffers from lack of goal scorer really. If for instance we had someone like Hassan Roshan (or even Karimi) today, we would win 3-1 and onto the next level.
Likes: Sly
Oct 18, 2002
The only thing that I feel was a little bit unfair was the fact Gucci never played. He is so incredible. He deserved few minutes. I hope he will have a role in future.
BTW Whatever happened to Guchi? Was he on the roster ? We really needed a goal scorer and he is the man. (I think he scored a goal in 8 seconds for his club side few years back when I followed football). I saw it, they started the game, his teammate shot the ball up high to the right Guchi controlled the ball and then rand 3 steps and then slammed it into the net with his left foot, I think it was fastest goal ever lol :D