Rights to bear Arms!

Oct 18, 2002
A Masoud;
I used to be one of those who hated guns and thought the American ppl are crazy and their constitution is crazy too. but that was when Shah was in Iran and I used to compare everyone to our country and thought there is no need for guns in hands of common ppl. only police and army should have guns..then I recognized why the American constitution stated the the ppl have the Rights to bear arms!
Now I think it is a good idea though I still do not think that the ordinary ciotizens can defend themselves properly with a little arms they got compared to the nuclear & other heavy shi* that the damn govts have. yet stiull I think it is a good idea because there has to be men behind those guns and heavy weapons.

If the people had access to guns then it would not take long when the police and army would give up defending their rotted govts. cuz if you see your comrades being killed by the citizens you'd think twice b4 shooting ordinary ppl. (If ppl had guns I bet a 100 dollars that the poor girl (neda)would not have been slaughtered in broad daylight.
hey az ghadim goftan: an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure!
Oct 18, 2002
Sydney, Australia
The second amendment (right to bear arms) has its roots deeply entrenched in a common day mental condition: "PARANOIA"! Ultimately, the aim was to prevent the government becoming tyrranical. theoretically, if you have the right to bear arms, you can form a militia and rebel against the government. In reality, in today's world, even with semi and fully automatic weapons, how can you rebel against a government that possesses a nuclear arsenal? Unless private citizens are able to stockpile H bombs and "Daisy Cutters", the second amendment has become redundant over the last 60 years at least.
Oct 18, 2002
The second amendment (right to bear arms) has its roots deeply entrenched in a common day mental condition: "PARANOIA"! Ultimately, the aim was to prevent the government becoming tyrranical. theoretically, if you have the right to bear arms, you can form a militia and rebel against the government. In reality, in today's world, even with semi and fully automatic weapons, how can you rebel against a government that possesses a nuclear arsenal? Unless private citizens are able to stockpile H bombs and "Daisy Cutters", the second amendment has become redundant over the last 60 years at least.

Sporty jaan;

I think that those scumbag agents who come breaking your door down in middle of the night are cowards and are only interested in making money!
they do not have the spirit or mentality (i.e freedom loving) of the rest of us. so I believe if you have a way of protecting yourself against them, they will think twice before attacking you &/or your family.
I am talking about individuals not militia type of situation.


Oct 16, 2008
The way I see it is there are two extremes.....on one side you have as you both pointed out the possibility to have a militia group formed by private citizens creating problems for the population and the government......on the other hand you have the governments who arm themselves against the helpless population with no regards on rights......ala IR. In such cases, the ruler always turns into a dictator not willing to hand over the power no matter what the constitution says.....such the case in all of the ME. Fully realizing the problems with an armed population - especially in the ME - and strictly out of desperation - I am saying maybe, and only maybe the possibility should be analyzed and evaluated. I am pretty sure, not in a distant future, USA will leave Iraq and Afghanistan......can you imagine what the unarmed population in these countries would go through?!!