Iranians have failed. Help Please!


Bench Warmer
Oct 1, 2005
Iranians have failed. Help Please!
Dec 8, 2005
Bahman Aghai Diba PhD International Law - Persian Journal

The Iranians have failed to topple or reform the regime of the Islamic Republic imposed by the Mullahs upon them during the last quarter of century. The Iranians inside the country are unable to take any action due to acute suppression. The Iranians out of Iran are not ready to do take any action due to their difficulties and reluctance to sacrifice. However, if the international community, especially the Western countries think that the Islamic Regime of Iran is only a matter of concern for the Iranians, they are wrong. The Islamic regime is going to create serious problems in future for the region and the world.

The people of Iran are not able to rise against the regime of the Islamic Republic. How much pressure and mistreatment, humiliation, violation of rights, discrimination and suppression is enough for the people to revolt?

The wrong economic policies, unemployment, violation of human rights, consideration the women as second hand human beings or part of the lifeless materials, imposing the judicial regulations of the ancient Arab tribes for the people living in the 21st century, mistreatment of the political prisoners, killing them as ordinary criminals, renaming the solitary confinement as private suite, violation of the children's rights, changing the water courses according to the wishes of the influential persons, pushing the people to addiction to narcotic drugs because there is no prohibition in Islam for such drugs ( in fact most of the Mullahs are serious drug addicts. Not a single prominent Mullah has issued a Fatwa to prohibit the narcotic drugs, while they have published volumes of books about the women's period and the toilet training), the universities are dead due to lack of proper professor, accepting the students on the basis of services to the regime and graduating them without having proper credentials, bad relations with almost all countries due to misunderstanding the international relations, wasting the time and energy of people for training the illiterate Mullahs and their relatives as politicians and so on. Losing the international opportunities in all cases especially in the Caspian Sea and the newly independent states in the north of Iran.

Poverty, dividing the people to the insiders and outsiders on the basis of services to the regime, suppression of the journalists, limiting the Internet, crippling the freedom of expression, using the oil resources against the national interests, intervention in the places like Palestine that the people of Iran do care what happens there (and the Arabs consider these acts as the Iranian intervention. They see Iran as Israel, an occupier of the Arab lands due to the dispute over three islands in the Persian Gulf and they do not tolerate even the historical and geographical name of the Persian Gulf), useless hostility with the USA. Eight years of meaningless war, millions of dead, maimed and chemically injured people. Forcing millions of people to leave Iran and taking out their skills to the other countries. Giving the judiciary to the foreigners, including illiterate Mullahs that do not even know the teachings of Islam (no respected Islamic clergy has been working in the Iranian judiciary since the revolution.

All judges of the revolutionary courts are young and illiterate, politically ambitious and religiously poor mullahs), turning the system to the dictatorship of the so-called Supreme Leader, violating even the Constitutional Law of the regime, and making the people less religious (if you consider the Islamization as the main polity of the regime, this has failed too). I can continue the list endlessly. Aren't these enough for a nation to rise against a political regime?

The problem is that the regime of Iran has the experience of the previous regime (if you start to accept the people's rights, you are walking in a round of no return), and at the same time the current regime has been working for the last quarter of century on one issue only: "survival". The regime has been preparing, practicing, and equipping several kinds of forces for the suppression of the people.

These forces are ready to enter the scene of any social movement according to the level of the seriousness or acuteness of the cases. These forces have effectively suppressed the people of Iran inside the country. The people inside Iran are not dead but they are apolitical. They are not going to take any step further than nagging for the toppling of the Islamic dictatorship. They are looking to outside.

The people of Iran have always thought the US has brought the Mullahs to power in Iran (through the Green Belt Policy, Carter's Doctrine, diffusing the army of Iran to avoid a coup and negotiations with Khomeini in Paris and so), and the US should push the mullahs back to their carpets. Iranians are really fed up of the Islamic government. The extent of the oppressive policies of Mullahs in Iran is not comparable to any place.

The people of Iran are now ready to accept just anything. The discussions of the opposition groups about being considerate not to replace this dictatorship with another one are useless. The time for such planning has passed. Unfortunately, the people are ready for anything. They do not know exactly what they want. But they know exactly what they do not want.

The only thing that they do not want is a religious government of any kind. If the people spend a time to sacrifice themselves for a new regime or invite the foreign forces to do this for them, they want something very much different than the tenets of the Islamic regime. The people of Iran need a government to give them a period of de-Islamization and de-Arabization. If this does not happen through a peaceful process, it will lead to a period of revenge and retaliation. If left unattended it may even lead to disintegration of Iran. The Forces of disintegration are already at work, and if the central regime remains in the hand of Mullahs, many parts of Iran are ready to accept the disintegration as a response to the imposed Islamic regime. The people of Iran are looking to the outside forces to save them, if necessity through military action. The people of Iran deserve such an intervention as it happened against the Germans Nazis, Japanese dictators, and Fascists.



Bench Warmer
Oct 1, 2005
An excellent article by Mrs Neshat:


Shirin Neshat of Sarbazan to Dr. Bahman Aghai Diba and Persian Journal: A Return to the 2,500 Year Old Persian Monarchy is the Answer

by Shirin Neshat of Sarbazan

Dr. Bahman Aghai Diba says much that is laudable in the December 8th Persian Journal at .

