Freemasonary in today's world


Active Member
Feb 19, 2009
The freemasons are an order of satan worshippers associated with the illuminati. Primarily they are organized by family (the strongest are the rothschild and rockafellers) and degrees. They control much of the worlds wealth, and their ultimate goal is to create a one world government with themselves as the elites and everyone else as their slaves. At the current time all heads of state are freemason.. If you look closely you can find similar symbols in important buildings all around the world


Frank Albo's phenomenal research into the architectural influences of the Freemasons on the Legislative Building of Manitoba reveals many secrets.

During the height of Winnipeg's economic prosperity at the turn of the century, the Legislative Building of Manitoba was born, but not without numerous symbolic references relating to the secretive traditions of the Freemasons. Recently, Frank Albo, a Research Fellow at the University of Winnipeg, has gone public over his four-year quest to reveal the link between Freemasonry and the architecture of the Manitoba Legislative Building.

The Legislative Building was designed by Frank W. Simon who studied at the �cole des Beaux-Arts where many of the Masonic ideals in architecture such as the theoretical treatise of Jacques-Fran�ois Blondel, the affinity for Egyptian architecture, and the strict observance of Vitruvian geometry were taught. With a fascination for sacred architecture, the Freemasons encoded their buildings with secret geometric orders and religious symbols that were hidden in plain view from the uninitiated.

The list of Masonic influences found in Simon's building is lengthy, but a few features are worth noting. The secret and secular society of Freemasons believe that their knowledge originates from ancient Egypt and in particular, Pharaoh Thutmosis III whose name is inconspicuously carved in a hieroglyphic inscription on the Sphinxes flanking the building's north pediment. The Sphinxes remain hidden from those at ground level.

Adhering to the conventions of an ancient temple, the Legislative Building also contains numerous references to Solomon's Temple--the preeminent symbol of Freemasonry. According to Albo, the Masonic Cubit (i.e. 14.4 inches) was employed as the unit of measurement for the Lieutenant-Governor's Reception Suite whose floor plan precisely replicates that of the Holy of Holies in Solomon's Temple. Comparing the religious functions of the High Priest to the constitutional duties of the Lieutenant-Governor--who ceremoniously reigns over every citizen in Manitoba, except for the Sovereign--the infusion of Freemason affinity for ceremonial duties in a public building in Canada is fascinating, albeit disturbing.

And what would a Holy of Holies be without the Ark of the Covenant? Seeing no Ark in the Reception Suite, Albo discovered a representation of the Ark on the exterior of the east fa�ade, just above the window leading out of the Reception Suite. The Ark of the Covenant is regarded as an earthly manifestation of God and is seen by the Masons as a powerful symbol of wisdom and secrets. The Ark was a repository of the tablets containing the Ten Commandments and is supposed to be protected by two winged warriors. In Winnipeg, a Native and a British warrior guard the Ark which is officially referred to as the "War Chest."

Everything is done for a "good reason" and a "real reason." For this Manitoba building, the two principal resources of Manitoba--the fertile land and the railway system--are represented through Masonic symbols. A black eight-pointed star represents the earth. Hermes, the Greek messenger god represents the railway system, along with Winnipeg's central geographic position of commerce. In Winnipeg, Hermes, the patron of Freemasonry, is the "Golden Boy." Symbolic of either the star of Bethlehem or Venus, the Blazing Black Star is one of the most conspicuous symbols of a Masonic Lodge. When a Masonic candidate is asked what are the ornaments in a Lodge, his response is supposed to be: "The Mosaic Pavement, the Indented Tessel, and the Blazing Star in the centre." All of these features comprise the inlaid floor of the Legislative Building's Rotunda.

As a final note, the cornerstone of the building was laid on July 3, 1914. On this date, Mercury and Venus were in near perfect alignment. This parallels the perfect alignment of the Black Star and the Golden Boy in the building's centre and serves as an ideal metaphor for the famous Hermetic axiom: "As above, so below." The alignment of symbolism through secretive and double-meanings exists throughout much of the idealized architecture of Freemasonry. In the case of the Manitoba Legislature, the symbolism is in plain view, yet remains hidden. To the ruling elites at the time, and to many Freemasons today, the Legislative Building of Manitoba was a focus of Masonic activity in North America and remains so to this day. Ask a Mason, and he'll tell you.
Jan 26, 2006
I bet not many of you even know about this. This is just a brief. There are so much more material on this. I want you to see the bigger picture. Once armed with the gathered data (there are mis/disinformation there too) then you may start to figure out why the world and in particular our great land has been through so much, all by design. Please take a few minutes to load up and think about it.

