Islamiq Republic Hanged a mother today..

Jun 9, 2004
You forgot to mention that she repeatedly beat his head with an iron bar and then cut him to little pieces, put them in a container and then disposed of him - and according to AFP he was only having an affair, not abusing her!

I'm not a fan of public executions and I think they are absolutely barbaric, but at the same time I don't think someone who chops a human being to pieces (in this case the father of her children), should receive any mercy from society.
Oct 20, 2003
You forgot to mention that she repeatedly beat his head with an iron bar and then cut him to little pieces, put them in a container and then disposed of him - and according to AFP he was only having an affair, not abusing her!

I'm not a fan of public executions and I think they are absolutely barbaric, but at the same time I don't think someone who chops a human being to pieces (in this case the father of her children), should receive any mercy from society.
I do agree with you on Public executions, but it appears based on the reports, she was no angle. This type of reporting reminds me of another execustion when two guys raped a boy while holding a knife at boys throat. When the rapists were executed, there were outcries that the guys executed were executed because they were homosexuals totally overlooking their crimes.


Elite Member
Nov 14, 2004

Raheleh Zamani Writes Letter to Her Husband’s Family, Asking For Forgiveness
Raheleh Zamani is scheduled to be hanged in Tehran’s Evin prison on Wednesday, December 20, 2007. On Saturday, December 15, 2007, she issued a letter to the family of her husband, in which she begged their forgiveness for the sake of her children.
In the same letter, Raheleh asked Iran’s judiciary to stay her planned execution so that she could have enough time to obtain the forgiveness of her husband’s family.
In her letter, Raheleh writes: “I regret my unintentional commission of this act. To this day, I can not believe what I have done. It is as if I dreamed it all. I had been abused so much, and I had suffered for so long, that I lost all control and had no idea what I was doing. I, too, am extremely distressed. Please believe me when I say that my heart aches for my husband. I was trying to save my own life; but, suddenly, what happened, happened. Now, when my children have been left without a father, please do not let them live without their mother as well. It has been 3 years that I have not seen my now-5 year old daughter and 3 year old son; yet, I realize that I must now say this: They need their mother. I beg you to think not only of revenge, but also about the emotional and mental impact upon those children. How could those children grow up without their mother and father? When they have grown, would they not ask you why you did not forgive their mother? Would they not ask you why you did not give them a chance to grow up with her and make our own determinations [about what she has done]? I have not seen my children for 3 years. On four different occasions, I have requested to see them, but [my husband’s family] has refused to bring them to visit me. Initially, I did not insist on seeing them too much because I feared that seeing them would break my heart; I was afraid that not only would I, myself, no longer be able to tolerate being away from them, but that they, too, would be unable to deal with my absence. But now, I want to see them. I can no longer be tolerant; I can no longer bear to be away from my children."
"[Mohamad’s] death was only an accident. I have no idea what happened to me that made me do what I did. My kids are just beginning their lives. How can they tolerate going through life without their mother? They will grow up regardless, but nothing can replace a mother’s love and the essence of a mother’s presence in their lives. How I wish their father was with them. How I wish I had died and this had never happened. I am not saying any of this for my own sake; I am only thinking of my children. If [my husband’s parents] truly love their son, they should consider the best interests of his children. Please do not allow those children’s pain to be doubled. If I am responsible and if I have sinned, my children are without fault. For their sake, please forgive me and forgo my blood."
"I think of my husband’s family as my own. Even now, I hurt for them, and I truly regret what has happened. They might think that, based on what took place in only a moment’s time, I begrudge them or view them as my enemies. Yet that is not the case, for I truly did not know what I was doing and I deeply regret what happened. Every night, I am haunted by nightmares about my husband’s family, and now that I am separated from them, I feel that I have lost my own family. I want them to please think of me as their own child. My wish is that they will forgo my blood. I absolutely can not imagine that they would place the noose around my neck. "