His observations about the Islamic Republic of Iran (IRI) regime can be summarized briefly as follows: the IRI regime is a brutal police state; its leadership pursues the brutal suppression of basic human rights, especially for women and political dissidents; the journalistic profession under this regime is reduced to either prison, death, or playing the role of propgaganda mouthpiece for the regime; the foreign policy of the Mullahs is largely one of theocratic extremism and ideological fanaticism, especially in putting Iran in the middle of the Arab-Israeli conflict; the economic management of this cabal is consigning a constantly increasing number of Iranians to perpetual misery and poverty; and Iran is becoming one of the major centers of drug addiction on the planet. Dr. Diba correctly describes all of this as "acute suppression." He also understands that with the election this year of Mahmoud Ahmadinejad to the Presidency of Iran, the crisis there and the threat presented by the IRI regime to the larger world community is more acute than ever.

Ahmadinejad's recent proclamation of the personal reception of a divine aura during his pathetic podium address to the United Nations General Assembly in New York, and today's internationally televised remarks casting doubts on the historicity of the Holocaust (and the need to relocate Israel to a slice of Germany and Austria), are the latest open windows through which the rest of civilization may gaze into this man's deranged mind and psyche. Iran does indeed need a domestic program of nuclear power and fuel cycle--but not in the hands of this sick and reckless man, or the regime he represents. A miscalculation in the game of nuclear chess involving the United States, Israel, and the EU-3 may bring a tragic destruction upon the good and beloved people of Iran well beyond even that which occurred in the Iran-Iraq War of 1980-88. It could bring about the eclipse of any possible restoration of the fortunes of Iran as a proud, independent, autonomous nation-state. Patriotic Iranians presently under the heel of this regime, patriotic Iranian expatriates, and the world community at large must not permit this preventable apocalypse to take place. But time is running out.

Dr. Diba notes that the people of Iran definitely know what they do not want--a continuation of Islamic theocracy--but do not know what their best alternatives are in ridding the country of an Islamicized, Arabized regime.

I believe there is only one alternative to an Arabized, theocratic regime of IRI Mullahs: the return of the 2,500 year old tradition of Persian Monarchy and the reestablishment of the dedication of the Persian Nation to the principles of universal human rights articulated by King Cyrus the Great, the great Achaemenid Monarch of ancient Persia in the 6th century B. C. This, and the absolute end of Islamic theocracy and the Islamic theocratic constitution of 1979, is the only solution to a tragedy of unfathomable proportions in the last 27 years that threatens to mushroom into a caldron of misery and mass death reminiscent of what befell Europe from 1939-1945.

This is the goal. But what strategy may be crafted which would bring to pass the reestablishment of Constitutional Monarchy in Iran and the consignment of the fundamentalist Mullahs to the ashheap of history?

I believe a workable, coherent plan would involve the following: First, the Western nations would be well served by fair identification of agents of, and sympathizers with, the Islamic Republic of Iran regime, and deporting them from their shores as enemies of human civilization. Second, the United States and the European Union should be working in concert to force the United Nations and the International Court of the Hague to engage in a full-court legal press of the Mullahs under the glare of the spotlights of full international publicity, for their crimes against the people of Iran. The international legal wrangle over Slobodan Milosevic may well be justified, but if so, how do this man's crimes in the Balkans compare with the track record of the IRI in Iran since 1979? Or the threat the latter poses to regional and global peace in an age of asymmetrical warfare involving nuclear, biological, and chemical capabilities? Third, the Western nations and petroleum companies must not make the mistake of supporting ethnic and tribal separatist movements in Iran as an alternative to facing down Ahmadinejad and the Mullahs once and for all. A unified, autonomous, independent Iran is a legitimate member of the family of nations. It should not be sacrificed on the altar of what some perceive as short-term corporate economic interest at the expense of a revitalized country and ancient heritage. The world will be watching for the work of unseen hands in Khuzestan, Balochistan, Kurdistan, and Azerbaijan.

Fourth, the Persian nation, both its indigenous and expatriate constituencies, must be committed to the taking of risks and personal sacrifice even to the point of death, to rid our beloved country of this malignant scourge against humanity. It will take massive funding of human rights organizations of which Sarbazan is only one. It will take the deployment of massive, but peaceful demonstrations against the Mullahs around the world's capitals whenever the opportunity presents itself. It will take the formulation of an underground network of activists against the IRI regime inside and outside of Iran, to bring organization and resources to the fight for freedom from theocratic oppression and fascism. And finally, if all else fails, it will take the development of a well-trained expatriate paramilitary force under Iranian leadership, to bring to pass what we cannot expect the West to simply hand to us on a silver platter--the recovery of our homeland, the restoration of our Persian heritage, and the reestablishment of a society based on law and justice.

And the foundation of our fight is the unswerving belief that the restoration of the Persian Monarchy is the key to open the door to our individual and national redemption. This is the Light which guides the pathway to our Return.


Bench Warmer
Sep 28, 2005
Liberator said:
The people of Iran are looking to the outside forces to save them, if necessity through military action.
looooool yeh wateva.
wat sort of idiot wrote this article. wat a joke!!!
Oct 18, 2002
I don't want to criticize too much, but the two articles can be summed up in a few words:

"Iranians have failed to get us to power, please help us!"


Bench Warmer
Mar 19, 2004
Oh, yes, Uncle Sam, please help us re-(re)-install the Shah. We have missed him so much. And we also miss being bacheh mullah (oops I mean bacheh shahi). Oh, pretty please.............

Fourth, the Persian nation, both its indigenous and expatriate constituencies, must be committed to the taking of risks and personal sacrifice even to the point of death, to rid our beloved country of this malignant scourge
They forgot to add....."Of course we much prefer if others, including American soldiers took the risk and the personal sacrifice for us. See, we cannot get hurt in the process, because we have to stay alive and play king after you put us in power."

Advice to these authors, please go back to the garbage can of history, which is where you and the morons you support belong.

Agent Smith

Bench Warmer
Jul 8, 2003
I really really would despise foreign military intervention in iran, but on the other hand, i really can't see iranians toppling IRI on their own. Seems like Iran's screwed both ways