Iran poised to retaliate against UN referral

Simply Ken

IPL Player
Mar 2, 2003
I hope Iran carries out these threats. I see no other alternative.;_ylt=AgmCSBzTtFr6GDLMsiUJIaZSw60A;_ylu=X3oDMTBiMW04NW9mBHNlYwMlJVRPUCUl

Iran poised to retaliate against UN referral

TEHRAN (AFP) - Iran threatened to retaliate if it is hauled before the UN Security Council over its disputed nuclear program, by kick-starting sensitive fuel cycle work and blocking international inspections.

In a barrage of threats on the eve of a key meeting of the UN nuclear watchdog, firebrand President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad also vowed Iran would "continue on the road to victory" and labelled US President George W. Bush a warmonger.
"If Iran's case is referred or reported to the Security Council... Iran's cooperation will decrease," Iran's top national security official Ali Larijani told a news conference.

"The government will be obliged to remove suspensions, which includes industrial-scale enrichment, and it will do so," he said, adding that a massive enrichment plant at Natanz in central Iran was "ready for operation".

"Inspections will be restricted. They will not have the right to go to military sites which we had so far allowed them to go to. Some of their cameras will be taken down," Larijani said of the now three-year-old IAEA investigation into Iran's nuclear activities.
"Those who possess stocks of nuclear arms meet together and take decisions and think that the Iranian people will submit to their decisions," Ahmadinejad fumed earlier in a speech in the south of the country.

"Our people will not bow to a few tyrannical countries who think they are the whole world," said Ahmadinejad, accusing world powers of treating Iranians like "a second-rate people with no culture".

He also lashed out at Bush, who in his State of the Union address Tuesday branded the Islamic republic "a nation now held hostage by a small clerical elite that is isolating and repressing its people".

"You who support the Zionist puppet regime, you who support the destruction of Palestinian homes, you have no right to talk about liberty or human rights," shouted Ahmadinejad, who has already called for Israel to be "wiped off the map" or moved as far away as Alaska.

"God willing, in the near future we will judge you in a people's tribunal," he said of Bush.

Larijani also appeared to be bracing for an escalation of the crisis, saying Iran was no longer even insisting on having more time for negotiation "because we have prepared ourselves for another scenario".

He said his talks Wednesday with Russian and Chinese deputy foreign ministers also failed to bear fruit: "They had a point of view on solving the issue, but we had a different point of view."

Iran claims it is cooperating fully with an IAEA investigation, although the latest IAEA report shows Tehran refusing to give agency inspectors all the information or interviews they want and possessing a document containing information whose only use would be in making nuclear weapons.

Larijani played down the importance of the document, saying it "can be found on the Internet".
Oct 18, 2002
SK jan, should not this sort of sloganism worry even you? Maybe not you, but for those of us who remember the 80s days...

In a barrage of threats on the eve of a key meeting of the UN nuclear watchdog, firebrand President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad also vowed Iran would "continue on the road to victory".

Simply Ken

IPL Player
Mar 2, 2003
deerouz said:
SK jan, should not this sort of sloganism worry even you? Maybe not you, but for those of us who remember the 80s days...
I believe Iran has no choice but to stand firm. Otherwise, Iran will lose a lot more than some of you apparently realize.

Don't get me wrong. I wish Iran did not face the threats it faces (which are far worse than some military strike on its nuclear facilities). If it didn't, my own attitude would be quite different as well.

But since 2002, US/Israeli policy against Iran has been aimed at "isolating" Iran diplomatically, economically, politically and otherwise. The purpose behind that is to basically tie Iran's hands, so they can then proceed to beat it up as they wish. When that is accomplished, and once Iraq's oil is fully the market to take care of any short term disruptions from confronting Iran, the US will try to destablize the country further in various ways. Supporting "democracy activists" on the one hand, separatists and terrorists with another hand, all aimed at further weakening the regime while plunging the nation into civil war. At some point, which the US had planned to be earlier based on its overly optimistic assessment regarding Iraq and its ability to counter and replace Iran's influence among the shias, the US planned to use Iraq as a base to throw Iran apart into pieces. With US and coalition troops in the neighborhood, the immediate prize in the midst of the chaos was going to be Iran's oil rich Khuzistan province, with US troops also taking over areas adjacent to the Straits of Hormuz. Then bomb Iran and anything left of its military.

Everyone involved in this plan had something to gain from it. The Israelis would see the one remaining "rejectionist" country weakened, allowing them to dominate the political landscape in the region while eliminating potential adversaries. The British (and BP) would find themselves in an influential position in the oil rich regions of Iran and Iraq. The US would supposedly "pacify" the region and bring it under US thumbs, while eliminating any future threats to oil supplies from any rising powers in the region and otherwise. In the meantime, the plan had domestic political incentives as well by forging a new and supposedly strong coalition for the Republican party, consisting of various interests groups (the pro Israeli lobby, the military industrial lobby, Christian evangelical nuts as well as some corporate and oil interests).

