The battle for Kobani (Very important for both sides and many others involved)


Elite Member
Jun 14, 2005
Pedar jaan - Especially when it comes to History in the middle east, you have to apply logic to see what could be the truth versus what victors left behind as history. If you think Saudi Arabia was some sort of haven for arts and literature before are holding on a significantly suspect theory which does not meet my logical thinking criteria.
Khob jafang migi dige pedar jaan.

I am trying to get you on a logical path and you as always refuse to go near logics halaa harf az logical thinking mizani? :)
Arabia was not a heaven, but not the hell some bisavaad are trying to portrait it. Arabia was just one part of this big earth, we had more civilized people, we also had much less civilized people than pre-islamic arabs. You ignore everything historical, i even would go so far to say, you never knew anything about this issue to begin with therefor you simply cant even ignore anything. Its just a big fat vacuum in there. Really Mass, you simply dont know shit about what you are talking about but you insist to spread that nonsense. You never ever read even 2 pages about arabias history. Never ever. And yet you think its ok to could come up here and spread the nonsense that you have heared somewhere from some other bisavaad and feel good about it.

infact the geographical position of Arabia-except for the climate- was very good. They have always been in close contact to Persian and Roman culture. Persian and roman culture and literature has always been part of the arabian literature aswell. Iranians, starting by Kourosh unitl the end of the Sassanids always had huge influence in arabia. Persians had arab satrapies, they had arab vasals governing the most important arab provinces.. persian literature and philsophy was known to arab scholars. Persians have always been present in that Peninsula. You simply disregard all that because you simply...well, you simply did not know it.
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Elite Member
Jun 14, 2005
یزید بن معاویه شاعری زبر دست

در جهان اسلام اولین کسی که در شعر خودش مفاهیم معنوی و مذهبی و اخلاقی را به مسخره گرفت و بی پرده دم از لذت و عیش و شراب و شاهد و ایتها زد و مقصود او هم جز همین امور ظاهری نبود یزید بن معاویه بن ابو سفیان است، و آنچه که اروپاییان آن را ((اپیکوریسم )) می نامند مسلمین باید ((یزیدی گری )) بنامند ، چون اول کسی که این باب را در جهان اسلام باز کرد یزید بود. البته یزید شاعری زبر دست بوده،خیلی شاعر بلیغی بوده، و دیوانش هم شنیده ام چاپ شده ، و معروف است که قاضی ابن خلّکان معروف که از علمای بزرگ اسام و مورخ بزرگی است و کتابش جزو اسناد تاریخی دنیای اسلام است و خودش هم مرد ادیبی هم هست، شیفته ی فوق العاده ی شعر یزیدبوده،به خود یزید ارادتی نداشته ولی به شعر یزید فوق العاده ارادتمند بوده،و در اشعار یزید همین مضامین تحقیرِ هر چه معنا و اخلاق و معانی دین و مذهب است در قبال لذات و بهره گیری از طبیعت، در کمال صراحت آمده است،مثل این اشعارش که می گوید:

مَعْشَرَ النَّدمان قوموا *** وَ اسْمَعوا صَوْتَ الْاَغانی
وَ اشْرَبوا کَأْسَ مُدامِ *** وَ اتْرُکوا ذِکْرَ الْمَعانی

مخصوصاً وقتی که به این امور دعوت میکند ، توأم می کند با نفی معانی:

شَغَلَتْنی نَغْمَهُ الْعیدانِ *** عَنْ صَوْتِ الْاَذانِ
وَ تَعَوَّضْتُ عَنِ الْحور *** عَجوزاً فِی الدِّنانِ

اشخاصی که به مفاد عربی آگاه هستند می دانند چه دارد می گوید : حالا اندکی از آن را ترجمه می کنم؛ می گو ید که : ((دوستان، ندیمان، بپا خیزید، صدای موسیقی را، اغنیه ها را گوش کنید، جام می دمادم بنوشید و ذکر معانی و آن حر فهای اخلاقی را رها کنید، من شخصاً کسی هستم که آواز عود ها مرا از شنیدن آواز اذان باز داشته است و بجای حور العین که در بهشت وعده می دهند، این پیر زنی را که در داخل خُم هست انتخاب کرده ام )). کلمه ی((عجوز)) در زبان عربی کنایه از خمر کهنه آورده می شود. یا مثلاً می گوید:

شُمَیْسَهُ کَرْمٍ بُرْجُها قَعْرُ دِنِّها *** وَ مَشْرِقُهَا السّاقی وَ مَغْرِبُها فَمی۱
اِذا نَزَلَتْ مِن دِنِّها فی زُجاجَه۲ *** حَکََتْ نَفَراً بَیْنَ الْحَطیمِ وَ زَمْزَم۳
فَاِنْ حَرُمَتْ یَوْماً عَلی دینِ اَحْمَد *** فَخُذْها عَلی دینِ الْمَسیحِ بْنِ مَرْیَم۴

یا راجع به مساجد می گوید:

