Full page in WSJ: 'I pray that Bush bombs Iran'

Feb 14, 2006
Daily Kos like the 54 Iranian channels and online websites= paid for by the CIA

suprise suprise

vali door naro half of ISP members want the same, look at threads opened and the polls.


News Team
Oct 18, 2002
San Diego, CA
This Daily Kos article is actually AGAINST the bombing.
The article CONDEMNS the full-page ad by a neocon in WSJ that urges Bush to bomb Iran..
Aug 27, 2005
Band e 209
AghA Referee,
No one takes Norman Podhoretz seriouse, I don't know what the political plight of DailyKos is but if you look at 667 comment about this post you will be surprized to see His idiotic words was overwhelmingly condemend and rediculed.They are calling him a mad man and a suicide bomber. I would like to post some excerpt from those comment, IMHO it would be great to read all the comments and see how the regulars of this site think about him.
Selected comments: (I like the first one the most very simple)

Good thing he wasn't Roosevelt..........
...he'd have responded to Pearl Harbor by bombing Argentina.
Someone needs to ask Podhoretz IF he is willing to ride that nuke down to the ground ala Slim Pickens in Dr Strangelove...

Podhoretz needs to make it very clear whether he is willing to die for his ideology or whether he is just willing to let other people die for HIS neoconservative Ideology.

the trouble with most people who call for Nuclear war is that They think it is the responsibility of OTHER mothers sons and daughters to die while they sit safely in secure undisclosed locations playing with their own asses...ooops i mean assets
Good question.
Out of curiosity, if he's willing to die for his NeoCon ideology, if he's willing to ride that Nuke into the ground, doesn't that make him little more than an extremist suicide bomber?
Good point! The Republican Party - supporting life right up until birth.
pretty perverse use of prayer don't cha think? & where exactly does one direct a prayer for the extermination of hundreds of thousands of lives? who does norm pray to?
Poderhoretz cannot recognize evil. He fails to see evil every time he looks into a mirror, yet, it is there, within, looking back at him, smug in the knowledge, that evil owns Mr. Podhoretz' soul, and travels with him, everywhere he goes.
These loonies would shed unlimited American blood and use every ounce of American power to protect their hardline, uncompromising, extremist version of Israel.

The Israeli Taliban and the Ameri-christian Taliban join to fight the "Islamo-facists" ...

Sensible people of the world, unite!
With bad breath and Swiss bank account which is why Norman doesn't advocate bombing Europe.
Jun 7, 2004
Thanks Motori jan for posting these. The one I like best is,
The Israeli Taliban and the Ameri-christian Taliban join to fight the "Islamo-facists" ...

Sensible people of the world, unite!
It really is a three way triangle that is increasingly taking the world hostage to their insanity.

Most definitely a portion of Muslims are fascist of the worst kind.
Most definitely a portion of Christians are among the most hateful lying bigots.
Most definitely a portion of Jews are the most deceitful arrogant supremacist and are the linchpin and driver of this evil triangle.

Then there are those who are fueling this tornado for their short-term gains such as many politicians across the world, various interest groups, various other dogmatic religious groups in particular the seculars, and various industries.

Many of the rest of the world having no firm ground to stand on in their life principles and having a little bigotry of their own, easily fall for the trap and contribute without realizing that they are working against their own self interest.

What is unfortunate for Iranians is that we have been sucked into this vicious circle. It really would take much work by good people to derail this vicious circle.