[Video]: Topless Iranian girls in Sweden protesting against Hijab!


Elite Member
Nov 14, 2004
dameshoon garm :)


- NEI TIL HIJAB: Kvinnelige demonstranter med påskriften «nei til hijab» demonstrerte i Stockholm denne uka. - Vi bruker ikke-voldelige virkemidler, sier Alexandra Shevchenko, en av gründerne bak den ukrainske organisasjonen, til Dagbladet. Foto: Femen.org

- Den eneste måten å oppnå frihet på, er ved å være naken. Vi vil vise at kroppene våre ikke er mannens eiendel

Iranske Femen-aktivister viste avsky mot hijab og kvinneundertrykking i Stockholm.

Hilda Nyfløt hin@dagbladet.no

tirsdag 5. mars 2013, kl.12:18

Tips oss 2400

EIER EGEN KROPP: Femen-aktivist og gründer, Alexandra Shevchenko, sier til Dagbladet at gruppen kler av seg for å vise at de eier egen kropp, og at de ikke er mannens eiendel. Foto: AFP PHOTO / HO / FEMEN

SVENSK PROTEST: Protesten fant sted i Stockholm i går. Foto: Femen.org

PROTESTERT I FEM ÅR: Alexandra Shevchenko har siden oppstarten for fem år siden kjempet for likestilling for kvinner gjennom toppløsprotester. Her er hun i Kiev i Ukraina i juli i fjor. Foto: AP Photo / Efrem Lukatsky / NTB Scanpix

FEIRER: Toppløsaktivistene i Femen har demonstrert mot paveembedet flere ganger. Dagen etter at pave Benedikt kunngjorde sin avgang, brøt en gjeng fra gruppa seg inn i Notre Dame for å feire nyheten. Video: Joseph Paris

MOT TYSK PARTI: Her protesterer Femen-aktivister mot det høyre-eksremistiske partiet NPD, det nasjonal-demokratiske partiet i Berlin, Tyskland i februar i år. Foto: EPA / FLORIAN SCHUH / NTB SCANPIX

(Dagbladet): Denne uka demonstrerte aktivister tilknyttet den kvinnelige aktivistgruppa Femen i Stockholm. Kvinnene, som i tradisjonen tro var toppløse, viste fram parolene «Nei til hijab» og «min nakenhet er min protest».

- Den eneste måten å oppnå frihet på, er ved å være naken. Vi vil vise at kroppene våre ikke er mannens eiendel. Vi må vise oss fram fordi frihet handler om retten til å dekke til eller vise fram kroppen. Vi bruker ikke-voldelige virkemidler, sier Alexandra Shevchenko, en av gründerne bak den ukrainske organisasjonen, til Dagbladet.

Hun deltok ikke sjøl på protesten, som fant sted i Stockholm sentrum. Aktivistene i den svenske hovedstaden var først og fremst medlemmer av det iranske kommunistpartiet og Organisasjonen mot vold mot kvinner i Iran, og dedikerte protesten til den internasjonale kvinnedagen 8. mars.

- For muslimer kan det være veldig provoserende å se kvinnekroppen slik, sier hun videre.

Iranske kvinner

Iran er en islamsk republikk, men fungerer i praksis som en religiøst diktatur hvor presteskapet har mye makt, til tross for at det finnes et folkevalgt parlament og president.

Ifølge Landinfo mister en iransk kvinne sine rettigheter og muligheter til selvbestemmelse når hun inngår ekteskap i Iran. «Med mindre noe annet er fastsatt i ekteskapskontrakten, kan ikke en gift kvinne ta utdanning, arbeide utenfor hjemmet, få pass eller reise til utlandet uten ektemannens samtykke».

- Jeg vet ikke hva slags reaksjoner protesten i Stockholm fikk, men det muslimske samfunnet i europeiske land er generelt ikke så aggresivt som det er i land som Egypt og Iran. Hadde vi utført slik protester i de landene kunne man forventet at kvinnene ville ha blitt drept. De mener at å være naken slik er en grov kriminell handling, sier Shevchenko.

200 toppløsaktivister

Femen ble stiftet for fem år siden, og har ifølge Shevchenko rundt 200 toppløsaktivister i en rekke land. Femen ble startet i en protest mot seksualisering, prostitusjon og utnyttelse av kvinner i det tidligere Sovjetunionen.

- Vi gjør hele tiden små framskritt i en stor kamp. Dersom vi teller alle de små seierne vi har hatt, har vi oppnådd mye. Vi er stolte av at organisasjonen er for kvinner i Iran, Sverige, Frankrike, Tyskland, Tunisia, Bulgaria, USA og Canada.