دَعِ الْمَساجِدَ لِلعُبّادِ تَسْکُنُها *** وَ اْجِلْس عَلی دَکَّهِ الْخَمّارِ وَ اسْقینا
اِنَّ الَّذی شَرِبا فی سُکْرِهِ طَرِبا *** وَ لِلْمُصَلّینَ لا دنیا ولادینا
ما قالَ رَبُّکَ وَیْلُ لِلَّذی شَرِ با *** لکِنَّهُ قالَ وَیْلُ لِلْمُصَلّینا

همین مضامینی که ما می بینیم در کلمات عرفای خودمان، طعنه زدن به عبادت و مسجد و اینجور حرفها زیاد پیدا می شود در مقابل عیش ونوشی که خودشان می گویند و در کلمات آنها هست.
یا مثلاً بی دردی نسبت به اجتماع ، که گور پدر اجتماع، هر چه بود بود (( وظیفه گر برسد مصرفش گل است و نبید ))، پولی برسد و ما برویم آنجا ، گلی و نبیدی و از این حرفها، دیگر گور پدر دنیا، هر چه می خواهد بر دنیا بگذرد.
در اثر این کارهایی که یزید می کرد، چون نامزد خلافت بود، معاویه که در سیاست مرد پخته ای بود خیلی ناراحت بود، می دید اینها زمینه ی خلافت او را به کلی خراب می کند، خصوصاً این بی دردی و این بی علاقگی اش. برای اینکه او را علاقه مند به سیاست و امور نظامی بکند، با یکی از جنگهایی که با رومیها داشتند، مخصوصاض فرماندهی سپاه را به او داد. سپاه رفتند و او هم دلش نمی خواست برود، با لأخره خودش چند منزل بعد از سپاه حرکت می کرد، تا رسید به یکی از دیر ها۵ . بعد از مدتی که لشکر در جایی اطراق کرده بود، به او خبر دادند که یک بیماری خیلی سختی افتاده میان سپاهیان و اینها را مثل برگ خزان به زمین می ریزد. او در دیر زنی بنام امّ کلثوم پیدا کرده بود و با او مشغول عیش و نوش بود، اصلاً خیالش از این حرفها نبود؛یک وقتی که سرش گرم شد این شعر ها را در بی دردی نسبت به مردم گفت:

ما اَنْ اّبالی بِما لا قَتْ جّموعهم *** بِا لْقَذْقَذونَهِ۶ مِنْ حُمّی و مِنْ موم
اِذَا اتَّکَأَتْ عَلَی الْاَنْماطِ مُرْتَفِقا *** بِدِیْرِ مُرّان عِنْدی اُمُّ کُلْثوم


Elite Member
Jun 14, 2005
این یزید که شیعه ها و مسلمون ها مرتب نفرینش میکنن, یک تار موش به همه دشمناش میارزیده
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Elite Member
Jun 14, 2005

بس است در شقاوت جبّلی و خباثت فطری آن خبیث پلید و مظهر همه رذائل و عیب ها، که از بجا آوردن همه اعمال و افعال شنیعه، هیچ باک و پروائی نداشته و متجاهر به آنها بوده و مرض قلبی و باطنی خود را به انواع فسق و فجور و نهب و زندقه و الحاد و کفر و انکار حشر و نشر و معاد بروز و ظهور داده و به کلمات و اشعاری که صریح در کفر و الحاد او است خود را معرّفی نموده؛ به اشعاری که خودش انشاء نموده و خود را مفتضح و رسوا کرده، که از آن جمله است از اشعار یزید کافر ملحد:
معشر الندمان قوموا
و اسمعوا صوت الاغانی
و اشربوا کاس المدام
و اترکوا ذکر المعانی
شغلتنی نغمة العیدان
عن صوت الاذان
یعنی: (ای ندیمان و هم مشربان من! از جای برخیزید و بشنوید صدای غناها را و بیاشامید کاسه شراب را و واگذارید یاد کردن معنویات را. باز داشته است مرا صدای تار و سازها، از گوش دادن به صدای اذان).
و تعوّضت عن الحور
عجوزاً فی الدّنان(1)
(من عوض کردم حور بهشتی را و در عوض آن اختیار کردم پیر زن را که چون سخن گوید کلمات او را نمی فهمم).
و نیز اشعار او است که در وقت شکست خوردن لشکر اسلام از رومیان و خبر رسیدن به معاویه. چون این خبر را یزید پلید شنید این دو بیت را گفت:
و ما ابالی بما لاقت جموعهم
بالغد قدونة من حمی و من موم
اذا اتّکأت علی الانماط مرتفعاً
بدیر مرّان عندی ام کلثوم(2)
یعنی: (من باکی ندارم از آنچه به جماعت مسلمانان رسیده از کشته شدن و اسیر گردیدن و از زحمت ها و آزاری که به آنها رسیده و من در دیر مرّان به بالش تکیه کرده ام و ام کلثوم در کنار من است).
چون این دو شعر بگوش معاویه رسید، بر او خشمناک شد و او را غضب کرد و گفت: در چنین وقتی و روی دادن چنین حادثه ای، بی باکی خود را ظاهر می کنی؟ البته باید با ایشان همراهی کنی تا رنج و تعب آنها را ببینی و شریک باشی، وگرنه ولایت عهد را از تو می گیرم. یزید ناچار دل به دوری از ام کلثوم بست و به جانب روم رفت و این شعر را به معاویه نوشت و فرستاد:
تحبّنی لا تزال تعدّ ذنباً
لتقطع حبل وصلک من حبال
فیوشک ان یریحک من بلائی
نزولی فی المهالک وار تحالی(3)
یعنی: (مرا دوست می داری و همیشه گناه مرا می شماری تا قطع کنی طناب وصال خودت را از طناب ها. پس نزدیک است که از بلای من راحت کند تو را فرود آمدن من در محل های هلاکت و کوچ کردن. یعنی: مردن من).
و از جمله اشعار او است:

