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Mar 2, 2003
dorood bar Mousavi

ميرحسين خطاب به شوراى نگهبان

Mon / 15 06 2009 / 12:38

  • انتخابات را باطل اعلام كنيد!
ميرحسين خطاب به شوراى نگهبان: انتخابات را باطل اعلام كنيد

يكشنبه ۲۴ خرداد ۱۳۸۸

فوق انتظار دارم درخواست اينجانب در مورد ابطال انتخابات ۲۲ خرداد ماه مورد رسيدگى و اقدام قرار گيرد
مير حسين موسوى درمورد انتخابات رياست جمهورى و نتايج آن به شوراى نگهبان نامه نوشت. به گزارش كلمه، متن اين نامه به شرح زير است:***

بسمه تعالى
شوراى محترم نگهبان
سلام عليكم

پيرو ده***ها مكاتبه ستاد انتخاباتى اينجانب با آن شورا داير بر تخلفات صريح انتخاباتى عوامل اجرايى وزارت كشور و نيز يكى از نامزدها كه قطعاً در نتيجه انتخابات ۲۲ خرداد ماه مؤثر بوده است و ذيلاً به مواردى از آنها اشاره مى***شود، عدم صحت انتخابات محرز است و رسيدگى و ابطال آن درخواست مى***گردد:

۱ – در ايام تبليغات خصوصاً در مناظره آقاى احمدى نژاد، اتهامات بزرگى عليه بعضى از شخصيت***هاى حقيقى ازجمله آيت الله هاشمى رفسنجانى، رياست محترم مجلس خبرگان و رئيس مجمع تشخيص مصلحت نظام و نيز آقاى ناطق نورى عضو محترم مجمع تشخيص مصلحت نظام و رئيس بازرسى ويژه مقام معظم رهبرى، در رسانه ملى مطرح شد كه بنا به اظهار صريح رياست محترم قوه قضاييه و دادستان محترم كل كشور مصاديق روشن عمل مجرمانه بوده است. اين اتهامات خوراك اصلى تبليغات انتخاباتى آقاى احمدى نژاد عليه ساير نامزدها، خصوصاً اينجانب قرار گرفت.

۲ – ايشان در مناظره***هاى انتخاباتى اقدام به بيان مطالب خلاف امنيت ملى نمود كه نتيجه آن زير سؤال بردن بنيانگذار جمهورى اسلامى ايران حضرت امام خمينى سلام الله عليه بود. به علاوه عمل ايشان در افشاى بعضى از موضوعات محرمانه و سرى با تلفيق موارد نادرست، ازجمله متهم كردن دولت جمهورى اسلامى و وزارت كشور به سازماندهى اوباش براى حمله به جوانان و مردم و بريدن كراوات***ها و تراشيدن موى سر جوانان اتهاماتى واهى است كه در هيچ مرجع قضايى مورد رسيدگى قرار نگرفته و بديهى است كه عملى مجرمانه محسوب مى***شود.

۳ – كارشكنى***هاى عديده مسئولانه وزارت كشور و بسيارى از فرماندارى***ها، ازجمله فرماندارى تهران در ارائه كارت***هاى نمايندگان جناب حجت الاسلام والمسلمين كروبى و اينجانب منجر به عدم امكان حضور تعداد قابل توجهى از نمايندگان ما دو نفر در محل شعب اخذ رأى و محل***هاى شمارش و تجميع آرا گرديد و نمايندگان نامزدها هيچگونه نظارتى بر انتخابات نداشته***اند.

۴ – برخلاف اعلام كتبى قبلى مبنى بر اينكه شمارش آرا و تجميع آن دستى خواهد بود، ستاد انتخابات كشور در حالى كه هنوز تعدادى از شعب در حال شمارش آراى مردم بودند اقدام به اعلام نتايج در حجم انبوه نمود. اين در حالى بود كه هنوز صورت جلسه***هاى موسوم به فرم***هاى ۲۲ و ۲۸ از هيات***هاى اجرايى دريافت نشده و تنها ملاك ارائه آمار ارقام موجود در سيستم***هاى رايانه***اى بود كه هيچگونه وجاهت قانونى ندارد و موجب التهاب اجتماعى و نگرانى در جامعه براساس آمارهاى فاقد مبناى قانونى مى***شود.