- Vanligvis er nakne kvinnekropper forbundet med sex og reklame, som en maskin som produserer barn, eller en robot som utfører husarbeid. Vi prøver å forandre dette, og ta tilbake kroppene våre fra mennene. Dette er viktig for kvinner rundt omkring på hele planeten.

Også i fjor protesterte Femen-aktivister i Stockholm, den gang utenfor den egyptiske ambassaden. Anti-islamisten Alia al-Mahdy hisset på seg en rekke egyptere da hun i desember protesterte naken mot landets ny grunnlovsutkast.

- Kom deg ut, vær toppløs

På sine nettsider skriver Femen at organisasjonen jobber for kvinners rettigheter, at de overvåker demokratiet og angriper patriarkatet i alle former: diktaturer, kirken og sex-industrien.

«Kroppens magi tiltrekker din interesse, vårt handlingsmot inspirerer det til å ville bidra. Kom deg ut, vær toppløs og vinn», heter det på nettsidene.

«Nok Berlusconi»

I slutten av forrige måned fikk Femen mye oppmerksomhet etter at flere medlemmer protesterte mot Silvio Berlusconi da italienerne skulle velge ny nasjonalforsamling. Berlusconi er tiltalt for sex med en mindreårig prostituert og skattesvindel.

Da den tidligere statsministeren ankom stemmelokalene i hjembyen Milano, ventet tre kvinner i bar overkropp og med «Nok Berlusconi» skrevet på ryggen.

De tre kvinnene ble slept avgårde av politiet mens de skrek «Nok Berlusconi» etter at de først hadde kommet seg forbi en rekke journalister utenfor stemmelokalet. Feministene prøvde også kaste seg mot Berlusconi uten å treffe ham.

Kvinnene har blant annet demonstrert mot at korrupte Ukraina arrangerte fotball-EM, mot høye gasspriser, moteuker og mot Indias hore-advarsel.


• Det er først i nyere tid (trolig tidlig 1970-tall) at hijab entydig brukes om hodeplagg eller om «den islamske drakten».

• I de få koranversene som behandler forholdet mellom sømmelighet og påkledning, brukes helt andre ord enn hijab.

• Korantekstene sier heller ikke utrykkelig at nettopp hodeplagg er påbudt; de tradisjonelle (før-moderne) kommentarverkene tar imidlertid hodeplagget for gitt.

Kilde: Store norske leksikon

HOMORETTIGHETER: Aktivistene i Femen kastet klærne og ba paven om å holde kjeft i Vatikanet i går. Demonstrantene ble imidlertid angrepet med paraply og kastet ut kort tid etter at demonstrasjonen startet. Video: Femen






Elite Member
Oct 18, 2002
OMG and I missed that???!!!! :D BTW, how the h*ll could they take their top off in this freezing weather??


National Team Player
Nov 6, 2004
If this is a political strategy, I see no point or benefits of this. I guess when you're full of hot air, you do emotional and unproductive things like this. Everyone is free, but really, there needs to be better strategies then this for women who are opposing mandatory veiling.

And of course guys are happy with this, it does the most to demonize and devalue women and lower them to creatures who are purely judged by their bodies.
Jun 9, 2004
If this is a political strategy, I see no point or benefits of this. I guess when you're full of hot air, you do emotional and unproductive things like this. Everyone is free, but really, there needs to be better strategies then this for women who are opposing mandatory veiling.

And of course guys are happy with this, it does the most to demonize and devalue women and lower them to creatures who are purely judged by their bodies.
I don't know bro... I've argued that point before too and I'm not usually for women protesting topless for most things (and there have been so many causes in so many countries over the years) because the cause doesn't have anything to do with bearing your breasts and it's just a reason to get some attention. But in this particular case, the action is related to the cause and aside from joking a little bit earlier, I don't think it demonizes or devalues women at all - they have every right to be topless just like we do and if we (men) make it into a sexual thing, then the problem lies with us. not with them. And nothing hammers that point home more than what these gals did, because that's exactly IR's justification for imposing hejab on women in the first place, the fact that they're viewed only as sexual objects.

Having said that. I totally agree with you that this thing could have been done in a better way, including many women for example that are not topless and including lots of men that wouldn't be staring at the topless women to make the point that this is not a sexual thing. Hell, I would have thrown a couple of women with hejab in there even to say that it's your right to wear or not wear what you want.
May 12, 2007
If this is a political strategy, I see no point or benefits of this. I guess when you're full of hot air, you do emotional and unproductive things like this. Everyone is free, but really, there needs to be better strategies then this for women who are opposing mandatory veiling.

