Iran bans sports, film stars from advertisements


National Team Player
dont think that has anything to do with our youth acting westernized. Iran population was mainly young and westernized before too, but their values and culture was alot higher before. nowadays most of pop have became "AAmi", naive and putting no value for knowledge and quality. they judge ppl, ads, products by its cover. they vote for their president bc he talks nicely and promises good things without doing background check on him. they pick a movie bc its actor/actress is hot, not based on movie quality. they buy a product bc it looks cool, not bc its useful for them.

And frankly Iranians are very similar to Americans in this way. look at how easily Americans were fooled by Bush. not once, twice! or like 30 how "Sex in the city" is a top seller while "Goodnight and Goodluck", "Michael Clayton" and alikes barely make much $ ?

Its consumers' cultural-knowlege-value naivity that we have to tackle.
i agree with what you wrote. But i do think that it does to some extent have to do with our youths false ideals (pop western ideals) of democracy and freedom. Why do you think X parties have become so popular? Its the whole being mesmerized by hollywood and wanting to immitate it in Iran.

I don't think it has anything to do with Iranians per se being westernized. I believe it has more to do with the Iranian companies and advertizers catching up with the latest advertizing techniques used by wetern countries.
PJ jaan, those advertizing techniques wouldn't work if there is no market for them. In a sophisticated culture, where people aren't just concerned about visual stimulation, these techniques wouldn't work. But unfortunately, like Niloufar mentioned, our culture is shifting to that of shiny lights and bright colors.


IPL Player
Oct 18, 2002
Ramin jan,
The market is not for the advertising techniques, it is for the products.
Cheshm o ham cheshmi and idolization has always existed not only in Iran but in any country in the world. These things exist in human beings by instinct. For instance have you noticed the kids want what the other kids have, while what they have might be actually better?
As we grow we learn to think a bit more logically, but the instinct is there and it is very easy to excite it. These techniques work in every country and in every culture.


Elite Member
Feb 18, 2005
Strawberry field
I think this ban is really stupid . we all know how our celebrities especially in the field of sports suffer from lack of financial support and resources ,if there are sponsors who are willing to pay them for commercials they have every right to take advantage . ajab baba !


National Team Player
May 11, 2003
Ye rooz inja Ye rooz oonjaa
This law is stupid anyways, how the hell Ershaad can punish sports figures?

Ok they can keep the entertainers from advertising within Iran and can hold up any activity they do, should they advertise outside Iran, but what are they going to do to lets say Rezazadeh or Hejazi?

Tokhmeshoonam nemitoonan bokhoran


IPL Player
Oct 18, 2002
It is like banning Karmande dolat from mosaferkeshi after his regular work hours. What if they need more money?


Bench Warmer
Dec 10, 2005
london, on
retarded law. thinking rationally rather than superficially is great and as humans it's obviously good to be able to do that. but showing your population the respect to give them freedom to make their own decision is a far more important foundation for a healthy society.


Football Legend
Oct 19, 2002
This law is stupid anyways, how the hell Ershaad can punish sports figures?

Ok they can keep the entertainers from advertising within Iran and can hold up any activity they do, should they advertise outside Iran, but what are they going to do to lets say Rezazadeh or Hejazi?

Tokhmeshoonam nemitoonan bokhoran
they cant do anything with Rezazadeh really cuz they NEED him so bad. but with Hejazi they can simply ban him from coaching. simple as that. As all IPL club managements are directly/indirectly under supervision of PEO. so..