بنابر آنچه شیخ مفید -اعلی الله مقامه الشریف- در کتاب مثالب از شاعر معروف دیک الجن در مجلس هارون الرشید، ضمن حکایت طویلی از یزید پلید این اشعار را نقل کرده است:
علیة هاتی ناولینی و اعلنی
حدیثک انی لا احب التناجیا
حدیث ابی سفیان لما سمی به
إلی احد حتی اقام بواکیا
فرام به امراً علینا ففاته
و ادرکه شیخ اللعین معاویا
فان متّ یا امّ الحکیم فانکحی
و لا تعلمی بعد الممات التلاقیا
فانّ الّذی حدثت عن یوم بعثنا
احادیث زور تترک القلب ساهیا
و لا خلفٍ بین الناس ان محمداً
بمشولة صفراء تروی عظامیا
و لو لا فضول الناس زرت محمداً
تبؤ قبرا بالمدینة ثاویا
و قد ینبت المرعی علی دمنة الثبری
له غض من تحته السربادیا
و یفنی و لا یبقی علی الأرض دمنة
و تبقی حرارات النفوس کماهیا
یعنی: (ای علیّه! شراب را بیاور و به من بیاشامان و با من آشکار حدیث بگو. من دوست نمی دارم آهسته سخن گفتن را.
مانند حدیث ابی سفیان، چون به او مثل زده می شد یا مثل می زد برای کسی تا وقتی که برپا دارد گریه کنندگان را.
پس می طلبید او را و فرمان می داد بر ضرر ما امری را، معاویه آن شیخ لعین آن را درک می کرد.
پس اگر من مُردم ایم امّ حکیم! تو هم با هرکه می خواهی نکاح کن و باور مکن که پس از مُردن، زنده شدن و ملاقاتی هست.
پس آنچه را که از بعث و قیامت حدیث می کنی، این همه حدیث های دروغ است. اینها را واگذار قلب را در حالی که اشتباه می کند.
اگر مردمان فضول نبودند، زیارت می کردی محمد را که در آن ردای زردی که پیچیده شده، استخوانهایش خاک شده.
و خلافی در میان مردمان نیست، که محمد در قبر گذارده شده در مدینه، در حالی که در زیر خاک جا گرفته.
و به تحقیق که می رویاند چراگاه شتران بر بالای خاک خود، برای او شاخه های از زیر خود که از زیر آن چیز پستی بیرون می آید.
و فانی می شود و باقی نمی ماند بالای زمین چیز خوب که در منبت سوء روییده شود و اما حرارت های نفس ها همچنان که بوده باقی می ماند).
و از اشعار اوست:

این اشعار کفر آمیز دلیل بر کفر او است.
قرأت کتاب الله حتّی حفظته
فما عنده وجه الملیح محرّم
فکیف حرام لثم بیضاء غرة
تصید بعینیها فواء المتیم
سئلتک بالبیت العتیق المحرم
بحق المنی و المشعرین و زمزم
فان حرّم الله الزّنا فی کتابه
فما حرّم التقبیل فی الخّد و الغم
یعنی: (خواندم کتاب خدا را تا اینکه حفظ کردم آن را پس نزد او روی نمکین دیدن حرام نیست. پس چگونه حرام است بوسیدن پیشانی سفیدی را که با دو چشم خود صید می کند دل دوستدارنده را.
از تو می پرسم: قسم به خانه کعبه و زمین منی و دو مشعر و چاه زمزم که:
اگر خدا حرام کرده است زنا را در کتاب خود، حرام نکرده است بوسیدن دو گونه رخسار و دهان را).
و نیز گفته:

فان حرّمت یوماً علی دین احمد
فخذها علی دین المسیح بن مریم
و لا تدخر یوم السرور إلی غدٍ
فربّ غدٍ یاتی بما لیس یُعلم
یعنی: (پس اگر حرام شده آشامیدن شراب روزی بنابر دین احمد، آن را به دین مسیح پسر مریم بگیر.
و ذخیره نکن روز شادی را تا فردا، چه بسا فردا بیاید به چیزی که معلوم نیست باشد).
و له ایضاً:

