Looks like The Daily Show writers are going to get to go home early today.

Oct 16, 2002
DarvAze DoolAb
Another one bites the dust.

If GOP had any integrity and common sense, they would put all their energy behind Ron Paul and save themselves years of embarrassment. The man might not be their top criminal and he's certainly not going to open as many backdoors for them as they might like, but he won't embarrass them.

We're really watching the demise of a nation live on TV these days.
Oct 18, 2002
BT jan,

GOP is in deep shit and has been since the nut jobs have pretty much taken over the whole show. They used to be a party that was pro business and economically sound choice for a nation like US. They would not be anything that would remotely get the attention of most European countries because of the way and system the exists there, but here in the US being a true capitalist country, their views were always welcomed by those that were more concerned about economy, small government and less concerned with social issues. But now, the party is one of idiots, bigots, and downright stupid characters that say anything to get the very vocal (minority) religious nut jobs to support them. Their views are very much like the idiots in IRI with talking points that makes sense to a typical man on the street, who is brainwashed by the little info he/she gets from their single source of news, and does not really have a clue around the complexity of life as we know it.

Not to say that the Dems are any better, but all in all, the GOP is now nothing more than a joke in all fronts. The choices for President is evident of that. As for Paul, he is so far off to the side of any aisle, that I doubt he would ever get a single piece of legislation done. The man is basically looking to overhaul the US government as we know it and that is not realistic. The government has gotten so big, so entrenched in all aspects of life, and simply too powerful to be reduced, let alone, dismantle as he wants to do. So the guy, although nice person, has ZERO chance of being anything remotely more than a fringe Congressman.

So I think the race for the Presidency will be more like what it has been with incumbent Obama winning by enough margin to a second term. Of course, all the hoopla around Obama and being the big savior that everyone thought he was, has not dissolved. I think only I and Flint were the people that were saying the guy is no different than anyone else, and that when it came to Iran he would fare no better. This is not an insult against the man, just that one man can not make a dent in the state of things, not in 4 years, not in 8, not even in 16.

Just my two cents.


May 8, 2005
Min 3:47

Now that is funny :)