US's bogus sanctions - Dupont's Teflon


Bench Warmer
Nov 21, 2008
Bracknell, UK.
We have all read about over the years, how US wants the UN to impose sanctions on the IRGC's nuclear endeavours Iran, and yet it is business as usual, as they say. The US and the countries it is always haggling with, will waste so much time, and tell the tax payers it is all in a log jam, when the problem is actually with the US companies themselves. Many US Presidents, and Mr Obama is no different, repeatedly ignore their own companies that deal with Iranian companies.

Take for example the most important dish in the Iranian cuisine. Without a major US import, the famous Tadig and making rice, would be a nightmare. This company, Pars Khazar, makes them more than anyone else, and it imports its non-stick component from Dupont, and we all know what Teflon is. In fact many of the main basic raw materials come from outside.

Read it all here:

And this is just one example of what the situation is in Iran. The IRGC and their poodles try to make out as if they are independant, and go on about their nuclear technology, when the basic stuff like a petty Rice Cooker is still dependant on a US company.

The last thing I want to do is to create an international crisis over this, by shutting down the deliveried of Teflon to Iran via Swiss proxies.

So yeah Mr Obama look at your own turf before you go harping on about nuclear this and that. As you all know I really do not like the indirect benefit to the US companies from all that cheap oil to China from IRGC cronies in Iran.