لعبت هاشم بالملک فلا
خبر جاء و لا وحی نزل
لست من خندف ان لم انتقم
من بنی احمد ما کان فعل
قد اخذنا من علی ثارنا
و قتلنا الفارس اللیث البطل
و قتلنا القرن من ساداتهم
و عدلناه ببدر فانعدل
فجزیناهم ببدر مثلها
و باُحد یوم احد فاعتدل
لو رأوه فاستهلوا فرحاً
ثم قالوا یا یزید لاتشل
و کذاک الشیخ اوصانی به
فاتبعت الشیخ فیما قد سئل
یعنی: (بازی کرد آل هاشم- یعنی: محمد- با ملک. پس نه خبری از جانب خدا آمده و نه وحی نازل شده.
من از فرزندان خندق نیستم، اگر از پسران احمد -یعنی: رسول خدا- انتقام نکشم، از آنچه با پدران ما کرده شده.
ما خون خود را از علی گرفتیم و کشتیم سواری را که شیر شجاعی بوده.
و کشتیم بزرگترین بزرگان ایشان را و برابر نمودیم او را با کسانی که در جنگ بدر از ما کشتند.
و جزا دادیم ایشان را، مانند آنچه که در جنگ احد در روز آن جنگ با ما کردند.
که اگر بودند و می دیدند هلهله و خوشحالی می کردند و می گفتند: ای یزید: شل نشوی.
و همچنین شیخ - یعنی پدرم - به من وصیت کرد به آن. پس من پیروی کردم خواسته او را).

پی نوشت ها :
1-کنی و الالقاب، ج 1، ص 92؛ جواهر المطالب فی مناقب الامام علی(ع)، ج 2، ص 303؛ معالم المدرستین، ج 3، ص 20.
2-معجم البلدان، ج2، ص 534 و ج 4، ص 188؛ تاریخ ابن خلدون، ج 3، ص 10؛ تاریخ یعقوبی، ج 2، ص 229؛ تاریخ مدینة دمشق، ج 6، ص 405.
3-معجم البلدان، ج 2، ص 534 و ج 4، ص 278؛ تاریخ مدینة دمشق، ج 5، ص 406؛ معالم المدرستین، ج 3، ص 18.
4-نور العین فی مشهد الحسین(ع)، ص 65.
5-مثیر الاحزان، ص 95؛ بحار الأنوار، ج 45، ص 124.
6-مثیر الاحزان، ص 99؛ مناقب، ج 4، ص 144؛ شرح نهج البلاغه ابن ابی الحدید، ج 3، ص 260؛ بحارالانوار، ج 45، ص 132.
7-بحارالأنوار، ج 45، ص 199.
8-شرح نهج البلاغه ابن ابی الحدید، ج 14، ص 279.

منبع: میرجهانی، محمد حسن، (1371)، البکاء للحسین(ع)، در ثواب گریستن و عزاداری یر حضرت سید الشهداء(ع) و وظایف عزاداری، تحقیق روح الله عباسی، قم، نشر رسالت، 1385، چاپ دوم.
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Elite Member
Jun 14, 2005
مصرع بیت اول شعر حافظ از یزید اقتباس شده، بیتی که به یزید منتسب کرده***اند چنین است:

أنا المسموم ما عندی بتریاقٍ ولا راقٍ ----------- أدر کأسا و ناولها ألا یا أیها الساقی[۲]
و غزل حافظ این چنین:

الا یا ایّها السّاقی ادرکاساً و ناولها -------- که عشق آسان نمود اوّل ولی افتاد مشکلها
شهید مطهری[۳] و شهریار[۴] از جمله افرادی هستند که این بیت را منتسب به یزید بن معاویه دانسته***اند. کاتبی نیشابوری نیز در این باره چنین گفته است:

عجب در حیرتم از خواجه حافظ --- به نوعی کش خرد زان عاجز آید
چه حکمت دید در شعر یزید او ---که در دیوان نخست از وی سراید
اگر چه مال کافر بر مسلمان -----حلال است و در او قیلی نشاید
ولی ازشیرعیبی بس عظیم است ------که لقمه از دهان سگ رباید
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Don't worry you are not alone!!
Seriously, why don't you try to add to the discussion by keeping up with Chinaski instead of these cheap one liners?

You asked the guy to provide a source for his claim and he absolutely satisfied your request with some hefty replies. All along, he's been providing examples and sources that no one on this forum has ever done. Are you going to admit that you are convinced about his claims about Yazid being a poet? That's what a decent person would do.


Oct 16, 2008
Seriously, why don't you try to add to the discussion by keeping up with Chinaski instead of these cheap one liners?

You asked the guy to provide a source for his claim and he absolutely satisfied your request with some hefty replies. Are you going to admit that you are convinced about his claims about Yazid being a poet? That's what a decent person would do.
BT - First of all - who the hell are you to be the judge of one-liners when used against the king of one liners......go look into how many one liners China fed me..... Besides - wherever this conversation has been led is because of me and keep reading and add if you have something on the subject.