راحله زماني زني كه قرار است چهارشنبه در زندان اوين به دار اويخته شود ديروز با ارسال نامه اي به خانواده شوهرش از انها خواست به خاطر بچه هايش او را ببخشند .
وي همچنين خواستار توقف اجراي حكم از سوي قوه قضاييه شد كه بتواند فرصت كافي براي اخذ رضايت داشته با شد. در اين نامه آمده است: من از اين كه ناخواسته اين كار را كرده*ام پشيمانم. هنوز باورم نمي*شود كه چه كرده*ام. فكر مي*كنم خواب ديده*ام. آنقدر اذيت شده بودم و آنقدر رنج كشيده بودم كه يك لحظه كنترلم را از دست دادم و نفهميدم چه شد. من هم خيلي ناراحتم. باور كنيد من هم دلم براي شوهرم مي*سوزد. اما اين كار ناخواسته بود. من مي*خواستم زندگي *ام را حفظ كنم. اما يك دفعه اتفاق افتاد. كاري كنيد حالا كه بچه*هايم بي*پدر شده*اند ديگر بي*مادري نكشند. سه سال است كه بچه*هايم (دختر ۵ ساله و پسر ۳ ساله*ام) را نديده*ام. اما مي*دانم كه الان يك چيز را گم كرده*اند: مادر مي*خواهند. اينها بچه*هاي خانواده شوهرم هم هستند از آنها خواهش مي*كنم فقط به آرامش خودشان و انتقام از من فكر نكنند به روح و روان بچه*هاي من كه بچه*هاي خودشان هم هستند، فكر كنند. اين بچه*ها بدون پدر و مادر چطور بايد بزرگ شوند. وقتي بزرگ شوند نمي*گويند چرا مادر ما را نبخشيديد. نمي*گويند چرا نگذاشتيد ما بزرگ شويم و تصميم بگيريم. من سه سال است كه بچه*هايم را نديده*ام. چهار بار درخواست كرده*ام اما آنها را نياورده*اند. قبلاً براي ملاقات آنها خيلي اصرار نداشتم چون مي*ترسيدم اگر آنها را ببينم قلبم بلرزد. مي*ترسيدم نه خودم ديگر دوري آنها را طاقت بياورم و نه آنها دوري من را. اما حالا مي*خواهم آنها را ببينم. دلم ديگر به تنگ آمده، ديگر تحمل دوري بچه*هايم را ندارم.
آن قتل فقط يك اتفاق بود. من نمي*دانم يك لحظه چه بلايي سرم آمد كه اين كار را كردم. بچه*هاي من تازه اول زندگي*شان است چطوري بي*پدر و مادري بكشند. آنها به هر حال بزرگ مي*شوند اما محبت مادر و بوي تن مادر يك چيز ديگر است. كاش پدرشان بالاي سرشان بود. كاش من مي*مردم و اين اتفاق نمي*افتاد. من به خاطر خودم نمي*گويم، فقط به خاطر بچه*هايم مي*گويم. اگر پسرشان را دوست دارند فكر بچه*هاي او را هم بكنند. نخواهيد كه درد بچه*ها دو برابر شود. اگر من ظالم و گناهكار هستم، بچه*ها كه گناهي ندارند. به خاطر آنها مرا ببخشيد و از خون من بگذريد.
من خانواده شوهرم را مثل پدر و مادر خودم مي*دانم. الان هم خيلي براي آنها ناراحتم و براي اتفاقي كه براي پسرشان افتاده خيلي پشيمانم. آنها به خاطر يك لحظه*يي كه نفهميدم چه شد، فكر مي*كنند با پسرشان يا خودشان كينه و دشمني دارم ولي اينجوري نيست و من واقعاً نفهميدم كه چه كردم و الان پشيمانم. من هر شب خواب خانواده شوهرم را مي*بينم و الان كه از خانواده او دور شده*ام انگار از خانواده خودم دور شدم. فكر كنند من هم بچه خودشان هستم. من هم اميدم اين است كه آنها از خون من بگذرند. اصلاً نمي*توانم تصور كنم آنها طناب دار را دور گردن من بيندازن