The full link is provided farther below. A bit of it on the III-WW is pasted here.

�The Third World War� must be fomented by taking advantage of the differences caused by the � Agentur� of the � Illuminati� between the political Zionists and the leaders of Islamic World. The war must be conducted in such a way that Islam ( the Moslem Arabic World) and political Zionists (The State Of Israel) mutually destroy each other. Meanwhile the other nations , once more divided on this issue will be constrained to fight to the point of complete Physical, Moral, Spiritual and Economical Exhaustion� We shall unleash the Nihilists and the atheist, and we shall provoke a formidable social cataclysm which in all its horror will show clearly to the Nations the affect of absolute atheism, origin of savagery and of the most bloody turmoil. Then everywhere, the citizens, obliged to defend themselves against the world minority of revolutionaries, will exterminate those destroyers of civilization, and the multitude , disillusioned with Christianity, whose deistic spirits will from that moment be without compass or direction, anxious for an ideal, but without knowing where to render its adoration, will receive the true light through the universal manifestation of the pure doctrine of Lucifer, brought finally out in the public view. This manifestation will result from the general reactionary movement which will follow the destruction of Christianity and Atheism, both conquered and exterminated at the same time.

Since the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001, world events, and in particular the Middle East, show a growing unrest and instability between Jews and Arabs. This is completely in line with the call for a Third World War to be fought between the two, and their allies on both sides. This Third World War is still to come, and recent events show us that it is not far off.
Jan 26, 2006
I didn't realise he was going on David Icke videos, or sites like InfoWars so many years before anyone else on the iranian sites was. In some ways, he was the pioneer of jafangparooni. Looking at the timeline, it seems that he was the Master, and KD became the Padawan. Maybe the cycle will continue with KD as the Master and Farhad A to become the Padawan just through pure sycophancy/khayemali ability alone. (sorry for Star Wars analogies)
Last edited:
Jan 26, 2006
UFO Alex Collier - Reptilian Rulers

This is the 3rd piece of a 12 piece video. Watch it and if interested start from the 1st piece. Be open-monded. you'd be very taken back to hear the things you may never have dreamt of. Andromedan races of humans spread across different galaxies at war with the interdimensional (shape-shifting...) reptilian races... just be open minded...
Some Questions: can this really be true? If not, why are themes like this being spread on the WWW web? Are such fronts propagated to prepare and instil ideas for the next lots of changes to the humanity? You may have your own objecive questions!
UFO Alex Collier - Reptilian Rulers 3 of 12

Jan 26, 2006
Have you noticed some of the Croatian player names?
Did you note the names?
PRSO Dado: PRSO for perso>>pers>> paarsee
BABIC Marko: BABIC for Babak
SRNA Darijo: Darijo for darisho>>dariush
May be there are other "common" names we are not aware of!​
Jan 26, 2006
Albert Pike, a founder of Freemasonry mapped WW1, WW2 & WW3 years in advance.

I bet not many of you even know about this. This is just a brief. There are so much more material on this. I want you to see the bigger picture. Once armed with the gathered data (there are mis/disinformation there too) then you may start to figure out why the world and in particular our great land has been through so much, all by design. Please take a few minutes to load up and think about it.

The full link is provided farther below. A bit of it on the III-WW is pasted here.

�The Third World War� must be fomented by taking advantage of the differences caused by the � Agentur� of the � Illuminati� between the political Zionists and the leaders of Islamic World. The war must be conducted in such a way that Islam ( the Moslem Arabic World) and political Zionists (The State Of Israel) mutually destroy each other. Meanwhile the other nations , once more divided on this issue will be constrained to fight to the point of complete Physical, Moral, Spiritual and Economical Exhaustion� We shall unleash the Nihilists and the atheist, and we shall provoke a formidable social cataclysm which in all its horror will show clearly to the Nations the affect of absolute atheism, origin of savagery and of the most bloody turmoil. Then everywhere, the citizens, obliged to defend themselves against the world minority of revolutionaries, will exterminate those destroyers of civilization, and the multitude , disillusioned with Christianity, whose deistic spirits will from that moment be without compass or direction, anxious for an ideal, but without knowing where to render its adoration, will receive the true light through the universal manifestation of the pure doctrine of Lucifer, brought finally out in the public view. This manifestation will result from the general reactionary movement which will follow the destruction of Christianity and Atheism, both conquered and exterminated at the same time.

