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  1. GharibehAshena

    Funny Clips: Takbir $ Parliment (School)

    Takbir Parliment or School?
  2. GharibehAshena

    Story of an Unforgettable Star

    اولين بار كي بود كه بايد انتخاب مي كردم كه آبي ام يا قرمز؟ چند سالم بود؟ اصلا چطور هيجان طرفداري از يك تيم پرطرفدار را كشف كردم؟ چطور شد لذت نشستن و داد زدن و هورا كشيدن براي يك تيم در كنار آدم هاي ديگري كه مثل تو فكر مي كنند را تجربه كردم و دلم خواست تكرارش كنم؟ يادآوري هر خاطره اي هيجان انگيز...
  3. GharibehAshena

    IPL Teams with Decent Team-Work

    Thanks to ISP, I have watched 90 a few times and I noticed some improvement in IPL this year. There are some teams that show some geart team work (relative for IPL level). 1. ZobAhan: their dont have any superstar (except Rajab zadeh to some extent) but they have a fantastic team this year...
  4. GharibehAshena

    Ensha: Mina

    It's pretty funny (shahriar Ghanbari's voice)
  5. GharibehAshena

    Mohammad Esfahani's Latest Album

    You can download it here, I really liked it. (use IE and download the 24K version)
  6. GharibehAshena

    Ghesey-e Zohr-e Jomeh

    آخرين «قصه ظهر جمعه» راديو، با صدي محمدرضا سرشار كناره‌گيري محمدرضا سرشار از گويندگي «قصه ظهر جمعه» پس از 24 سال شنوندگان برنامه «قصه ظهر جمعه» شبكه سراسري صدا، جمعه پانزدهم مهر ماه، شنونده آخرين قصه ظهر جمعه با صداي محمدرضا سرشار، پس از گذشت 24 سال خواهند بود. به گزارش...
  7. GharibehAshena

    Quality Photos: Shah and Carter/Nixon/JFK

    such a good collection...most of them are from presidential libraries
  8. GharibehAshena

    Please help to save a life

    It's so sad; Someone's life is worth $ 16000. Please help even if it's $10; there is a paypal link. Read the story here: Please forward it to family and friends too.
  9. GharibehAshena

    Karimi Website updates daily (Video of all his moves in Last game)

    Whoever his webmaster is, he is doing a great job. I am sure most of you know his website by now: and here is a fantastic video of all his movements in bayern vs bayer game from his official website:
  10. GharibehAshena

    Predicted Line-up Against Japan (Only Rezayi & Zandi)

    This seems to be official: Only Rezayi and Zandi will join TM for Japan game. I am glad that Karimi, Kia, Navidkia, and vahid can stay with their clubs. I think the following is the likely line-up against japan: --------------------Mirzapour----------------------...
  11. GharibehAshena

    Memories of the Man Who Never Broke Down

    Compare it to today: Photo Gallery
  12. GharibehAshena

    Iranians in Toronto; Passport & Wedding Photos

    Listen here: Or read here:
  13. GharibehAshena

    My Favorite Song

    Her voice is beautiful: walk away
  14. GharibehAshena


    Cleanse your soul from hatred, jealousy, lies, selfishness, etc...Replace it with kindness, it's never late. Ayat Ayat Ayat Freedom Hope ...
  15. GharibehAshena

    Rock Music About Mosadegh
  16. GharibehAshena

    Detail Interview: Maryam Heydarzadeh in BBC

    It's the best one I've heard so far. She says she is on a "romance strike". It contains a beautiful song: Maryam + Shadmehr Aghili + Mahasti = fantastico Audio: part 1 Audio: part 2 Audio: part 3 source
  17. GharibehAshena

    Interview with Women with the most Frightening Jobs

    Her best memory is the interview...She has not made food for 14 years...She has not gone to any wedding for 14 years etc..
  18. GharibehAshena

    The Negotiator: One of the Best Action Movies

    I know it's an older movie (1998) but I had not seen it until today. The Negotiator" is one of the best movies I 'v seen, with both Samuel Jackson and Kevin Spacey giving an outstanding performance. The movie will keep you on your toes until last minute. Gary Gray directed the movie (the same...
  19. GharibehAshena

    Photo Trivia Question

    Who are these players and which teams were they playing for? :)
  20. GharibehAshena

    Watch it and Be Proud (Takht-e Jamshid)

    Very interesting digital construction of Takht-e Hamshid: Watch a Demo News From BBC: