Guys, It is OK, Calm down


Ball Boy
Nov 8, 2002
Hi Guys,

Please all you calm down, I know it is hard but that is what we shoud do.
Let's one more time trust in our team and sit and watch their game.
Let's ask them to put a good show on and let's hope for that and not necessarly for a good result. Please do not get into fight with each other and just let's hope for the best.


Staff member
Nov 10, 2002
yeah guys ... watch the game with not expectations ...
If they win or tie ... it is a miracle .... with one man down ... and a coward coach ... if we lose it is expected ...

They disarmed us before the game so what can we do ... just pray


IPL Player
Mar 19, 2004
What other choices do we have ?
I'll be pissed - realy pissed if I see Daei in the line-up tommorrow.
We can act as if there are no problems - but some of the reports around the TM camp are awfull !! it's worse than Geshtapo and KGB combined - there are 100 Herasati (including Chadori women) running around the TM hotel - watching every player !! not allowing them to talk to anyone, including their own relatives who have traveled to Germany !! Imagine spending a month in Germany with 5 Hezis watching your every move !!

Go Iran !!