Not everything has gone according to the neocon script. But eventually, given enough time, the US can implement its plans albeit at a slower pace than initially anticipated. There is a narrow window for Iran to upset those plans and that window closes quickly unless Iran is vigilant. The minute Iraq situation is brought under some control and the minute Iraqi oil fully comes into the market, and the minute Iran acts in a way that assauges any fears that it might "lash out" or retaliate before its hands are fully tied, the US will go for the kill.

If the US wants to start a fight with Iran, I prefer it be given the chance now than later. This is the only time Iran might have a chance to come on top, with the US and the rest of the gang blinking if they see Iran truly determined and ready to be "crazy".

That is how I see things and that colors my views on a host of other issues.


Ball Boy
Dec 28, 2003
Ken, good to see you post! Hope everything is good with you and yours.

Good analogy and I agree. I think Iran must start, through proxies in Iraq, create havoc and put in place disturbances in Arab countries through you know what. This would create an opportunity once and for all to settle the issues with the US. Come war or not Iran needs to get this stupid monkey off of it's back and start only and only deal with IAEA not the warlords! Otherwise what the warlords want is slow bleeding of Iran, and that can drag on and on. Post more if you can please.
Feb 22, 2005
Simply Ken, your last posting is extremely biased. To say that US will support the "democracy Activisist" is denying that IR is one of the most brutally oppressive dictatorship countries in the world. If IR really cares about Iran, it will share power and create democracy. To try to use US to destroy the people fighting for democracy would work 27 years ago. But today you have too many enemies, people of thw world and people of Iran, except for some of the arab countries, cuba, and Venezuela.

After 27 years of lies to the nation, and destroying all other political parties except for Hezbolahis and torturing and killing many including students, we are not going to be fooled by this regime and will not support it. This is not a war between the world and Iranian people, but a war between IR and the world. The people of Iran will not come to the help of the one who has brtualized them for so long.

So, let IR stand strong and let them get smashed by the world, that is the price one has to pay for acting as animals. The same way that people of Iran have been reluctant to get killed to change the regime in case they get someone worst (like bastard khomeinie and current regime is an example), the people of Iran will not come to help IR against the world. That is a dream by IR and its supporters and no propaganda will work this time.

Simply Ken

IPL Player
Mar 2, 2003
naomid said:
Ken, good to see you post! Hope everything is good with you and yours.

Good analogy and I agree. I think Iran must start, through proxies in Iraq, create havoc and put in place disturbances in Arab countries through you know what. This would create an opportunity once and for all to settle the issues with the US. Come war or not Iran needs to get this stupid monkey off of it's back and start only and only deal with IAEA not the warlords! Otherwise what the warlords want is slow bleeding of Iran, and that can drag on and on. Post more if you can please.
naomid jan, Thanks. I will try to post as often as possible.

Let me say that Iran does have some good cards right now, although it is liable to lose them overtime. While Iran does not need to actually use all those cards necessarily, it must show itself willing to use them if it must. That is the only way some of the countries being recruited to "put pressure" on Iran might resist. And that is the only way the US/Israel might blink as well.

Ultimately, Iran's best "deterent" cards are its ability to disrupt oil shipping through the Persian Gulf and Strait of Hormuz, its ability to target major oil installations in the region, its ability to hit major US bases and forces in the region and wreak havoc in Iraq as well as Afghanistan and a few other places, as well as its ability to plunge the region into major crisis through its allies and proxies in Lebanon etc. Beyond these cards, Iran also can retaliate against Israeli targets.

Additionally, Iran is also capable of doing a lot more in terms of its nuclear program than it has been doing. Including doing what the US/Israel sometimes accuse it of doing, such as having a "clandestine program" that makes it hard to target and destroy. (Its declared program can theoretically be destroyed by a US bombing campaign, but the US can't destroy something it doesn't know where to find).

If Iran seems determined to use its cards if under pressure and pushed to the wall, I believe the forces working against it will back off. If they don't backoff, Iran will surely pay a heavy price although they will too. But if Iran lets them slowly but surely destroy the country by walking the path of appeasement, Iran will pay an equal or heavier price still.


May 8, 2005
deerouz said:
SK jan, should not this sort of sloganism worry even you? Maybe not you, but for those of us who remember the 80s days...
loooollll,some people have a short memory Deerouz Jan. I have feeling that another " Zahreh talkh" same brand as Imam drank in 80s will be served to AN very soon ;)
Jan 29, 2004
Yeap the other shoe will drop sooner than later :)
I wanna see Condi's face when she hears that news!!!!!!!


