What the neocons think of you and me

Pahlevoon Nayeb

National Team Player
Oct 17, 2002
Poshteh Kooh
Referring to a recent policy paper by Reuel Marc Gerecht in the Weekly Standard, Ilana Mercer of antiwar.com writes:

"In what reads like a remarkably unsophisticated policy paper, Reuel Marc Gerecht counsels in the Standard against any peaceful solutions to Iran's growing nuclear capabilities, for no real reason but that negotiations and inspections indicate a defensive "pre-9/11 mindset," while Gerecht prefers the purity of preemption..

Duly, our neoconservative Nostradamus Gerecht predicts a favorable outcome in the event the U.S. decides to launch a missile attack on Iranian nuclear facilities. "Iranians are not nationalist automatons – they are among the most profound, cynical patriots imaginable," he patronizes. Americans can carpet bomb Iran's nuclear plants to their heart's content. There's no danger this will dissipate the average Iranian's detestation for the mullahs and spur an insurgency against the U.S."

This is what neocons think of us Iranians: NOT VERY PATRIOTIC!