Since the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001, world events, and in particular the Middle East, show a growing unrest and instability between Jews and Arabs. This is completely in line with the call for a Third World War to be fought between the two, and their allies on both sides. This Third World War is still to come, and recent events show us that it is not far off.
Jan 26, 2006
I'd make sure I take back all the gold off from ..., hide it well from him (he has hidden powers) and keep it.
There is some malevolent intensions behind the hybrid liZard's thirst for gold on this planet. The liZards need to ship it off to their own planet (Nibiru) next time soon it is close by to implant it back into their atmosphere.

I know your tricks.
Jan 26, 2006
NO SARCASM (sarcasm is the lowest form of wit)

I want my hammeehanaan to know this and such.
Just what if such or like were true. I want to expand the dimensions of that box we have been enslaved to live in. Just watch the vidoes and think for a bit. I would love some mature responses (no sharp-shitting). I have my questions too!
For your information, if you do your research, these folks and their close families, like Alex Collier, have been rediculed all their lives by the common "man" just because of expressing and dissemminating their out-of this-world findings/views.

Mind you there are also stuff like the Blue-Beam project which also need to be taken into consideration. There are so much of it on the Web. One is attached farther below at the end of this post.
Jan 26, 2006

Paul Joseph Watson: 2011 - World In Crisis

Here is a two part informative synopsis on the latest world events and the kind of analysis which you do not receive in controlled media.

June 5, 2011

Paul Joseph Watson, writer and webmaster for and, talks to WeAreChange Birmingham about the staggering amount of crisis to hit the globe so far in 2011, including the Arab spring and the bombardment and invasion of Libya. Also discussed is the fallout from this year�s Bilderberg meeting and the future agenda for the globalists, as well as the latest vaccine research and the Fukushima disaster cover-up.


Jesus Christ, he was talking about Paul Joseph Watson before it was cool! Probably even Behrooz hadn't heard of Prison Planet by this point lol!

BTW for those who don't know, basement dwelling map-lover PJW's favourite supplement is:


Jan 26, 2006
Ron Paul is a controlled Freemason.
Dr Paul is part of the grand deception within the matrix system setup by the Occult.
Ron Paul is there to give people a false hope.
No way he will be "picked" for president. He is not from the royal blood lines.

"It doesn't matter who the people voted for; they always voted for us; Joseph Stalin, Illuminati."

Please WAKE UP!
Jan 26, 2006
Up Next: Illuminati Pictures Presents "Contagion"

So the Illuminati "Warner" Bros want to light a little fire, do they. "Nothing like a good pandemic movie."

This one has all the big names to make sure it rolls out big. And of course you just don't do one of these without insider Laurence Fishburne--who you'll see below makes the inane claim that the flu comes from......THE BIRDS!..AND YOU CAN'T STOP THEM!...

Just the trailer is enough to make you sick. As if the world doesn't know enough fear and trauma, these bastards have to run a good old stand by freak out right up the media flagpole.

As usual, major misdirecting from the real truth of the matter as to who is morphing these man-made strains of viruses, as well as programming not just fear and the potential reality, but the subsequent system-dependence for "protection" as if the government or CDC ever gave a damn about anyone but themselves.

Read on more ...
Jan 26, 2006
Illuminati Mascots - 2012 London Olympics

Glory to the ZION

Pause at the 27 sec mark Grab your calculator and check the number on the last girder made dividing 060705 by 911. The result of this division gives you 666 the Devils number. George signs the girder and another George was president on 911.A mere coincidence. More striking the mascots with the all seeing eye and illuminated Pyramid upon the head. Illuminati symbolism?

