Fooladvand, Man Of the Year.


Bench Warmer
Oct 18, 2002
He is doing to Islam what Reza Shah did to warlords killing them one by one or in this case, soore by soore. thus preparing Iran to be a country free of religious KHORAFATS. In a couple of yrs Iran May be the only country in the world rid of all religious bs and will have taken a giant step toward the great civilization we were and deserve to be.

Let us for a change honor somebody’s work before he is either dead or killed, and be sure ur hamvatans in Iran are lot more ready for his teachings than most of u mosalman zades abroad.

Indeed, fooladvand did the most basic job for us , that is he read and translated the Quran for us , something most of us Iranian Moslems have not taken the time to do. For me it happened 5 yrs ago asI broke a foot so bad I had to spent the whole summer in cast. So I decided to really read the Quran and did 5 or 10 pages at a day. It changed me for ever and found out how badly we’ve been ripped off. And quickly to get other people involved and to get their attention started calling Mohammad , Mammad….u guys know.

In any case I am not really worried about the political aspiriations of Fooladvand and whatever the Daie Jon Napeleon theories may be,he has started the tide that will wash away Islam as it is in Iran forever .he has eradicated the roots of bardegy forever. , Indeed Hakha would have been more successful had he been a yr or so late. Fooladvand's messege contains Hakha and lot more that will bring back the self respect and confidence to a nation badly in need of them. Damesh garm. Happy norooz to all , may Ahura be with u all the time.


National Team Player
Aug 17, 2003
another useless post full of contradictions.

You say "may Ahura be with u".

Then we have to assume that either you believe in the concept of Ahura which means you have a religion of your own or you don't believe in the concept of Ahura in which case you're just using it to be pretentious and deceitful.

If you are intentionally using a religious concept like Ahura (which is near and dear to the thoughts and beliefs of majority of Iranian), without believing in it, merely for the purpose of being pretentious and deceiving them in buying your crap then sir, the words coming out of your mouth (or garbled up in your brain) are no different than what comes out of my asshole.

If on the other hand you do believe in concepts such as Ahura then one has no choice to conclude that you either believe in part or whole of Zoroastrian religion. If you believe in Ahura then you must also believe that Ahura is the one who created this earth in 6-7 days and that there is such a thing as Ahriman and thus heaven and hell and thus the fundamentals of what you refer to as "religious KHORAFATS". In that case, one wonders what the hell it is you're yapping about and making all this noise about "preparing Iran to be a country free of religious KHORAFATS."

Your problem is that you like to post messages that only appeal to emotions without any brain, thought process, or logic involved. And even in appealing to emotions you do a lousy job.

btw, you think you're so unique in having read the Koran? You think others who believe in it with all their heart and life haven't read it.

And, you say: "I decided to really read the Quran and did 5 or 10 pages at a day." Unless five years ago you were just starting first grade, 5 or 10 pages of reading per day is not serious reading nor anything to be bragging about. ;)

EnshALLAH keh in sal e no Ahura yeh maghzi beh toh va yek pooli ham eidi beh ma bedeh. :D



Ball Boy
Feb 19, 2005
to be honest, i don't agree with either of you. but ashtar raises a controversial point here. you say:

If you believe in Ahura then you must also believe that Ahura is the one who created this earth in 6-7 days and that there is such a thing as Ahriman and thus heaven and hell and thus the fundamentals of what you refer to as "religious KHORAFATS"
i have always questioned zoroastrians around me about this issue. most of them don't believe in heaven and hell. they themselves refer to it as a kind of khorafat. and they weren't the ones who claimed to be zoroastrian to make them sound more intellectual or in one way or another, abuse it for their own purposes. they were people who came to a local darbe mehr to worship and among them are some mobeds (sp?).

i know this has nothing to do with bestyr's original post, i'm just curious to find out what the zoroastrians really believe. i have never done any extensive research on the zoroastrian faith.


Bench Warmer
Mar 19, 2004
I do not know if I should laugh or cry. Somebody help.........

Once and for all, ALL religions are a bunch of old stories. As Bill Maher once said, "How can you claim that my Mumbo-jumbo is better than your mumbo-jumbo?"



Bench Warmer
Oct 18, 2002
Noroozetan Peerooz ba arezoye salamati va del e khosh

Obviously part of many religions is what u call khorafat, that is the stuff that has its own and not so logical tradition, the important thing is if the particular religion has come out of ur own land and culture.

I’m a moslaman or moslamanzade…to me that’s not that important and I’m not planning to change my religion…its all in ur heart.

The thing is ..u may feed a lion fish and vegis and eventually will adapt to it , but lion won’t be lion..Us Iranians for our soul food which is religion has been force fed a religion that does not fit our character and tradition…therefore slowly our culture has lost its shine and some of its power.

Islam is not a religion for Iranians , never meant to be…plus Islam and other religions copied a lot of what Zardoosht said but a copy to suit their own in short why not buy the original copy. And again which is more beautiful..Islam’s symbol is a sword And la elahe ella lah….zardosht’s is Fire and songs….

I have a problem with la elaha ellal hah….there is another god..certainly for us Iranians..we don’t consider a large part of what’s said in Quran to be something our god would say….any way got to go… good

p.s. I should have changed the word " Religion" to Islam in my original post.