۵ – صدها شعبه اخذ رأى در مناطق مختلف كشور ازجمله شيراز، تبريز، تهران و... در ساعات قبل و بعد از ظهر دچار كمبود تعرفه اخذ رأى شدند و اين امر موجب توقف چند ساعته رأى گيرى در آنها گرديد. با توجه به اينكه تعداد تعرفه***هاى چاپ شده با فرض بالاترين تعداد متصوره شركت***كنندگان به گونه***اى بوده است كه بيش از ۱۷ ميليون تعرفه اضافى مى***توانست در اختيار وزارت كشور باشد تعلل شديدى كه در جريان توزيع تعرفه***هاى انتخاباتى به چشم مى***خورد كاملاً ابهام برانگيز بود و نشان مى***داد كه اين تعلل و نيز اعلام توقف زمان رأى***گيرى، در حالى كه هنوز تعداد قابل توجهى از مردم خواستار شركت در انتخابات بودند از سر نگرانى نسبت به افزايش تعداد آراى ماخوذه از مرز ۱۰۰ درصد افراد واجد شرايط بوده است. طبيعى است كه چنين امورى شائبه وقوع اقدامات غيرقانونى گسترده و وجود تعداد بى***شمار آراى تقلبى در صندوق***ها را تحكيم مى***كند.

۶ – علاوه بر موارد فوق تخلفات فراوان صورت گرفته در روز و زمان اخذ رأى طى بيش از ۸۰ مورد نامه خطاب به آقاى كدخدايى سخنگوى محترم شوراى نگهبان توسط رابط اينجانب به آن شورا تقديم شده است.

۷ – آقاى احمدى نژاد در وقت تبليغات اضافى كه سازمان صدا و سيما به صورت غيرقانونى به ايشان اهدا كرد وقوع اقدامات ضد امنيتى را پيش***بينى كرد و به طور ضمنى موفقيت خود را مسلم دانست و رقبا را متهم به توطئه چينى نمود، كه تمامى اينها حاكى از برنامه***ريزى***هاى پشت پرده براى دستكارى نتايج انتخابات است. به همين ترتيب تيتر خبر پيروزى آقاى احمدى نژاد در سايت رجانيوز، فارس و ايرنا كه چند ساعت قبل از پايان اخذ رأى رويداد و نيز تعيين تيتر روزنامه كيهان با همين عنوان طراحى قبلى اعلام چنين نتيجه***اى را مشخص مى***سازد.

۸ – نقص ماده ۴۰ قانون جرائم نيروهاى مسلح جمهورى اسلامى و مداخله نظاميان و بسيج در انتخابات و شركت در ميتينگ***هاى تبليغاتى آقاى احمدى***نژاد و استفاده گسترده از امكانات دولتى و نقض ماده ۶۸ قانون انتخابات ازجمله تورگردى وزرا در استان***ها و شهرستان***ها (تا جايى كه پس از سخنرانى معاون اول رياست جمهورى در گيلان به ستاد اينجانب حمله شد) و حضور آقاى وزير خارجه در شهرهاى مختلف ايلام، كرمانشاه، سمنان، گيلان و... در جلسات تبليغاتى و استفاده آقاى احمدى***نژاد از هواپيماى اختصاصى دولت براى حضور در ميتينگ***هاى تبريز و اروميه و اصفهان و... نمونه***هاى ديگرى از تخلفات از فصول مختلف قانون مذكور به ويژه فصل هفتم آن بوده است.

نظر به موارد فوق انتظار دارم درخواست اينجانب در مورد ابطال انتخابات ۲۲ خرداد ماه مورد رسيدگى و اقدام قرار گيرد.

ميرحسين موسوى
Mousavi's comments show that he realizes he lost the vote count, regardless of what he publicly says to the crowds who want to hear something else. The gist of these complaint is that the vote was supposedly not "fair" and the other side took actions which were inappropriate.

The irony of it all is that those who have opposed the regime are now lining up behind someone who is accusing Ahmadinejad of questioning the regime's past! Of course, the coalition against Ahmadinejad is essentially the one that managed our nation's affairs until 2005, when Iran's governments were under the administration of Mousavi, Rafsanjani and later Khatami, and which retains much power within the government and the regime still.

