Mid Night In Paris: Rudi Meets Mary!...

beystr 2.0

Bench Warmer
Jul 9, 2006
I just saw a minute of the Horror show (CNN,BBC..France 24?)..Puke!..…I suppose Maryam Rajabi was the speaker at home and her big party this time, and Mr. 9/11 Rudi Juliani was one the VIP’s just havin’ a great ol’ time mingling with the crowd..coward... That much is already known..Juliani’s of this world in their own deranged and sick mind are perhaps doing something about the “Terror” by being a terrorist or paying someone to be..how awful?. I’ll even give him the benefit of the doubt and Blame it on his screwed up dome and a lowlife value system, Where, He can see MEK as some sort of a freedom fighter. Hope He somehow wakes up before he dies…otherwise I can’t see a man at peace, with himself, at least. How does he justify a gang that used to take pride in killing Americans ( Before 79) and then IRI and anyone around ( MEK has some 12,000 cases of murder in Iran since 79..u may dispute the number but not the act)…then bitched for Saddam..Now they are trying to be of some sort of a service to Americans and Israelis. Is Juliani that messed up.? Oh well..we all got sins and bad deeds..so..not trying to make Juliani the Evil man…Though he starting to look like one..

The formula is a tested one…and the original show tasted so good ..for ur info most of the Qadafi money has disappeared since…ofcourse..NATO is not a “FREE” army..”Free something”II has moved to Syria..Asad don’t have that kind of cash….so will Saudi’s fork over for a full blown one?..

anyhow our future in Iran is Coming thru France again…and before u know MEK would be the freedom fighters…leading The Western world’s dirty work in some other corner of Mid. East…Free III is coming soon..the Very much the Terror Show itself by people who pretend they are fighting it…Americans won’t buy it I’m sure, doubt if French like it either, if n when they find out the facts...in fact Nobody does..but business of being no. 1 is a gory deal... ..can’t blame the people ,they r just busy surviving like the rest of us..But I hate to think of all the crap they have to put up for trusting their government… they will pay for it one way or the other…that’s is the law of our universe… att: Mr. Juliani ..wouldn’t hurt to go over the 10 commandments every now n then.
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