Iran's tokhmi (s)election circus:

May 9, 2004
asan man nemidoonam een 'opposition' chiye to bara khodet dorost kardi ?

een opposition ee ke migi na tanha alaan 25 saale ke hich naghshi nadare too hichi. faghat az L.A. barname pakhsh mikonan.

che rabti dare asan be dokhtare ke az iran rafte oonja (har goorestooni ke oon video ro gereftan) bad rafte sefaarat o lachak e sho var dashte. mibini harfaat hamash bi rabte.

4 taa topic o var midaari ghati mikoni, bad oon akhar belakhare taaye yekisho be sare yeki dige michasbooni.

ghabl az inke natijie begirm to aval begoo to donyaye to: (lotfan doone doone javab bedeh, ghati nakon hame chi ro ba ham)

- opposition yani chi ?
- opposition ee ke migi too kharej voojood dareh ki hastan?
- een opposition too 30 saal e akhir chekar karde ke 'oppose' kone IR ro?
- shaksiat haaye asli een opposition che kasaayee boodan?
جناب منظورت رو رو درک نکردم
یعنی چی اپوزسیون برای خودم جور کردم؟
منظور من از اپوزسیون تمام مخالفان رژیم است
از اون اپوزسیونی که برخی از انها داخل هستند و توی زندانها هستند تا مجاهدین خلق و رضا پهلوی
و بقیه که هر کدوم یه گروهکی درست کردن و فتوا میدهند
شما حرف بنده رو درک نکردی جانم
من میگم وقتی نزدیک به 80 درصد می روند رای میدهند و بسیاری از انها حتی مخالف قوانین نظام جمهوری اسلامی هستند
این یعنی شکست اپوزسیون و دلسردی این عده از اپوزسیون
کجا بی ربط حرف زدم و قاطی کردم ؟!!ا
در مورد سظولاتی که فرمودید
1- اپوزسیون یعنی مخالفان رژیم یعنی انهایی که در تلاش براندازی نظام فعلی هستند
البته اپوزسیون معنی شاملتری دارد ولی در اینجا معنی مخالفان رژیم را در نظر دارم
جواب سئوال دوم
اپوزسیون جمهوری اسلامی در خارج از چندین گروه تشکیل میشود که از نظر سیاسی یا فرهنگی یا نژادی و قومی با رژیم مخالفند
بارز ترین اپوزسیون های رژیم عبارتند از
سازمان مجاهدین خلق (مخالف سیاسی)ا
سلطنت طلبان (سیاسی فرهنگی )ا
حزب دمکرات کردستان ( سیاسی قومی نژادی)ا
و دیگر گروهایی که از جمله شامل تجزیه طلبان بلوچ و عرب می باشسند
جواب سئوال سوم
در سی سال اخیر اپوزسیون ها سعی بر براندازی نظام کرده حتی دست به اسلحه برده و هزاران کشته داده
تظاهرات خیابانی راه انداخته است
سعی کرده بوسیله ابزار فرهنگی نژادی ناسیونالیسم و شوونیسم را تقویت کند
در مورد ناسیونالیسم و شوونیسم به نظر شخص بنده تا حدی موفق بوده
چنانکه اگر اوایل انقلاب یعنی سالهای هشتاد میلادی را با الان مقایسه کنیم می بینیم حتی شوونیسم بسیار در بین مردم رخنه کرده است
در یک جایی همین اپوزسیون جمهوری اسلامی بسیار تحت فشار غرب قرار داد (افشای سازمان مجاهدین خلق در مورد نیروگاهای اتمی درحال ساخت)ا
جواب سئوال چهارم
مریم رجوی
مسعود رجوی
رضا پهلوی
پشاهپور بختیار (ترور شد)ا
صادق شرفکندی (ترور شد)ا
ابوالحسن بنی صدر
رحمان حاج احمدی
عبدالمالک ریگی (کشته شد)ا
البته افرادی را که نام بردم فقط رهبران گروهای بزرگ اپوزسیون هستند
بسیاری هم هستند که ذکر نام انها خیلی لازم نیست یعنی بیشتر تاثیر انها یا فرهنگی بوده یا اگر سیاسی فرهنگی بوده نقش کم رنگتری داشته اند
در اینجا باید ذکر کنم که در این میان سلطنت طلبان و سازمان مجاهدین سعی میکنند برای براندازی نظام سوار هر موجی شوند
مثال ان بعد از انتخابات 2009 که با موسوی که خودش حتی جزو رژیم به حساب می امد هم صدا شدند
همینطور که می بینید اپوزسیون انطور که شما فکر میکند پشت تلویزیون در لس انجلس ننشسته ودر طی سی و اندی سال
حداکثر تلاش خود را کرده
ولی مشکل اینجاست که بسیار احمقانه این کار را کرده تا بجایی که بزرگترین و قدرتنمدترین اپوزسیون رژِیم یعنی مجاهدین خلق
در بین مردم ایران بسیار منبوذ شده است
یا مثلا سلطنت طلبان بخاطر شخصیت ضعیف و متزلزل رضا پهلوی بسیار ضعیف عمل کرده اند
به نظر می رسد ایشان از عقل و درایت سیاسی که رضا شاه بزرگ دارا بود یک ذره هم به ارث نبرده
تا جایی که فکر کنم خلع شد یا تهدید به خلع شده بود
این اپوزسیون باعث شد که جمهوری اسلامی تا به امروز 80 درصد از مردم را به پای صندوقهای انتخاب بکشاند
اگر سئوال دیگری داشتید یا جایی برای شما مبهم بود باز درخدمتم
May 9, 2004

فقط،یه ایرانی میتونه شاه رو بیرون کنه ،حکومت اسلامی بیاره ،بعد از دست حکومت اسلامی فرار کنه ،بره کانادا پناهنده بشه...

واونجا با اتوبوس بیاد نیویورک باز به یه آخوند رای بده
من فکر میکنم
بهار عربی (انقلابهایی که از سال 2010 دربرخی از کشورهای عربی رخ داد)ا
تاثیر بسیاری بر افکار عمومی ایران گذاشت و عکس انچه در اوایل به نظر می رسید یعنی اینکه ایران هم سوار این موج بهار عربی شود اتفاق افتاد
و ان به این خاطر بود که این انقلاب ها نه تنها دیکتاتورها را از بین نبرد بلکه دیکتاتوری بجز در تونس
بدتر از دیکتاتور قبلی روی کار امد یا جنگ های داخلی این کشورها را از پا در اورد
وقتی مردم ایران به مصر سوریا لیبی یمن عراق نگاه میکنند تعجب نکنید اگر فردا فلان افسر گارد شاهنشاهی هم برود رای به اخوند بدهد
این انقلاب ها نشان داد که برانداختن رژیم ها در این دوران تا چه اندازه ممکن است گران تمام شود
و به تجزیه کشور یا جنگ داخلی بکشد
به نظر من اگر انقلابهای عربی به ثمر میرسید و ثمره ان خوش طعم بود مردم ایران بعد از چندی ممکن بود تظاهرات گستردهای انجام دهند
و حتی رژیم را ساقط کنند
بسیاری از انهایی که مخالف رژیم بودند و هنوز هم هستند با دیدن این هیولای هولناک که در خاورمیانه و شمال افریقا
بوسیله انقلاب های مردمی بوجود امد هراسان شده و احساس کردند که حتی اگر بتوان رژیم را ساقط کرد
در پی ان یا جنگ داخلی و برادر کشی خواهد بود یا تجزیه و کشتار بین اقوام گوناگون یا دیکتاتوری دیگر
که اگر بدتر از دیکتاتور کنونی نباشد بهتر از ان نیست
May 21, 2003
Not The Eshaalic Goozpublic !
جناب منظورت رو رو درک نکردم
یعنی چی اپوزسیون برای خودم جور کردم؟
منظور من از اپوزسیون تمام مخالفان رژیم است
از اون اپوزسیونی که برخی از انها داخل هستند و توی زندانها هستند تا مجاهدین خلق و رضا پهلوی
و بقیه که هر کدوم یه گروهکی درست کردن و فتوا میدهند

een ham mesle tariff e dawkins e safsate mikoni migi oon gofte religion jang haro shoroo karde. man behet goftam beri too goftaar haye ketab jelo mige ke religion yek zaedeh az khoda parasti hast.

inja ham dobare hamintor, man migam opposition e alaan to rafti mesal mizani az zaman e emaam zade tir kamoon.
baba joon man alaan o migam 2017
ke tamam e een list hayee ro ke to migi hame EXPIRED shodan.

har ki mitoone az nanash ghar kone esmesho bezare opposition. man mitoonam beram Toronto yek jende khoone baaz konam esmesho bezaaram opposition be jomhoori e eslami. to oon vaght esme manam mizari too list ????

شما حرف بنده رو درک نکردی جانم
من میگم وقتی نزدیک به 80 درصد می روند رای میدهند و بسیاری از انها حتی مخالف قوانین نظام جمهوری اسلامی هستند
این یعنی شکست اپوزسیون و دلسردی این عده از اپوزسیون
کجا بی ربط حرف زدم و قاطی کردم ؟!!ا
در مورد سظولاتی که فرمودید
1- اپوزسیون یعنی مخالفان رژیم یعنی انهایی که در تلاش براندازی نظام فعلی هستند
البته اپوزسیون معنی شاملتری دارد ولی در اینجا معنی مخالفان رژیم را در نظر دارم
جواب سئوال دوم
اپوزسیون جمهوری اسلامی در خارج از چندین گروه تشکیل میشود که از نظر سیاسی یا فرهنگی یا نژادی و قومی با رژیم مخالفند
بارز ترین اپوزسیون های رژیم عبارتند از
سازمان مجاهدین خلق (مخالف سیاسی)ا
سلطنت طلبان (سیاسی فرهنگی )ا
حزب دمکرات کردستان ( سیاسی قومی نژادی)ا
و دیگر گروهایی که از جمله شامل تجزیه طلبان بلوچ و عرب می باشسند
جواب سئوال سوم
در سی سال اخیر اپوزسیون ها سعی بر براندازی نظام کرده حتی دست به اسلحه برده و هزاران کشته داده
تظاهرات خیابانی راه انداخته است
سعی کرده بوسیله ابزار فرهنگی نژادی ناسیونالیسم و شوونیسم را تقویت کند
در مورد ناسیونالیسم و شوونیسم به نظر شخص بنده تا حدی موفق بوده
چنانکه اگر اوایل انقلاب یعنی سالهای هشتاد میلادی را با الان مقایسه کنیم می بینیم حتی شوونیسم بسیار در بین مردم رخنه کرده است
در یک جایی همین اپوزسیون جمهوری اسلامی بسیار تحت فشار غرب قرار داد (افشای سازمان مجاهدین خلق در مورد نیروگاهای اتمی درحال ساخت)ا
جواب سئوال چهارم
مریم رجوی
مسعود رجوی
رضا پهلوی
پشاهپور بختیار (ترور شد)ا
صادق شرفکندی (ترور شد)ا
ابوالحسن بنی صدر
رحمان حاج احمدی
عبدالمالک ریگی (کشته شد)ا
البته افرادی را که نام بردم فقط رهبران گروهای بزرگ اپوزسیون هستند
بسیاری هم هستند که ذکر نام انها خیلی لازم نیست یعنی بیشتر تاثیر انها یا فرهنگی بوده یا اگر سیاسی فرهنگی بوده نقش کم رنگتری داشته اند
در اینجا باید ذکر کنم که در این میان سلطنت طلبان و سازمان مجاهدین سعی میکنند برای براندازی نظام سوار هر موجی شوند
مثال ان بعد از انتخابات 2009 که با موسوی که خودش حتی جزو رژیم به حساب می امد هم صدا شدند
همینطور که می بینید اپوزسیون انطور که شما فکر میکند پشت تلویزیون در لس انجلس ننشسته ودر طی سی و اندی سال
حداکثر تلاش خود را کرده
ولی مشکل اینجاست که بسیار احمقانه این کار را کرده تا بجایی که بزرگترین و قدرتنمدترین اپوزسیون رژِیم یعنی مجاهدین خلق
در بین مردم ایران بسیار منبوذ شده است
یا مثلا سلطنت طلبان بخاطر شخصیت ضعیف و متزلزل رضا پهلوی بسیار ضعیف عمل کرده اند
به نظر می رسد ایشان از عقل و درایت سیاسی که رضا شاه بزرگ دارا بود یک ذره هم به ارث نبرده
تا جایی که فکر کنم خلع شد یا تهدید به خلع شده بود
این اپوزسیون باعث شد که جمهوری اسلامی تا به امروز 80 درصد از مردم را به پای صندوقهای انتخاب بکشاند
اگر سئوال دیگری داشتید یا جایی برای شما مبهم بود باز درخدمتم
bahat movafegham ke har chi opppsition e too iran e vali khob oon ham opposition e be regime e akhound ha nist. IR digeh shode regime e velayat e faghih. hala oon vasat mardom jigh o daad mikonan ke sepah ya hojatiyeh ye ostokhoon jeloshoon bendaze. agar to be oon migi opposition ok oon shod opposition.

man behesh migam talash e mazboohane, ya nosh e daroo pas az marg e sohrab.

alan mardom bayd say konan ke mese baghiye mosalmoon ha dozd bashan va too dozdi va jendegi va bi pedar o maadari specialize konan ke betoonan too iran zendegi konan. bayd energishoono too past fedtrat boodan bezaaran.

adam haye normal ham mese to va man bayd sareshoono bezaaran zamin bemiran.
فقط،یه ایرانی میتونه شاه رو بیرون کنه ،حکومت اسلامی بیاره ،بعد از دست حکومت اسلامی فرار کنه ،بره کانادا پناهنده بشه...

واونجا با اتوبوس بیاد نیویورک باز به یه آخوند رای بده
May 9, 2004
een ham mesle tariff e dawkins e safsate mikoni migi oon gofte religion jang haro shoroo karde. man behet goftam beri too goftaar haye ketab jelo mige ke religion yek zaedeh az khoda parasti hast.

inja ham dobare hamintor, man migam opposition e alaan to rafti mesal mizani az zaman e emaam zade tir kamoon.
baba joon man alaan o migam 2017
ke tamam e een list hayee ro ke to migi hame EXPIRED shodan.

har ki mitoone az nanash ghar kone esmesho bezare opposition. man mitoonam beram Toronto yek jende khoone baaz konam esmesho bezaaram opposition be jomhoori e eslami. to oon vaght esme manam mizari too list ????

bahat movafegham ke har chi opppsition e too iran e vali khob oon ham opposition e be regime e akhound ha nist. IR digeh shode regime e velayat e faghih. hala oon vasat mardom jigh o daad mikonan ke sepah ya hojatiyeh ye ostokhoon jeloshoon bendaze. agar to be oon migi opposition ok oon shod opposition.

man behesh migam talash e mazboohane, ya nosh e daroo pas az marg e sohrab.

alan mardom bayd say konan ke mese baghiye mosalmoon ha dozd bashan va too dozdi va jendegi va bi pedar o maadari specialize konan ke betoonan too iran zendegi konan. bayd energishoono too past fedtrat boodan bezaaran.

adam haye normal ham mese to va man bayd sareshoono bezaaran zamin bemiran.
اولا من در مورد ان موضوع برات از خود کتاب داوکینز اوردم که این حرف رو میزنه
چرا قبول نمیکنی ؟>
بابا خودش تو کتابش و برنامه تلویزیونی گفته
باز میگی قاطی کردی؟
در مورد این موضوع
الان سال 2017 یعنی ازمان مجاهدین خلق سلطنت طابان و بقیه اپوزسیون غیبشان زد ؟
خوب جانم هستند هنوز یعنی چی میگی الان سال 2017 ؟
من رو بلانسبت گوز پیچ کردی نمیدونم چی میخوای بگی
منظورت چیه جانم بگو یعنی منظورت اینه که الان هیچ اپوزسیونی وجود نداره و نابود شدند و تاریخ مصرفشون تمام شده؟
نه جانم این اپوزسیون مثلا مجاهدین خلق از ننه اش قهر نکرده قدمت جهل پنجاه ساله داره هزاران کشته داده
هنوز هم فعالیت های بسیار بسیار گسترده ای داره
یعنی چی وجود نداره خوب یک چیزی منطقی بگو حداقل
کار ندارم اپوزسیون خوبه یا بده از نظر شما یا من ولی اپوزسیونه نمیشه انکار کرد و دها هزار طرفدار نه بلکه صدها هزار طرفدار دارند
و مشغول بکار هستند
همینطور سلطنت طلبان و گروهای دیگر از جمله تجزیه طلبان
ولی همانطور که گفتم احمقانه عمل کرده اند و می کنند
درمورد اخرین جملاتتون
نمیشه گفت همه مسلمانان یا یهودیان یا مسیحیان یا ملحدان یا خلاصه یک قوم یا کیش یکجور هستند
این درست نیست


Ball Boy
May 31, 2004
tamoom shod o raft.

I am glad at least one person in the forum is in touch with the reality plain.

and if I may add it is a asymmetric relationship. the system that drives IR forward loves its subjects (because they are simpletons) and the simpletons love the machinery because it keeps them as simpletons.
Well dude, use that logic for every pseudo "democratric" coutry in the world where voting for "right" or "left" is even more meaningless than in Iran. At least in Iran, the economical changes can be significant from one president to another while it is not even anymore the case in Europe and US ... Just look a little bit about US and Europe instead of keeping focussed only on Iran. In US and Europe , it is even worst than Iran ... Guys like Soros, bankers and lobbies are so much intertwined with the political world that elections became "a joke" but still, iranians are calling their own elections "a circus" ... Very funny ... It reminds me this idiot of Shirin Ebadi asking Nokia not to sell "surveillance" tools to "iranian" regime because they use to put their population under surveillance but she forgot to see that NSA was putting the whole world under surveillance :) Whoever would "reveal" it would be punished in a way that made North Korea would look like a rookie when it comes to oppression (look what happened to Manning, Assange or Snowden).
May 21, 2003
Not The Eshaalic Goozpublic !
Well dude, use that logic for every pseudo "democratric" coutry in the world where voting for "right" or "left" is even more meaningless than in Iran. At least in Iran, the economical changes can be significant from one president to another while it is not even anymore the case in Europe and US ... Just look a little bit about US and Europe instead of keeping focussed only on Iran. In US and Europe , it is even worst than Iran ... Guys like Soros, bankers and lobbies are so much intertwined with the political world that elections became "a joke" but still, iranians are calling their own elections "a circus" ... Very funny ... It reminds me this idiot of Shirin Ebadi asking Nokia not to sell "surveillance" tools to "iranian" regime because they use to put their population under surveillance but she forgot to see that NSA was putting the whole world under surveillance :) Whoever would "reveal" it would be punished in a way that made North Korea would look like a rookie when it comes to oppression (look what happened to Manning, Assange or Snowden).
in US and Europe is even worse than in Iran ...

last i checked millions of iranians are dying to go live everywhere else ...

strangely enough i never saw a line up outside an iranian embassy in europe to 'immigrate' to IR.

and by the way, what your comments (some of which might smell a little like reality) got to do with the subject of this post ???? or the ensuing discussion ?
May 21, 2003
Not The Eshaalic Goozpublic !
some idiot had replied under this thread that IR will go towards openness and bullshit like that.

you know i have been hearing the same jibe for 25 years from various people outside IR. People who actually live in IR seem to be ok with everything. so i don't even know why us out of IR are tearing ourselves a new asshole discussing which fudge packer akhound is good and which one is bad ...

it is completely irrelevant !!!

whether akhounds are the most kos kesh e zan ghahbe people in the world (reality) or they are the best leaders in the world (science fiction ) it does not matter a piss in the wind since IR people are pretty satisfied with what they have.

so after all these years it seems like PLAY-WITH-BOY and sooski also esamani and Simply KOON were actually right.
the 70 million idiots .... sorry people are sort of happy with the state of things.

so fuck them, fuck akhounds, fuck the faggot opposition i am going to stop wasting fucking time on this toilet of a country.


Elite Member
Feb 5, 2014
Las Vegas, NV
^^I refuse to 1-VOTE or 2-read anhthing coming out of the I.R as well. I do not understnad why anyone outside of Iran would want to vote for any of these candidates. Even the sane ones are nobody because of veloyat e vagi(Spelling). Even the farangi guy get's that just becuase one can vote should they? I stand with our women in protest, #Boycott the Bolshevik IR elections. The President is just a figurehead anyways, like a glorified American V.P. I will keep it short here and stay topical.

Bache Tehroon

Elite Member
Oct 16, 2002
DarvAze DoolAb

See what you've done in just one thread?

Baba I don't even care about Iranian Presidential election and here is why. The President of the IR is just a figurehead, like a glofiried Amerikanski President. As for the real power, that is Ali Ko*ni and his guardian council. I am a foreign born Amerikanski boy but even I know Veloyat e VAGI-Iranian Politick about as legit as CCCP/DDR or DPRK :)
I said the same thing a few posts above the IR Presidency is just a joke-The President is just the face or a glorified American VP even the foreign guy gets veloyat e vagi(however you spell that haji crap)The Supreme Leader Ali K**ni and his guardian council elitists run the country. Rouhani, Ahmadnehad, Rafsanjani those guys are just the face of the I.R.
Here are the candidates for the IR president
Rassol Allh
durka durka
mohammad jihad
Doesn't matter IR is a golrified American VP Veloyat e Fagi or however you spell that haji thing, even the forign slava azar bavarian amerikanski boy gets that one! I would never cast an absentee baloot or vote in this fraud elections oh and I heard hajo An wants to take another crack at it. I have nothing against Hassan Rouhani, he seems to be a good dude but the man is fighting an uphill battle. Ali you know what and his guardian council calls the shots, starts with a K and ends with ooni :) Anyone who supports this jacked up system, you are a cancer to the country and not Per-sian, like the wanabee A-rab haji's. Do society a favor, drink paint thinner and die!
I'll stop it there, y'all get it, Iranian politik what an effing JOKE! About as legit as CCCP "It's not the people who vote that count, it's the people who count the votes." - Joseph Stalin
Which is percicesly why I am applying to Stanford I can't stand those Antifa liebelochters BTW looks like a bunch of bad to worse pick to me man who cares? The IR President is just a figurehead. EFF UC Queerely Marxist, BLM U aka Moskova State University MSU(like my dad's school haha j/k Michigan St).
LMAO You do what i do and boycott that biatch fake election. Oh ya and I have an Iranian PP, just ONE OF MANY 4 total SHHH(Beffore some fake tough guy goes scan your passports, obrytz tu menya reamenber, when that Rashiti fake tough Maizar95Dbag guy and some of you questioned me about my military record and martial arts background and I proved that? I am not posting personal $Hit on here so NO I will not post my Russian, DE Ir and US pps ja ja ja I am the definition of a citizen of the world, in the flesh baby, American born but world citizen perfect candidate for a Spy ja, with my langauge background
If he is the best candidate then I will vote for him. Do you have a direct link or do you need to be in DC to cast your vote? Can you find it on the white house website? Thank you I suppose time is running out and I SHOULD vote if Mr. Raisi is the best candidate then for the good of Ir-an, appreciate it. I never voted in an IR election before so do not know where to go do you need to provide I.R Iran passport # and things like that? I have the PP on deck for these situations, just in case.
I appreciate that Dr we have jokes and they are usually dark/witty Bavarian und Slava style. Perhaps it is time I vote for my first election in Iran, for the greater good, picking the best of a bunch of bad candidates. Most of the jokes I have are tailored to Bavarian/Slava humor and I have a ton of hidden messages. I appreciate the fact that you pick up on my nuances Dr jan, I am smarter than what most people give me credit for. I am not tryign to too tmy own horn and I can tell you are being genuine but I had nothing to do, except for read, during these last few years. If one does not study on all of their culturs, then one cannot call theself complete.

Long live the true Ir-an: back to Aryan and Zartooshti roots, it will happen during my lifetime. In the meantime, pick between a bunch of lousy candidates, I suppose Mr. R is the best of the bunch, PATIENCE IS MASTERY hamvatan's, learned that in combat. Remain calm and trust, it shall happen, I promise it! Now traveling to D.C is going to be a bit difficult, going to Mex instead, I need and Amerikanski break: I need a vacation from America and the LAST place I want to be in right now is D.C, ja, ja, ja! If I have to travel there, then the hell with hit, if I can cast my vote absentee ballot or via internet then sure. See you all SOUTH of DAS WALL(Das ist DDR nostalgia) one more jokeski. After all, May 23: I have my physical, background and psych, plus expedited process(Top secret security clearance) man's game Indian Springs St Corrections. I also am going to TRY to get my 2nd deg in psych, from this private Uni, in Palo Alto, CA. NOTHING IS IMPOSSIBLE, THINK BIG, YPA! It is good for Americkanski society, if I leave and come back, will appreciate it more. I just need to rest komrade Dr jan. Amerikanskis talking to ME about: culture, politik, nationstoltz, GEF out of here.
1-1776, 200 years ist nicht historiche
2-Come back to me when you can speak more than 1 language you incest, inbred trailer park trash rednecks.
3-just because I have the same skin pigmentation as you, does NOT mean we are equal, I come form a well to do family and culture!
Prost und Na Zadrowie and whatever the hell Azar MtY dna say for cheers, salmat? I know that is Parsi, Azar hamvatans, help the foreign/FARANGI brother out here TASHAKUR!
LMAO edited by myself got to use that one. I need a little vaca lots of famililal issues, basically some iroonis trying to flex and thsi bs hierarchy culture . Ya I am not getting up from my chair for your bitch made as$ I don't play by those rules lol YPA, Sorry for long post but now you understand bavarian and slava mentality a bit better, when I say slava thing.
My nigga don't blame me blame the Russian President Donald J Trumpski opps I mean my boy who controls him Vladmir Putin. It is good that i have LOW people in HIGH places(pun intended) can't smoke anymore so someone who can, BLAZE one up for me :) ooh rah!
Ok thank you for that but I have thought about this. Although I can vote, does it mean that I SHOULD vote? I mean one candidate is haji or poosy after the next and to be quite honest, the only name I recognize is NOT THERE Hassan Rouhani. He is the ONLY one who seems to be somewhat SANE. Although it is my duty to vote: it is my duty to vote for a candidate that I believe in, do not believe these people have Ir-an's best interest at heart, they have I.R's best interest. I think I am going to sit this one out but I shall vote for the upcoming Ger-man elections.

^^Not an expat but DE citizen and honestly, I care more about USA and German affairs. Why because situation is turning bad in Deutschland and USA. As long as you have Deutsche Repass(German Passport) you are good but you have to fill out forms. I have some THINKING to do and need to study the candidates. Ger-man elections are 24th of September: Here are the major candidates and between these three(all leftists, Merkel is centrist ones)
1- Angela Merkel CDU
2- Martin Schulz SDP
3- Sahra Wagenknech LEFT
Remember what I said earlier about the triple alliance(CDU, SDP and Green Party): the CDU and SDP have basically won every major election, since 1949. Likewise: in the DDR, that was the first and LAST free democratic elections, after the socialists won. Deutschland has it's problems as well but Merkel is the lesser of three evils, I shall vote for her.
AS MUCH as I am NOT found of Angela Merkel: reedeh with the plannning and migrant situation, has ties to DDR etc I SHALL NOT sell out my values and vote for the NDP. Right now the NDP is getting very popular with Ger-man youth, they are using this hatred for Muslimiche to recruit young voters 35 and below(fit the profile). I have somethinking and studying to do but as for the FAKE I.R elections, I am going to sit this one out. This message has been brought to you by the Bundestag, uber Deutschland allies. Russian elections, don't make me laughski we know who calls the shots there ja ja ja.

@Dr jan Is his link bolshevik or is he trolling us or something? Fill me in I checked the site: it has the IR flag and a list of names BUT I can't write in Farsi anyaways. As mein Vater und Mutter said, "Focus on your country's affairs, if you are unsure, then do the honourable thing and sit it out." As for I.R elections, that is my strategy, good luck to my hamvatans but it's really POINTLESS in voting BECAUSE OF VELOYAT E VAGI/HAJI. The supreme leader and the guardian council calls the shots, even the farhangi boy knows that. Oh and NO I am not going to scan passports: if some keyboard warrior Rashti Maizar 95 guy wants to test me, remember when you questioned me about my honourable discharge in the USN/USMC and my M.M.A background? Obrytz tu Menya homie, you come here every once in a while and get owned.

Now I am going to be in Mexico by end of today: I need an Amerika and Amerikanski break, it is good for American society if I leave and come back. At least the good thing about Mexico is I will appreciate America more, when I come back. As we say in the Navy fair winds and following seas. Good luck: with the elections Hamvatan's, you are going to need i,t from your MtY Azar Irooni (the only good side I have on that familial tree), wishes you well, gott mitt uns, blessed with good genetik, even on the Irooni side. :)
Man migam dast nadam I will focus on my affairs, US electiosn are over: time to focus on Deutschland/Bundestag sept 24.
ept 24th German elections.
1- Angela Merkel CDU
2- Martin Schulz SDP
3- Sahra Wagenknech LEFT
Remember what I said earlier about the triple alliance(CDU, SDP and Green Party): the CDU and SDP have basically won every major election, since 1949. Likewise: in the DDR, that was the first and LAST free democratic elections, after the socialists won. Deutschland has it's problems as well but Merkel is the lesser of three evils, I shall vote for her. At least I understand Deutsche politik and it is sad: I shall add some more from the previous post, MERKEL IS THE SANE ONE, out of those three.

As for Jommhoori E Islami, like I said, I do not feel right about voting because I am not 100% confident in any of these candidates. Before I go to San Diego and Mexico I shall close with, friends do not let friends vote I.R.
^^None of these losers have my vote LOL #Boycott BOLSHEVIK(Tehran version) Iranian Elections.
Araeh Haji blame the GREAT SATAN, your tears taste like sugar to me, I feed off the hate ja ja ja :)Oh Canada, our home and native land, you spread lies and propaganda dude I am blocking you. I will adress your lies one by one I was in Calgary for six months doing some engineering work with my dad and we were treated GREAT, even as Iranian Americans so that is LIE #1 esxposed. Tons of Irooni's go to Univ of Calgary Univ of Toronto, McGill U and on scholarship so that is another LIE. Your haji represenative got upset, GOOD, Keyvan Pars jan that toilet sums up Iran's tookmi elections, which is why I am boycotting it. Oh and Let's go Agela Merkel!Sept 24th Bundestag elections the only SANE candidate between the SDP and Green Party wackjobs, I don't even want to type their names they make me so angry!

Canada blocked haji's like you voting GOOD FOR CANADA! You are a basiji, an akhoond and an Islamist apologist but before getting in a pissing match with you, I shall BLOCK your lying rear end. =Canada is one of the most tolerant nations in the world, if their representatives cannot stand your politicians, THAT SHOULD TELL YOU HOW SCREWED UP YOU ARE HAJI! I shall sign off by saying a line from the movie Team America World Police-Durka Durka, Mohammad Jihad!over 4,500,000 views, this should piss you off! MtR1A and mtR1B and Azar Irooni specialty aka achlocht genetik halapgroup!

Here is a word of advice. when you just type in lowercase haji jan, it is hard to follow. try using capital letters, perhaps more people shall respond to you. see my point, have a nice day momammadan rasool! See comment below before watching this vid, caveat I am not a redneck, I just know how to piss haji's off :)

^^Hamvatans , caveat, I am not this redneck it is just to piss off haji's like Playboy and Timsar BYU(Bring Em Young).
Same mentality as the DPRK bro, the only NATION where a DEAD man is the leader, Kim Ill Sung. This is why I cannot vote for this fake election. Also, I am having some soul searching here and came up with a SAD conclusion about out beloved Team Melli. It is NOT their FAULT, they have to feed their family. Caveat, they are a pawn by the Islamic Republic, used to DISTRACT our Hamvatans inside Iran. If they are too busy cheering on the National Team then who has time for a revolution against the Islamic Revolution?

These are just my thoughts I am going to give a few examples and countries then you guys can agree and disagree. Why is it you never see revolutions in countries like: USA, UK and Germany but you see revolutions in countries like Iran, Russia, Syria, P.R.C etc? It is because in rich western nations, they distract people and in my nation, they will throw: American football, baseball, basketball, boxing, UFC and silly distraction issues such as gay marriage. You will NEVER see a revolution in the USA, same thing with Germany or the UK. You MIGHT see another revolution in Russia but not Iran. Sadly, after giving it some thought, I firmly believe that our beloved Team Melli, the team that I missed my college graduation to watch them in Deutschland v Mex is just a political pawn. I KNOW this is going to upset some of my Hamvatans but it is what it is. I will still support the National team but there is a reason why I do not have a Team Melli jersey.

I mentioned that my dad bumped into them in 98 and 06, bunch of good guys signed posters for me. Abedzadeh was all class and got the players to sign the posters. My dad said, "Excuse me, is that Mehdi Madavakia?" Abed, "Baleh va isoon Ali Daei haste etc goes down the list." Then he says, "Shoma Abedzadeh hasti." He did not say, "Do you know who I am: I am Abedzadeh, the captain of the National football team, you call yourself a fan, you are a bandwaggon fan?" If that were an American star athlete, you would have gotten that. Case in point, a kid form the make a wish foundation made a request to meet LeBron James before he died. LeBron James did no honor him, what a P.O.S! Other examples of Iranian sportsmen having a good heart: Ebrahim Mirzapour gave flowers to Oswaldo Sanches when his dad died, Mexico fans got choked up and cheered him. I was there and saw it with my own eyes: two goalkeepers, from different nations, will forever be connected. The guys are good dudes but sadly, they are used as pawns for the regime. However, I love Azer culture and ancient Persia too bad, I am heart broken after coming to my conclusions.
Caveat, Mods if this is a bit much you can delete this but Iranian Elections summed up through music. Without music, life would be a mistake-Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche . Enjoy some music Iranian Election aka Joomhoori E Islami style ja ja ja! I like to make my point: or make fun of Haji's through music because it's my thing, we know how to rub it in #Azer Bavarian Slava evil genetik hahapgroup da da da!! Nice picture of the toilet Keyvan Pars jan #Boycott Toilet Iranian fake elections, NOT VOTING! This song is dedicated to General BYU(Bring Em Young, really it is Brigham Young) but American Iranians get the joke) and our very own Playboy. No offense but how can one be a playboy and be a hezbi: unless you want to hook up and impress some fata commando , I do well in that dept and I do not say I'm a playboy, that is why I have Team Melli on my profile. Cocky much no capital letters playboy? I hope Team Melli one day can represent a nation they can be proud of but I will always support them, despite the politics. Ir-An first and I think I made my points as well as I could.

I do not understand why people are going to vote, just because you can should you? I stand with our women and will boycott this sucker. Just because I have an Iranian PP and I can vote should I if I do not believe in any of the candidates?
Obrytz tu Menya Playboy and your haji candidate. You just do not listen to what people say and use lower cases you are a troll so I blocked you. Here is your fake elections: I CAN vote, I have an Iranian passport but I am boycotting it. I stand with our WOMEN, one candidate more dirty and haji just like you and General bring em young who is also blocked. YOU PEOPLE are a CANCER to the Nation and you are just a troll lowercase playboy haji. The only girls you can get is fata commando religous police girls, Guys this basiji Hezbi akhoond is here to troll is, which is why I blocked him. dont' feed the trolls! The relligion of tolerance and peace stricks again, Isn't ISLAM grand? Do society a favor: drink paint thinner, I can contact my dude SHERWIN Willimas for you, and have him ship some to you :) Mods I apologize and I blocked them but these animals make my blood boil they are trools and do not care about Ir-an only their I.R
Why do you even respond to no capital letters haji? Dadash don't you get it, lowercase playboy is a TROLL, eh si trying to get a rise out of us. DON'T FEED THE TROLLS KOMRADE! I simply blocked him and GP bi kiram part III to any Joomhoori E Islami people you all can do society a favor, off yourselves in the woods! This messages goes out to all of the COOL Irooni's like You, Arash T, Dr jan the secular SANE ones. General Bring Em Young and playboy of fata commando can kick rocks for all I care, they are a cancer to the country. New rule, if you are an I.R troll, then you are my ENEMY but I am blocking your dumkompf ach! Let me break it down since I was in forensics, you kknow who ski does it the best. There are a few ways you can go about a red herring or ad homenim attack. One is post a long windinded farsi response, when someone misses one sentence you attack/hamleh. That is the Skitzoski way.

The Playboy and GP way is a bit more sinister than that because at least you know about Skitzoski hey he is secular so I will leave him alone. Their M.O(method of operation) is to post something pro I.R or Islamic, to get a rise out of you. When you hamleh, then they can play the role of the victim. The red herring is waiving a stinking distracting fish so you can fall for the bait. My family is a master of this, I can do it as well but it is UNETHICAL. Just block these losers, that is my advice to you, Arash T Dr. S, Hala Madrid, Finally jan, HB etc. I WILL PUT THIS IN BOLD AND CAP SO YOU GUYS DO NOT FALL FOR THE BAIT-I DON'T WANT TO SEE YOU GUYS GET BANNED, komrades don't let komrades get banned because of Haji Akhoonds :) People like GP and playboy are not good guys, their you know what get's hard when you get banned. I don't want to see that happen to any of you guys, I can ONLY WARN YOU just don't engage with these animals. I know that is an insult to the animals. These guys have no lives so they get a joy out of making yours MISERABLE the German word for it is SCHUDENFREUDE, taking pleasure out of the MISERY of others!
I blocked all of the haji's my firends and I wanted to say part 2 but he beat me to it be kir am part 4. #Friends don't let friends get baned. TO all of my triple OG : PI, Keyvan Pars, Arash T, Ostad Pooya, Finally, Real Madrid, Bache Tehroon, HB jan, Dr S Nadersan and anybody else DON"T FEED THE TROLLS. The haji's are experts at red herring and ad homenim attacks you know General Bring Em young and Playboy Fata Commando, do not fall for the bait. They will post asinine comments to get a rise out of you because they have no life.
. BTW my Calgary komrade this is for you since they blocke them-OH CANADA- our home and native land!
Friends don't let friends get banned, block the TROLLS like I did and bi kir am part 3 :) To all of my OG's PI, Keyvan Pars, Bache Tehroon, Arash T, Nadersan, Dr S Finally jan, HB jan Nadersan don't feed the I.R trollls aka GP and Playboy. Pull an OG slava bavarian azer move blockski I say. Life is too short za zuft lahm ist nicht gut aka too much noise is not good, YPA! Good job CANADA- Oh Canada our home and native land!
I agree with you LOL translation please I think we are on the same page my guess is you are going to boycott the elections, like yours truly. President HA what a jokeski caugh Veloyat e Vagi! I stand with our Iranian Women freinds don't let friends vote I.R one candaidate more haji or poosy than the next. I think it is something along those lines. I cannot read Farsi but I KNOW my komrades it was apart of my job in the military. I have an ability, like a boxer to feel my friends and foes out. I can bet my house it is not pro IR it is anti and honestly I stand with my women. I have an Irooni PP and I can vote caveat I stand with our women. Just because I can vote does not mean I should. If you are an IR haji then you are blockedski and I shall not engage. Friends: do not let friends get banned over a basiji, rishoo hezbi, you know who you are allah hu fuckbars
^^Let me guess and translate what playboy no no capitol letters, all lowercase said: Durka Durka, Mohammad Jihad, rasool a**ah, something haji ja ja ja. Caveat, you should use capitol letters at the start of your sentence so people can follow your posts, just a friendly suggestion playboy of fata commando's. I will bet you $10,000 US if you ever come to the USA and give you 5-1 odds. We will go to the Bar or club, I know against the Islmaic rules, and we will see who picks up more girls and QUALITY counts. You will pick up fata's and I will pick up Slava's LV has a ton of them YPA! Nice avatar you are such a humble guy. It doesn't matter even Hassan Rouhani is just a pawn so is his VP. Every candidate is either haji or poosy and again veloyat e vagi(however you spell that haji crap). I am boycotting your kiri elections and I STAND with IRANIAN WOMEN, solidarity la lyudmila/ich liebe diche, Irooni cistera's/schwitzers/khahar!