National Team Player
May 14, 2005
Get serious, when the little big AN and some thugs from IRGC do some "goh khori"as usual, while we know at the same time have shit their pants, at least we should not take their joke seriously.
When Khomeini himself was alive and IRI was facing Iraq, with 1/3 of Iran's population and 1/3 of land, regim had to kiss everybody's ass available in UN, begging them to stop the war without any final conclusion, all, while Iraqi were occupying our lands.
Now, an isolated herd of idiots, a regim of thugs with no more than 3%-5% domestic support trys to appeal to Imam Hossein, Imam Zaman, Mosaddegh, or lately Moghtada Sadr, and even Hamas (not learning from China, India, and Russia reaction yet) and whoever else available to save a face while behind the scene they have bent over with candy in their mouths and smile on their faces. They will sell the whole country before losing power or if they sense they are going to lose the power they will destroy the country in a war as they have said many time, either they rule or they wont leave the country for anyone else to rule. And let's not forget unlike Iraq situation, Germany, France, Russia, China, and India are all in synch with US against the terrorists of IRI. There is more support to stopb IRI's terrorism than there were for Osama or Saddam both by governments and public opinion.
Power is where people are and the militarist religious fascists have none of that.

The interest of Iran and the west happens to cross at this point and no noble Iranian will do anyhting to save a religious monarchy once again while right thousands of labours and bus drivers are being tortured inSepah's dungeons as we speak and on hunger strikes.
"Marg bar Taleban, cheh dar Kabol cheh dar Tehran"
Jan 29, 2004
The other shoe is starting up of Natanz with enrichment activities, building of centrifuges and ending compliance with additional protocols of NPT which Iran has been voluntarily observing for the last 2 1/2 years. This is required by law since parliament passed a law requiring the government to do so. There is no way the Ahamdinejad administration not follow the letter of the law on this issue ;)
Jan 29, 2004
BTW, as Mr. Larijani has said this will happen no matter what language is used(report, refer, send) to politically invovle the UNSC in this purely technical issue whitin IAEA.
So if they do this tomorrow, I expect Iran to "drop the other shoe" by 22 of Bahman...that will be perfect timing!!!!!!!!


National Team Player
May 14, 2005
yah, like members of Majlis have been elected. These are all faction of same thugs took over by coup. 219 seats of Majlis were not contested for after elimination of opponents and by opponents I mean IRI loyalist of different faction.
Even in 20 years Iran can't enrich without Western help, what they can do is to make a few dirty bombs. They got the Pakistani blue prints for centrifuge but to date they have not been able to make a single centrifuge to rotate as fast or as long for even 3% industrial enrichment. These are all Pakistani technology and North Korean and since they stopped their smugllers, IRI has been like a jackass in the mud of nuclear technology.
If they realy want to achieve something, they better have Russian finish Bushehr Reactor after 11 years going on 12 and ask why they could finish 2 reactors for Indians in 3 years but have not finished 1 in Iran in 12 years, and now it will be never as it sounds.


National Team Player
May 14, 2005
The militarist religious fascists sensing domestic alienation and international isolation in an eventual loss of political power are ready to to do anyhting to protect their illegitimate power and plundered wealth but they will ultimately give up with pleasure, the three disputed Islands to UAE, the North Western provinces to Republic of Azarbaijan, Kurdistan, Lurisan, and Khuzistant to Federal Republic of Iraq, and Sistan/Baluchistan to Pakistan in order to survive.
This is the type of enemy Iran is facing, so it is imparative to join the wolrld community in disposing of common enemy of humanity and specially Iran and Iranians.


Ball Boy
Dec 28, 2003
Thanks Chief! I would too. Let uncle and company bring on their buncker busters. Let them get over this hype. The picture would not be pretty any way they look at it. I seriously hope Iran does not back down!
Jan 29, 2004
naomid jan unlce and his gang are not stupid, they don't pick a fight they can't win :) Just look at who they have fought recently: Gerenada, Panama, Somalia, Iraq, Sudan, Serbia, Afghanistan, Iraq...these places combined don't have the population and the resources Iran has at it's disposal to make them pay a high price for any mistake they make. And let's not forget they are in this for profit so if the costs are more than the benefit they are smart enuf buisnessman to know what to do ;)


IPL Player
Jan 23, 2003
Chief said:
naomid jan unlce and his gang are not stupid, they don't pick a fight they can't win :) Just look at who they have fought recently: Gerenada, Panama, Somalia, Iraq, Sudan, Serbia, Afghanistan, Iraq...these places combined don't have the population and the resources Iran has at it's disposal to make them pay a high price for any mistake they make. And let's not forget they are in this for profit so if the costs are more than the benefit they are smart enuf buisnessman to know what to do ;)
Chief jan but if they go about it by fuelling ethnic separatisms on one hand and on the other hand imposing sanctions (in an event of oil price decrease) then what??

These are worrying times for Iran.:(


Elite Member
Oct 24, 2002
United States of Amnesia
In a new development today, the Mahdi army led by Moqtada Al-Sadr (sp?) who recently visited Iran have started fighting the occupation forces in the Baghdad suburb of Sadr-City. It may be that IRI has already started its retaliation.
Oct 18, 2002
spinhead said:
In a new development today, the Mahdi army led by Moqtada Al-Sadr (sp?) who recently visited Iran have started fighting the occupation forces in the Baghdad suburb of Sadr-City. It may be that IRI has already started its retaliation.
Interesting news. For the sake of Iraqis, I hope the Americans finish him off this time.