Happy New Year 1402


Bench Warmer
Sep 4, 2005
Happy new year everyone! Although recent events make it difficult to feel happy or celebratory, we must remember that God loves laughter!

For centuries the self-serving unelected clerical cast has tried to promote sadness, darkness and division among us, to stay relevant and plunder our national wealth and our freedom. They have tried to vilify us, one to others, as traitors, separatists, spies, enemies of God, and other charges that are absolute fabrications and lies. Through their machinations and hateful incantations from the pulpit, they had turned ordinary citizens into their deadliest weapon: an angry and emotionally charged mob! By the courageous efforts of the youth of our land, at long last, that is coming to an end. That is the first and most important step towards true liberty and freedom. Once the minds of the nation are freed from dogma and superstitions breathed into them by these impostors of divinity, it is progress after progress, and milestone after milestone. That is worthy of celebration. All these wonderful souls that have given their precious lives, they have done so that our minds can be freed, and our nation can live in peace and harmony with the rest of the world and finally achieve its great potential. Division and vilification were the greatest weapons mullahs used against us. Now they have been disarmed. And we are discovering that diversity, in a family, in a city, in a nation, in the entire world, is the fabric of life and with the right perspective is the glue that binds us together even more strongly. Unity in diversity! What a great concept to be embraced and celebrated, because it will bring about true freedom and prosperity. As we March on in serried lines towards that wonderful day, we must take heart, victory is near!
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