China - I do admit I was surprised to find out Yazid had poems......but first of all - Yazid is a post Islam Arab which in many way defeats your argument against Islam! and second - a couple of anti Islam poems does not form literature for a whole non-spirited nation. Meanwhile - Yazid and Hafez may share a love of wine....but the similarities ends right there......also, if you ask average hezbollahis, Khomeini was also a poet!! A man who could hardly speak Farsi, had next to zero spirituality is credited with some poems god knows where they came from. I do however wish for just today I could read and understand Arbic to see if I would consider any of what you posted as poetry. Meanwhile I find it hard to believe some of this anti religion poetry to be from the pre-Islam era. And if they are of post Islam era, I find it hard to believe they came from within Saudi Arabia...the poet could not have lived too long!! I can see much Egyptian influence in these poems which would make sense since Egypt is full of culture and spirituality.

BTW - Shahid Motahari Goh khord made any connection between Hafez and Yazid.

You're just racist. In your brain it's impossible for an Arab to be as cultured as a Persian! That's just sad. I'm not claiming Yazid was as cultured as Hafez (who the hell knows if he was?!). I'm just saying your dismissal of the Arabian peninsula just based on geography and the race of its people is stupid.


Elite Member
Jun 14, 2005
بیسوادی و کم مایگی که شاخ و دم نداره. همینه دیگه. میگم ایرونی هرچی بیسواد تر, دو آتیشه ترو کاسه داغ تر از اش تر. بیچاره حافظ انسان والایی بوده, خود حافظ هیچ مشکلی با این جریان نداشته که یزید عرب شاعر ماهر و زبردستی بوده, و این خودش نشون دهنده بزرگی حافظ بوده. حالا این اینجا یه سری که نه سرپیازن نه تهش, بهشون بر میخوره که چطور چنین چیزی ممکنه. یزید فقط یکی از ده ها شاعر خوب عرب بوده, اسماشون هم هست, میشه رفت شعر ها رو هم پیدا کرد. یزید درست روحیات شاعر های عرب قبل از اسلام رو داشته و چون پدرش اعتبار داشته و کلا خونواده معتبری بودند کسی جرات از بین بردنش رو نداشته. حرفش رو میزده همه چی هم به تخمش بوده. تا به امروز مسلمونا اینو مسلمون قبول ندارن , خودش هم بار ها گفته که همچین دل خوشی از مسلمون ها نداشته. شیعیان که تشنه به خونشن. خلاصه جریان اینکه کاتبی نیشابوری که خودش یک مسلمان بوده بهش بر خورده که چطور حافظ در دیوانش اول از همه از یزید سروده و چون خودش هم یک مسلمان هست از یزید نفرت داره و اون رو با سگ مقایسه میکنه و به حافظ میگه چطور تویه شیر, لقمه از دهن سگ میدزدی:

عجب در حیرتم از خواجه حافظ --- به نوعی کش خرد زان عاجز آید
چه حکمت دید در شعر یزید او ---که در دیوان نخست از وی سراید
اگر چه مال کافر بر مسلمان -----حلال است و در او قیلی نشاید
ولی ازشیرعیبی بس عظیم است ------که لقمه از دهان سگ رباید


Bench Warmer
Aug 23, 2005
Big pile of nonsense. Geography and tribalism main problems of the arabs....really i dont know what to say to this kind of sh...
Tribalism is part of human life since the very early days even until today. Persians were a tribe, they fought other iranian tribes like scythians, sarmatians, bactrians, soghdians and medians... in Germany their whole history was full of bloody war between german tribes...francs fought the saxon, the saxon fought the burgundians, the alemans fought them all, suebians fought the alemanians, anglians and frisians fought the saxon, west gothians vs vandals, vandals vs. francs...turkish tribes fought themselves all over the place and throughout the history, uigurs against oghooz, seljuks against afshars, aq qoyunlu vs. kara qoyunlu... so whats up with that shit about Geography? If tribalism and geography was the main issue of the arabs, so what was wrong with German geography? Where they from desert aswell? what about persians and turks? whats wrong with THEIR geography? And that were just a few examples. The everywhere on this world, everything started with tribalism. Every where on this world we had and still have tribes fighting eachother. Whats so unique about "arab" tribalism? Nothing. Spanish massacred the whole south and middle america a few hundreds of years ago. What was the problem with THEIR geopgraphy? Belgians did horrible things to black people in kongo. What about THEIR geopgraphy? The only thing that made them become more backward was the factor of islam which made war, killing, beheading, stealing, a godly suggestion. All those other tribes, be it european, asian, african or american fought and killed too, but they did not do it based on Gods rules and suggestion. Before Islam, arabs where just one out of tens of thousends of other tribes on this world who did not fight or killed more or less than most other tribes in any capacity. Islam brought godly justification to it, islam even encouraged killing and beheading and thats the sad difference. When killing becomes part of a so called godly religion, you have a problem.

Bottom line: Arab tribalism and geography was a no factor. The crap started with Islam. Organized killings in the name of god, organized beheading ceremonies in the name of god, organized raping in the name of god. organized expansionism in the name of god and FOR god.

Pedar jaan, bas kon. vaghti harfi vaase goftan nadaari, bikhiaal sho.
I dont think you need say anything. It is not important anyway what you say. You may want to tell these things to an angry 16 years old who is confused (like AN tired to push his version of social scineces on people and propagte them with rhetoric) but me it does not mean shit. In fact, your stubbornness in trying to push one point of view in discussion and pretend that that is the main source of truth makes your arguments easily redundant. Why? simply for the same reason when Khamenei tries to say that he is connected to god and he has monopoly on truth but when he makes a huge blunder then then it makes the basis of his regime so shaky that even if he says a small scientific fact no believes him.

WHY? because there is not one truth fir everyone who engages in a discussion about in social sciences. The only thing however that makes you stay around and chase people away fro this site is the enormous arrogance you have (like AN) and a bit of connection. That is why this forum has been reduced to these number of people over the years. A few adherents to the prophet of arrogance makes it simple for people to screw everything up.

Now that I have dealt with your FIRST and LAST sentence of the above post I am going to talk about the crap that you wrote there. You just probably went and researched on google and wiki and found a few names of a few German tribes who were fighting each other that you missed the whole point. Germans may have had a tribal culture at some point in history but they do not have it anymore. In fact, for a long time now lol. Do you think German tribalism is the pillar of German society today? lol Or even Iranian? well, Iranians are in small numbers, however, you should understand that political culture and political concepts of Iranians are now being challenged by West.That is the point: When you have a modern Urban middle-class who live mainly in urban areas they will shape the culture of the country and political concepts ingrained in minds of its people. Iran has slowly moved towards that direction.

How about Arabs? Well, firstly, you have to understand that Arabs by large have lived in clans (even if they have cities). Saudi Arabia and the whole Arab peninsula had hardly any Urban areas till 40/50 years ago.

Arab culture exists of clans and tribes. In tribalism the system of security is based on making opposition for the sake of dealing with insecurity and social control in the tribe. us vs them or our tribe vs their tribe, hence we need to keep together. hence, we need to keep the honour. hence, we need to take listen to tribal leaders.

Geography comes in because of the way social relations are formed as a result of geography and what make resources for people and how those resources shape relations of people.
For example: why is Gilan more advanced when it comes to thinking about women? One reason could be because the way men and women had to work together on farms. Why did New Zealand women a leading force in feminism and were the first to gain voting right? one reason that theorists have put forward is because of how settlers in New Zealand were isolated from each other; hence men and women had to work together on farms.

So why is the Arab culture so tribal? One reason could be because of the scarcity of resources such as water and they tried to keep their own tribes together by enforcing harsher majors to bond together stronger against harsh conditions.

This "us vs them" comes in here to make the group loyalty stronger. So when it comes to Islam concepts come into existence such as ummah vs infidels or muslism vs Christians. In the West, this patriarchal form of control has turned into ideologies such as nationalism. Before that it was in city-states competing with each other. Before that probably in feudal societies.

Point is that it is about keeping the social structure together. In today's Arab world the same concepts are present. Arab nationalist has a lot of tribal values in it. There was a theory which believed that Arab socialist states love marxism because it keeps their national identities together.

IN THE END however, by majority of time people who conduct scientific research on these issues do not come with one version of what is wrong. Only the types like Bill Maher do that (who are an example of American's shollow view of perceiving the world). It is hard to find social scientist who come with one explanation when it comes to the issues we mentioned.

Learn Ahmad, Learn


Bench Warmer
Aug 23, 2005
Most religions and ideologies are like what? Be transparent. Be clear. What do you exactly mean? Most religions gave you instructions and suggestions on who to behead and how to cut fingers and legs? Cheraa? Cheraa enghadr to mozakhraf migi pedar jaan? Agressivity? Yes. Specially judaism the father of all these abrahamic religions is agressive. Its an angry doctrine. Christianity? Well christianity has changed alot of times, jesus was not a sick terrorist and admited thief and head chopper like mohammad. How is Christianity the same as Islam then? Old testament is more or less jewish, new testament put together by a seleucid greek named paulus who was serving the roman empire. The guy just copied half of the story of iranian god "Mithra" and called it the history of jesus christ. Jesus christ as we know in bible has been nonexistent. Jesus has not been his name, its given to him after his death by Paulus. The guy we know as Jesus has been a dedicated jewish freedom fighter known as Joshua Ben David. The guy was simply a jew who was fed up with that agressive roman occupation of Jerusalem and the hostility of the romans towards Judaism...there are alot of stories to be told in that regard but you know what? Thats exactly the positive side of christianity. A lot of hands were involved, a lot of humans changes something about it, paulus even rewrote the whole old testament and called it the new testament and that means: This religion, is flexible and this religion has been flexible from day one. The whole history of christianity indicates one thing: Flexibility and the ability to change and to readjust.

Whats up with Liberalism?! Whats the point? Explain it because the explanation you provided is not an explanation at all.
The reason why Christanity moved was not because it was flexible. It was because it was kicked out of the life of the modern rational citizen. It was the religion that had to readjust to life of modern people. Islam has not gone through modernization as much as Christianity has.

Yes, there are plenty of people who are challenging the oppressive rules of Islam. Just because it is happening now (because these issues were not-present before modernization) and just because you see them getting hurt, does not mean that this was absent Christianity.

Liberalism is the only ideology that is based on being free to do choose without having to be part of a strict social organization. It, inevitably leads to individual freedom and autonomy and hence individualism, which is a part of what we are seeking in life.

What does "secularisation of religion" mean? Why do you randomly put together words which dont belong to each other? Why do you create terms that dont make any sense at all? Secularisation of religon doesnt mean anything because Secularisation is a term you use to explain the separation of religion and the process of governance. You want to keep religion away from state matters. Now what exactly does this bullshit phrase "secularisation of religion" mean?

Hint: You can secularize the society, you can secularize the government but you cant secularize a religion because that would be a comical contradiction in itself.

All in all i dont know what you exactly tried to explain here because whatever you tried, it failed badly because you have not even been able to find a valid term for what you tried to explain

Secularzation of religion or state or whatever. It does not concern me that much. However, you want to coin it. LOL and it is funny how you are trying to indicate that my argument is invalid based on the last last sentence. I am not writing an article here.


Elite Member
Jun 14, 2005
In all the years i have spent on this forum, i have come across a lot of bullshit but boy you barely see a pile of crap this big. Whats this novel all about? I really wonder how you yourself would rate this senseless, unclear text without any context? You are not explaining the points i clearly mentioned. Now you are spaming the site with irrelevant stuff about why the arabs were tribal? what a bullshit, its never been about why the arabs were so tribal. I told you being tribal was nothing special to begin with. Tribal wars have been part of human life from day one. Its nothing arabic aakhe bisavaad i gave you a few example of european, iranian and turkish tribal wars. You are not explaining your idiotic, nonexisting term "secularization of religion". you are not explaining what you meant with "liberalism" in this regard. You basically are just typing and typing without knowing what you actaully are typing kid.


Elite Member
Jun 14, 2005
Secularzation of religion or state or whatever. It does not concern me that much. However, you want to coin it. LOL and it is funny how you are trying to indicate that my argument is invalid based on the last last sentence. I am not writing an article here.

Oh, it does not concern you that much? what actually does concern you if you are not even concerned about the terms you throw around like noghl o nabaat? How do you want to explain and how do you write all those novels without even knowing the basic stuff about those issues? How do you want to talk about religion when you dont even know that religion cant be secularized? lol


Bench Warmer
Aug 23, 2005
In all the years i have spent on this forum, i have come across a lot of bullshit but boy you barely see a pile of crap this big. Whats this novel all about? I really wonder how you yourself would rate this senseless, unclear text without any context? You are not explaining the points i clearly mentioned. Now you are spaming the site with irrelevant stuff about why the arabs were tribal? what a bullshit, its never been about why the arabs were so tribal. I told you being tribal was nothing special to begin with. Tribal wars have been part of human life from day one. Its nothing arabic aakhe bisavaad i gave you a few example of european, iranian and turkish tribal wars. You are not explaining your idiotic, nonexisting term "secularization of religion". you are not explaining what you meant with "liberalism" in this regard. You basically are just typing and typing without knowing what you actaully are typing kid.
That is because you are bisavad. You should stop stinking to your Iranian books and books that have not much validity.


Bench Warmer
Aug 23, 2005
Oh, it does not concern you that much? what actually does concern you if you are not even concerned about the terms you throw around like noghl o nabaat? How do you want to explain and how do you write all those novels without even knowing the basic stuff about those issues? How do you want to talk about religion when you dont even know that religion cant be secularized? lol
Yes, and the you only mentioned this point and quoted this part brings about the weakness in you again: which is to try to stick to a point and rhetoric (since you do not understand the rest of them or do not have answer to them) that could potentially have less validity in it. I am not concerned personally how you coin them.


Elite Member
Jun 14, 2005
The reason why Christanity moved was not because it was flexible. It was because it was kicked out of the life of the modern rational citizen. It was the religion that had to readjust to life of modern people. Islam has not gone through modernization as much as Christianity has.
lool, ajab nafahmiye. How was christianity "kicked out of the life of the modern rational citizen"? lol. Explain me that. You cant so i do explain it again: Christianity could be kicked out of the life of the modern rational citizen because its core and the whole story around it, wasnt intrusive, it was subject to change several times so it was flexible. People came and changed it without facing a serious problem.

Now i ask the same question again: How do you moslem want to do the same with Islam? A book that is the same for atleast 1300 years, a book that doesnt accept any change, any adjustment, any modernization?

Enghadr jafange biragt nagoo, faghat vaase inke javaab bedi. Asle matlab ro bechasb pessar jaan.

Liberalism is the only ideology that is based on being free to do choose without having to be part of a strict social organization. It, inevitably leads to individual freedom and autonomy and hence individualism, which is a part of what we are seeking in life.
Why is it even relevant in a discussion about Islam? We know what liberalism is (although i doubt you know what it really means because liberalism as a side affect can cause a lot of damage which you are not aware of which i would be glad to explain if you really wanted to know).