And of course guys are happy with this, it does the most to demonize and devalue women and lower them to creatures who are purely judged by their bodies.
Some of these women love to be seen publicly specially in the media since they believe they good ones and some do this to make it impossible for sweedish government to reject their
application for asylement. Notice also there are sweedish girls amoung them.
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Football Legend
Sep 29, 2005
Topless Iranian girls in Sweden protesting against Hijab!
Good for them... And for us too - in more than one way! ;)

باز بیا اینجا و شعارهای لیبرالی بِدِه که : " حجاب بَده، حجاب اَخِه " و از این حرف ها
اگه حجاب نبود که چشم ِ ما به این جیگرکان ِ برهنه ی ِ مُعترض روشن نمی شد

: نتیجه ی ِ اخلاقی - شهوانی

زنده باد حجاب

هر کسی که مُخالفشه
فوری باید لُخت بشه


National Team Player
Nov 6, 2004
Thank you Bi Honar and DireStraits jan for your inputs,

I just see this as another form of extreme (as is mandatory veiling, esp. for those who do not identify themselves as Muslims). I think one of the things this revolution and the aftermath has taught us, besides the sneaky and conniving nature of the Safavid-Shia clerics being put on full display, is that whenever you do anything extreme the negative ramifications are dire and horrible. Whether the are "Islamic" in nature, or "Secular" in nature, both will produce horrible consequences.

That is why I cringe every time I see anti-Islamic, anti-religion or even anti-secular comments from Iranians, who feel that the only way to trump our current reality is to take an extreme, opposite, polarized position on the other side. We really need to be more balanced, and not mock ANYTHING, under no circumstances. Mocking is the lowest form of conversation.

As my brother says: 'Iranians have extremely high IQs, but our emotional intelligence is extremely low' - we react instead of reflect. I am also guilty of this, mind you, I wish we can individually and collectively move forward with this in mind.
Jun 9, 2004
I'm 100% with you on that balanced approach bro and wise words from your brother - definitely pass on my regards. :)

Like I said, I argued the other side of this topless thing when that similar campaign in Germany was done with the older ladies baring their breasts on video. Don't know if you remember that but it was maybe a year or two ago. Other than the participants being younger, cuter and not as saggy ;) in this one, I'm not sure what changed my mind in the past couple of years, and you're right, the reaction in Iran would mostly be negative toward these acts, because they're just going to say that without Islam, this is the type of moral corruption and cultural prostitution (their favorite phrase) that we would be dealing with.
May 12, 2007
Thank you Bi Honar and DireStraits jan for your inputs,

I just see this as another form of extreme (as is mandatory veiling, esp. for those who do not identify themselves as Muslims). I think one of the things this revolution and the aftermath has taught us, besides the sneaky and conniving nature of the Safavid-Shia clerics being put on full display, is that whenever you do anything extreme the negative ramifications are dire and horrible. Whether the are "Islamic" in nature, or "Secular" in nature, both will produce horrible consequences.

That is why I cringe every time I see anti-Islamic, anti-religion or even anti-secular comments from Iranians, who feel that the only way to trump our current reality is to take an extreme, opposite, polarized position on the other side. We really need to be more balanced, and not mock ANYTHING, under no circumstances. Mocking is the lowest form of conversation.

As my brother says: 'Iranians have extremely high IQs, but our emotional intelligence is extremely low' - we react instead of reflect. I am also guilty of this, mind you, I wish we can individually and collectively move forward with this in mind.
Strangly enough it seems that IRI empolyees in embassy and outside Iran know the rulles and don't lose control like inside Iran. Had this happened inside Iran those women were raped and killed.


Elite Member
Oct 24, 2002
United States of Amnesia
Guys I am really disappointed at all of you. These courageous women are fighting for women's rights and aaaaall you can think about are their boobs or sexy busty legs. Ok I'll give it to you, the boobs are round and symmetric and are sure to attract the attention of any hungry baby around, but get a hold of your hormones dudes, goooosh..


Elite Member
Dec 10, 2005
A small island west of Africa
Guys I am really disappointed at all of you. These courageous women are fighting for women's rights and aaaaall you can think about are their boobs or sexy busty legs. Ok I'll give it to you, the boobs are round and symmetric and are sure to attract the attention of any hungry baby around, but get a hold of your hormones dudes, goooosh..
Well said!
I would go further in their support and say they should also remove the stocking and the pants for better effect and make sure the message reaches its intended target! :)


Staff member
Nov 10, 2002
This was really stupid.

[1] This had no impact whatsoever on anything, 6 guys in Sweden are protesting on the street where not a single soul even looked at them
[2] If they wanted to be unique, Golshifteh tried it before
[3] what are they protesting ? IRI or Hejab ?

All and all stupid !!


National Team Player
Nov 6, 2004
The comments here show that these "protests" "benefited" one segment of the human population, and nothing was said about politics really.

Case in point.