Among the figures I mentioned, incidentally, I only liked Khatami. And I liked him despite the fact that the crowd around him included many of the same folks who had mismanaged our affairs and misdirected our policies. But while Khatami's election under the slogan of "rule of law" and greater openness and freedoms for Iranians was one I felt helped Iran become a better country, the coalition that he is now part of is one that wants to take Iran back not forward. And I see little endearing about the past that these folks hail so loudly.
Jun 18, 2005
The protest is sure pissing off a lot of those undecided voters.

I love it how these undecided posters had some on ISP fooled. :--confuse

Khatami's brother seems to be out in the rally too. That must piss off some of those Hezbollahis.


News Team
Oct 18, 2002
San Diego, CA
apparebtly things are not as rosy elsewhere in Iran. Protests elsewhere -not under the watchful eyes of the world press- have not gone so peaceful. These fuckers are digging their own graves.

دانشجویان دانشکده مهندسی شیرازدردانشکده محصوروزندانی شدند درگیری درخیابان ملاصدار وفلکه دانشجو شیراز میان مردم و لباس شخصی ها شدید است


National Team Player
Nov 19, 2002
Simple, the difference between most people and you is that you believe everything the IRI feeds you, while we and most others do not. I don't believe this is going to change things overnight but a line has now been crossed that hasn't been for 30 years. What you see isn't just students or the rich as Ashtar would want us to believe, it isn't just in northern Tehran, it's nationwide and among all groups of people, from all economic and social backgrounds, and of all ages. Whether you want to accept this or not, you will eventually have to live with it. Self-deception only take you so far.
Mar 2, 2003
The millions on the streets tell a different tale. You are shaken SK. The election has zero legitimacy.
You can yell has hard as you wish and try to create a society based on who yells loudest. (Your side would lose that contest anyway, as you will discover soon enough). But I like to see a society based on different criteria: where all of our people's votes (not just the 13+ million for Mousavi) count, including the milions more who voted for Ahmadinejad. And a society where regardless of who wins and loses, the rights of all are respected. With the minority having basic minimum rights not subject to the majority's whims. That is what I consider democratic government under rule of law.

The size of the crowd is not in the "millions". It is clearly a large crowd as would be expected from someone who won the vote count in Tehran and who had 13 million supporters.


Elite Member
Mar 27, 2005
You can yell has hard as you wish and try to create a society based on who yells loudest. (Your side would lose that contest anyway, as you will discover soon enough). But I like to see a society based on different criteria: where all of our people's votes (not just the 13+ million for Mousavi) count, including the milions more who voted for Ahmadinejad. And a society where regardless of who wins and loses, the rights of all are respected. With the minority having basic minimum rights not subject to the majority's whims. That is what I consider democratic government under rule of law.

The size of the crowd is not in the "millions". It is clearly a large crowd as would be expected from someone who won the vote count in Tehran and who had 13 million supporters.
bebin just shut the hell up. ;) thank you. look at the pictures and stop commenting like a little kid.


National Team Player
Nov 19, 2002
(Your side would lose that contest anyway, as you will discover soon enough).
You're finally showing your true colors. But the people will end up showing you the truth, whether you accept it or not. Simple, you are a hypocrite with all your talk of rule of law and ignoring how much Poop and Burrito have broken this law many times over. You have no shame and no matter how many paragraphs or pages you try to deceive us with, nobody but Ashtar and a couple other hizbollahis will accept your words. You and your likes are the minority inside and outside of Iran and you're only becoming a smaller and smaller minority as each day goes by.

We don't need to yell by the way. We will simply show ourselves without fear.
Mar 2, 2003
Simple, the difference between most people and you is that you believe everything the IRI feeds you, while we and most others do not. I don't believe this is going to change things overnight but a line has now been crossed that hasn't been for 30 years. What you see isn't just students or the rich as Ashtar would want us to believe, it isn't just in northern Tehran, it's nationwide and among all groups of people, from all economic and social backgrounds, and of all ages. Whether you want to accept this or not, you will eventually have to live with it. Self-deception only take you so far.
Talk about "self-deception"! I am the only one that I see advocating a scientific poll from internationally respected polling institutions to determine the facts.
Jun 7, 2004
apparebtly things are not as rosy elsewhere in Iran. Protests elsewhere -not under the watchful eyes of the world press- have not gone so peaceful. These fuckers are digging their own graves.