One of the most important symbols in modern day Luciferian Conspiracy is the RAINBOW. Also called the Antahkarama, it is used in the occult as an HYPNOTIC DEVICE(SUBLIMINAL).The Illuminati calls the Rainbow the "INTERNATIONAL SIGN OF PEACE." But to higher orders it represents in symbolic that they are building a RAINBOW BRIDGE BETWEEN THE PERSONALITY(MAN) AND UNIVERSAL MIND Sanat Kumara(Satan or All-Seeing Illuminati Eye)
From the book "The Illuminati 666"


(some of this stuff really beggars belief..., how to they get sucked into the rabbit hole like this....)
Jan 26, 2006
No I have not used DMT. I am trying meditation to access the star-gates. :D
I do not believe that your gland is damaged. However, some conspiracy propagates that the DMT drugs have been produced by the "illuminati" as a weapon to sabotage human pineal gland and to program the users into near-death/post-death sensations in order to KEEP THEIR PINEAL GLAND OPEN FOR ASTRAL ATTACKS, EASY POSSESSION ...

The fluoride compounds in the water we regularly drink and other consumables have more damaging or rather numbing effect on the gland.
Watch the video in the 1st or 2nd post above. Good to read the article below on Fluoride & the Pineal Gland.[/QUOTE]
Jan 26, 2006
I have been following the material on the new world order (NWO) supposedly propagated by illuminati blood-lines (dark forces!) for a while. It appears to me that such material as Zeitgeist is another front propagated by the (same) illuminati. The material in the videos above basically describe the fact that the world monetary-based system (brought about by the illuminati) is, by definition of what it is, corrupt, and can no longer be maintained, and that it will be crashing soon. It speculates that it could (or should) be repalced with a resource-based technological system in which there would be no religions, armies, borders, etc., a NWO in which the human species would be elevated to a higher level of self discovery of inner conciousness. However, according to other scholars in the field, like David Icke, this NWO is also being propagted by the same dark forces, the illuminati-bloodlines (shadow government(s)), for their next phase of enslavement of the human race! David Icke could also be another front for propagating the same plan.
2012 is supposed to be the year when a lot in relation to such matters is likely to take palce. Between now and then there is going to be more and more, released material, news and programes to familiarise the public with the upcoming world-changing events to happen soon! Well, that is what is being talked about when you follow the news....

Cosmic Vampires: Perverse Masonic Initiations of The New World Order
Lot of this is about world wide kidnapping of children, pedaphilia, child sacrifise, ....
Open minds please.​


Active Member
Feb 19, 2009
Low level freemasons talk all the time in fact that is their main duty as disinformation agents. Freemasons who are not entry level are sworn to secrecy punishable by death and the far majority do not talk. Some information is known about the freemasons up to the 32nd degree (such as the Bushs, Clintons ect.) After the 32 degree information is much harder to come by. What is known is that somewhere around the 97th degree and up those in real leadership positions start to appear and their numbers are few. Generally it is important to remember that it is run like a pyramid, with high ranking freemasons at the top and low ranking freemasons at the bottom. The higher the rank the more information and thus power on is privy too.

Some people have spoken but they are often disinformation agents making wild allegations which could not possibly be true. This also explains why they are still alive. Those who are going to speak out are often murdered and their work is never published due to the connections of the illuminati. The minority are successful at getting word out but their information is often very hard to find. Another issue is that freemasons with any actual knowledge worth getting out will have alot more to lose than anything they would possibly gain for even attempting to do so.

You are going to have to be more specific as to which other world wide conspiracy you are writing about?


Active Member
Feb 19, 2009
These elections like most elections across the world are nothing but a dog and pony show, used to fool commoners, as political power is transfered from one member of a secret society to another member of the same secret society.
Jan 26, 2006
Have you noticed some of the Croatian player names?
Did you note the names?​
PRSO Dado: PRSO for perso>>pers>> paarsee​
BABIC Marko: BABIC for Babak​
SRNA Darijo: Darijo for darisho>>dariush​
May be there are other "common" names we are not aware of!​

Serious question though, what brings this about?

Finding links where none exist, I've chosen the most benign example here.

Believing every conspiracy theory and weaving a narrative in your head of a world which somehow functions so well that scientists/governments/doctors/politicians/corporations/celebrities etc.... can work together like a well-oiled machine behind the scenes to propagate a virus pandemic or an extortion ring or whatever else.... That there's a hidden illuminati/lizards who seem to be tremendously well organised?!?

Does this happen more in Iranians, especially zero-gen immigrants who remember Iran before the revolution?

Is it a combination of nature and nurture which gets people into these channels? Who knows.