BTW isn't that a contradiction an Islamist saying playboy, I thought playboy was HARAM. Oh I forgot, you can't come to USA you are banned so we can meet up in Deutscland or Russia and do the bet there. Um on second thought Deutschland because you are not welcomed in Slavaland either ja ja ja! So we will go to my spot, Hoffharberhaus in Munchen De and see who can pick up more Bavarian girls This message has been brought to you by the Bundestag because at least Merkel will let you in: Deutschalnd, Deutschalnd Uber Allies, Uber alles in der velt? Are you down I will probably visit DE before WC 2018, Rassia. I already got a Slava Roos girl picking me up fro Moskova air port and no need for a hotel there. BTW 1 TM game 1 Ra-ssia game but I am going for DIE BEST aka Mannschaft :)
!@Adrersheer komrade I already said be kir am part IV so for you it is part V I made a bet with our playboy jan. We can meet up @Hoffharberhaus Munchen DE. I will bet him $10,000 and 5-1 odds to see who can pick up more Bavarian girls, he can meet me before I go to Russia for WC. As for me I am boycotting this kiri election and stand with our Irooni Cistera's/Schwitzers/Khahar. Rouhani, this guy, that guy they are all either too poosy or haji. Just because I CAN VOTE in the election does not mean I should because it is ILLEGETIMATE and dishonourable in my book. That is hwo we are handling that situation but I shall vote for the sept 24th Bundestag elections and out of the three candidates: Angela Merkel Martin Schulz(SDPO y veh Schultz lol ) Sahra Wagenknec(green party wackjob), I am going with my girl, Angela Merkel!
Too Jihadi race allah and akbar :)
Baba it's about to go down: Andrew Johnson and Clinton got impeached but it didn't stick. NOW Putin might give information and cooperate. Trump reminds me of the Christian corporate Joomhoori E Islami politician. The only thing is he does it in a different way bro! Slav'sya Ovetchetko, Nashe Sponostyeve. The guy is a major player and I think a top 3 power plyer in global politics. Name me three others that are more powerful than him, you can't my friend. I do not agree with all of his ideology but I am down with a Greater Slavic Empire. Just leave Crimea alone because I have TONS of Ukranian friends BUT hey what can you do, that is black gold aka Oil money.
@Playboy I would not be talking you are a Mullah and an IR supporter. btw I do not know why people are lately ignoring my comments but if people wish, I can just disappear and not post anymore. I have decided NOT to vote and boycott this haji fake election and stand with our Iranian women. You guys can discuss it as a group and I will respect your decision. Why pour my heart and soul if I am going to be treated LIKE THE RED HEADED STEP CHILD?
You cannot compare Roumania Gov with the Govt of I.R @Real Madrid. Of course Roumania has it's own problems but no more hajiacking the thread and being tpopical. For once: I agree with Maizar 95 when he said: why should anyone outside of Iran vote? :wallbash2:What is the point with veloyat e vagi no matter who wins, everyone is screwed!
^^I refuse to 1-VOTE or 2-read anhthing coming out of the I.R as well. I do not understnad why anyone outside of Iran would want to vote for any of these candidates. Even the sane ones are nobody because of veloyat e vagi(Spelling). Even the farangi guy get's that just becuase one can vote should they? I stand with our women in protest, #Boycott the Bolshevik IR elections. The President is just a figurehead anyways, like a glorified American V.P. I will keep it short here and stay topical.


Elite Member
Feb 5, 2014
Las Vegas, NV
^^^Bache Tehroon I see what you are talking about and apologize and have just kept it to a paragraph MAX keep it topical, this time. You vouched for me today and I will NOT let you DOWN. When you ACTUALLY SEE it then you realize you are WRONG! Lessons learned, no more repeating myself, in just different ways. Of course actions, speak louder than words: i will stay out of the Iranian election thread and not do that again.
Jul 5, 2009
South Dakota
Lessons learned, no more repeating myself, in just different ways. Of course actions, speak louder than words: i will stay out of the Iranian election thread and not do that again.
Lord God, dear TM jan have you load all of these lines above? Amazing, I haven't seen this thread before now....
You could have been the world's best and unbeatable stenographer!
Please, look a bit more closely, see what you've done to the stenographer machine now!!



Elite Member
Feb 5, 2014
Las Vegas, NV
Lord God, dear TM jan have you load all of these lines above? Amazing, I haven't seen this thread before now....
You could have been the world's best and unbeatable stenographer!
Please, look a bit more closely, see what you've done to the stenographer machine now!!

^^OK hamvatan's I have to respond to Arash T's post. I have to respond to this post, there is a reason for that I am a classical pianist and can use all five fingers quickly. I can type over 120 wpm. This will be my last post in the Iran Election thread. With that being said, let's get back on topic, and not turn this thread into about ME. I am on the hot seat as is. Here is a good article I found from Al Jazeera English. Congragulations to Mr. Rouhani at least he is western educated, can speak 5 languages: English, German, Russian, Farsi and Arabic.I can understand Arabic and English because he received his doctorate in philosophy from the UK but German and Russian, that is impressive.