Last Week Tonight with John Oliver: Donald Trump


IPL Player
Jun 8, 2010
If Trump wins, no Iranian including myself in no way can touch the Emrika's soil (thanks god as I hate emrikaa) but he puts full stop to the Ghetto era, you will see, he is a business man, he knows how to control the market, he is changing strategy in his way to white house, White house in compare with his mansion is just a Tavileh, he doesn't need to dig poor people's pocket to go to gym 5 days per week, he is the only one who can make USA great again, great not for me but for the Americans. I'm so tired of black this and black that and he will be ending this "talabkaar" attitude of some lazy black asses. After Putin he is the second man alive...


Elite Member
Feb 5, 2014
Las Vegas, NV
I didn't like it. If anything, I think it worked in Trump's favor. The average liberal voter will not vote for Trump anyway, but efforts like these will probably gain him more votes than not.

It was very childish.
This is what Trump is using. He is saying how the liberal media hates him and more people who are not liberal will vote for Trump. This is going to backfire on Oliver and he is doing more harm than good. Again, I get his message and he is right in theory but you are giving Trump more air time. Remember bad publicity is better than no publicity. Oliver is doing what Trump wants.

@Afarin, you are right about that and Trump makes no secrets about it. You better already be an American and even then you better be born and raised in the USA, if you want to stay. They can't do anything to American citizens who are already here but what they can do is close the doors for any student who wants to come here and get their education. You might hate America and I can understand why but many Iranians still want to come here for their education. That door will be closed. They better go to Europe or Canada but now the door for Europe is quickly shutting. The only country left is Canada so if you hate the cold I feel bad for you.
Jul 5, 2009
South Dakota
Jimmy Fallon is the type of stand-uper you visit ONLY once, never again, never liked the fella. But you have to get him cred for this one!
By the way, the way media handling this hillbilly "trump" will lead to a great win for H. Clinton.

Nov 29, 2002
Chillax, people who vote for Donald Trump won't have ever watched John Oliver, and people who watch John Oliver don't mind watching this.