Elite Member
Nov 14, 2004
Raheleh Zamani Scheduled To Be Executed By Hanging “I didn’t know who I was beating with that steel pipe. I saw him as a monster. No matter how many times I would hit him, he would still attack me. I was terrified.”
These are the words of a young woman who had attacked her husband as he slept. Two years ago, a 25 year old woman, named Raheleh Zamani, went to her brother-in-law’s home with her two young children in tow, claiming that her husband, Mohamad, had not returned home after leaving a few days earlier.
Less than 24 hours into Police’s investigation into Mohamad’s disappearance, the body of a 33 year old man was found in an oil well located on a property in Eslamshahr. While searching Mohamad’s home, investigators noticed that the rugs were wet and found blood spots in the kitchen. Accordingly, they suspected that Mohamad had been murdered inside his home, and they charged Raheleh, Mohamad’s wife, with his murder.
After her arrest and during police interrogations, Raheleh claimed responsibility for her husband’s murder. In court, Raheleh explained: “On the day of the incident, I got home and I saw a strange woman in my home, who, upon seeing me, ran off into the bathroom. Shocked about this woman’s presence in my home, I confronted my husband. Mohamad yelled at me and told me that I was no longer of any use to him as a ‘woman’ since I had had two kids and he no longer found me attractive. When I got upset, Mohamad began beating me and threw me out of the house. I was extremely upset, but after a few hours I returned to my house, and again asked Mohamad about the woman. Not only did Mohamad refuse to apologize for his actions, he actually threatened to kill me if I said anything to anyone about his extra-marital relationships. I was a mess. I could never have imagined that my husband would cheat on me or beat me so brutally only a month after I had given birth to our son. I was an emotional wreck; I was severely depressed; so when Mohamad gave me some pills that he said would calm my nerves, I took them.”
Breaking into tears, Raheleh continued: “A little while after giving me the pills, Mohamad went to lay down. I remembered discovering a steel pipe in the storage room when I was cleaning out that room a few days earlier. I went to the storage room, picked up the steel pipe and went to where Momhad was laying down. At this point, he seemed like a demonic monster to me. I was very scared, so I began to hit him with the steel pipe. But he kept coming after me, attacking me, and beating me repeatedly. So I fought back. When he finally stopped moving, I saw my daughter in the room and I turned off the light so she would not see what had happened. Until the very moment that I put Mohamad’s body in the oil tank, I thought he was some kind of a live demon who would repeatedly attack and abuse me.”
Raheleh appears to have been suffering from severe post-partum depression during the incident (she had given birth to the couple's second child only a month and half prior to the incident). Further, based on her husband’s abusive treatment of her over the years, she also portrayed classic signs of battered-women’s syndrome. Regardless of the evidence about her altered mental state and mental and emotional illnesses, Raheleh was found guilty of pre-meditated first degree murder, and was sentenced to death by hanging.
Raheleh’s in-laws, who took physical custody of her two young children upon her arrest, have refused to allow the young mother to see her children during the time that she has been in prison.
Raheleh’s execution is scheduled to take place on Wednesday, December 20, 2007.
The SaveDelara campaign strongly condemns the execution sentence of Raheleh Zamani, and calls on human rights organizations, activists, and groups to contact officials in Iran and urge them to stop the planned hanging of the young mother.
RECOMMENDED ACTION: Please send appeals to arrive as quickly as possible, in Persian, English or your own language:
- expressing concern that Raheleh Zamani is at risk of execution, despite being under the influence of mind-altering drugs and suffering from post-partum depression and other emotional and mental illnesses;
- calling on the Iranian authorities to immediately halt the execution of Raheleh Zamani;
- calling for the death sentence against Raheleh Zamani to be commuted;

- stating that the world community acknowledges the right and responsibility of governments to bring to justice those suspected of criminal offences, but unconditionally opposes the death penalty.

Head of the Judiciary
Ayatollah Mahmoud Hashemi Shahroudi
Ministry of Justice, Ministry of Justice Building, Panzdah-Khordad Square, Tehran, Islamic Republic of Iran
Fax: + 98 21 3390 4986 (please keep trying; send appeals by post or email if you cannot get through)
Email: (In the subject line write: For the attention of Ayatollah Shahroudi)
Leader of the Islamic Republic
Ayatollah Sayed ‘Ali Khamenei,
Leader of the Islamic Republic
The Office of the Supreme Leader, Shahid Keshvar Doost Street, Tehran. Islamic Republic of Iran
Fax: +98 251 7774 2228 (mark "For the Office of His Excellency, Ayatollah Khamenei")
Email: Via website, in English:
Speaker of Parliament
Gholamali Haddad Adel
Majles-e Shoura-ye Eslami, Baharestan Square, Tehran, Islamic Republic of Iran
Fax: + 98 21 3355 6408
and to diplomatic representatives of Iran accredited to your country.

Click HERE to read Amnesty International Urgent Action Alert for Raheleh Zamani (pdf file)


Bench Warmer
Oct 18, 2002
This type of reporting reminds me of another execustion when two guys raped a boy while holding a knife at boys throat. When the rapists were executed, there were outcries that the guys executed were executed because they were homosexuals totally overlooking their crimes.
Thats pretty much exactly the case here.

Clearly there are those who go out of their way to make Iran look bad.

Her own story doesn't make much sense. She took a pill, then remembered that there was a pipe in the storage, she beat him but he kept attacking her, something about him being a demon, and all of a sudden he ends up in the trash... makes no sense.


Bench Warmer
Mar 25, 2005
i dont think toofan realizes how damaging his one sided reporting is to himself and his likeminded people. THE WOMAN KILLED HER HUSBAND. she got what she deserved. what are you complaining about? i am really amazed at your level of ignorance.