دانشجویان دانشکده مهندسی شیرازدردانشکده محصوروزندانی شدند درگیری درخیابان ملاصدار وفلکه دانشجو شیراز میان مردم و لباس شخصی ها شدید است
Yes they have dug their own grave. Ann and the obash Sepahis did it. They overplayed their hand. As it always happens with people in power ascendancy they became so arrogant that they lost it.

It is very important that the lebaas shakhsi's as well as elements within Sepah and other state apparatous that have supported the coup are identified very, very clearly. They must be know to all. And certainly the lebaas shakhsi obaash who are participating in such brutal acts must get a taste of their own medicine at the very least. It must become clear that there is a heavy price to pay for anyone attacking people who are standing up for their rights.


National Team Player
Nov 19, 2002
Talk about "self-deception"! I am the only one that I see advocating a scientific poll from internationally respected polling institutions to determine the facts.
Yes, the same scientific poll that was made in May, while you ignore all the other polls made closer to the election, which of course you and Ashtar say are biased(with the exception of Fars News). Your long and descriptive analytical lies won't deceive anybody. Don't worry, those who have always agreed with you, namely Ashtar, Reza, and memberoftheday, will still regard you as brilliant. The rest of us know how wrong you've always been and continue to be. Your analysis and predictions are worth the same as the neoconservatives' thinking that Iraqis will be welcoming America troops with roses. You have the same mentality of those people, no shame, and no sense of reality.


Bench Warmer
Oct 18, 2002
Talk about "self-deception"! I am the only one that I see advocating a scientific poll from internationally respected polling institutions to determine the facts.
Baba Ken joon, bikhial. You do your thing, we do ours. It's obvious we're not going to convince you, neither are you convincing us. We think you have to be blind and deaf not to know there was fraud and you apparently disagree. Beh gholeh naneh jooneh karroubi to boro si khodet ma ham si khodemoon.
Jan 23, 2003
Simply Ken....

1) If Moussavi knows he lost the votes then why would he want a re-election? or in fact why is he complaining?

2) Why didnt the 10 million who voted for Rafsanjani 4 years ago made such a fuss but only the 13 million are doing so. If Moussavi only got 13 million then Rafsajani must have got only 3 million in 2005.

3) Why was Moussavi indicated he is the winner of friday night if he wasnt sure. Was he trying to cause controversy in face of defeat? This sort of behaviour befits someone who relates opposition supporters to football fans!

I think the above (especially points 1 & 2) make more sense than extrapolating polls, with all due respect.
Mar 2, 2003
You're finally showing your true colors. But the people will end up showing you the truth, whether you accept it or not. Simple, you are a hypocrite with all your talk of rule of law and ignoring how much Poop and Burrito have broken this law many times over. You have no shame and no matter how many paragraphs or pages you try to deceive us with, nobody but Ashtar and a couple other hizbollahis will accept your words. You and your likes are the minority inside and outside of Iran and you're only becoming a smaller and smaller minority as each day goes by.

We don't need to yell by the way. We will simply show ourselves without fear.
Which part of my comments are hypocritical? The part where I suggest that I believe Ahmadinejad has more supporters than Mousavi? We can test that proposition, and if you don't accept the election results as the real test, then endorse a genuine scientific poll to determine the facts. Otherwise, how can a rally that brings out fewer people than admitedly voted for Mousavi prove anything?

As for hezbollahis, I find the most ironic thing about what is going on the fact that a person (Ahmadinejad) who was not really part of the regime's past being associated with the "regime" and what made a lot people turned off against it, while the figures who had the greatest influence on the regime's actions and leds its successive governments until recently, are now supposedly the "anti-regime"!

Make no mistake about it. I like Iran today a lot more than the Iran that these folks presided over. I like Ahmadinejad's comments about Iran's future a lot more than I like the comments of people who want to foist the past on us again.