Monarchy is good for everybody.


Bench Warmer
Oct 18, 2002
P.N. jon,

“America is moving toward fascism” is at least fairer than “fanciest America” bcuz there is nothing inU.S.’s record to suggest that they have fascist tendencies.

America is like any other human being. If u have led life of openness of helping others and generally doing good, and all of a sudden u r attacked (unjustly in ur mind) then automatically ur self defense kicks in. I never forget being taken inside Aircraft carrier kitty Hawk in San Diego by my 2 American friends during the hostage crisis in1980. America was that open…and then 9/11 occurred..

I agree that some of the reaction taken by Americans were too radical…but that’s the difference between us ( Iranians) pacifist and the ever American activist…they now understand that they made a huge mistake in letting Iran become an Islamic government. at the time they might have said out of the 2 enemies(Soviet Union and Islam) Islam can actually be a useful in stopping the communist ideology, but never thought the very people they helped can turn against them…. And the Israel-Palestine was only an excuse. U know better…Bin Laden in his Ideology is mainly against America being in S.K .and in reality Moslem brothers have only hurt the Palestinian cause and have led them down the road to hell.

In any case….Israel , becuz of their own good and America’s help is the most advanced country in Middle East and as long as they are, they will be the masters. And don’t tell me U.S> did it for them... u r smarter than that. Indeed , Palestinians have received more cash and have had the world sympathy way more than Israelis .however, Palestinians have had the misfortune of having an IRI and their own demons all these yrs…….the proof is there ..For all the advances in science that Israelis have made out of a small country with hardly any natural resources what have we rich Moslem countries got to show? a poor suicide bomber? We can’t even credit our heroes…whatever we have today in Iran is from the last 2 kings(this u can ask anybody in Iran)..the majority of Iranians in Iran beleive the late shah's biggest sin was to quit and listen to the cries of his own people on the street.given this, one we peed on his tomb and the other one is laying in Egypt. And not to forget..this is a fair system in the long run…aren’t we paying for our bad judgment to this day?

I’ll continue later…bedtime finally

Pahlevoon Nayeb

National Team Player
Oct 17, 2002
Poshteh Kooh
beystr jon,

Whether America's moving towards fascism or is already there is only a matter of semantics. Obviously, if America was already there I would not be able to sit here and write these words. But, trust me; we're steadily moving towards that point. If you re-read the article, you will see that the author is suggesting all the pieces are being put in place in PREPARATION for such a finality.

I have nothing but love and respect for TRUE American values. This is PRECISELY why it pains me to see the sole beacon of at least domestic freedom dying in the hands of Bushies and Christian Mullahs.

And, no one with a little bit of fairness can deny that Shah did good in his time. During his tenure, Iranians were able to see peace, if not political freedom, and what we have today in the form of nationalism we owe it to that period.

But, we also have to remember the backdrop against which he was able to do the things he did. It was during a time when America needed a proxy right under Soviets' nose, just like the Soviets needed one under America's nose (Cuba).

Also, lets not forget that many people will never forgive America or the Shah for Dr. Mossadegh's demise as he was the only one Iranians ever chose in a truly free election.

But, once all credit is given where due, lets now talk about the issues facing us right NOW.

I too lived through the hostage days of 1980's in America. In fact, I spent those horrible days, not in LA, SF, NY, or some other big city, but rather smack dab in the middle of Mid West America. Personally, even though I have mixed feelings about that period, I can certainly understand how a still-innocent America would react to the daily barrage of news about the hostage crisis.

Fast forwarding to 2000, however, a whole different picture emerges. By 2001, a whole generation had come and gone, Palestinians had supposedly made peace with the Israelis in the form of the Oslo peace accord, and Iranians here felt a renewed sense of pride.

Against this backdrop, Iranian youth in Iran were making steady, if slow, progress towards a grassroots IRANIAN freedom movement and the widespread feeling was that the ultimate demise of the Mullahs was inevitable.

In the morning hours of September 11th 2001, supposedly all this changed. Why?

If we all agree that it was Osama Bin Laden, not Saddam Hussein or the Iranian Mullah rats, who was behind the attacks, why call Iran and Iraq a part of the "axis of evil?" What do you suppose Bush was hoping to gain from such a speech?

Next, America rightly attacks Afghanistan, calling for Bin Laden's head. Great! The whole world saw it as America's right to go after the man who caused the tragedies of 9/11. However, just as US had Bin Laden on the ropes, Bush and his neocon buddies decided to let Osama off the hook and go after Iraq, for reasons since proven to be phony baloney.

Additionally, by constantly harping on Iran being a part of an "axis of evil," the only thing Bush accomplished was to make sure the Mullahs would be re-invigorated to attack all dissent and reverse all reform that had taken place so far. This, to me, is the height of stupidity, if not out-right complicity with the ruling Akhunds in Tehran!

As far as Israel is concerned, I think YOU're more knowledgeable than me having to tell you that the only thing keeping them propped up is over 300 BILLION dollars in the form of US military and non-military aid that has made them the master of the ME universe!

Now, 3 years, hundreds of thousands of lives, and hundreds of billions of dollars later, not only has Bin Laden not been caught, no one even talks about him any more! To me, if someone causes some harm, I'd go after THEM, not everyone else who happens to look like them!!

You, I'm sure know a lot more about Iranian politics than me, but, believe me when I tell you that, not only is THIS country following in the footsteps of Iranian despotism, hoping any help from Bush and company would be like asking a pack of wolves to guard one's family!