Islam is not Liberal. Islam as said, is not subject to democratization, liberalisation, ...not at all. To implement liberal ideas, you inevitably have to ignore huge parts of Islam. Ask the same question again: Do you dare to do that in an islamic country? I mean i know you dont know much in this regard therefor i would like to tell you stroy about Ghaddafi. He once wrote a book called "The green book". I think it was a try to immitate Mao and his "red book". For standards of an islamic country it actually was a progressive book. He essentially said, we only follow quran. He rejected Hadiths and everything else around the quran. That actually would inevitably reject a lot of mohammads doings. The end of story was that a high ranked delegation of Saudi scholars went to libya and told him: Pedar jaan, bikhiaal sho. In ketaab ro bikhiaal sho, chon vagarna baa ye fatwaa mortad o kaafar elaam mishi o hamoon mardom tikke paarat mikonan. That poor guy reconsidered and took back that book and everything he had said about it.

Do you see? What example bigger than that? The guy was not even able to cut lose quran from ahaadise payaambar, now you talk losely about liberalism or liberalization of islam? Az joonet sir shodi? Yaa fagaht oomadi ye chize gholombe solombe begi ro beri?



Bench Warmer
Aug 23, 2005
lool, ajab nafahmiye. How was christianity "kicked out of the life of the modern rational citizen"? lol. Explain me that. You cant so i do explain it again: Christianity could be kicked out of the life of the modern rational citizen because its core and the whole story around it, wasnt intrusive, it was subject to change several times so it was flexible. People came and changed it without facing a serious problem.

Now i ask the same question again: How do you moslem want to do the same with Islam? A book that is the same for atleast 1300 years, a book that doesnt accept any change, any adjustment, any modernization?

Enghadr jafange biragt nagoo, faghat vaase inke javaab bedi. Asle matlab ro bechasb pessar jaan.
Nafamh toyee, since you are still badly religious and superstitious (in a sense that you think that there is one truth)

Yes, starting with the English Revolution of 1660s and starting with when the Merchant middle Class arose against kings ( who claimed to have divine rights just like Khamenei); that was when Christianity began losing its relevance. That is when people like Locke came in and began questioning divinity and began promoting religious tolerance . Then slowly by slowly, the rational modern citizens began disenchantment process (a term that is was used by Weber). Point is that modern Rational citizens do do not see the relevance of religion running all the aspects of their lives and because of that it is Christanity that had to readjust to the new of life.

That will happen to Islam too.

Why is it even relevant in a discussion about Islam? We know what liberalism is (although i doubt you know what it really means because liberalism as a side affect can cause a lot of damage which you are not aware of which i would be glad to explain if you really wanted to know).
It is not. I was answering to someone else. Then you came in and told me to explain and I did. If you want to find its relevance go back and read my reply to I think BT.
However, but I am open if you want to tell me about the damages of liberalism. However, you got to know that I have wrote 40000 words master thesis on it. (i am sorry to appeal to authority). Not only on liberalism but on political philosophy since 17 century as well as Confucianism.Just saying so that you do not embarrass yourself by coming with things like "to nafahmi". And use non-Iranians/persians sources because as far as I am concerned they are irrelevant and biased.

Islam is not Liberal. Islam as said, is not subject to democratization, liberalisation, ...not at all. To implement liberal ideas, you inevitably have to ignore huge parts of Islam. Ask the same question again: Do you dare to do that in an islamic country? I mean i know you dont know much in this regard therefor i would like to tell you stroy about Ghaddafi. He once wrote a book called "The green book". I think it was a try to immitate Mao and his "red book". For standards of an islamic country it actually was a progressive book. He essentially said, we only follow quran. He rejected Hadiths and everything else around the quran. That actually would inevitably reject a lot of mohammads doings. The end of story was that a high ranked delegation of Saudi scholars went to libya and told him: Pedar jaan, bikhiaal sho. In ketaab ro bikhiaal sho, chon vagarna baa ye fatwaa mortad o kaafar elaam mishi o hamoon mardom tikke paarat mikonan. That poor guy reconsidered and took back that book and everything he had said about it.

Do you see? What example bigger than that? The guy was not even able to cut lose quran from ahaadise payaambar, now you talk losely about liberalism or liberalization of islam? Az joonet sir shodi? Yaa fagaht oomadi ye chize gholombe solombe begi ro beri?

I dont care. It will happen; since there is no other way. My concern is not Islam; rather the society.


Oct 16, 2008

You're just racist. In your brain it's impossible for an Arab to be as cultured as a Persian! That's just sad. I'm not claiming Yazid was as cultured as Hafez (who the hell knows if he was?!). I'm just saying your dismissal of the Arabian peninsula just based on geography and the race of its people is stupid.
You don't even know what a racist is pesar jaan - this is not about race it is about is about way of life. What I am saying is that you can take a child from any race - get it any race - and raise them in a low culture and they will turn out crap. Get it?

China - you are trying to BS your way out of a fiction you wish to present as fact. Yazid was son of a Khalife - long after ISlam took does a couple of poems from him prove there was great Arab literature pre ISlam? Bisavadi is one thing bishoori is another thing. Your inability to apply logic to your claims surprises me. But then again - I know in a few months you will be arguing the other usual.

BTW - you did not respond to my questions about the origin of the poets...were they born in Saudi Arabia or Egypt?