Elite Member
Dec 10, 2005
A small island west of Africa
Don't people get death sentences for committing terrible murders in the USA?
Does Amnesty International and other such groups make as much fuss about it?
Or do they just ignore it because those "first world" guys know best :p
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Bench Warmer
Jan 4, 2007
yea, I know it seems kind of insensitive to complain about the reporting considering this all concerns a tragedy, but Toofan jan you put the political twist on it with the title. There is a victim in the crime you the western system that you would speak so highly of (myself as well, yes), a judge would, unlike you, not proclaim the husband guilty of abuse until he was tried. I realize that in some parts of Iran it's hard to get an abusive husband in any sort of trouble but you do need to consider the fact that what happened here is in no way more barbaric than what happens in the United States as well.

The fact is, mothers are executed in the USA as well if they kill somebody.

It seems that whenever a woman is executed in Iran, Amnesty International complains. There is a famous picture of a female large-scale drug dealer (a type of criminal which Iran is very right to execute) that is often presented as a "symbol of Iranian misogyny", but the fact is that man or woman she was a criminal.

This woman probably would not have qualified for execution in the US but that's not as important a matter. What is true is that in the US we have a more developed system with greater considerations for mental condition and circumstances surrounding the crime.


Bench Warmer
May 24, 2006
As bad as she was, it is her children the government should care about. I dont know how well these children will grow up knowing their mother (probably) killed their father and the government killed their mother. Even in the US a case such as this would probably not see the mother get the death penalty, the US has that much sense !
Oct 20, 2003
As bad as she was, it is her children the government should care about. I dont know how well these children will grow up knowing their mother (probably) killed their father and the government killed their mother. Even in the US a case such as this would probably not see the mother get the death penalty, the US has that much sense !
pansari JAn, the mother not probably but definitely not only killed the father but cut him in pieces (she has already admitted that). Not only the US, but even in the countries without the death penalty, the mother will not be able to take care of her children as she will be in jail for life, or a long period. Even if there is a system in the world that would pardon her for the crime (which I doubt), I do not think the mother would be deemed fit to look after her children.


IPL Player
Jan 16, 2004
As bad as she was, it is her children the government should care about. I dont know how well these children will grow up knowing their mother (probably) killed their father and the government killed their mother. Even in the US a case such as this would probably not see the mother get the death penalty, the US has that much sense !
So are you saying a mother should get away with murder because she has children to look after?
Feb 22, 2005
In a country, where a woman does not have the same rights as a man and where media is controlled by a religious government that does not condemn abuse of women, you cannot believe everything you hear.

Years of abuse is a horrible thing and we know that it exists in Iran. The abused women have no one to turn to, as the religious authority support the men. Reporting the abuse causes more pain and other abuse.

We were not there and don't know what took place, but unfortunately having seen decades of injustice by the religious authority against women, it makes it difficult to believe that in this one case the woman's side was justifiably presented.

I remember in the states, when a woman cut the penis of her husband after years of abuse and rape of her by him, the court let the woman go free.


National Team Player
Aug 17, 2003
As bad as she was, it is her children the government should care about. I dont know how well these children will grow up knowing their mother (probably) killed their father and the government killed their mother. Even in the US a case such as this would probably not see the mother get the death penalty, the US has that much sense !
I wonder where you get your info about US from? In the US the child services will and have taken away children from their parents and put them in foster homes because during a Summer day the parent left the child in the car to run to buy something from the store.

Hell, you look at your child the wrong way they will not hesitate take him/her from you and place the kid in state custody. And you think a mother who chopped up her husband will be allowed to live to take care of her kids? If she were in a state like Texas you can be sure that she'd be sentenced to death followed by 100 years of prison without possibility of parole. If she were in a state without death penalty you can be sure she would go to jail and if ever had an opportunity to get out would have a restraining order against her so far away that would make it impossible for her to even see her kids by a binoculars.

I don't know the details of this case to make any judgment on whether this lady deserved to be killed or not but the fact that only one side of the story is presented by the source provided by Toofan and then it turns out not to be completely true either doesn't help me feel much sympathy for her case.
Oct 20, 2003
I remember in the states, when a woman cut the penis of her husband after years of abuse and rape of her by him, the court let the woman go free.
Your sure make lots of sense equating cutting the male organ's case (Lorena Bobbit) with murder case in which the wife kills her husband,cuts the corps into many pieces to dispose of the body.
Jun 9, 2004
Man that Bobbit guy had his penis sewn back on and went to become famous, making tons of money of the story. I highly doubt this guy will be making a come back, unless he is that dude from Terminator! ;)